AkuSprite Editor now supports 'Morimoto Universe' SP files (Sprite bitmap data) and PAL files!!

ASM Development for the Sharp x68000 (X68k)
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AkuSprite Editor now supports 'Morimoto Universe' SP files (Sprite bitmap data) and PAL files!!

Post by akuyou » Mon Sep 25, 2023 8:55 am

At the request of a patreon, I've taken a look at adding 'SP file' support for files from 'Morimoto Universe' game 'Moon Lights 2' into AkuSprite Editor.

Fortunately this wasn't very hard, as the SP files are just raw 16x16 x68000 format 'raw sprite data'! (You can also use it to load the RAW sprite files saved by akusprite itself) The PAL files are also in raw X68000 format, so I've added support for those too!

the 16x16 sprite 'patterns' in the file are not entirely 'neatly' organized, and with no extra info to combine them into characters as they would appear onscreen, there's a bit of a random assortment of 'arm and leg' sprites, but you can use the importer to get the basic bitmap data out!
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The importer will import the whole file specified into as many 256x256 sized sprites as the data file requires.

On the 'File Format' tab, "SpriteLoad Width' will chage the width used by the imported data, I find a narrower import width width of 128 makes a good job of recombining the patterns in the file into viewable characters.
If needed 'SkipSprites' can be used to skip one or more 16x16 blocks... note SpriteLoadHeight has no effect -this was used by the NeoGeo which loads in 'down then across' order - the SP file is 'across then down'
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The palette files are 256 colors, though the sprites are only 16 color.

Akusprite editor is opensource, you can get the source code from the C# folder in:

You can also get the updated AkuSprite Editor in the latest 68000 sources:

Chibi Akuma(s) Comedy-Horror 8-bit Bullet Hell shooter! // 「チビ悪魔」可笑しいゴシックSTG ! // Work in Progress: ChibiAliens

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Re: AkuSprite Editor now supports 'Morimoto Universe' SP files (Sprite bitmap data) and PAL files!!

Post by akuyou » Mon Sep 25, 2023 9:41 am

Oh what the heck! I've also added a 'Palette rotation' option so you can switch the colors

By rotating 16 colors, you can switch to one of the alternate palettes... -16 will rotate backwards!
ksnip_20230925-183602.png (93.97 KiB) Viewed 3644 times
ksnip_20230925-183519.png (5.34 KiB) Viewed 3644 times
Chibi Akuma(s) Comedy-Horror 8-bit Bullet Hell shooter! // 「チビ悪魔」可笑しいゴシックSTG ! // Work in Progress: ChibiAliens

Interested in CPU's :Z80,6502,68000,6809,ARM,8086,RISC-V
Learning: 65816,ARM,8086,6809

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