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A small invader "game" to Atari ST.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 5:12 pm
by madaxe
Hi there;

I used to code in C using Pure C so I decided to learn 68K assembly.
I made this prototype of a space invader game in 68K asm. It works in following way:

- A small invader appears randomly on the screen.
- The invader moves to the left and to the right.
- You can move your ship to the left and to the right using the joystick. Press the fire button to shoot the lasers.
- If you hit the invader, an explosion is printed on the screen and an explosion sound can be heard.
- After the invader is hitted a new invader is created.
- You can press Escape or move your joystick up to exit.

I used DevPac 3 from Hisoft to compile the code and sorry if all the comments are in portuguese.
Hope you find this useful :)

Best Regards;
José Mário a.k.a. MadAxe

Re: A small invader "game" to Atari ST.

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 9:55 am
by madaxe
Hi there;

Despite of working well on Steem and on Real Hardware, the last version of "Invader" has an erratic behavior on Hatari and Steem SSE due to some IKDB emulation issues. So I made a little modification in order to run in all emulators.