Devtools build options explanation

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Devtools build options explanation

Post by Prototron » Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:26 am

Hi Keith,

Is there a breakdown or document of what the Devtool build options do?

I need to find out how to make a TAP file and how to get my code and assets on it and then off again to the Spectrum's RAM, but I can't find any information about this online. I want to get past using INCBIN from my PC drive to get graphics and the like in the game, and start using DS to reserve empty space to load them into (again, no info on actually how to do this).

I had assumed the options with TAP in the Devtools name (like ZXS_TAP48) would make a file to put stuff on and distribute, but they just seem to start the emulator the same as the ZXS option, which is the main one I use.

I also tried using the "ZXS_DSK" option just to see what it would do, but now I keep getting the error message "Can't use +3 and TR-DOS disks simultaneously; +3 disk ignored" every time I try to run, no matter what option I choose.

Did I miss something?


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Re: Devtools build options explanation

Post by akuyou » Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:45 pm

No there isn't I'm afraid, I don't have the time/willpower to go into things to that level - all I can aim at is the absolute beginner.

The scripts I use are based on the ones I wrote for ChibiAkumas, I've not looked at them or significantly changed them for years now.

Really once you're at that point of wanting to build you're own stuff that's more than a single ASM file, I think you need to build your own development scripts, and I'm afraid I leave figuring that out up to the users themselves.
Chibi Akuma(s) Comedy-Horror 8-bit Bullet Hell shooter! // 「チビ悪魔」可笑しいゴシックSTG ! // Work in Progress: ChibiAliens

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