Learn Multi platform 68000 Assembly Programming... By Magic!

Platform Specific Lessons

Lesson P11 - Joystick Reading on the Genesis

The original Genesis controller had 3 fire buttons, and one select... but later on, to compete with the SNES an extra 3 buttons were added,

We need to use a control port to select the keys to read in, then read the actulal keystates from a second port, Lets take a look!


Common Data format for Joypad controls used by these tutorials
On the Z80 We used to read in the buttons and fires into a single byte... on the 68000 systems we're going to keep the same format for ULDR Fire1+2 and start... but we'll also extend into a second byte for any extra fire buttons we have...

for each bit, a 1 means the button is up (unpressed)
a 0 means the button is down (pressed)

We'll load player 1's joystick data into D0... and player 2's into D1
Bit F E D C B A 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Meaning - - - F8 F7 F6 F5 F4
Start F3 F2 F1 Rgt Lft Dn Up
Our test program is very simple, all it does is read in the two controllers, and show the value of the registers to the screen.

Genesis Joystick Ports
Each joystick has two ports - on for Reading or Writing  of Data... and one Control port, to set the direction (Read or Write) of each bit of the data port (0=Read, 1=Write)
We will need to set bit 6 to Write to read all the Genesis Buttons
End address Description
$A10003 Controller 1 data
$A10005 Controller 2 data
$A10009 Controller 1 control
$A1000B Controller 2 control

The Genesis Joystick ports are backwards compatible with the Mastersystem, therefore we have to send a sequence of 1's and 0's to the 'TH' bit (Bit 6) to select the different buttons available
Note: Some of the buttons are duplicated in multiple read configurations.

 TH Bit Write      7         6     5     4     3     2     1 0  Notes
1 0 (TH) C B Right Left Down Up
0 0 (TH) Start A 0 0 Down Up
1,0,1,0,1*,0 0 (TH) C B X Y Z Mode  * should perform a write of 0 to TH afterwards to reset sequence (1,0,1,0,1,0)

If you only want to use the basic 3 fires, you can ignore the 3rd option... also note that not all 6 button joysticks have a 'Mode' button.

Getting Data from the Joysticks
We're going to process Joystick 2, then Joystick 1, using a common function to do the reading and bitshifting work (Player_ReadOne)

Whichever Joystick we want to read from, we need to first set all the bits to Read EXCEPT bit 6 - which we need to set to Write

,0We then move the data port to use into A0 (as it's different for each joystick) before calling Player_ReadOne
We need to send commands to the data port, alternating bit 6 between 1,0,1,0,1,0... we do to NOP commands to effect a short delay to allow the joystick hardware to respond to the change.

After the 1st,3rd and 5th flip, we need to store a byte, we back these up intoo D1,D2 and D3... we'll use these in a moment.
The bits in D1, D2 and D3 are in the wrong order, so we're going to do a series of bit shifts and masks to get the buttons into our 'standard format'

We need to get the bit for A and Start into the CBRLDU bits,  and M and XYZ are in the wrong order - we want M as the last button

Lesson P12 - Joystick Reading on the Amiga

The Amiga uses the classic 'Atari style' 4 direction 1 fire 9 pin joystick...

Despite being such a classic digital joystick, it's actually connected to a 'Mouse Port' and the data is encoded in a way we've not seen in these tutorials before... lets take a look!


Mouse Joystick position ports
joysticks on the Amiga connect to the Mouse ports... the data is 'encoded' in the bits of the Horizontal Data
JOY0DAT  $DFF00A Joystick-mouse 0 data (vert,horiz)
JOY1DAT $DFF00C  Joystick-mouse 1 data (vert,horiz)

To covert data from these ports into a traditional digital joystick direction, we need to do some logical operations.
Direction  Represented by  
Bits in $DFF0A/C
Right 1
Left 9
Down 1 XOR 0
UP 9 XOR 8

We also need to get the joystick fire buttons from a different port:
Address  Purpose
$BFE001  FIR1 / FIR0 / RDY / TK0 / WPRO / CHNG / LED / OVL
$BFE201 Direction for bits of port A ($BFE001)... 1=Out / 0=In

The Amiga uses the same ports for Mice and Joysticks... we'll assume Port 0 has a Mouse, and Port 1 has a Joystick...

While our code will support 2 joysticks, Port 1's joystick will be Joystick 1, and Port 0's will be Joystick 2.

Common Data format for Joypad controls used by these tutorials
On the Z80 We used to read in the buttons and fires into a single byte... on the 68000 systems we're going to keep the same format for ULDR Fire1+2 and start... but we'll also extend into a second byte for any extra fire buttons we have...

for each bit, a 1 means the button is up (unpressed)
a 0 means the button is down (pressed)

We'll load player 1's joystick data into D0... and player 2's into D1
Bit F E D C B A 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Meaning - - - F8 F7 F6 F5 F4
Start F3 F2 F1 Rgt Lft Dn Up
Our test program is very simple, all it does is read in the two controllers, and show the value of the registers to the screen.

Reading the Joysticks
We're going to need to set the top two bits of Port A ($BFE001) to READ so we can get the joystick buttons,

Next we'll read joystick 2's XY data from $DFF00A, (we're treating Mouse Port 0 as Joystick 2)... we'll load this into D2.

We're also going to load Joystick 2's fire button from $BFE001 into D5... it's in Bit 6, but we need it in bit 7

We're going to call Player_ReadControlsOne to covert the input into the correct format in D0...

Once we've done Joystick 2, we push the result onto the stack, and do the same for Joystick 1
First we're going to get the 4 bits we need from the Mouse position word into 4 registers (0,1,8 and 9)

We'll need these to calculate the U D L R position of the joystick in a moment.
We use the bits we extracted in the last stage to calculate the state of the Up and Down directions, and we shift all the bits into our destination register D0
Finally we want to shift in the Fire bit into Bit 4, we then need to flip all the bits of UDLR, and set all the unused bits to 1.

Because there will often be a Mouse plugged into Port 0, Joystick 2 may give unpredictable results, so you should either ignore it, or keep it disabled by default.

Lesson P13 - Palette definitions on the X68000
The x68000 has a great palette, using 15 bits per color!... We just need to write to the correct memory address...

In these tutorials we use a common format on all platforms, which is one nibble per channel, we just need to covert to the format needed by the x68

Palette Definitions on the x68000

The Palette on the x68000 use 2 bytes per entry... it uses 5 bits per channel.
In our tutorials we use a common palette format,

F E B C D A 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Tutorial Format - - - - G G G G
X68000 Format G G G G G R R R
R R B B B B B -

We use Memory addresses $E82000-$E82220 to define the palettes of the x68000,

Each entry uses 2 bytes, and we have different definitions for the Graphics layers, Text layers, and Sprites
Address   Entries   Purpose
$e82000 256.w Graphics palette
$e82200 16.w Text palette (Palette block 0)
$e82220 240.w Sprite palette ('' 1-15)

Setting the palette
We define our palette with two bytes per entry

Our code will convert this for every system (Except the QL which has a fixed 8 color palette)
We're going to use these definitions with our 'SetPalette' function that will set each color for us...

We just need to loop around all the colors we need.

We'll look at SetPalette next...
We need to split up each of our 3 channels, and move them around.

Although in the correct GRB order, our definitions are 4 bits per pixel, and the x68000's are 5 bits, we need to shift them around.

We also need to calculate the address of the palette we want to change,

The palette entries for the background start from $E82000, the sprite palettes start from $E82220

Note that we do not use the 'Text layer' for our text in these tutorials, we draw directly to the bitmap layer, so we don't set the text palette here.

We WILL be looking at sprites in a later tutorial!

Lesson P14 - Palette definitions on the Atari ST

While later versions may have had better color, the basic Atari uses 3 bits per channel,  Lets learn how to set the colors with our palette

Palette Definitions on the Atari ST

The Palette on the Atari ST use 2 bytes per entry... it uses 3 bits per channel.
In our tutorials we use a common palette format which uses one nibble per channel

We use Memory addresses $FF8240-$FF825F to define the palettes of the Atari ST, Each entry uses 2 bytes

F E B C D A 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Tutorial Format - - - - G G G G
Atari ST Format - - - - - R R R
- G G G - B B B

Setting the palette
We define our palette with two bytes per entry

Our code will convert this for every system (Except the QL which has a fixed 8 color palette)
We're going to use these definitions with our 'SetPalette' function that will set each color for us...

We just need to loop around all the colors we need.

We'll look at SetPalette next...
We need to split up each of our 3 channels, and move them around.

Although in the correct GRB order, our definitions are 4 bits per pixel, and the Atari's are 3 bits, we also need to shift them around.

We AND with $E (%1110 ) to keep the 3 bits we want and use ROL to shift those bits in the correct position

We also need to calculate the address of the palette we want to change, The palette entries start from $ff8240, and each uses 2 bytes, so we do a ROL to double the palette number to get the byte offset

The Atari ST has no Hardware sprites or other layers, so these 16 palette entries are all that the basic Atari ST has...

The Falcon had more colors, but it's outside of the scope of these tutorials.

Lesson P15 -  Palette Definitions on the NeoGeo
The NeoGeo  uses 5 bits per channel, has 16 colors per palette, and up to 256 palettes!

Lets learn how to set the colors on the Neo Geo!

Color definitions
Palette data is stored between $400000-$401FFF
Each color is 2 bytes in size, there are 16 colors in each palette, and 256 palettes.

The first color in the first palette is special ($400000), it must be $8000... this is called the "Reference color"
The last color in the last palette is special ($401FFE), it is the "Background" color that shows through, when all other layers are transparent
By default, the 'offscreen' border areas of the tilemap are filled with Color $400004

The 16 bits of Color data are in the following format:

F E D C B A 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
D R0 G0 B0 R4 R3 R2 R1
G4 G3 G2 G1 B4 B3 B2 B1

The Color format is quite odd!
Each color is defined by 5 bits.. .but the lowest bits for each channel is separate from the rest... this means each color can be quickly defined by a single nibble - or all 5 can be used together...
There is also a "Dark" bit... which is effectively the least significant bit for all 3 color channels.

The 'Dark bit' allows an easy way to make all the colors darker, and is probably most useful to effect a 'pause' option...

In these tutorials we use a common format of 4 bits per channel, so we won't use R0,G0 or B0 in these examples.

Setting the palette
We define our palette with two bytes per entry

Our code will convert this for every system (Except the QL which has a fixed 8 color palette)
We're going to use these definitions with our 'SetPalette' function that will set each color for us...

We just need to loop around all the colors we need.

We'll look at SetPalette next...
On  the NeoGeo we could use 5 bits per channel, but our definition only has 4.

We'll split each of the channels around, and move them using ROR and ROL...

When it comes to the palettes, palette ram starts at $400000 with Palette 0... Palette 0 has some special colors, so we'll start using Palette 1 instead - which starts at $400020...
Each entry is two bytes, so we double the color number with a ROL

Once we've set the main color, we're going to do a check to see if we're setting color 0...

If we are, we want to set the common background color at $401FFE.... We're also going to set the 'border color' which uses color 2 of palette 0 at $400004

Lesson P16 - Palette Definitions on the Genesis
The Genesis uses 3 bits per color channel, while more limited than systems like the SNES, this is still perfectly adequate for most purposes,

The Genesis can have up to 4 palettes of 16 colors each.


Color Ram addresses
Setting colors on the Genesis is the same as writing to memory... we set the VDP Write address to C0xx0000 - where xx is the byte of the color entry.

Palette ColorNum Address Palette ColorNum Address Palette ColorNum Address Palette ColorNum Address
Palette 0 Color 0 $C0000000 Palette 1 Color 0 $C0200000 Palette 2 Color 0 $C0400000 Palette 3 Color 0 $C0600000

Color 1 $C0020000
Color 1 $C0220000
Color 1 $C0420000
Color 1 $C0620000

Color 2 $C0040000
Color 2 $C0240000
Color 2 $C0440000
Color 2 $C0640000

Color 3 $C0060000
Color 3 $C0260000
Color 3 $C0460000
Color 3 $C0660000

Color 4 $C0080000
Color 4 $C0280000
Color 4 $C0480000
Color 4 $C0680000

Color 5 $C00A0000
Color 5 $C02A0000
Color 5 $C04A0000
Color 5 $C06A0000

Color 6 $C00C0000
Color 6 $C02C0000
Color 6 $C04C0000
Color 6 $C06C0000

Color 7 $C00E0000
Color 7 $C02E0000
Color 7 $C04E0000
Color 7 $C06E0000

Color 8 $C0100000
Color 8 $C0300000
Color 8 $C0500000
Color 8 $C0700000

Color 9 $C0120000
Color 9 $C0320000
Color 9 $C0520000
Color 9 $C0720000

Color 10 $C0140000
Color 10 $C0340000
Color 10 $C0540000
Color 10 $C0740000

Color 11 $C0160000
Color 11 $C0360000
Color 11 $C0560000
Color 11 $C0760000

Color 12 $C0180000
Color 12 $C0380000
Color 12 $C0580000
Color 12 $C0780000

Color 13 $C01A0000
Color 13 $C03A0000
Color 13 $C05A0000
Color 13 $C07A0000

Color 14 $C01C0000
Color 14 $C03C0000
Color 14 $C05C0000
Color 14 $C07C0000

Color 15 $C01E0000
Color 15 $C03E0000
Color 15 $C05E0000
Color 15 $C07E0000

Colors are defined by 16 bits in the following format

  F    E    D    C    B    A    9    8      7    6    5    4    3    2     1     0  
- - - - B2 B1 B0 -
G2 G1 G0 - R2 R1 R0 -

Setting the palette
We define our palette with two bytes per entry

Our code will convert this for every system (Except the QL which has a fixed 8 color palette)
We're going to use these definitions with our 'SetPalette' function that will set each color for us...

We just need to loop around all the colors we need.

We'll look at SetPalette next...
As each color uses 2 bytes, we're going to have to double the color number, we're also going to have to move it from $------XX to $C0XX---- to get the correct destination memory address

We write this to the VDP_CTRL port to select the destination for the new color definition

We now need to separate the 3 channels, taking 3 bits of each, We AND with $E (%1110 ) to keep the 3 bits we want and use ROL and ROR to shift those bits in the correct position

Now we've built up the new color we write it to VDP_DATA

Remember... While the MasterSystem had the same palette capabilities, the Gamegear actually had BETTER 4 bit per channel color!

It's got to be a rare case of a 16 bit machine being beaten by it's 8 bit predecessor!

Lesson P17 - Palette Definitions on the Amiga

The Amiga uses up to 32 colors onscreen, and each color is defined by a 4 bit per channel definition... The Amiga Palette definitions are contained in the Copperlist
Lets learn how to make changes to the colors!


Palette Definitions
Palette definitions on the Amiga are performed by writing to memory registers between $DFF180 and $DFF1BE

Definitions can be performed by writing a word to these registers, with 4 bits per channel in the format shown to the right

In these tutorials we use a common format of $_GRB... we will need to convert this to $_RGB for the Amiga

 F   E   D   C   B   A   9   8   
 7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0 
- - - - R3 R2 R1 R0
G3 G2 G1 G0 B3 B2 B1 B0
There are a set of 32 words between $DFF180 and $DFF1BE,

We don't actually set these directly, we want to change them within our copperlist!

During our Copperlist definition, we've stored the address of the first palette definition, and we use this to alter the entries in the CopperList.

As the copperlist applies to the screen every redraw, changing the copperlist will change the visible colors.

COLOR00 180 Color table 00
COLOR01 182 Color table 01
COLOR02 184 Color table 02
COLOR03 186 Color table 03
COLOR04 188 Color table 04
COLOR05 18A Color table 05
COLOR06 18C Color table 06
COLOR07 18E Color table 07
COLOR08 190 Color table 08
COLOR09 192 Color table 09
COLOR10 194 Color table 10
COLOR11 196 Color table 11
COLOR12 198 Color table 12
COLOR13 19A Color table 13
COLOR14 19C Color table 14
COLOR15 19E Color table 15
COLOR16 1A0 Color table 16
COLOR17 1A2 Color table 17 ... Sprite 0/1 Color 1
COLOR18 1A4 Color table 18 ... Sprite 0/1 Color 2
COLOR19 1A6 Color table 19 ... Sprite 0/1 Color 3
COLOR20 1A8 Color table 20
COLOR21 1AA Color table 21 ... Sprite 2/3 Color 1
COLOR22 1AC Color table 22 ... Sprite 2/3 Color 2
COLOR23 1AE Color table 23 ... Sprite 2/3 Color 3
COLOR24 1B0 Color table 24
COLOR25 1B2 Color table 25 ... Sprite 4/5 Color 1
COLOR26 1B4 Color table 26 ... Sprite 4/5 Color 2
COLOR27 1B6 Color table 27 ... Sprite 4/5 Color 3
COLOR28 1B8 Color table 28
COLOR29 1BA Color table 29 ... Sprite 6/7 Color 1
COLOR30 1BC Color table 30 ... Sprite 6/7 Color 2
COLOR31 1BE Color table 31 ... Sprite 6/7 Color 3

Although we 'can' write directly to the addresses, it's not practical for the Amiga.

Instead we modify the copperlist in Chip Ram, and that does the job

The Color Changing Code
It's the Copperlist that actually effectively sets the colors on the Amiga, so the code that actually sets the colors is in the v1_BitmapMemory.asm...

We store the address of the first palette change code in 'PalettePointer'
We define our palette with two bytes per entry

Our code will convert this for every system (Except the QL which has a fixed 8 color palette)
We're going to use these definitions with our 'SetPalette' function that will set each color for us...

We just need to loop around all the colors we need.

We'll look at SetPalette next...
When we want to set the palette, first we check we're being asked to change a color less than 31,

As our Copperlist entry uses 4 byte entries we rotate our palette number left 2 times to multiply it by 4,

We then add 2 - as the left two bytes are the Address (The right 2 are the -RGB palette definition)

We now split out each channel from the $-GRB source definition into the $-RGB definition the Amiga needs,

Once we've done this we write it to the copperlist address in a0

The color will change during the next screen redraw!

Lesson P18 - Sound on the X68000
The x68000 has a FM sound chip, which we can use to make music,

In this tutorial we'll learn how to make simple sounds!

FM Sound on the x68000 with the YM2151 Chip
For full details of the YM2151 can be found in the  YM2151 PDF

The FM sound chip has 8 channels....
Each channel's sound can be built up with 4 different 'slots'... meaning there are a total of 32 slots... these slots are turned on or off when the sound is triggered

Setting a register is easy,  we write the register number to  $E90001 , then we write the 8 bit value to $E90003

For registers with 32 slots (eg $60 - volume) we can calculate the address of a channels slot with the formula:
Address = RegisterBase + 8*ChannelSlot + Channel

So if RegisterBase=$60 , ChannelSlot=3 and Channel=7 then we get $60+24+7
Setting a register on the X68000

move.b #$20,$E90001    ;Reg num
move.b #%11000000,$E90003 ;New val

YM2151 Registers
The YM2151 is controlled by 255 registers, that are summarized below:
   Address      7     6     5     4     3     2     1     0   Summary Bit Meanings
$01 T T T T T T T T Test T=Test
$08 - S S S S C C C Key On (Play Sound) C=Channel S=Slot (C2 � M2 � C1 � M1)
$0F E - - F F F F F Noise E=noise enable F=Frequency (Channel 7)
$10 C C C C C C C C CLKA1
$11 - - - - - - C C CLKA2
$12 C C C C C C C C CLKB
$14 C - F F I I L L
$1B D C - - - - W W
D=fdD force ready C=Clock (4mhz/8mhz) W=Waveform (0=Saw 1=Square,2=Tri, 3=Noise)
$20-$27 L R F F F C C C Chn0-7� F=Feedback, C=Connection
$28-$2F - O O O N N N N Chn0-7� KeyCode O=Octive, N=Note
$30-$37 F F F F F F - - Chn0-7� Key Fraction F=Fraction
$38-$3F - P P P - A A A Chn0-7� PMS / AMS P=PMS , A=AMS
$40-$5F - D D D M M M M Slot0-31. Decay/Mult D=Decay D1T, M=Mult
$60-$7F - V V V V V V V Slot0-31. Volume V=Volume (TL) (0=max)
$80-$9F K K - A A A A A Slot0-31. Keyscale / Attack K=Keycale, A=attack
$A0-$BF A - - D D D D D Slot0-31. AMS / Decay A=AMS-EN, D=Decay D1R
$C0-$DF T T - D D D D D Slot0-31. DeTune / Decay T=Detune DT2, D=Decay D2R
$E0-$FF D D D D R R R R Slot0-31. Decay / Release D=Decay D1L, R=Release Rate

The idea is that we'll use multiple slots on the same channel to make a complex tone, but that's above what we're going to do in these tutorials.

We're just going to use a single slot to make a simple sound.

Sfx with Chibisound!

These tutorials use a sound 'driver' called ChibiSound,
Chibisound uses a single byte parameter in D0, and provides 64 different pitches, in low or high volume with either tones or noise.
Sending a value of 0 mutes sound, all other values make a tone...

Chibisound is intended to make it simple to have SFX in multiplatform games and was used in Grime Z80 and Grime 68000

T=Tone V=Volume P=Pitch

Writing Chibisound

When Chibisound starts, we need to check if D0 is zero... if it is, we're going to silence all sound.

We use Channel 7, slot 3 for all our sound, so to silence the sound, we just set the volume of the register to 127 (0=loudest 127=silent)
First we're going to flip our tone bits, Chibisound needs the pitch to become higher, as the value of bits 0-6 get lower.

Next we're going to set the channel to output to Left and Right channels, we do this by setting the top two bits of $20

Now we're going to set the octive and note we want to play on channel 7, we do this with register $28+7 - we only have 6 bits of pitch, so we shift 1 bit to the left, to get a good range of tones to play
Now we need to set the volume of the slot we're using (Channel 7 slot 3), we've only got one bit of volume, and in Chibisound 1=loud, but on the X68000 it's the other way round...

We flip the bit, and shift it 2 bits to the right, to get a good balance between the loud and quiet option of Chibisound.

We need to set the tone length of the slot using using $E0..., we want the tone to be pretty much constant

We need to set a the Clock speed of the sound with bit 6 of $1B - we set it to 1 - which selects 8mhz
The top bit actually handles the Floppy disk! - a 1 here forces the drive 'ready' (it doesn't matter to our sound)

The bottom two bits select a wave form type - wave 1 is a Square wave.

By default we'll turn noise off with $0F

We also need to start the tone with reg $08 - we need to play slot 3 of channel 7, as that's what we've been using.
Ok, the last thing we're going to do is deal with the noise bit... if the top bit is 1 of the byte passed to chibisound then we want to turn on noise.

The noise register is $0F... this takes 5 frequency bits, so we take 5 of the bits of pitch passed to chibisound...

We also need to set the top bit to 1 - this turns on the sound

We've learned the basics of FM sound on the x68000... but the x68k can also do digital sound - but that's something we'll have to look at another day!

Lesson P19 - Sound on the NeoGeo via FM with the YM2610 (and Genesis!)
We learned how to make sound with the AY backwards compatibility on the NeoGeo in the Z80 Series, but this time we're going to do things properly!

Lets learn how to make the NeoGeo make FM sounds!

We have to control the sound chip via the Z80 CPU, and it need to be able to handle sound requests sent by the CPU itself,

We're going to use a 'Template' driver from http://www.ajworld.net/neogeodev/beginner/ as a starting point, and build ChibiSound on top

Although this is a NeoGeo lesson, the Genesis can run most of the same Z80 code, as it's sound chip is compatible... we'll learn how to use this weeks 'ChibiSound' code on the Genesis next time!

Controling the YM2610
If you want Get the YM2610 PDF for all the info!

The FM chip uses 2 pairs of ports, $04 and $06 select the address of the register we want to change, $05 and $07 write the new data, but after each write, we need to check if t

he FM chip is busy,
To check if the FM chip is busy, read in from port $04, and check bit 7 - it will return 0 when not busy.

The YM2610 is very similar to the Genesis sound chip, however on that system there were sound channels 0-5...

The NeoGeo has channels 1-4... NOTE: there is no channel 0 ... This is important when we're tuning channels on with $28,
Also as there is no Channel 0 - registers &30,&40 etc are all unused
The YM2610 in the NeoGeo CD

Address Function Port
$04 / $05
$06 / $07
Bits Details
$21 LSI Test Data ALL
$22 LFO Frequency Control ALL
----EFFF E=enable F=Frequency
$24 Timer A H ALL
HHHHHHHH Timer A top 8 bits
$25 Timer A L ALL
------LL Timer A bottom 2 bits
$26 Timer B ALL
$27 Timer Control, 2ch mode ALL
MMRREELL M=Multi Mode, R=Reset timers, E=enable, L=Load
$28 Individual Operator Key On/Off ALL - OOOO-GCC O=operator / G=Channel group / C=Channel (0=chn 1)
$31 Multiplier & Detune Ch1 Op1 Ch3 Op1 -DDDMMMM D=Detune / M=Multiplier
$32 Multiplier & Detune Ch2 Op1 Ch4 Op1 -DDDMMMM D=Detune / M=Multiplier
$35 Multiplier & Detune Ch1 Op2 Ch3 Op2 -DDDMMMM D=Detune / M=Multiplier
$36 Multiplier & Detune Ch2 Op2 Ch4 Op2 -DDDMMMM D=Detune / M=Multiplier
$39 Multiplier & Detune Ch1 Op3 Ch3 Op3 -DDDMMMM D=Detune / M=Multiplier
$3A Multiplier & Detune Ch2 Op3 Ch4 Op3 -DDDMMMM D=Detune / M=Multiplier
$3D Multiplier & Detune Ch1 Op4 Ch3 Op4 -DDDMMMM D=Detune / M=Multiplier
$3E Multiplier & Detune Ch2 Op4 Ch4 Op4 -DDDMMMM D=Detune / M=Multiplier
$41 Total Level Ch1 Op1 Ch3 Op1 -TTTTTTT T=Total Level (0=max)
$42 Total Level Ch2 Op1 Ch4 Op1 -TTTTTTT T=Total Level (0=max)
$45 Total Level Ch1 Op2 Ch3 Op2 -TTTTTTT T=Total Level (0=max)
$46 Total Level Ch2 Op2 Ch4 Op2 -TTTTTTT T=Total Level (0=max)
$49 Total Level Ch1 Op3 Ch3 Op3 -TTTTTTT T=Total Level (0=max)
$4A Total Level Ch2 Op3 Ch4 Op3 -TTTTTTT T=Total Level (0=max)
$4D Total Level Ch1 Op4 Ch3 Op4 -TTTTTTT T=Total Level (0=max)
$4E Total Level Ch2 Op4 Ch4 Op4 -TTTTTTT T=Total Level (0=max)
$51 Key Scaling & Attack Rate Ch1 Op1 Ch3 Op1 KK-RRRRR K=Keyscaling / R=attackrate
$52 Key Scaling & Attack Rate Ch2 Op1 Ch4 Op1 KK-RRRRR K=Keyscaling / R=attackrate
$55 Key Scaling & Attack Rate Ch1 Op2 Ch3 Op2 KK-RRRRR K=Keyscaling / R=attackrate
$56 Key Scaling & Attack Rate Ch2 Op2 Ch4 Op2 KK-RRRRR K=Keyscaling / R=attackrate
$59 Key Scaling & Attack Rate Ch1 Op3 Ch3 Op3 KK-RRRRR K=Keyscaling / R=attackrate
$5A Key Scaling & Attack Rate Ch2 Op3 Ch4 Op3 KK-RRRRR K=Keyscaling / R=attackrate
$5D Key Scaling & Attack Rate Ch1 Op4 Ch3 Op4 KK-RRRRR K=Keyscaling / R=attackrate
$5E Key Scaling & Attack Rate Ch2 Op4 Ch4 Op4 KK-RRRRR K=Keyscaling / R=attackrate
$61 Decay Rate & AM Enable Ch1 Op1 Ch3 Op1 A--DDDDD A=Amplitude Mod Enable / D= Decay rate
$62 Decay Rate & AM Enable Ch2 Op1 Ch4 Op1 A--DDDDD A=Amplitude Mod Enable / D= Decay rate
$65 Decay Rate & AM Enable Ch1 Op2 Ch3 Op2 A--DDDDD A=Amplitude Mod Enable / D= Decay rate
$66 Decay Rate & AM Enable Ch2 Op2 Ch4 Op2 A--DDDDD A=Amplitude Mod Enable / D= Decay rate
$69 Decay Rate & AM Enable Ch1 Op3 Ch3 Op3 A--DDDDD A=Amplitude Mod Enable / D= Decay rate
$6A Decay Rate & AM Enable Ch2 Op3 Ch4 Op3 A--DDDDD A=Amplitude Mod Enable / D= Decay rate
$6D Decay Rate & AM Enable Ch1 Op4 Ch3 Op4 A--DDDDD A=Amplitude Mod Enable / D= Decay rate
$6E Decay Rate & AM Enable Ch2 Op4 Ch4 Op4 A--DDDDD A=Amplitude Mod Enable / D= Decay rate
$71 Sustain Rate Ch1 Op1 Ch3 Op1 ---SSSSS S=Sustain Rate
$72 Sustain Rate Ch2 Op1 Ch4 Op1 ---SSSSS S=Sustain Rate
$75 Sustain Rate Ch1 Op2 Ch3 Op2 ---SSSSS S=Sustain Rate
$76 Sustain Rate Ch2 Op2 Ch4 Op2 ---SSSSS S=Sustain Rate
$79 Sustain Rate Ch1 Op3 Ch3 Op3 ---SSSSS S=Sustain Rate
$7A Sustain Rate Ch2 Op3 Ch4 Op3 ---SSSSS S=Sustain Rate
$7D Sustain Rate Ch1 Op4 Ch3 Op4 ---SSSSS S=Sustain Rate
$7E Sustain Rate Ch2 Op4 Ch4 Op4 ---SSSSS S=Sustain Rate
$81 Release Rate & Sustain Level Ch1 Op1 Ch3 Op1 SSSSRRRR S=Sustain Level / Release Rate
$82 Release Rate & Sustain Level Ch2 Op1 Ch4 Op1 SSSSRRRR S=Sustain Level / Release Rate
$85 Release Rate & Sustain Level Ch1 Op2 Ch3 Op2 SSSSRRRR S=Sustain Level / Release Rate
$86 Release Rate & Sustain Level Ch2 Op2 Ch4 Op2 SSSSRRRR S=Sustain Level / Release Rate
$89 Release Rate & Sustain Level Ch1 Op3 Ch3 Op3 SSSSRRRR S=Sustain Level / Release Rate
$8A Release Rate & Sustain Level Ch2 Op3 Ch4 Op3 SSSSRRRR S=Sustain Level / Release Rate
$8D Release Rate & Sustain Level Ch1 Op4 Ch3 Op4 SSSSRRRR S=Sustain Level / Release Rate
$8E Release Rate & Sustain Level Ch2 Op4 Ch4 Op4 SSSSRRRR S=Sustain Level / Release Rate
$91 SSG-Envelope Generator Ch1 Op1 Ch3 Op1 ----EEEE E=Envelope Gen
$92 SSG-Envelope Generator Ch2 Op1 Ch4 Op1 ----EEEE E=Envelope Gen
$95 SSG-Envelope Generator Ch1 Op2 Ch3 Op2 ----EEEE E=Envelope Gen
$96 SSG-Envelope Generator Ch2 Op2 Ch4 Op2 ----EEEE E=Envelope Gen
$99 SSG-Envelope Generator Ch1 Op3 Ch3 Op3 ----EEEE E=Envelope Gen
$9A SSG-Envelope Generator Ch2 Op3 Ch4 Op3 ----EEEE E=Envelope Gen
$9D SSG-Envelope Generator Ch1 Op4 Ch3 Op4 ----EEEE E=Envelope Gen
$9E SSG-Envelope Generator Ch2 Op4 Ch4 Op4 ----EEEE E=Envelope Gen
$A1 Frequency low (Write Second) Ch1 Ch3 PPPPPPPP P=Frequency Position L
$A2 Frequency low (Write Second) Ch2 Ch4 PPPPPPPP P=Frequency Position L
$A5 Frequency high & Octave (Write first) Ch1 Ch3 --OOOPPP O=Octive / P=Position H
$A6 Frequency high & Octave (Write first) Ch2 Ch4 --OOOPPP O=Octive / P=Position H
$A9 Frequency low during Multi-Mode Ch1 Ch3 PPPPPPPP P=Frequency Position L
$AA Frequency low during Multi-Mode Ch2 Ch4 PPPPPPPP P=Frequency Position L
$AD Frequency high & Octave during Multi-Mode Ch1 Ch3 --OOOPPP O=Octive / P=Position H
$AE Frequency high & Octave during Multi-Mode Ch2 Ch4 --OOOPPP O=Octive / P=Position H
$B1 Algorithm & Feedback Ch1 Ch3 --FFFAAA F=Feedback / A=Algorithm
$B2 Algorithm & Feedback Ch2 Ch4 --FFFAAA F=Feedback / A=Algorithm
$B5 FMS & AMS & Stereo Ch1 Ch3 LRAA-FFF Left / Right (1=on) / A=Amplitude Mod Sensitivity / F=Frequency Mod Sensitivity
$B6 FMS & AMS & Stereo Ch2 Ch4 LRAA-FFF Left / Right (1=on) / A=Amplitude Mod Sensitivity / F=Frequency Mod Sensitivity

The NeoGeo FM Sound chip is compatible with the Genesis - the Genesis has 2 extra sound channels, but code written for the NeoGeo will work fine on the Genesis, as the port numbers are the same...

Genesis code would need rewriting for the NeoGeo, as the 2 channels are missing on the NeoGeo (which is why there is no $60, $70 etc)

The NeoGeo sound chip is backwards compatible with the AY... and cannot be accessed by the 68000, so we have to get the Z80 CPU to do the sound work...

The Z80 has its own program code contained in a ROM and separate memory - and we have to pass data betrween the Z80 and 68000 with a single byte RW port!
Writes to Z80 port &0C can be read from 68000 port $320000 , and writes to 68000 port $320000 can be read from port &00

Sound Ports
Communication between the Z80 and 68000 work with the following ports

Port &00 Address $320000
Port &0C  Address $320000 

Sfx with Chibisound!
These tutorials use a sound 'driver' called ChibiSound,
Chibisound uses a single byte parameter in D0, and provides 64 different pitches, in low or high volume with either tones or noise.
Sending a value of 0 mutes sound, all other values make a tone...

Chibisound is intended to make it simple to have SFX in multiplatform games and was used in Grime Z80 and Grime 68000

T=Tone V=Volume P=Pitch

Writing Chibisound

We have to write Z80 code to use the FM sound chip on the NeoGeo
We're going to write a function called 'FMRegWrite'.... this will set Reg A to value C...

We do this by writing the register number to port &04... and we're going to write the new value to port &05

before each write, we need to check if the sound chip is still busy... to do this we read in from &04, if the top bit is 1, then it's still busy, so we wait until it's not.
First we're going to check if A is zero - if it is we want to turn off all sound...

we do this by clearing 'Key on' in Reg &28 (Key On starts a sound)... we then set the LR channel mapping with &B5 - setting the top two bits to zero means the channel plays on Neither Left or Right channel - so the sound does not play.
We back up the accumulator into H for while we're working

First we'll set the volume, bit 6 in our byte is our volume (1=high)

We're going to use Channel 1 Op4 for all our sound... on the YM2610 0 is loudest, so we need to flip the bit, and rotate it right 2 bits to make the sound a good volume level
Next we're going to set the pitch... Chibisound has 6 pitch bits.

On the FM soundchip there are 2 registers controlling the pitch of Channel 1 - &A5 is the high byte, and &A1 is the low byte...

We split the 6 bits up in two, and distribute them across both registers.
Next we're going to check our noise bit - the top bit passed to chibisound. If the top bit is 1 we want to turn on noise - we do this with the LFO

We set the frequency of the LFO with bits 0-2 of reg &22, we also enable LFO with bit 3

We also need to set how the LFO will affect the sound - we do ths with reg &B5...
Bits 0-2 set how the LFO alters the frequency, bit 4,5 set how the LFO affect the amplitude...
We also need to set bits 6,7 - these set how the channel maps to the speakers, we want to enable both Left and Right - effectively making a mono channel

We also need to set the top bit of &6D to enable the LFO Amplitude mod, but we'll do that later
If we're not using Noise we want to turn off the LFO, we set all the bits of &22 to zero

We still need to set the top two bits (6,7) of &B5 - if we don't there won't be any sound!
We're going to use algorithm 0 - this is the simplest, where each op links in a line to the next (we're only using Op4 in our code here)... you can see all the different algorithms here ... We set this with &B1

Next we need to set the 'Multiplier' - changing the multiplier will alter the pitch - we'll set it to 1

We need to define the way our tone sounds over time next (details here)

We're going to set the minumum Attarck rate ($5D) - this makes our tone reach maximum as fast as possible

We'll also set the maximum sustain and release rate ($8D) we want our note to be basically constant

We need to set the top bit of $6D to ensure the LFO will work (when it's on - it has no effect if off), we also set the Decay rate

Finally we want to turn on our sound... we've programmed Op4 of Channel 1 - so we need to set bits 0 and 7 to 1 in reg &28 to make the tone play.
The NeoGeo sound chip doesn't just do FM sound - it can also do ADPCM sound, but that's beyond what we can look at here.

Sending data from the 68000 to the z80 and Chibisound

We have to talk to the z80 in single bytes..

If the 68000 writes a byte to $320000, the z80 can read it from port &00
If the z80 writes a byte to port &0C, the 68000 can read it from $320000,

Unfortunately, because the NeoGeo bios reserves values 0-31, we're going to have to be tricky when we send the ChibiSound byte...

We'll split it into 2 nibbles, and send them in two halves, we wait until a signal byte of &255 to tell us that the first half has been recieved
When the Z80 receives a byte an NMI call will occur to address &0066... when this happens we read in from port &00

We need to process system commands 0/1/2...

Any command with the top bit (bit7) is set is a Chibisound command.

If bit 6 is zero then we're receiving the low nibble... we store the nibble in address 'ChibiSoundTemp', and send a 255 back to the 68000 by writing to port &0C

if bit 6 is one then we're receiving the high nibble, we merge it with the previous low nibble, and send the result to the ChibiSound driver.
We're only handling commands 0-3 of the NeoGeo bios here, but really we should support more... that's why we're not hearing the NeoGeo sound when the system starts.

The full list is shown here

Lesson P20 - FM Sound on the Genesis via the Z80

The Genesis YM2612 is similar to the FM sound chip of the NeoGeo - it's actually better, as it has 6 channels rather than 4...
If we're using the Z80 sound chip, we can use the same code for ChibiSound as the NeoGeo, but we need to use different code to control the Z80... Lets learn how


The Genesis and the Z80

The Z80 and 68000 share 8K of RAM, on the Z80 side this is at area $0000-$1FFF, on the 68000 this area is $A00000-$A01FFF

We have to 'Lock' the ram (stopping the Z80) to write to the ram from the 68000 side,  We do this by writing $100 to $A11100, we need to read back a word from $A11100 and wait until bit 8 is zero... this tells us the Z80 is paused

We unlock the z80 by writing $000 to $A11100

We reset the Z80 by writing $100 to $A11200
From To Meaning
$0000 $1FFF Sound Ram
$2000 $3FFF Reserved
YM2612 A0
YM2612 D0
YM2612 A1
YM2612 D1
$4000 $5FFF Sound Chip
Bank Register
$6000 $7F10 Misc
PSG 76489
$7F12 $7FFF Misc
$8000 $FFFF 68000 Bank
Start address End address Description
$A00000 $A0FFFF Z80 addressing space
$A11100 $A11101 Z80 bus request
$A11200 $A11201 Z80 reset
The Z80 on the Genesis is used for backwards compatibility with the Master System, and it can also access the legacy sound of the 76489 that was used by the master system,

But the Z80 gives us great potential for playing music - after all it's MUCH easier to code a Z80 music player than the SNES SPC700 one - and we can use the same FM music player on the Z80 NeoGeo or PSG player on the SMS

Sending a program to the Z80 and starting it
We've covered the theory of the Z80, lets make it work!

First we need to stop the Z80, and wait for the 68000 to be able to write Z80 ram
Next we need to copy our program into the Z80 address space ($A00xxxx on the 68000 = &xxxx on the z80)
Once our program has been copied we want to restart the Z80, the Z80 will start executing memory address &0000 in its ram
We will need to pause before writing data until the Z80 has stopped, we can test this by checking bit 8 of the word at $A11100
We will need to compile our program as Z80 bytecode and include it in the program.

A valid header for a Z80 sound program

We need some kind of Z80 program for the sound chip to run,

When the Z80 starts, it executes memory address &0000... we're going to define some RST's, and set them all to return commands (&C9)... the Z80 can receive Vblank interrupts, but we won't use them in this example

When our actual program starts, we need to set up a valid stack pointer, we'll set Interrupt Mode 1 and we'll disable interrupts.

We can now put our actual sound handling code!

Chibisound for the Genesis Z80

Chbisound uses a single command byte,
When we want to pass a command to Chibisound, we're going to write it to &1F00 ... but we're going to use a second byte at &1F01 as a 'execute' command...

When &1F01 becomes nonzero, we'll send the byte at &1F00 to chibisound, then we'll reset &1F01

the code of "GEN-Z80_V1_ChibiSoundFM.asm" is IDENTICAL to the NeoGeo version - so please see Lesson P19 above.
When the 68000 wants to send the bytes to the Z80, first it needs to request the bus using $A011100, and wait for the bus to be available,

Then we can write our bytes,

finally we release the bus so the Z80 can continue processing.
It's pretty dumb to use the Z80 for such a simple task, but if we were playing music we could use the Vsync timing to run interrupts and get the Z80 to play the music, without using any of the 68000 cpu power, that way we don't need to worry about timing from the 68000 side, and our music won't slow down if the 68000 is really busy!

Continue to page 3


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