Pixel Perfect - My first working program :D

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Pixel Perfect - My first working program :D

Post by Indyuk2000 » Fri Apr 26, 2019 8:25 pm

Code: Select all

; 'Pixel Perfect'
; by Indy
; A big thanks to KeithS the author of Chibiakumas game.
; You encouraged me to learn assembly again.
; Just a simple program to learn how to program in Z80 in particular the 
; Amstrad CPC range of 8 bit computers. I grew up with these machines and have always
; aspired to one day make a simple game for my kids.
; Use the cursor keys to move a 'dash' around the screen.

scradd equ &c000 

pixelval equ 255 ;%00010000 ;%00110011 ;255

xmin equ 1
ymin equ 1
xmax equ 81
ymax equ 200

scrbor 	equ	3	;screen border colour

org &4000
run &4000

	ld a,1		;screen mode
	call &BC0E

	ld b,0		;screen background colour
	ld c,0
	call &BC32

	ld b,0		;screen border colour
	ld c,0
	call &BC38


	ld a,pixelval 	;load pixel bit mask
	ld hl,scradd
	ld (hl),a

	ld (pxpos),hl   ;; for xpos
	ld a,0
	;ld (pypos),a   ;; for xpos

loop: 			;program loop ******
	ld a,66		;ESC key. 66=ESC key code
	call &BB1E	;key press check
	jp nz,finish	;if ESC pressed then goto Finish
	ld a,8		;Left arrow key. 
	call &BB1E	;key press check
lk:	call nz,goleft	;if Left pressed
	ld a,1		;Right arrow key. 
	call &BB1E	;key press check
rk:	call nz,goright	;if Right pressed

	ld a,2		;Down arrow key. 
	call &BB1E	;key press check
dk:	call nz,godown	;if Right pressed

	ld a,0		;Up arrow key. 
	call &BB1E	;key press check
uk:	call nz,goup	;if Right pressed

	call hline

	ld hl,(pxpos)	;get current screen location pointer
	ld a,pixelval 	;load pixel value	
	;and %10000000	;change bits to show pixel(s)/colour required
	ld (hl),a	;plot pixel value to screen

	push de
	push hl
	ld a,1		;lets check sound channel 1 if it's still playing something
	call &bcad
	pop hl
	pop de
	bit 7,a		;check if sound still playing using bit 7
	call z,staticborder

	call &BD19 	;v-sync

	jp loop 	;keep looping main logic ******

	ld hl,(pxpos)
	xor a	

	ld a,(xpos)	;load current xpos and check if we hit screen min
	cp xmin
	jp z,crashed
	ret z
	dec a	
	ld (xpos),a	;save new xpos

	ld (hl),0	;clear current pixel
	dec hl		;decrement pixel location

	ld (pxpos),hl   ;; for xpos


	ld hl,(pxpos)
	xor a
	ld a,(xpos)	;load current xpos and check if we hit screen max
	inc a	
	cp xmax
	jp z,crashed
	ret z
	ld (xpos),a	;save new xpos

	ld (hl),0	;clear current pixel	
	inc hl		;increment pixel location	

	ld (pxpos),hl   ;; for xpos

	ld hl,(pxpos)

	xor a
	ld a,(ypos)	;load current ypos and check if we hit screen min
	cp ymin
	jp z,crashed
	ret z
	dec a	
	ld (ypos),a	;save new ypos
	ld (hl),0	;clear current pixel	
	ld a,h
	or a
	sub a,&08	;sub 1 for previous scanline
	ret z

	ld h,a	

	bit 6,a		;get zero flag status
	call z,prevrow	;if zero set then top of row reached
			;we need to decrement row
	ld (pxpos),hl   ;save new screen pos to memory



	ld hl,(pxpos)	;get current screen pos

	or a		;reset carry flag
	ld a,l		;get HL low byte
	sub a,&50	;subtract &50 to move to next row end address
	ld l,a		;place low byte back into HL
	ld a,h		;get HL high byte
	bit 1,a		;check to see if carry was set during row increment
	jr nc,skippr	;if not, no need to increment row start address
	sub a,&01

skippr:	add a,&38	;reset scanlines back to start
	ld h,a		;save value back to HL high byte

	ld hl,(pxpos)
	xor a

	ld a,(ypos)	;load current ypos and check if we hit screen max
	cp ymax
	jp z,crashed
	ret z
	inc a	
	ld (ypos),a	;save new pos

	ld (hl),0	;clear current pixel	
	ld a,h
	add a,&08	;add 1 for next scanline
	ld h,a
	bit 6,h		;get zero flag status
	call z,nextrow	;if zero set then end of row reached
			;we need to increment row
	ld (pxpos),hl   ;save new screen pos to memory



	ld hl,(pxpos)	;get current screen pos

	or a		;reset carry flag
	ld a,l		;get HL low byte
	add a,&50	;add &50 to move to next row end address
	ld l,a		;place low byte back into HL
	ld a,h		;get HL high byte
	;bit 0,a	;check to see if carry was set during row increment
	jr nc,skipnr	;if not, no need to increment row start address
	add a,&01

skipnr:	sub a,&38	;reset scanlines back to start
	ld h,a		;save value back to HL high byte
	;add a,&01
	;ld h,a
	ret		;return



	ld hl,(scradd)
	ld (hl),128

	push hl
	push de
	ld hl,snddata
	call &bcaa	;play sound queue	

	ld b,3		;set screen border colour
	ld c,6		;set c to different value so the border flashes
	call &BC38

	ld h,1		;set flashing speed in 1/50s of a second
	ld l,1
	call &BC3E

	pop de
	pop hl

	ret ;jp loop


	push de
	push hl
	ld b,scrbor	;set screen border colour
	ld c,b		;b/c have to have the same value otherwise the border will flash
	call &BC38
	pop hl
	pop de
	ret ;jr loop

	call &4000	;Reset program

.pypos	defw 0
.pxpos	defw 0

.xpos	defb 1
.ypos	defb 1

	defb 1,0,0,0,0,20,5,1,0

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Re: Pixel Perfect - My first working program :D

Post by akuyou » Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:18 pm

Nice! You've got a really solution to reading the controls, and converting them to player movement...The 'crash effect' is really good too!

You're code is far better code commented than mine ever is, it looks well structured as well.

Do you have any 'future plans' for this program?... for some reason it immediately makes me think of the 'Light cycles' Tron game

PS, I've seen your question in the other forum, I'll formulate an answer later today, I want to try to give the best reply I can, and that will take a little time!
Chibi Akuma(s) Comedy-Horror 8-bit Bullet Hell shooter! // 「チビ悪魔」可笑しいゴシックSTG ! // Work in Progress: ChibiAliens

Interested in CPU's :Z80,6502,68000,6809,ARM,8086,RISC-V
Learning: 65816,ARM,8086,6809

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Re: Pixel Perfect - My first working program :D

Post by Indyuk2000 » Mon Apr 29, 2019 10:38 am

Do you have any 'future plans' for this program?... for some reason it immediately makes me think of the 'Light cycles' Tron game
The plan is to develop a very simple (but addictive) game where the player (the pixel you see now) has to go through a vertical line (like a force field) which has a gap just wide enough for them to pass through. Kind of like a Flappy Bird concept except there's now gravity to contend with. Later stages will introduce a horizontal line and then a killer drone which homes in on the player.

If anyone would like to learn along with me then I'm more than happy for them to add and share their code/solution. I'm always of the opinion that you have to get your hands dirty to really learn.

Maybe if there's some good progress then I can look at sprucing up some of the visuals and use sprites. But really I want to crawl, walk and the run.


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Re: Pixel Perfect - My first working program :D

Post by akuyou » Tue Apr 30, 2019 4:23 am

Sounds great!

Simple games like that are always lots of fun to play, and as a programmer, it's great to get something working quickly, and be able to add new features to it as it progresses!

I used to have lots of fun back in the 80's in basic doing games like that, and had lots of fun doing it (and learned a lot too!)
Chibi Akuma(s) Comedy-Horror 8-bit Bullet Hell shooter! // 「チビ悪魔」可笑しいゴシックSTG ! // Work in Progress: ChibiAliens

Interested in CPU's :Z80,6502,68000,6809,ARM,8086,RISC-V
Learning: 65816,ARM,8086,6809

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