6502 Assembly programming for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and Famicom

The NES was the first games console I owned, compared to the 8 bits I was used to (Like the CPC) it's incredible high speed, and smooth scrolling were really impressive.

While it's games tend to be limited to platformers, it's hardware was very decent for the time, and in it's later years, it's low cost made it an easy choice as a home games system.
These days the main 'pulling point' for new developers is the huge number of sales the system had, and its presence in pretty much every territory, meaning that if you want to get into retro development, and get noticed, the NES or Famicom (as it was called in Japan) is a great computer to look at!

The NES CPU is based on the 6502, and it's almost the same, however it has no BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) mode, however it's generally the same as the 6502

Cpu Ricoh 2A03 (6502 based) 1.79mhz
Ram 2k 
Vram 2k
Resolution 256x240
Sprites 64 onscreen - 8x8 or 8x16 size
Tilemap 32x30... max 256 unique patterns
Colors 24 onscreen (4x4 for tiles, 4x3 for sprites)
Sound chip 2 pulse, 1 triangle, 1 noise, 1 pcm

The UK NES PSU outputs 9V AC
the Japanese Famicom PSU outputs 10V DC - CENTER NEGATIVE

BE CAREFUL! adaptors that output AC are very rare and will kill most systems - and Center negative was common for 80's Japanese systems, but is very rare these days - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

ChibiAkumas Tutorials

Lesson H7 - Hello World on the Nes / Famicom

Lesson S7 - Bitmap Drawing on the Nes / Famicom

Lesson S16 - Joypad Reading on the Nes / Famicom

Lesson S26 -  Tile Bitmap Clipping on the NES

Lesson S27 - Hardware Sprite Clipping on the NES
Lesson P6 - Bitmap Functions on the NES / Famicom

Lesson P15 - Joystick Reading on the NES / Famicom and SNES

Lesson P21 - Palette Definitions on the NES

Lesson P26 - Sound on the NES / Famicom

Lesson P34 - Hardware Sprites on the NES / Famicom

Lesson P43 - Splitscreen scrolling and Sprite 0 Hit on the NES!

Lesson P44 - The NES Zapper!

Lesson P47 - Sound on the NES (ChibiSound Pro)

Lesson P59 - Multiplatform Software tilemap on the NES / Famicom

Technical resources

Everynes documentation  - Detailed documentation on the NES hardware

Console graphics hardware - Tiles and Sprites!
This section is a general description, and not NES specific, skip to the next chapter if you know the concept of tiles and sprite layers!

The screens on consoles usually do not work like they do on computers like the BBC
Graphics are not just 'bytes' in a memory address...  The screen is made up of a 'Tile Layer' and a 'Sprite Layer'

To explain Tiles and sprites, lets look at our imaginary game shown to the right 'The Super Yuusha Siblings', on a theoretical game system the 'GameChibi'... Just to be very clear, we looking at this as a concept, not the actual layout of the NES!

Looking at our example, We have a level with some grass, blocks, and some collectable 'stars'... our hero, Yume is controlled by the player...
The screen is made up of the Tile layer, and the Sprite Layer,

Usually Sprites are drawn above the Tiles... but sometimes they may be drawn below.

It's also possible we could use sprites for the stars.. but sprites are very limited, so the object doesn't move, then tiles will do the job... we can even animate the stars by switching the tile between different patterns
The tile array on the systems we'll be looking at is made up of 8x8 tiles... the array is a 'grid' of these tiles, so the tiles must line up, a block cannot be at a 'half way boundary'

Tiles are defined by a number (usually 0-255)... we define the bitmap (image) data for that tile (we'll call it a pattern), then tell the hardware what positions in the tile array to use that pattern.

In our example, the black background is pattern 0 ... the blocks are pattern 1... the grass is pattern 2... and the stars are pattern 3

Our 'GameChibi' console has a tile array of 8x8... and 64 bytes is used to define the tile grid...
So to define the stars, we need to set memory locations 10,20 and 15 of the tile array to byte '3'

A real system usually has a tile array bigger than the screen (maybe just by one row and one column)... this is to allow smooth scrolling of the screen, where two tiles are 'half shown'

Now in the case of our 'GameChibi' system, with it's 64 tile screen, and 256 pattern definitions, we could just set every visible tile to a different pattern, and treat the screen as a plain bitmap again... We can do that on the MSX1, Unfortunately, many systems do not have enough tile patterns to do this, and it's often too slow anyway... we really have to work with the system in the 'way it wants' to get good results.
Because our system is using hardware sprites, we have to design our game sprites in a way that can be drawn with the hardware sprites... for example lets look at our Yume sprite... if our 'GameChibi' used 8x8 hardware sprites, we would have to use 48 of them to make this image!... we can save 6 (marked green)... these have no data, so we can just not draw them...

When it comes to moving our character, the software will have to move the hardware sprites all together, so the user does not realise they are made up of many sprites!... on systems with more onscreen colors than sprite colors, two or more sprites may be overlapped to make the sprite appear more colorful

Most systems will have one color (usually 0) which marks the transparent colour.

but there is a problem! with software sprites on a bitmap screen, we can draw as much as we want, it will just get slow.... but with hardware sprites, we have a fixed limit of how many sprites can be shown onscreen at once! sounds bad? well actually it's worse, even though a system like the NES can show 64 sprites onscreen, there can only be 16 on a line... if more than 16 appear on the same line, some will flicker, or not appear... there's nothing we can do about it, we just have to design our game to avoid this problem!

The Memory Map!
The NES memory map is a combination of RAM, cartridge based hardware, and memory mapped registers... our main program will start at $C000... and the first $8000 bytes of memory are the system's 2k of ram.

$2000-4020 have various 'Ports' that are used to read and write the hardware of the nes.

Fortrunately the NES CPU doesn't have any real surprises for us, although it lacks the 6502's decimal mode, it is a pretty regular 6502... there's no 'Weirdness' like the PC-Engine's extra commands, and the ZeroPage is in the 'proper place'
From To MPR Page
$0000 $07FF 2k ram
$0800 $1FFF Copies of Ram
$2000 $2007 PPU Registers (Graphics)
$2008 $3FFF Copies of PPU
$4000 $4017 APU and I/O Ports
$4018 $4020 Unused
$4020 $5FFF Cartridge Ram/Rom
$6000 $7FFF Battery backed up RAM
$8000 $FFF9 ROM
$FFFA $FFFB NMI interrupt (Vblank)
$FFFC $FFFD Reset Vector

Rom Format
Nes ROMS have the following 16 header bytes:

File Position Bytes Bits Meaning Example
&0000 4
Header - do not change! db "NES",$1a
$0004 1
Program Rom pages (16k each) db $1
$0005 1
CHR-Rom Pages (8k each) db $0
$0006 mmmmFTBM mmmm = mapper no bottom 4 bits , Four screen vram layout, Trainer at &7000
Battery ram at &6000, Mirror (0=horiz, 1=vert)
db %00100000
$0007 1 mmmm--PV mmmm= mapper top 4 bits...  Pc10 arcade, Vs unisystem db %00000000
$0008 1
RAM pages (8k each) db 0
$0009 7
unused db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0

The example above will give us 8k of graphics RAM via Mapper 2

The rest of our rom layout depends on the number of Program and Character rom banks we have

Bytes Usage
16 Bytes Header
512bytes Trainer (Usually none)
16k * ? Program ROM Banks (our code)
8K * ? Character ROM banks (pattern rom)

Our rom file needs a header, and a 'footer' to define the vectors for the 6502... here is a sample header for a binary rom file... our code starts at $C000, so you can put everything in the correct position by starting your rom source with:

    org $BFF0

    db "NES",$1a    ;ID
    db $01        ;Rom pages (16k each)
    db $0        ;CHR-ROM pages
    db %00100000        ;mmmmFTBM   
    db %00000000        ;mmmm--PV      
    db 0        ;Ram pages
    db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0

........................ your code here

    org $FFFA
    dw nmihandler, startgame, irqhandler

You will need to define labels nmihandler, irqhandler and 'startgame' (the reset vector)

PPU Graphics ports
The PPU is the NES and Famicom's Graphics system, it's controlled by 8 registers between $2000 and $2007... we use these to check and set attributes of the system. and write to VRAM (which isn't in the normal memory map!)

Some of these ports take two bytes - both should be written consecutively to the same port...
Strangely, when we want to write to VRAM, it's in Big Endian mode - so we have to send the High byte, then the Low byte... the opposite of the normal 6502!

Port Name Bits Details Notes
$2000 PPUCTRL N-SBPIAA N=NMI on vblank
S=Sprite size
B=Back Pattern Table (0/1)
P=sprite Pattern table
I=Increment vram address
AA=Name Table address 

I=0 means +1 , I=1 means +32
$2001 PPUMASK CCCSBsbM CCC=Color emphasis
B=Background on
S=Sprite on
s=sprite clip
b=back clip

s= 0 - hides leftmost 8 pixels
b= 0 - hides leftmost 8 pixels

Read resets PPUSCROLL
Sprite address  (0-255)
Sprite data (to write to addr, autoincs)
$2005 PPUSCROLL XXXXXXXX YYYYYYYYY Select X offset and Y Offset
$2006 PPUADDR HHHHHHHH LLLLLLLL Select Address to write to (Big Endian!) Write  resets PPUSCROLL
$2007 PPUDATA BBBBBBBB Byte to write to address in $2006
NameTable Mirror
(Some mappers only)
M=0 Horizontal  M=1 Vertical

Vram Layout
Specify a memory address by writing the byte pair to $2006... HIGH BYTE FIRST... (Big Endian)

NOTE: Writing to VRAM outside of VBLANK will cause problems... also note, selecting an address resets PPUSCROLL

EG, lets point to $3F00... and write $11 to the first palette entry!

    lda #$3F      ;High byte
    sta $2006    ;Send to vram select
    lda #$00      ;Low byte
    sta $2006    ;Send to vram select

    lda #$11       ;New value
    sta $2007    ;Send to write data
Vram From Vram To Purpose
$0000 $0FFF Pattern Table 0
$1000 $1FFF Pattern Table 1 
$2000 $23BF NameTable 0 (32x30)
$23C0 $23FF Attribute Table 0
$2400 $27BF NameTable 1 (32x30)
$27C0 $27FF Attribute Table 1
$2800 $2BBF NameTable 2 (32x30) (Extra Ram Only)
$2BC0 $2BFF Attribute Table 2 (Extra Ram Only)
$2C00 $2FBF NameTable 3 (32x30) (Extra Ram Only)
$2FC0 $2FFF Attribute Table 3 (Extra Ram Only)
$3000 $3EFF Copy of $2000-$2EFF
$3F00 $3F1F Palette definitions
$3F20 $3FFF Copies of $3F00-$3F1F

Pattern Definitions for sprites and tiles
The NES has 2 pattern tables, they are selected with PPU Register $2000 Bit 4 & 3
Basic NES roms have pattern definitions in ROM (CHR-ROM), but we can use a mapper with extra video ram to make things easier - in these tutorials we'll use Mapper 2 - so we don't have to worry about CHR-ROM and can change the patterns whenever we like!

The Famicom uses bitplanes for it's data - 2 bitplanes for 4 colors... this means a tile uses 16 bytes
First we send all 8 lines of the first bitplane, Next we send all 8 lines of the second bitplane.

Byte Data
First 8 bytes 00111100
Second 8 bytes 00222200

Sound, DMA and Joypad
Address   Purpose Bits Detail
4000h APU Channel 1 (Rectangle) Volume/Decay (W) CCLEVVVV Volume, Envelope Length counter,duty Cycle
4001h APU Channel 1 (Rectangle) Sweep (W) EUUUDSSS Sweep, Direction,Upadte rate, Enabled
4002h APU Channel 1 (Rectangle) Frequency (W) LLLLLLLL frequency L byte
4003h APU Channel 1 (Rectangle) Length (W) CCCCCHHH frequency H byte, length Counter load register
4004h APU Channel 2 (Rectangle) Volume/Decay (W) CCLEVVVV Volume, Envelope Length counter,duty Cycle
4005h APU Channel 2 (Rectangle) Sweep (W) EUUUDSSS Sweep, Direction,Upadte rate, Enabled
4006h APU Channel 2 (Rectangle) Frequency (W) LLLLLLLL frequency L byte
4007h APU Channel 2 (Rectangle) Length (W) CCCCCHHH frequency H byte, length Counter load register
4008h APU Channel 3 (Triangle) Linear Counter (W) SLLLLLLL L=Linear Counter Load S=Start
4009h APU Channel 3 (Triangle) N/A (-) --------

400Ah APU Channel 3 (Triangle) Frequency (W) LLLLLLLL frequency L byte
400Bh APU Channel 3 (Triangle) Length (W) CCCCCHHH frequency H byte, length Counter load register
400Ch APU Channel 4 (Noise) Volume/Decay (W) CCLEVVVV Volume, Envelope Length counter,duty Cycle
400Dh APU Channel 4 (Noise) N/A (-)

400Eh APU Channel 4 (Noise) Frequency (W) N---FFFF N=Noise type, F=Frequency
400Fh APU Channel 4 (Noise) Length (W) CCCCC---  length Counter load register
4010h APU Channel 5 (DMC) Play mode and DMA frequency (W)

4011h APU Channel 5 (DMC) Delta counter load register (W)

4012h APU Channel 5 (DMC) Address load register (W)

4013h APU Channel 5 (DMC) Length register (W)

4014h SPR-RAM DMA Register (W) HHHHHHHH
 High byte of ram address to copy to OAM, eg $02 copies $0200-$02FF
4015h DMC/IRQ/length counter status/Sound channel enable register (RW) DF-54321 Dmc irq status / Frame irq status / Channel 12345 on (Writing resets Frequency)
4016h Joypad #1 (RW)

4017h Joypad #2/APU SOFTCLK (RW)


The NES has 2 joysticks, but 2 extra pads can be added to the Famicom external port... Unlike many systems, we can't read from one port to get all the keys in one go. We need to read each button one at a time, and build up a byte representing all the buttons in our joypad.
First we need to 'Strobe' the joypad, by writing 1 to bit $4016, then we need to read in from $4016 and $4017 repeatedly to get all the bits of the Joypad.

    Mode          Port      Purpose     7          6          5          4          3          2          1          0     
Write $4016 Strobe (reset) - - - - - - - Strobe
Read $4016 Joypad 1/3 - - - - - Mic Pad3 Pad1
Read $4017 Joypad 2/4 - - - - - - Pad4 Pad2

When we read in 8 bits from the port, we'll end up with the following byte format for our buttons:

7 6 5     4   
3 2      1    
Right Left Down Up Start Select B A


Joystick port ($4016/7) - - - F L - - - F=Fire (1=Yes) L=Light (0=Yes)

Name Table for Patterns, Attribute Table for Colors
The NES Name Table defines the Tilemap's patterns... one byte per 8x8 tile defines the number of the tile... the name table is 32x30 tiles in size, so spans from $2000-$23BF

Note: Name Table 2,3 ($2800-$3000) are not available on an standard NES , they will only be available if your cartridge has Extra Ram!

Color's are defined  by the 'Attribute table'... effectively, each square block of 2x2 tiles (16x16 pixels) have to use the same color palette... and each block of 4x4 tiles (32x32 pixels) are defined by a single byte (2 bits per block - for 4 possible palettes)

Lets take the example to the right, with different 16 tiles making up a grid of 32x32 pixels- each areas palette would be defined by a single byte in the way below:
 7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0


The NES has 64 sprites, Sprites on the NES are defined by 256 bytes of OAM memory- 4 bytes per sprite

Sprites can either be 8x8 or 8x16, when they are 8x16, the top half of the sprite is taken from the patterns at $0000, and the bottom half is taken from $1000

The byte is selected by setting the OAM-address with memory location $2003 - effectively with 4x the sprite number...  then by writing the 4 bytes to $2004 (the OAM address autoincs)

The first visible pixel is at (X,Y) pos (0,8)

Byte Purpose Bits MeaningC0
2 Tilenum TTTTTTTT

3 Attribs VHB---PP Vflip  Hflip  Background priority  Palette

Color Palette
The Nes palette is slightly odd compared to RGB systems, you can see how the HEX values map to colors in the chart to the right->

Each tile has 4 colors, and you can have 4 separate palettes for tiles... and a separate 4 for sprites... this makes a total of 32 color definitions for tiles and sprites combined

$00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 $06 $07 $08 $09 $0A $0B $0C $0D $0E $0F
$10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16 $17 $18 $19 $1A $1B $1C $1D $1E $1F
$20 $21 $22 $23 $24 $25 $26 $27 $28 $29 $2A $2B $2C $2D $2E $2F
$30 $31 $32 $33 $34 $35 $36 $37 $38 $39 $3A $3B $3C $3D $3E $3F
Check out GameTechWiki for better palette info!

VRAM Address Category
$3F00 Common Background Color
$3F01 Background Palette 0
$3F05 Background Palette 1
$3F09 Background Palette 2
$3F0D Background Palette 3
$3F11 Sprite Palette 0
$3F15 Sprite Palette 1
$3F19 Sprite Palette 2
$3F1D Sprite Palette 3


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