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Good morning

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 7:58 am
by robsoft
Hi everyone, just saying hello. I've been following the Patreon stuff for a little while and dabbling but haven't had much chance to put proper time into it yet. I'm trying to get a simple 'my first demo' kind of thing running on the Amiga by the middle of June for something, and then after that I hope to start on an original game. I've got a couple of games out on the Pico8 platform that I did with my mate (he does graphics and sound, I do code etc). Really enjoying the tutorial videos, I think the pacing and the general content is great.

I'm a long-time Spectrum and Amiga user doing bits of asm and C from back in the day (I'm the wrong side of my mid 40s now), these days I'm a full-time desktop & mobile developer during the daylight hours.

Re: Good morning

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 8:39 am
by akuyou
Welcome to the forum... Good luck with the Amiga programming, I'm going to be covering more Amiga content just as soon as I can (I just got hardware sprites working this weekend!)...

Of course Grime 68000 works on the amiga, and I didn't have too much trouble getting that working, so I'm pretty sure you'll be able to manage your demo by June - I'm sure you know grime is open source, so you can always borrow bits of the code!

Re: Good morning

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 12:12 pm
by robsoft
Cool, thanks Keith.

I started going back over the 68k tutorials last night, a very good point you made about VASM being fussy over the space between parameters - I had trouble with an innocuous line the other night and eventually only deleting it and retyping it got me through. Thinking about the error message, I reckon it was a space in the works. :-)

Anyway, really appreciate what you're doing here, hoping to have a few things underway in the next week or so, I'll probably start asking annoying questions in the Amiga-specific topic.

Re: Good morning

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 12:17 pm
by akuyou
I look forward to your 'annoying' questions!... that's what I'm hoping these forums are for!

Hopefully we can collect all the common questions and answers, and if people are often having an issue or getting stuck on something, I'll be able to use it as a subject for a future video!

Re: Good morning

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 12:52 pm
by alejperez
Hi all,

Just say hello. Long time follower. I am mostly focused on Amstrad CPC, learning assembler, tricks, etc...

However I'd like also to learn about MSX and, later, Commodore.

As some already know, I have a GP32, but only did some test on 2003 or so.., long time forgotten...


Re: Good morning

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 7:20 am
by akuyou
Thanks for joining... I've got more c64 content... and I'm going to be looking at the GP32 next year, as you know...

if you did a test on your GP32 you're doing better than me... I never did anything with my GP2X... but I did do some development on the NDS (in C++)... maybe that gets me a pass?