Learn Multi platform 68000 Assembly Programming... By Magic!

Platform Specific Lessons
Lesson P41 - AY Sound on the Atari ST (ChibiSound Pro)
Lets take another look at sound! We'll write a new multi-platform sound driver, which will give us control over the hardware, and allow us to write a music player which will work in a common way on all systems.

Lets take a look at the ATARI-ST version!


ChibiSound PRO!

ChibiSound is the sound driver that handles the particularities of a system, there is typically one driver per system, though the CPC and MSX drivers are essentially identical except for the AY register setting routines.

The original 'ChibiSound' gave us one channel, one Volume bit, six pitch bits, and the ability to turn noise on. Pitches were not matched across systems, so sound 32 won't sound the same on all systems.

The updated 'ChibiSound Pro' gives us all the channels provided by the hardware, 8 volume bits, 16 pitch bits, and the ability to turn noise on. Pitches were not matched across systems, however the 'ChibiOctave' lookup table provides values which ARE matched across all systems.

ChibiSound PRO is essentially a reduced subset of AY functionality, and was designed on the Z80 - it's 'PRO' suffix is a parody of the 'SoundBlaster PRO' - which could only do 8 bit sound so wasn't up to professional standards! (neither is ChibiSound PRO)

ChibiSound PRO provides a standard interface to the underlying hardware, it allows the following features to be set for each channel on the underlying hardware:

Channel Number (bit 0-6)
Noise On/Off (bit 7)
D3 Multiple channels can be supported, but on single channel systems only Channel 0 will be sure to play.
If possible Channel 0 will be a center channel, Channels 1+ may be left/right

Noise bit turns the noise effect on (1) or off (0) - this can be set on any channel, if the underlying hardware only supports one noise channel, this will be resolved by the driver.
Volume D6 Set volume of the channel (0-255). Higher numbers are louder. O is off
Pitch D2 Set the pitch of the channel (0-65535). Higher numbers are higher pitch.
Using DE does not standardize the resulting pitch - however a 'Lookup table' of notes 'ChibiOctave' provides a standardized way of getting the correct DE value to get a pitch correct note on the platform.
Chibisound PRO does not offer features like Envelope, LFE etc, as providing consistent functionality across different platforms would not be realistic.

The new driver is a big improvement on the old one but doesn't really deserve the PRO suffix!

It's a parody of the early 'Soundblaster Pro' sound cards, which could only do 8 bit digital sound, so weren't really of 'pro spec' either!

AY Sound Chip

The AY uses a series of 8 bit registers to control the 3 sound channels.

To set a register, we must first select the register number by writing a byte to $FF8800, then send the byte of data to $FF8802

Register Meaning Bit Meaning Details
0 Tone Pitch L - Channel A LLLLLLLL Lower value = Higher pitch
1 Tone Pitch H - Channel A ----HHHH Lower value = Higher pitch
2 Tone Pitch L - Channel B LLLLLLLL Lower value = Higher pitch
3 Tone Pitch H - Channel B ----HHHH Lower value = Higher pitch
4 Tone Pitch L - Channel C LLLLLLLL Lower value = Higher pitch
5 Tone Pitch H - Channel C ----HHHH Lower value = Higher pitch
6 Noise Generator ---NNNNN Higer = Faster noise
7 Mixer  --NNNTTT   N=Noise T=Tone (Channel --CBACBA 1=mute 0=normal)
8 Amplitude - Channel A ---EVVVV E=Envelope (1=Enabled) VVVV=Volume
9 Amplitude - Channel B ---EVVVV E=Envelope (1=Enabled) VVVV=Volume
10 Amplitude - Channel C ---EVVVV E=Envelope (1=Enabled) VVVV=Volume
11 Envelope L (Volume over time)  LLLLLLLL Lower=Faster Envelope
12 Envelope H (Volume over time)  HHHHHHHH Lower=Faster Envelope
13 Envelope Selection ----EEEE Envelope number (See PDF)
For more details, please see the AY sound chip PDF

ChibiSound Pro!

When we're passed a channel number it could be a value from 0-127
We want to map these to the actual channels we have, so we have a lookup table to do this.

The Mixer uses 3 bits to enable the tone and noise of the channels, we have a lookup table to get the correct bits.

Finally we have a cache in memory of the current AY register values
dochannelmask will load the bits for the selected Channel Mixer into D0+D2, A1 will point to the Mixer's previous setting in the cache (Reg 7)
ayregwrite will do the job of setting an AY register

D0 is the reg number we want to set
D1 is the new value for the reg number
chibisoundpro_set will set a channels sound

d3 is the channel volume (0-255)
d6 is the channel number (0-127)... with bit 7 defining if noise is on
d2 is the pitch (0-65535)

Our first job is to remap the channel number from 0-127 to 0-2
Next we check the volume - if the channel volume is 0 we need to mute the channel.

We do this by setting the channels bits in the mixer (reg 7) to 1.
Next we need to set the pitch!

There are two registers that set the pitch, 0/1,  2/3 and 4/5 for channels 0/1/2

d2 has 16 bit value, but the AY only uses 12 bit pitches, so we do some bit  shifting!
We need to deal with the noise!

If noise is on we need to set the correct bits in the mixer register to 0.

We also need to set the noise frequency using reg 6... The noise frequency only uses a 5 bit setting.
If the noise is off, we need to disable it by setting the correct bit in the mixer to 1

we then need to turn the tone on, by setting the correct bit to 0
The last thing to do is set the volume.

There is one register per channel, reg 8/9/10

This register takes a 4 bit volume.

That's it, we've set all the options for our sound!
The ChibiOctave lookup table provides matched notes which can be loaded into D2 to give consistent tones across all systems.

Sharps and flats can be calculated by adding two values and dividing them by two.
Chibisound Pro was designed around the AY, it was ported from the CPC version!

To allow for porting to other hardware, it does not currently take advantage of things like envelopes, as many systems would not support them.

Lesson P42 - Sound on the Amiga (ChibiSound Pro)
Lets take another look at sound! We'll write a new multi-platform sound driver, which will give us control over the hardware, and allow us to write a music player which will work in a common way on all systems.

Lets take a look at the Amiga version!


ChibiSound PRO!

ChibiSound is the sound driver that handles the particularities of a system, there is typically one driver per system, though the CPC and MSX drivers are essentially identical except for the AY register setting routines.

The original 'ChibiSound' gave us one channel, one Volume bit, six pitch bits, and the ability to turn noise on. Pitches were not matched across systems, so sound 32 won't sound the same on all systems.

The updated 'ChibiSound Pro' gives us all the channels provided by the hardware, 8 volume bits, 16 pitch bits, and the ability to turn noise on. Pitches were not matched across systems, however the 'ChibiOctave' lookup table provides values which ARE matched across all systems.

ChibiSound PRO is essentially a reduced subset of AY functionality, and was designed on the Z80 - it's 'PRO' suffix is a parody of the 'SoundBlaster PRO' - which could only do 8 bit sound so wasn't up to professional standards! (neither is ChibiSound PRO)

ChibiSound PRO provides a standard interface to the underlying hardware, it allows the following features to be set for each channel on the underlying hardware:

Channel Number (bit 0-6)
Noise On/Off (bit 7)
D3 Multiple channels can be supported, but on single channel systems only Channel 0 will be sure to play.
If possible Channel 0 will be a center channel, Channels 1+ may be left/right

Noise bit turns the noise effect on (1) or off (0) - this can be set on any channel, if the underlying hardware only supports one noise channel, this will be resolved by the driver.
Volume D6 Set volume of the channel (0-255). Higher numbers are louder. O is off
Pitch D2 Set the pitch of the channel (0-65535). Higher numbers are higher pitch.
Using DE does not standardize the resulting pitch - however a 'Lookup table' of notes 'ChibiOctave' provides a standardized way of getting the correct DE value to get a pitch correct note on the platform.
Chibisound PRO does not offer features like Envelope, LFE etc, as providing consistent functionality across different platforms would not be realistic.

The new driver is a big improvement on the old one but doesn't really deserve the PRO suffix!

It's a parody of the early 'Soundblaster Pro' sound cards, which could only do 8 bit digital sound, so weren't really of 'pro spec' either!

Amiga Sound Registers

We'll need to use a range of memory mapped registers to control sound. These are mapped from address $DFF096+

Sound on the Amiga is digital, and plays a PCM wave sample, which must be in chip ram, and is driven by a DMA interrupt.

We must provide a valid sample, set up the settings, and start the DMA to make sound.

There are 4 channels in total, two on the left, and two on the right.

ADD R/WD Chip Function
$DFF096 W ADP DMA control write (clear or set)
$DFF09E W P Audio, disk, UART control
AUD0LCH + $DFF0A0 W A( E ) Audio channel 0 (L) location (high 3 bits, 5 if ECS)
AUD0LCL + $DFF0A2 W A Audio channel 0 (L) location (low 15 bits)
$DFF0A4 W P Audio channel 0 (L) length (in words)
$DFF0A6 W P( E ) Audio channel 0 (L) period
$DFF0A8 W P Audio channel 0 (L) volume
AUD0DAT & $DFF0AA W P Audio channel 0 (L) data
AUD1LCH + $DFF0B0 W A Audio channel 1 (R) location (high 3 bits)
AUD1LCL + $DFF0B2 W A Audio channel 1 (R) location (low 15 bits)
$DFF0B4 W P Audio channel 1 (R) length (in words)
$DFF0B6 W P Audio channel 1 (R) period
$DFF0B8 W P Audio channel 1 (R) volume
AUD1DAT & $DFF0BA W P Audio channel 1 (R) data
AUD2LCH + $DFF0C0 W A Audio channel 2 (L) location (high 3 bits)
AUD2LCL + $DFF0C2 W A Audio channel 2 (L) location (low 15 bits)
$DFF0C4 W P Audio channel 2 (L) length (in words)
$DFF0C6 W P Audio channel 2 (L) period
$DFF0C8 W P Audio channel 2 (L) volume
AUD2DAT & $DFF0CA W P Audio channel 2 (L) data
AUD3LCH + $DFF0D0 W A Audio channel 3 (R) location (high 3 bits)
AUD3LCL + $DFF0D2 W A Audio channel 3 (R) location (low 15 bits)
$DFF0D4 W P Audio channel 3 (R) length (in words)
$DFF0D6 W P Audio channel 3 (R) period
$DFF0D8 W P Audio channel 3 (R) volume
AUD3DAT & $DFF0DA W P Audio channel 3 (R) data

ChibiSound Pro!

We need to define some sound samples! These must be in ChipRAM (the main Amiga memory - not upgrade ram)

We need two - a square wave and a distortion sample.

ChibisoundRam is used for the music player - we allocate 256 bytes for the players variable.
Our Initialization routine sets things up.
There are some sound channel modlulation options, volume and pitch are modulatable

we'll disable them using register $DFF09E. Bit 15 defines if we're turning them on or off (0=off), with bit 15 as zero, bits 0-7 are one, which disables these functions
We'll update the data in the noise sample each tick to keep the 'nose random'
Before we start messing with the sound registers, we'll turn off the DMA with $DFF096

Bit 15 defines if we're turning them on or off (0=off), with bit 15 as zero, bits 0-3 are one, which disables the 4 sound channels

We need to calculate the base address of the registers for the channel we want to change.
Bits 0-6 of register D6 define the channel number.
Each channel has 16 bytes of registers, and the base for the first channel is $DFF0A0
We calculate the base address into A2
Next we set the pitch (Period)
Our parameter uses a low value for a low pitch, and a high value for a high pitch... but the period is the other way round, so we flip the bits!
Now we set the volume... The Amiga needs a value of 0-64, but our volume byte is 0-255.
We bitshift the volume in D3 to create a valid value.
We need to select the sample for our tone. If bit 7 of register  D6 is 1 then noise is on.

We select the address of the wave sample in A0, and the length in words in d0
Before we start messing with the sound registers, we'll turn off the DMA with $DFF096

Bit 15 defines if we're turning them on or off (1=on), with bit 15 as one, bits 0-3 are one, which enables the 4 sound channels, we also need to turn on bit 9, which generally turns on the DMAs
The ChibiOctave lookup table provides matched notes which can be loaded into D2 to give consistent tones across all systems.

Sharps and flats can be calculated by adding two values and dividing them by two.
If you want to make different sounds, try changing the wave samples!

Also if you want a mono channel, you'll have to use one of the L+R channels to play the same sample at the same time.

Lesson P43 - Sound on the x68000 (ChibiSound Pro)
Lets take another look at sound! We'll write a new multi-platform sound driver, which will give us control over the hardware, and allow us to write a music player which will work in a common way on all systems.

Lets take a look at the x68000 version!


ChibiSound PRO!

ChibiSound is the sound driver that handles the particularities of a system, there is typically one driver per system, though the CPC and MSX drivers are essentially identical except for the AY register setting routines.

The original 'ChibiSound' gave us one channel, one Volume bit, six pitch bits, and the ability to turn noise on. Pitches were not matched across systems, so sound 32 won't sound the same on all systems.

The updated 'ChibiSound Pro' gives us all the channels provided by the hardware, 8 volume bits, 16 pitch bits, and the ability to turn noise on. Pitches were not matched across systems, however the 'ChibiOctave' lookup table provides values which ARE matched across all systems.

ChibiSound PRO is essentially a reduced subset of AY functionality, and was designed on the Z80 - it's 'PRO' suffix is a parody of the 'SoundBlaster PRO' - which could only do 8 bit sound so wasn't up to professional standards! (neither is ChibiSound PRO)

ChibiSound PRO provides a standard interface to the underlying hardware, it allows the following features to be set for each channel on the underlying hardware:

Channel Number (bit 0-6)
Noise On/Off (bit 7)
D3 Multiple channels can be supported, but on single channel systems only Channel 0 will be sure to play.
If possible Channel 0 will be a center channel, Channels 1+ may be left/right

Noise bit turns the noise effect on (1) or off (0) - this can be set on any channel, if the underlying hardware only supports one noise channel, this will be resolved by the driver.
Volume D6 Set volume of the channel (0-255). Higher numbers are louder. O is off
Pitch D2 Set the pitch of the channel (0-65535). Higher numbers are higher pitch.
Using DE does not standardize the resulting pitch - however a 'Lookup table' of notes 'ChibiOctave' provides a standardized way of getting the correct DE value to get a pitch correct note on the platform.
Chibisound PRO does not offer features like Envelope, LFE etc, as providing consistent functionality across different platforms would not be realistic.

The new driver is a big improvement on the old one but doesn't really deserve the PRO suffix!

It's a parody of the early 'Soundblaster Pro' sound cards, which could only do 8 bit digital sound, so weren't really of 'pro spec' either!

FM Sound - YM2151 Chip

For full details of the YM2151 can be found in the  YM2151 PDF

The FM sound chip has 8 channels....
Each channel's sound can be built up with 4 different 'slots'... meaning there are a total of 32 slots... these slots are turned on or off when the sound is triggered

Setting a register is easy,  we write the register number to  $E90001 , then we write the 8 bit value to $E90003

For registers with 32 slots (eg $60 - volume) we can calculate the address of a channels slot with the formula:
Address = RegisterBase + 8*ChannelSlot + Channel

So if RegisterBase=$60 , ChannelSlot=3 and Channel=7 then we get $60+24+7
Setting a register on the X68000

move.b #$20,$E90001     
move.b #%11000000,$E90003

YM2151 Registers
The YM2151 is controlled by 255 registers, that are summarized below:

   Address      7     6     5     4     3     2     1     0   Summary Bit Meanings
$01 T T T T T T T T Test T=Test
$08 - S S S S C C C Key On (Play Sound) C=Channel S=Slot (C2 �EM2 �EC1 �EM1)
$0F E - - F F F F F Noise E=noise enable  F=Frequency
(Noise only on Chn7 Slot32)
$10 C C C C C C C C CLKA1
$11 - - - - - - C C CLKA2
$12 C C C C C C C C CLKB
$14 C - F F I I L L
$1B D C - - - - W W
D=Disk state C=CT  (4mhz/8mhz)
W=Waveform (0=Saw 1=Square,2=Tri, 3=Noise)
$20-$27 L R F F F C C C Chn0-7�E/font> F=Feedback, C=Connection
$28-$2F - O O O N N N N Chn0-7�E KeyCode O=Octave, N=Note
$30-$37 F F F F F F - - Chn0-7�EKey Fraction F=Fraction
$38-$3F - P P P - - A A Chn0-7�EPMS / AMS P=PMS , A=AMS
$40-$5F - D D D M M M M Slot1-32. Decay/Mult D=Decay D1T, M=Mult
$60-$7F - V V V V V V V Slot1-32. Volume V=Volume (TL) (0=max)
$80-$9F K K - A A A A A Slot1-32. Keyscale / Attack K=Keycale, A=attack
$A0-$BF A - - D D D D D Slot1-32. AMS / Decay A=AMS-EN, D=Decay D1R
$C0-$DF T T - D D D D D Slot1-32. DeTune / Decay T=Detune DT2, D=Decay D2R
$E0-$FF D D D D R R R R Slot1-32. Decay / Release D=Decay D1L, R=Release Rate

Not all values for NNNN in the Octave in $28-$2F have a different note, the following are useful:

NNNN Value  0
 9  10 
Note C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C

The author of these tutorials is a bit of a Thickie!... While todays example works, it's not really using the FM chip to it's fullest, as the author doesn't really know much about FM sound generation!

Hopefully we'll find a better author soon, or we'll beat him with sticks until he tries harder!

Sound Control functions

We're going to create a subroutine to help us out.

SetAllSlots will set all 4 slots of a channel to the same value

The 4 slots which relate to a channel are 8 registers apart, so we add 8 to d1, and write the value in d0 four times.

The octave and note bits of $28-$2F won't take all possible bit combinations, as the note value can only take certain options.
We define a lookup table of valid values here.

We can only use the Noise option on channel 7, but chibisound pro could pass it on any channel, so we keep track of 'Virtual noise' with an 8 byte cache.
First We start by setting up the waveform for the Frequency and amplitude modulation (PM/AM)

Activating the channel

We only have 7 channels, so we mask the bottom 3 bits of the channel number and store it in d4 - this will be our 'register offset' for changing the setting of our channel
If noise is on we set the flag for this channel in 'ChannelNoise'

We then mute the current channel - we redirect all noise effects to channel 7 as it's the only channel which can use the noise frequency.
If the channel noise was on before, we now need to stop channel 7, and mark the flag off now.
Next We check if we need to silence the channel.

If we do, we set Key-Off, buy setting all the slot bits to zero for this channel in register $08
We need to configure the 'connection' of how the sound is built from the slots, we're using Connection 1
We need to set the octave and key, but we can't really use our pitch directly in d2, so we convert it with the OctaveRemap table

we set the high and low parts of the pitch with registers $28 and $30
We need to set the attack and delay for the slots.

We don't change these values whatever our pitch and note type.
We set the volume of the endpoints of our connector.

A value of zero is loudest, we reduce the volume of slot 2 to alter the sound.
It's time to start our channel - we use K-On to enable the slots for this channel
If we need to use noise we set the settings of register $0F

This takes a 5 bit frequency setting, and we enable noise with bit 7
FM Synthesis is a bit of a pain!

If you're just looking for simple sound like the odd beep, then the PSG can probably do what you need... take a look here!

Lesson P44 - Sound on the Sinclair QL (ChibiSound Pro)
Lets take another look at sound! We'll write a new multi-platform sound driver, which will give us control over the hardware, and allow us to write a music player which will work in a common way on all systems.

Lets take a look at the QL version!


ChibiSound PRO!

ChibiSound is the sound driver that handles the particularities of a system, there is typically one driver per system, though the CPC and MSX drivers are essentially identical except for the AY register setting routines.

The original 'ChibiSound' gave us one channel, one Volume bit, six pitch bits, and the ability to turn noise on. Pitches were not matched across systems, so sound 32 won't sound the same on all systems.

The updated 'ChibiSound Pro' gives us all the channels provided by the hardware, 8 volume bits, 16 pitch bits, and the ability to turn noise on. Pitches were not matched across systems, however the 'ChibiOctave' lookup table provides values which ARE matched across all systems.

ChibiSound PRO is essentially a reduced subset of AY functionality, and was designed on the Z80 - it's 'PRO' suffix is a parody of the 'SoundBlaster PRO' - which could only do 8 bit sound so wasn't up to professional standards! (neither is ChibiSound PRO)

ChibiSound PRO provides a standard interface to the underlying hardware, it allows the following features to be set for each channel on the underlying hardware:

Channel Number (bit 0-6)
Noise On/Off (bit 7)
D3 Multiple channels can be supported, but on single channel systems only Channel 0 will be sure to play.
If possible Channel 0 will be a center channel, Channels 1+ may be left/right

Noise bit turns the noise effect on (1) or off (0) - this can be set on any channel, if the underlying hardware only supports one noise channel, this will be resolved by the driver.
Volume D6 Set volume of the channel (0-255). Higher numbers are louder. O is off
Pitch D2 Set the pitch of the channel (0-65535). Higher numbers are higher pitch.
Using DE does not standardize the resulting pitch - however a 'Lookup table' of notes 'ChibiOctave' provides a standardized way of getting the correct DE value to get a pitch correct note on the platform.
Chibisound PRO does not offer features like Envelope, LFE etc, as providing consistent functionality across different platforms would not be realistic.

The new driver is a big improvement on the old one but doesn't really deserve the PRO suffix!

It's a parody of the early 'Soundblaster Pro' sound cards, which could only do 8 bit digital sound, so weren't really of 'pro spec' either!

QL Sound Commands

Sound commands have to be passed via the Bios, using the same kind of commands as with the keyboard.

You need to adjust the Pitch settings to change the sound, and you can change the randomness bits to make the sound distorted,

It seems it's not possible to change the volume!
        lea     SoundCommand,a3   ; These three lines
        move.b   #$11,d0    ; Stop the note
        trap    #1

        dc.b    $A                ; Command
        dc.b    8                ; Bytes to follow
        dc.l    $0000aaaa       ; Byte Parameters
        dc.b    0               ; Pitch 1
        dc.b   0               ; Pitch 2
        dc.w    0                ; interval between steps (0,0),
        dc.w     $FFFF             ; Duration (65535)
        dc.b    0                ; step in pitch (4bit) / wrap (4bit)
        dc.b    0                 ; randomness of step (4bit) / fuzziness (4bit)
        dc.b    1               ; No return parameters       
The sound chip has a special 'silent' command - it's similar to the sound command, but with fewer parameters!         lea     SilentCommand,a3   ; These three lines
        move.b   #$11,d0    ; Stop the note
        trap    #1

        dc.b    $B                ; Command byte
        dc.b    0                ;Bytes to follow
        dc.l    $0              ; Send no data
        dc.b    1                ; No return parameters       

Trap #1 - MT.IPCOM

Parameter Byte Offset Size (bytes) Bits Purpose Example
(sound on)
(sound off)

0 1 %----CCCC Command Byte $0A=Sound on / $0B=Sound off $A $B

1 1 %LLLLLLLL L=Length of command in bytes $8 0

2 4
LL/ll=Length of parameters
(%01/11=nothing %10=8 bits %00=4 Least significant bits)
$0000AAAA 0
1 6 1
%HHHHHHHH Pitch H 0 1
2 7 1
3+4 8 2
%IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Interval between steps 0
5+6 10 2
7 12 1
%SSSSWWWW Step / Wrap 0
8 13 1
%RRRR/FFFF Randomness / Fuzziness 0

14 1
%------LL L=Reply length
(%01/11=nothing %10=8 bits %00=4 Least significant bits)

Sound Control functions

We need to send some byte sequences to Trap #1 to control the sound.

We'll define some template bytes to do this, and patch in pitch and noise parameters as required

We can only play one sound at a time, but ChibiTracks want's at least 3!

We'll simulate 4 virtual channels, keeping their settings in a cache, and play only the loudest one.
The ChibiOctave lookup table provides matched notes which can be loaded into D2 to give consistent tones across all systems.

Sharps and flats can be calculated by adding two values and dividing them by two.

Setting the sound channel

When we're asked to change the settings of a channel we first store it's settings in the virtual channel cache.

Each channel takes 4 bytes.
We can only play one sound at a time, so we select the loudest of the 4 virtual channels to actually play.
Next we check the volume level we need to set.

If it's Zero we silence the sound
Next we set the two pitch bytes.

We need a high number to be a high pitch, so we EOR the bits to flip them.
If we set the 'Randomness' to 0 we'll have a clean tone, if we set it to $CC we'll create a distorted one.

We select this based on bit 7 of D6
We send the data to Trap $11

a3 is points to the data to configure the sound

You may have noticed that we didn't set the volume, that's because on the QL you can't!... so we, er didn't!

The QL was more intended as a business machine than for gaming, so I guess sound was a bit of an afterthought... oh well!

Lesson P45 - Sound on the NeoGeo (ChibiSound Pro)
Lets take another look at sound! We'll write a new multi-platform sound driver, which will give us control over the hardware, and allow us to write a music player which will work in a common way on all systems.

Lets take a look at the NeoGeo version - which actually runs on the Z80!!


ChibiSound PRO!

ChibiSound is the sound driver that handles the particularities of a system, there is typically one driver per system, though the CPC and MSX drivers are essentially identical except for the AY register setting routines.

The original 'ChibiSound' gave us one channel, one Volume bit, six pitch bits, and the ability to turn noise on. Pitches were not matched across systems, so sound 32 won't sound the same on all systems.

The updated 'ChibiSound Pro' gives us all the channels provided by the hardware, 8 volume bits, 16 pitch bits, and the ability to turn noise on. Pitches were not matched across systems, however the 'ChibiOctave' lookup table provides values which ARE matched across all systems.

ChibiSound PRO is essentially a reduced subset of AY functionality, and was designed on the Z80 - it's 'PRO' suffix is a parody of the 'SoundBlaster PRO' - which could only do 8 bit sound so wasn't up to professional standards! (neither is ChibiSound PRO)

ChibiSound PRO provides a standard interface to the underlying hardware, it allows the following features to be set for each channel on the underlying hardware:

Channel Number (bit 0-6)
Noise On/Off (bit 7)
D3 Multiple channels can be supported, but on single channel systems only Channel 0 will be sure to play.
If possible Channel 0 will be a center channel, Channels 1+ may be left/right

Noise bit turns the noise effect on (1) or off (0) - this can be set on any channel, if the underlying hardware only supports one noise channel, this will be resolved by the driver.
Volume D6 Set volume of the channel (0-255). Higher numbers are louder. O is off
Pitch D2 Set the pitch of the channel (0-65535). Higher numbers are higher pitch.
Using DE does not standardize the resulting pitch - however a 'Lookup table' of notes 'ChibiOctave' provides a standardized way of getting the correct DE value to get a pitch correct note on the platform.
Chibisound PRO does not offer features like Envelope, LFE etc, as providing consistent functionality across different platforms would not be realistic.

The new driver is a big improvement on the old one but doesn't really deserve the PRO suffix!

It's a parody of the early 'Soundblaster Pro' sound cards, which could only do 8 bit digital sound, so weren't really of 'pro spec' either!

AY Sound Chip

The AY uses a series of 8 bit registers to control the 3 sound channels.

To set a register, we must first select the register number by writing a byte to $FF8800, then send the byte of data to $FF8802

Register Meaning Bit Meaning Details
0 Tone Pitch L - Channel A LLLLLLLL Lower value = Higher pitch
1 Tone Pitch H - Channel A ----HHHH Lower value = Higher pitch
2 Tone Pitch L - Channel B LLLLLLLL Lower value = Higher pitch
3 Tone Pitch H - Channel B ----HHHH Lower value = Higher pitch
4 Tone Pitch L - Channel C LLLLLLLL Lower value = Higher pitch
5 Tone Pitch H - Channel C ----HHHH Lower value = Higher pitch
6 Noise Generator ---NNNNN Higer = Faster noise
7 Mixer  --NNNTTT   N=Noise T=Tone (Channel --CBACBA 1=mute 0=normal)
8 Amplitude - Channel A ---EVVVV E=Envelope (1=Enabled) VVVV=Volume
9 Amplitude - Channel B ---EVVVV E=Envelope (1=Enabled) VVVV=Volume
10 Amplitude - Channel C ---EVVVV E=Envelope (1=Enabled) VVVV=Volume
11 Envelope L (Volume over time)  LLLLLLLL Lower=Faster Envelope
12 Envelope H (Volume over time)  HHHHHHHH Lower=Faster Envelope
13 Envelope Selection ----EEEE Envelope number (See PDF)
For more details, please see the AY sound chip PDF

Sending data - Z80 Side

We have to send data to the Z80 one byte at a time.... But we need 4 bytes to control chibisound pro!

We'll send these as 8 nibbles, with the high byte of the nibbles sent as a 'command', and the low nibble as the 'data'.

We'll also keep compatibility with the old '1 byte chibisound'.

Here are the formats we use:
%1001---- Chibisiound PRO Initialize
%1010---- ChibiSound PRO Data Nibble
%1011---- ChibiSound PRO Process data

Here are the Classic Chibisound formats:
%1000---- = Classic 1st nibble
%1100---- = Classic 2nd nibble + exec
ChibiPro_Init will reset the byte pos, announcing an new sequence has been sent.

The bottom nibble is a 'Version number' 0=ChibiSound PRO, 1+ are reserved for future sound drivers (ChibiSound AWE32!?!?)
We send the bytes in two nibble parts.
We send the Low nibble, then the High nibble

The receiving code combines these together, using ChibiSoundProPos as a 'nibble position'
The execute command also reserves the low nibble as a 'Version number' for the execute command. it should be 0 for ChibiSound Pro.

DE is loaded from the first two bytes that were sent.
HL is loaded from the second two bytes that were sent.
After each byte is received, we INC the ChibiSoundProPos destination nibble.

Sending data - 68000 Side

When we send data to the Z80, the new driver will confirm receipt by returning ChibiSoundProPos on port $320000/&0C

we need to execute ChibiSoundWait after each byte command is sent.
The INIT command sends the Init sequence to the Z80, telling it to reset for a new sequence of bytes.
SendLow and SendHigh send the low and high nibbles of a byte.

the Low nibble needs to go first
the High nibble goes second.

then another bytes Low nibble can be sent
and so on.
Once all our nibbles are sent, we perform the Execute command to process the byte stream.

ChibiSound PRO - 68000 Side

The chibisoundpro_set routine will transfer the 4 parameter bytes to the z80

d3=volume (0-255)
d6=channel num (0-127 unused channels will wrap around) / top bit=noise
d2=pitch (0-65535)

ChibiSound PRO provides a lookup table of the correct frequencies in the octave.

ChibiSound PRO - Z80 Side

We need some parameters!

We have some cache ram to keep track of the AY register settings
We have a 'ChannelMap' which allows us to simulate 8 possible virtual channels

We have a 'ChannelMask' to get the bit pattern for the channels Mixer settings
DoChannelMask Will get the settings to set the current channels mixers bits.

it also points Point BC to previous mixer value in ram, in case we need it!
AYRegWritePro will set an AY register if it's changed

We will set reg A to value C.
ChibiSoundPro_Set will configure our sound channel

H=Volume (0-255)
L=Channel Num (0-127 unused channels will wrap around) / Top Bit=Noise
DE=Pitch (0-65535)

The channel number can be up to 128, so we remap it to channels 0-2 with the ChannelMap table
Now we check the volume - if it's zero we want to silence the channel.

We do this by setting the channels Noise and Tone bits to 1 in the mixer (reg 7)
We need to send the 12 bit frequency to the two registers for the channel

Channel 0 uses 0/1
Channel 1 uses 2/3
Channel 2 uses 4/5

We also need to flip the bits, as chibiSoundPro uses the value &FFFF as the highest frequency, but the AY uses &-000
If we need to make a noise, we need to clear the channel tone bit in the mixer, and clear the noise bit to turn noise on

We also set the 5 bit  noise frequency in reg 6
If we want to make a tone...

 we need to set the noise bit (turning noise off)

we need to clear the tone bit (turning tone on)
Finally we set the volume.

The AY uses a 4 bit volume, and this is set for the 3 channels with Reg 8/9/10

Lesson P46 - Multiplatform Software tilemap on the X68000 (Mintile)
We've written a minimal multiplatform Tile/Sprite routine in the Mintile series, Now, lets take a look at the platform specific code to quickly draw tiles to the screen on the X68000


MinTile is a multiplatform 'engine' which allows us to define our game code in a common way, and let the platform specific code handle the platform specific work!... it was used to write 'ChibiFighter' on the Z80.

For more details on Mintile, see the Mintile series here...

Tile Drawing Routines

Our example shows an onscreen tilemap and two software 'sprites'.

Mintile supports scrolling and X-Flip (but not Y-flip)

The 'sprites' are actually miniature tile maps, this is to reduce the amount of platform specific code.

these are all created via the DoStrip platform specific routine, which we'll look at here.
We have a 'GetScreenPos' function , which calculates the VRAM destination for the sprite objects.

It calculates a VRAM destination in A6, from an X,Y position in D1,D4

Co-ordinates are in 'Logical Units' (Pairs of pixels) - this is to allow for single byte co-ordinates and maintain compatibility with the 8 bit systems
DoStrip will draw one horizontal strip of tiles.

The job is defined by the following registers:

A2=Source Tilemap
A5=Tile Bitmap Patterns
A6=Vram destination
D7=Width of strip

The tilemap will either be the TileCache (for the background) or a mini tilemap (for sprites)
If using the tile cache we zero the tiles after they are drawn.

We calculate the address of the source pattern data by multiplying the tile number by 32

Each byte of the source pattern contains 2 pixels - one in each nibble.
Irrespective of color depth, The VRAM on the X6800 has one pixel in each word.

After each line we add 1024 to move down a line (minus the 16 bytes we wrote in the current tile)
DoStripRev has essentially the same function, however we write the pixels in reverse order, and move through the source tilemap in reverse.

Lesson P47 - Multiplatform Software tilemap on the Sinclair QL (Mintile)
We've written a minimal multiplatform Tile/Sprite routine in the Mintile series, Now, lets take a look at the platform specific code to quickly draw tiles to the screen on the QL


MinTile is a multiplatform 'engine' which allows us to define our game code in a common way, and let the platform specific code handle the platform specific work!... it was used to write 'ChibiFighter' on the Z80.

For more details on Mintile, see the Mintile series here...

Tile Drawing Routines

Our example shows an onscreen tilemap and two software 'sprites'.

Mintile supports scrolling and X-Flip (but not Y-flip)

The 'sprites' are actually miniature tile maps, this is to reduce the amount of platform specific code.

these are all created via the DoStrip platform specific routine, which we'll look at here.
We have a 'GetScreenPos' function , which calculates the VRAM destination for the sprite objects.
It calculates a VRAM destination in A6, from an X,Y position in D1,D4

Co-ordinates are in 'Logical Units' (Pairs of pixels) - this is to allow for single byte co-ordinates and maintain compatibility with the 8 bit systems

Each line of the Sinclair QL is 128 bytes, and we skip 32 lines to center the virtual screen.
DoStrip will draw one horizontal strip of tiles.

The job is defined by the following registers:

A2=Source Tilemap
A5=Tile Bitmap Patterns
A6=Vram destination
D7=Width of strip

The tilemap will either be the TileCache (for the background) or a mini tilemap (for sprites)
If using the tile cache we zero the tiles after they are drawn.

We calculate the address of the source pattern data by multiplying the tile number by 32

Each pair of bytes contain the data for 4 pixels, in the format %GFGFGFGF RBRBRBRB for the Red, Green, Blue and Flashing component. Moving a single Long moves 8 pixels - a whole line!

After each line we add 128 to move down a line. we write all 8 lines with no loops for extra speed!

After a tile we repeat for all the tiles on the line (the count is in D7)
We need to horizontally flip the bytes in the tiles, and we'll do this via a 256 byte Lookup Table.

For each of the 256 possible byte, We calculate the opposite position of the 4 pixels in the byte
DoStripRev has essentially the same function, however we flip the pixels via the LUT

We load A1 with the address of the lookup table, we then read in a byte into D0, and use the source byte as an offset in the lookup table. Reading from this resulting address gets the X-flipped equivalent byte, which we write to the screen.

We write 4 times per line (4 pixels per word) and for all 8 lines

Lesson P48 - Multiplatform Software tilemap on the Genesis (Mintile)
We've written a minimal multiplatform Tile/Sprite routine in the Mintile series, Now, lets take a look at the platform specific code to quickly draw tiles to the screen on the Megadrive / Genesis


MinTile is a multiplatform 'engine' which allows us to define our game code in a common way, and let the platform specific code handle the platform specific work!... it was used to write 'ChibiFighter' on the Z80.

For more details on Mintile, see the Mintile series here...

Tile Drawing Routines

Our example shows an onscreen tilemap and two software 'sprites' (they are actually tiles in this example).

Mintile supports scrolling and X-Flip (but not Y-flip)

The 'sprites' are actually miniature tile maps, this is to reduce the amount of platform specific code.

these are all created via the DoStrip platform specific routine, which we'll look at here.
On the Genesis we first want to load our pattern data into Vram.

Xflip is performed by the hardware, so we don't need to flip the patterns here.

We select the VRAM destination for the tiles (Address 32 -skipping tile 0), and transfer the pattern bitmaps to VRAM

We have a 'GetScreenPos' function , which calculates the VRAM destination for the sprite objects.
It calculates a VRAM destination in A6, from an X,Y position in D1,D4

Co-ordinates are in 'Logical Units' (Pairs of pixels) - this is to allow for single byte co-ordinates and maintain compatibility with the 8 bit systems

Our formula for the VRAM of a tile is  VRAM Addr = $C000 + (Ypos * 64* 2) + (Xpos *2)

DoStrip will draw one horizontal strip of tiles.

The job is defined by the following registers:

A2=Source Tilemap
A5=Tile Pattern offset
A6=Vram destination
D7=Width of strip

The tilemap will either be the TileCache (for the background) or a mini tilemap (for sprites)
If using the tile cache we zero the tiles after they are drawn.

We set the tile number - it's defined by 2 bytes in the format:
Where: T=Tile number H=Hflip V=vflip P=palette number L=Layer

The VRAM destination is tracked in A6... if we have to skip tiles, we set a flag in D5 to ensure next time a tile is drawn we update the VRAM destination
DoStripRev has essentially the same function, we just set bit 11 of the tile parameters to X-flip the tile.

Lesson P49 - Multiplatform tilemap on the Genesis (Mintile) with Hardware sprites
Lets add Hardware sprites to our previous tilemap example


MinTile is a multiplatform 'engine' which allows us to define our game code in a common way, and let the platform specific code handle the platform specific work!... it was used to write 'ChibiFighter' on the Z80.

For more details on Mintile, see the Mintile series here...

Tile Drawing Routines

Lets add some extra code to our previous example, we'll add two new strip drawing routines which use hardware sprites to draw our moving characters.
As before we first want to load our pattern data into Vram.

Xflip is performed by the hardware, so we don't need to flip the patterns here.

We select the VRAM destination for the tiles (Address 32 -skipping tile 0), and transfer the pattern bitmaps to VRAM

We have a 'GetScreenPos' function , which calculates the VRAM destination for the sprite objects.
It calculates a VRAM destination in A6, from an X,Y position in D1,D4
Co-ordinates are in 'Logical Units' (Pairs of pixels) - this is to allow for single byte co-ordinates and maintain compatibility with the 8 bit systems

Our formula for the VRAM of a tile is  VRAM Addr = $C000 + (Ypos * 64* 2) + (Xpos *2)
This version is modified, it preserves D1,D4 for the sprite co-rdinates
We use 'HSpriteNum' to track the next free hardware sprite.

Hardware sprites are defined in VRAM, each sprite takes 8 bytes, and these start from VRAM address $D800

There are 80 sprites in total
DoStripSprite will draw one horizontal strip of sprites from the tilemap.

The job is defined by the following registers:

A2=Source Tilemap
A5=Tile Pattern offset
A6=Vram destination
D7=Width of strip

The tilemap will either be the TileCache (for the background) or a mini tilemap (for sprites)
If using the tile cache we zero the tiles after they are drawn.

We use D1,D4 as the X,Y pos (in pairs of pixels)

We write 8 bytes to VRAM in the following order:
%------VV VVVVVVVV - Vpos
%----WWHH -LLLLLLL - Width, Height, Link (to next sprite)
%PCCVHNNN NNNNNNNN - Priority, Color palette Vflip, Hflip, tile Number
%-------H HHHHHHHH - Hpos

Each sprite needs to 'link' to the next in order for the sprites to draw correctly.
DoStripSpriteRevhas essentially the same function, we just set the Hflip bit

As each sprite 'Links' to the last, After we've drawn everything onscreen, we set the final sprite with a position of 0, and linking back to sprite 0

Lesson P50 - Multiplatform Software tilemap on the Amiga (Mintile)
We've written a minimal multiplatform Tile/Sprite routine in the Mintile series, Now, lets take a look at the platform specific code to quickly draw tiles to the screen on the Amiga


MinTile is a multiplatform 'engine' which allows us to define our game code in a common way, and let the platform specific code handle the platform specific work!... it was used to write 'ChibiFighter' on the Z80.

For more details on Mintile, see the Mintile series here...

Tile Drawing Routines

Our example shows an onscreen tilemap and two software 'sprites'.

Mintile supports scrolling and X-Flip (but not Y-flip)

The 'sprites' are actually miniature tile maps, this is to reduce the amount of platform specific code.

These are all created via the DoStrip platform specific routine, which we'll look at here.

This example writes to the screen in software.
We have a 'GetScreenPos' function , which calculates the VRAM destination for the sprite objects.
It calculates a VRAM destination in A6, from an X,Y position in D1,D4

Co-ordinates are in 'Logical Units' (Pairs of pixels) - this is to allow for single byte co-ordinates and maintain compatibility with the 8 bit systems

Each line of the screen is 40 bytes, but there are 4 bitplanes.
DoStrip will draw one horizontal strip of tiles.

The job is defined by the following registers:

A2=Source Tilemap
A5=Tile Bitmap Patterns
A6=Vram destination
D7=Width of strip

The tilemap will either be the TileCache (for the background) or a mini tilemap (for sprites)
If using the tile cache we zero the tiles after they are drawn.

We calculate the address of the source pattern data by multiplying the tile number by 32

There are 4 bitplanes for each tile, spaced 40 bytes apart.
After each line we add 160 to move down a line. we repeat 8 times

After a tile we repeat for all the tiles on the line (the count is in D7)
We need to horizontally flip the bytes in the tiles, and we'll do this via a 256 byte Lookup Table.

For each of the 256 possible bytes, We calculate the opposite position of the 8 pixels of a bitplane
DoStripRev has essentially the same function, however we flip the pixels via the LUT

We load A1 with the address of the lookup table, we then read in a byte into D0, and use the source byte as an offset in the lookup table. Reading from this resulting address gets the X-flipped equivalent byte, which we write to the screen.

We write 4 times per line and for all 8 lines