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Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 1:29 pm
by jmooree30
Hey guys I'm Jacob.

I'm a web developer in the US working mainly with Javascript. I picked up an original gameboy and was hoping to learn enough z80 assembly to hack something cool together. Frameworks and node_modules turn me off from programming, I really enjoy writing anything that's 100% done by me. I'll be following along the z80 tutorials on YouTube and on the main website.

Re: Hi

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 10:32 pm
by akuyou
Welcome to the forum, really kind of you to sign up!

Good to hear you're having fun with the Gameboy, though not a 'complete' z80, programming the GB is a lot of fun!

I agree with your comments on ASM, I've done programming with lots of different languages and whatnot, but I find the simplicity of assembly really refreshing