68000 Assembly Programming for the Sega Genesis (Mega Drive)

The Genesis is Sega's 16 bit sucessor to the Master System... With some backwards compatibility at a hardware level, and much more powerful graphics and the CPU... the Genesis was a huge step up from the 8 bit generation

While the 68K CPU was massivly superior to that of the Super nintendo, unfortunately the Mode 7 capabilities of the SNES hardware more than made up for it, and the FX chip pretty much doomed the Genesis... but for the programmer, the Genesis is a great system giving the ease and power of the 68000, and a more conventional graphics system than the ROM based NeoGeo!


Sega Genesis
Cpu 8mhz 68000
Ram 64K
Vram 64K
Resolution 320x224
Bitmap planes 2 x 16 color
Max Sprites 80 sprites 16 color  (8x8 px 20 per line)
Sound chip Z80 (8K Ram) + YM2612 FM + PSG
Power Adaptor Genesis 1 (large version) 9V Center Negative (10V Famicom adaptor works fine)
Genesis 2 (smaller model) 10V Center Positive

ChibiAkumas Tutorials
Lesson P5 - Bitmap Functions on the Genesis

Lesson P11 - Joystick Reading on the Genesis

Lesson P16 - Palette Definitions on the Genesis

Lesson P20 - FM Sound on the Genesis via the Z80

Lesson P21 - FM Sound on the Genesis via the 68000
Lesson P27 - Hardware Sprites on the Genesis / Megadrive
Z80 Lesson P22 - Sound with the SN76489 on the Master System, GameGear, Megadrive (Genesis) and BBC Micro!

Genesis Links
Genesis_Technical_Overview_v1.00_1991_Sega_US PDF
MegaDrive Development Wiki
PlutieDev - Genesis Documentation and Tutorials

68000 Memory Map
Start address End address Description
$000000 $3FFFFF Cartridge ROM/RAM
$400000 $7FFFFF Reserved (used by the Sega CD and 32x)
$800000 $9FFFFF Reserved (used by the 32x?)
$A00000 $A0FFFF Z80 addressing space
$A10000 $A10001 Version register (read-only word-long)
$A10002 $A10003 Controller 1 data
$A10004 $A10005 Controller 2 data
$A10006 $A10007 Expansion port data
$A10008 $A10009 Controller 1 control
$A1000A $A1000B Controller 2 control
$A1000C $A1000D Expansion port control
$A1000E $A1000F Controller 1 serial transmit
$A10010 $A10011 Controller 1 serial receive
$A10012 $A10013 Controller 1 serial control
$A10014 $A10015 Controller 2 serial transmit
$A10016 $A10017 Controller 2 serial receive
$A10018 $A10019 Controller 2 serial control
$A1001A $A1001B Expansion port serial transmit
$A1001C $A1001D Expansion port serial receive
$A1001E $A1001F Expansion port serial control
$A10020 $A10FFF Reserved
Memory mode register
$A11002 $A110FF Reserved
$A11100 $A11101 Z80 bus request
$A11102 $A111FF Reserved
$A11200 $A11201 Z80 reset
$A11202 $A13FFF Reserved
$A14000 $A14003 TMSS register
$A14004 $BFFFFF Reserved
VDP Data Port (W)
VDP Data Port (Mirror)
VDP Control Port(W)
VDP Control Port (Mirror)
H/V Counter
H/V Counter (Mirror)
H/V Counter (Mirror)
H/V Counter (Mirror)
SN76489 PSG
SN76489 PSG (Mirror)
SN76489 PSG (Mirror)
SN76489 PSG (Mirror)
Disable/Debug register
Disable/Debug register (Mirror)
$C0001E $FEFFFF Reserved
$FF0000 $FFFFFF 68000 RAM
Z80 Memory Map
From To Meaning
$0000 $1FFF Sound Ram
$2000 $3FFF Reserved
YM2612 A0
YM2612 D0
YM2612 A1
YM2612 D1
$4000 $5FFF Sound Chip
Bank Register
$6000 $7F10 Misc
PSG 76489
$7F12 $7FFF Misc
$8000 $FFFF 68000 Bank

There are no Ports (accessible with Z80 OUT/IN)
We have to access the sound chip and 68000 cpu from these memory mapped addresses.

VDP Registers
RegNum Meaning

Sample Result
0 mode register 1 ---H-1M-
$04 no H interrupt
1 mode register 2 -D-V-D-P1--
$14 blanked, no V interrupt, DMA enable
2 name table base for scroll A (A=top 3 bits) --AAA---
$30 $C000
3 name table base for window (A=top 4 bits / 5 in H40 Mode) --AAAAA-
$3C $F000
4 name table base for scroll B (A=top 3 bits) -----AAA
$07 $E000
5 sprite attribute table base (A=top 7 bits / 6 in H40) -AAAAAAA
$6C $D800
6 unused register

$00 $00
7 background color (P=Palette C=Color) --PPCCCC
$00 $00
8 unused register

$00 $00
9 unused register

$00 $00
10 H interrupt register (L=Number of lines) LLLLLLLL
$FF $FF (esentially off)
11 mode register 3 ----IVHL
$00 disable ext int, full H/V scroll
12 mode register 4 (C bits both1 = H40 Cell) C---SIIC
$81 40 cell horizontal mode, no interlace
13 H scroll table base (A=Top 6 bits) --AAAAAA
$37 $FC00
14 unused register

$00 $00
15 auto increment (After each Read/Write) NNNNNNNN
$01 $01
16 scroll size (Horiz & Vert size of ScrollA & B) --VV-HH
$01 V 32 cell, H 64 cell
17 window H position (D=Direction C=Cells) D�CCCCC
$00 $00
18 window V position (D=Direction C=Cells) D�CCCCC
$00 $00
19 DMA length count low LLLLLLLL
$FF $00FF
20 DMA length count high HHHHHHHH
$FF $Ffxx
21 DMA source address low LLLLLLLL
$00 $xxxx00
22 DMA source address mid MMMMMMMM
$00 $xx00xx
23 DMA source address high (C=CMD) CCHHHHHH
$80 VRAM fill, addr $00xxxx
Color Ram addresses
Palette ColorNum Address Palette ColorNum Address Palette ColorNum Address Palette ColorNum Address
Palette 0 Color 0 $C0000000 Palette 1 Color 0 $C0200000 Palette 2 Color 0 $C0400000 Palette 3 Color 0 $C0600000

Color 1 $C0020000
Color 1 $C0220000
Color 1 $C0420000
Color 1 $C0620000

Color 2 $C0040000
Color 2 $C0240000
Color 2 $C0440000
Color 2 $C0640000

Color 3 $C0060000
Color 3 $C0260000
Color 3 $C0460000
Color 3 $C0660000

Color 4 $C0080000
Color 4 $C0280000
Color 4 $C0480000
Color 4 $C0680000

Color 5 $C00A0000
Color 5 $C02A0000
Color 5 $C04A0000
Color 5 $C06A0000

Color 6 $C00C0000
Color 6 $C02C0000
Color 6 $C04C0000
Color 6 $C06C0000

Color 7 $C00E0000
Color 7 $C02E0000
Color 7 $C04E0000
Color 7 $C06E0000

Color 8 $C0100000
Color 8 $C0300000
Color 8 $C0500000
Color 8 $C0700000

Color 9 $C0120000
Color 9 $C0320000
Color 9 $C0520000
Color 9 $C0720000

Color 10 $C0140000
Color 10 $C0340000
Color 10 $C0540000
Color 10 $C0740000

Color 11 $C0160000
Color 11 $C0360000
Color 11 $C0560000
Color 11 $C0760000

Color 12 $C0180000
Color 12 $C0380000
Color 12 $C0580000
Color 12 $C0780000

Color 13 $C01A0000
Color 13 $C03A0000
Color 13 $C05A0000
Color 13 $C07A0000

Color 14 $C01C0000
Color 14 $C03C0000
Color 14 $C05C0000
Color 14 $C07C0000

Color 15 $C01E0000
Color 15 $C03E0000
Color 15 $C05E0000
Color 15 $C07E0000

Colors are defined by 16 bits in the following format

  F    E    D    C    B    A    9    8      7    6    5    4    3    2     1     0  
- - - - B2 B1 B0 -
G2 G1 G0 - R2 R1 R0 -

Tilemaps... Scroll-A,Scroll-B and Window

There are 3 Tilemaps on the Genesis... Scroll-A and Scroll-B are 2 scrolling layers of tilemap...

There is a 3rd known as the 'Window' which cannot scroll - it's intended as a HUD and replaces Scroll-A.  a 'Fixed point' is defined on the screen, and everything above or below, and to the Left or Right of that point is the window (meaning it cannot be in the centre). Depending on the tile priority Window can be in front of, or behind Scroll-B

The VRAM address of these is defined by various registers, here are the suggested defaults.

Tilemap Reg Setting Vram Address
Scroll-A R2=$30 $C000
Scroll-B R4=$07 $E000
Window R3=$3C $F000


Scrolling on the Genesis is odd!

Normally we would scroll the whole tilemap horizontally and vertically by a number of pixels... but we can actually do more!

If we wish,We can scroll individual 'Strips' of the tilemap by different amounts!...

We can scroll the Vertical strips in 'chunks' of 16 pixels (Two tiles)

We can scroll the horizontal strips in 'chunks' of 8 pixels (one tile) OR even one line!

These are defined by reg R11... a setting of $00 scrolls the whole tilemap in one unit. $06 scrolls in blocks, $07 scrolls horizontally in lines (vertically always scrolls in 'Chunks'

Horizontal scrolling is defined in VRAM.
Vertical scrolling is defined by something called 'VSRAM' it's defined like the palette with special addresses. where as colors use the $C000 range, VSRAM use the $A000 range.

Scroll-A Horizontal
Scroll-B Horizontal Scroll-A Vertical Scroll-B Vertical
VRAM Address*  (Word)

VSRAM address* (Word)

$000-$04C $002-$04E

*To select a VSRAM address put the desired address in #$4xxx0010 and write to VDP_Ctrl port

*The VRAM address used for Hscroll is defined by R13... if R13=$37 then the base will be $DC00

Vram Addressing

The Genesis has 64k Vram - the purpose of each memory position is configurable, but a suggested memory map is shown to the right.

Selecting a memory address is performed by sending 4 bytes...  to the Control port, however the structiure of these bytes - and their relation to the address selected is slightly odd.. this is possibly due the "Backwards compatibility" with the SMS

Genesis tiles are 8x8, and 4 bits per pixel, so 32 bytes per tile

Memory Address Byte Command
$0000 $40000000
$1000 $50000000
$2000 $60000000
$3000 $70000000
$4000 $40000001
$5000 $50000001
$6000 $60000001
$7000 $70000001
$8000 $40000002
$9000 $50000002
$A000 $60000002
$B000 $70000002
$C000 $40000003
$D000 $50000003
$E000 $60000003
$F000 $70000003
$FFFF $7FFF0003
Vram Address Possible Use
$0000 Pattern definitions
$C000 Scroll A � Tilemap
$D800 Sprite Attrib table
$E000 Scroll B � Tilemap
$F000 Window Map
$FC00 Hscroll Table

Genesis Joystick Ports
Each joystick has two ports - one for Reading/Writing Data, and one Control port. To set the direction (Read or Write) of each bit of the data port (0=Read, 1=Write)
We will need to set bit 6 to Write to read all the Genesis Buttons

End address Description
$A10003 Controller 1 data
$A10005 Controller 2 data
$A10009 Controller 1 control
$A1000B Controller 2 control

The Genesis Joystick ports are backwards compatible with the Master system, therefore we have to send a sequence of 1's and 0's to the 'TH' bit (Bit 6) to select the different buttons available
Note: Some of the buttons are duplicated in multiple read configurations.

 TH Bit Write      7         6     5     4     3     2     1 0
1 0 (TH) C B Right Left Down Up
0 0 (TH) Start A 0 0 Down Up
1,0,1,0,1*,0 0 (TH) C B X Y Z Mode

* We should perform a write of 0 to TH afterwards to reset sequence (1,0,1,0,1,0)


The Genesis has backwards compatibility with the SMS/GG SN76489

If we're getting the Genesis Z80 to control the SN76489, we can just send data to port &7F again!
Unlike the NeoGeo, we can access the sound chip from the 68000 - which is probably easier!... we do this by writing to port &C00011

The data uses the format below

Command Bit Details  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
Format Template L=Latch C=Channel T=Type XXXX=Data L C C T D D D D

Tone - Command 1/2 C=Channel L=tone Low data 1 C C 0 L L L L
Tone - Command 2/2 H= High tone data (Higher numbers = lower tone) 0 - H H H H H H
Volume C=Channel (0-2)  V=Volume (15=silent 0=max) 1 C C 1 V V V V
Noise Channel (Channel 3)  M=Noise mode (1=white) R=Rate (3=use tone 2) 1 1 1 0 - M R R


Tilemap A is defined by addresses &C000 onwards - each tile is defined by 2 bytes

The tilemap is 64 tiles wide and 32 tiles tall

F E D C B A 9 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
T T T T T T T T    T=Tille number  H=Hflip  V=vflip  P=palette number   L=Layer (in front of /behind sprites)

Tile pattern data is NOT in bitplane format, it's in the same format as 16 color systems like the MSX2 or SAM coupe. Two pixels color information is held in a single byte, so one 32 bit long defines all 8 pixels of a tile


In H40 mode (the mode used in these tutorials), we can have up to 80 sprites onscreen...  (H32 mode can do only 64)
Each sprite can be 8x8 to 32x32
The position (and other settings) are defined by 8 by (4 Words) per sprite.

The first visible pixel is at sprite (X,Y) pos (128,128)

Address Sprite Num Details
$D800 1 Ypos
$D802 1 Size,Link
$D804 1 Palette,Flip,Pattern
$D806 1 Xpos
$D808 2 Ypos
$D80A 2 Size,Link
$D80C 2 Palette,Flip,Pattern
$D80E 2 Xpos
$D810 3 Ypos

$D9FF 64 Xpos � Last Sprite of H32

$DA7F 80 Xpos � Last Sprite of H80

As we can see, Each sprite has 4 words, they use the same pattern data as the background...

Address   F   E   D   C   B   A   9   8   
 7   6   5   4    3   2   1   0   Details
$D800 - - - - - - Y Y
Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y  Y-Pos
$D802 - - - - W W H H
- L L L L L L L  Width (8,16,24,32), Height (8,16,24,32), Link (to next sprite)
$D804 P C C V H N N N
N N N N N N N N  Priority, Color palette , Vflip, Hflip, tile Number
$D806 - - - - - - - X
X X X X X X X X  X-pos

The 'Link' Connects the sprites together, each sprite should point to the next (starting from Sprite 0) and the last sprite should point back to sprite 0, this is not like neogeo chaining,it doesn't make the sprites move together it doesn't make the sprites move together - it defines the 'draw order' of the active sprites.

Multi pattern Sprites
A basic sprite is 8x8, but sprites can be enlarged up to 32x32... however this sprite will still be made up of 8x8 pattern data...

If we want a larger sprite, we need to break up the sprite into 8x8 blocks, and save those in VRAM in the correct order - the tiles go down first, and across second, as shown below:

1 5 9 13
2 6 10 14
3 7 11 15
4 8 12 16

Mouse Reading

The Genesis mouse can be read from the standard joystick ports.

We need to write #%01100000 to $A10009 for Joy Port 1, or $A1000B for Joy Port 2
We then send and receive bytes from port $A10003 for Joy Port 1, or $A10005 for Joy Port 2

Here is the sequence of bytes we send, and bits we receive back:

Sent Byte Received Bits

      6            5            4      3 2        1      

$60 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
$20 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1
$00 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
$20 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
$00 0 0 0 1  Y Overflow 
 X Overflow 
 Y Sign X Sign   Overflow flag / Move direction
$20 0 0 1 0 Start Middle Left Right   Buttons
$00 0 0 0 1 X axis High byte   X
$20 0 0 1 0 X axis Low byte   X
$00 0 0 0 1 Y axis High byte   Y
$20 0 0 1 0 Y axis Low byte   Y
$60 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?   Transfer Stop

Sound on the Genesis via SN76489

The Genesis still supports the Master System & Gamegear sound chip, and we can use it in the same way as those systems if we wish... the data we send is in the format below

Command Bit Details  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
Format Template L=Latch C=Channel T=Type XXXX=Data L C C T D D D D

Tone - Command 1/2 C=Channel L=tone Low data 1 C C 0 L L L L
Tone - Command 2/2 H= High tone data (Higher numbers = lower tone) 0 - H H H H H H
Volume C=Channel (0-2)  V=Volume (15=silent 0=max) 1 C C 1 V V V V
Noise Channel (Channel 3)  M=Noise mode (1=white) R=Rate (3=use tone 2) 1 1 1 0 - M R R

We looked at using the SN76489 on the Genesis in the Z80 Tutorials here!

FM Sound on the Genesis via YM2612
The Genesis uses 2 pairs of Address and Data ports to access ALL the sound registers - these can be accessed by the Z80, or 68000, but we must disable the Z80 if we want to use the 68000,
We can do this with the commands shown the right

Learn more about the registers with the YM2608 manual   (Japanese Original) Note... The YM2612 only has the FM part, and does not have the SSG of the 2608
    move.w  #$100,$a11100    ;Z80 Bus REQ
    move.w  #$100,$a11200    ;Z80 Reset

Each channel runs an 'Algorithm made up of multiple 'Operators', these all combine to make a particular type of sound.

Alg1: Four serial connection mode 
Alg2: Three double modulation serial connection mode
Alg3: Double modulation mode
Alg4: Two serial connection and two parallel modes
Alg5: Common modulation 3 parallel mode
Alg6: Two serial connection + two sine mode
Alg7: Four parallel sine synthesis mode
The sound changes over time depending on various Operator registers...

Sound Terminology:

Attack: Increase in volume to max after Key down (Reg $50-$5E)
Decay: Short term Sound Fade rate over time while key down (Reg $60-$6E)
Long term Sound Fade rate (Reg $70-$7E)
Sound Fade rate after key released (Reg $80-$8E)

Total Level: Effective volume - the loudest the tone ever gets ($40-$4E)
Sustain Level: Volume level at which Decay ends, and Sustain starts ($80-$8E)

YM2612 Registers

Purpose A0/D0
Bits Details
$22 LFO ALL - ----EFFF E=enable F=frequency
$24 Timer A low ALL - TTTTTTTT Timer bits 10-2
$25 Timer A high ALL - ------TT Timer bits 1-0
$26 Timer B ALL - TTTTTTTT Timer B
$27 Ch3 CSM Mode & Ch3 Multi-Mode & Enable Timers ALL - 33RROOSS 3= Chn 3 mode / R=timer resets / O= Timer overflows / S = Timer StartStop
$28 Individual Operator Key On/Off ALL - OOOO-CCC O=operator (%4321----) / C=Channel (%000=chn 1 %110=chn6)
$29 SCH, IRQ Enable ALL - S--IIIII S=Sixchannel / I=IRQ Enable
$2B DAC Enable ALL - E------- E=enable
$30 Multiplier & Detune Ch1 Op1 Ch4 Op1 -DDDMMMM D=Detune / M=Multiplier
$31 Multiplier & Detune Ch2 Op1 Ch5 Op1 -DDDMMMM D=Detune / M=Multiplier
$32 Multiplier & Detune Ch3 Op1 Ch6 Op1 -DDDMMMM D=Detune / M=Multiplier
$34 Multiplier & Detune Ch1 Op2 Ch4 Op2 -DDDMMMM D=Detune / M=Multiplier
$35 Multiplier & Detune Ch2 Op2 Ch5 Op2 -DDDMMMM D=Detune / M=Multiplier
$36 Multiplier & Detune Ch3 Op2 Ch6 Op2 -DDDMMMM D=Detune / M=Multiplier
$38 Multiplier & Detune Ch1 Op3 Ch4 Op3 -DDDMMMM D=Detune / M=Multiplier
$39 Multiplier & Detune Ch2 Op3 Ch5 Op3 -DDDMMMM D=Detune / M=Multiplier
$3A Multiplier & Detune Ch3 Op3 Ch6 Op3 -DDDMMMM D=Detune / M=Multiplier
$3C Multiplier & Detune Ch1 Op4 Ch4 Op4 -DDDMMMM D=Detune / M=Multiplier
$3D Multiplier & Detune Ch2 Op4 Ch5 Op4 -DDDMMMM D=Detune / M=Multiplier
$3E Multiplier & Detune Ch3 Op4 Ch6 Op4 -DDDMMMM D=Detune / M=Multiplier
$40 Total Level Ch1 Op1 Ch4 Op1 -TTTTTTT T=Total Level (0=largest)
$41 Total Level Ch2 Op1 Ch5 Op1 -TTTTTTT T=Total Level (0=largest)
$42 Total Level Ch3 Op1 Ch6 Op1 -TTTTTTT T=Total Level (0=largest)
$44 Total Level Ch1 Op2 Ch4 Op2 -TTTTTTT T=Total Level (0=largest)
$45 Total Level Ch2 Op2 Ch5 Op2 -TTTTTTT T=Total Level (0=largest)
$46 Total Level Ch3 Op2 Ch6 Op2 -TTTTTTT T=Total Level (0=largest)
$48 Total Level Ch1 Op3 Ch4 Op3 -TTTTTTT T=Total Level (0=largest)
$49 Total Level Ch2 Op3 Ch5 Op3 -TTTTTTT T=Total Level (0=largest)
$4A Total Level Ch3 Op3 Ch6 Op3 -TTTTTTT T=Total Level (0=largest)
$4C Total Level Ch1 Op4 Ch4 Op4 -TTTTTTT T=Total Level (0=largest)
$4D Total Level Ch2 Op4 Ch5 Op4 -TTTTTTT T=Total Level (0=largest)
$4E Total Level Ch3 Op4 Ch6 Op4 -TTTTTTT T=Total Level (0=largest)
$50 Attack Rate & Rate Key Scaling Ch1 Op1 Ch4 Op1 RR-AAAAA R=Rate Scaling / A = Attack rate
$51 Attack Rate & Rate Key Scaling Ch2 Op1 Ch5 Op1 RR-AAAAA R=Rate Scaling / A = Attack rate
$52 Attack Rate & Rate Key Scaling Ch3 Op1 Ch6 Op1 RR-AAAAA R=Rate Scaling / A = Attack rate
$54 Attack Rate & Rate Key Scaling Ch1 Op2 Ch4 Op2 RR-AAAAA R=Rate Scaling / A = Attack rate
$55 Attack Rate & Rate Key Scaling Ch2 Op2 Ch5 Op2 RR-AAAAA R=Rate Scaling / A = Attack rate
$56 Attack Rate & Rate Key Scaling Ch3 Op2 Ch6 Op2 RR-AAAAA R=Rate Scaling / A = Attack rate
$58 Attack Rate & Rate Key Scaling Ch1 Op3 Ch4 Op3 RR-AAAAA R=Rate Scaling / A = Attack rate
$59 Attack Rate & Rate Key Scaling Ch2 Op3 Ch5 Op3 RR-AAAAA R=Rate Scaling / A = Attack rate
$5A Attack Rate & Rate Key Scaling Ch3 Op3 Ch6 Op3 RR-AAAAA R=Rate Scaling / A = Attack rate
$5C Attack Rate & Rate Key Scaling Ch1 Op4 Ch4 Op4 RR-AAAAA R=Rate Scaling / A = Attack rate
$5D Attack Rate & Rate Key Scaling Ch2 Op4 Ch5 Op4 RR-AAAAA R=Rate Scaling / A = Attack rate
$5E Attack Rate & Rate Key Scaling Ch3 Op4 Ch6 Op4 RR-AAAAA R=Rate Scaling / A = Attack rate
$60 Decay Rate & AM Enable Ch1 Op1 Ch4 Op1 A--DDDDD A=Amplitude Mod Enable / D= Decay rate
$61 Decay Rate & AM Enable Ch2 Op1 Ch5 Op1 A--DDDDD A=Amplitude Mod Enable / D= Decay rate
$62 Decay Rate & AM Enable Ch3 Op1 Ch6 Op1 A--DDDDD A=Amplitude Mod Enable / D= Decay rate
$64 Decay Rate & AM Enable Ch1 Op2 Ch4 Op2 A--DDDDD A=Amplitude Mod Enable / D= Decay rate
$65 Decay Rate & AM Enable Ch2 Op2 Ch5 Op2 A--DDDDD A=Amplitude Mod Enable / D= Decay rate
$66 Decay Rate & AM Enable Ch3 Op2 Ch6 Op2 A--DDDDD A=Amplitude Mod Enable / D= Decay rate
$68 Decay Rate & AM Enable Ch1 Op3 Ch4 Op3 A--DDDDD A=Amplitude Mod Enable / D= Decay rate
$69 Decay Rate & AM Enable Ch2 Op3 Ch5 Op3 A--DDDDD A=Amplitude Mod Enable / D= Decay rate
$6A Decay Rate & AM Enable Ch3 Op3 Ch6 Op3 A--DDDDD A=Amplitude Mod Enable / D= Decay rate
$6C Decay Rate & AM Enable Ch1 Op4 Ch4 Op4 A--DDDDD A=Amplitude Mod Enable / D= Decay rate
$6D Decay Rate & AM Enable Ch2 Op4 Ch5 Op4 A--DDDDD A=Amplitude Mod Enable / D= Decay rate
$6E Decay Rate & AM Enable Ch3 Op4 Ch6 Op4 A--DDDDD A=Amplitude Mod Enable / D= Decay rate
$70 Sustain Rate Ch1 Op1 Ch4 Op1 ---SSSSS S=Sustain Rate
$71 Sustain Rate Ch2 Op1 Ch5 Op1 ---SSSSS S=Sustain Rate
$72 Sustain Rate Ch3 Op1 Ch6 Op1 ---SSSSS S=Sustain Rate
$74 Sustain Rate Ch1 Op2 Ch4 Op2 ---SSSSS S=Sustain Rate
$75 Sustain Rate Ch2 Op2 Ch5 Op2 ---SSSSS S=Sustain Rate
$76 Sustain Rate Ch3 Op2 Ch6 Op2 ---SSSSS S=Sustain Rate
$78 Sustain Rate Ch1 Op3 Ch4 Op3 ---SSSSS S=Sustain Rate
$79 Sustain Rate Ch2 Op3 Ch5 Op3 ---SSSSS S=Sustain Rate
$7A Sustain Rate Ch3 Op3 Ch6 Op3 ---SSSSS S=Sustain Rate
$7C Sustain Rate Ch1 Op4 Ch4 Op4 ---SSSSS S=Sustain Rate
$7D Sustain Rate Ch2 Op4 Ch5 Op4 ---SSSSS S=Sustain Rate
$7E Sustain Rate Ch3 Op4 Ch6 Op4 ---SSSSS S=Sustain Rate
$80 Release Rate & Sustain Level Ch1 Op1 Ch4 Op1 SSSSRRRR S=Sustain Level / Release Rate
$81 Release Rate & Sustain Level Ch2 Op1 Ch5 Op1 SSSSRRRR S=Sustain Level / Release Rate
$82 Release Rate & Sustain Level Ch3 Op1 Ch6 Op1 SSSSRRRR S=Sustain Level / Release Rate
$84 Release Rate & Sustain Level Ch1 Op2 Ch4 Op2 SSSSRRRR S=Sustain Level / Release Rate
$85 Release Rate & Sustain Level Ch2 Op2 Ch5 Op2 SSSSRRRR S=Sustain Level / Release Rate
$86 Release Rate & Sustain Level Ch3 Op2 Ch6 Op2 SSSSRRRR S=Sustain Level / Release Rate
$88 Release Rate & Sustain Level Ch1 Op3 Ch4 Op3 SSSSRRRR S=Sustain Level / Release Rate
$89 Release Rate & Sustain Level Ch2 Op3 Ch5 Op3 SSSSRRRR S=Sustain Level / Release Rate
$8A Release Rate & Sustain Level Ch3 Op3 Ch6 Op3 SSSSRRRR S=Sustain Level / Release Rate
$8C Release Rate & Sustain Level Ch1 Op4 Ch4 Op4 SSSSRRRR S=Sustain Level / Release Rate
$8D Release Rate & Sustain Level Ch2 Op4 Ch5 Op4 SSSSRRRR S=Sustain Level / Release Rate
$8E Release Rate & Sustain Level Ch3 Op4 Ch6 Op4 SSSSRRRR S=Sustain Level / Release Rate
$90 SSG-Envelope Generator Ch1 Op1 Ch4 Op1 ----EEEE E=Envelope Gen
$91 SSG-Envelope Generator Ch2 Op1 Ch5 Op1 ----EEEE E=Envelope Gen
$92 SSG-Envelope Generator Ch3 Op1 Ch6 Op1 ----EEEE E=Envelope Gen
$94 SSG-Envelope Generator Ch1 Op2 Ch4 Op2 ----EEEE E=Envelope Gen
$95 SSG-Envelope Generator Ch2 Op2 Ch5 Op2 ----EEEE E=Envelope Gen
$96 SSG-Envelope Generator Ch3 Op2 Ch6 Op2 ----EEEE E=Envelope Gen
$98 SSG-Envelope Generator Ch1 Op3 Ch4 Op3 ----EEEE E=Envelope Gen
$99 SSG-Envelope Generator Ch2 Op3 Ch5 Op3 ----EEEE E=Envelope Gen
$9A SSG-Envelope Generator Ch3 Op3 Ch6 Op3 ----EEEE E=Envelope Gen
$9C SSG-Envelope Generator Ch1 Op4 Ch4 Op4 ----EEEE E=Envelope Gen
$9D SSG-Envelope Generator Ch2 Op4 Ch5 Op4 ----EEEE E=Envelope Gen
$9E SSG-Envelope Generator Ch3 Op4 Ch6 Op4 ----EEEE E=Envelope Gen
$A0 Frequency low (Write Second) Ch1 Ch4 PPPPPPPP P=Frequency Position L
$A1 Frequency low (Write Second) Ch2 Ch5 PPPPPPPP P=Frequency Position L
$A2 Frequency low (Write Second) Ch3 Ch6 PPPPPPPP P=Frequency Position L
$A4 Frequency high & Octave (Write first) Ch1 Ch4 --OOOPPP O=Octive / P=Position H
$A5 Frequency high & Octave (Write first) Ch2 Ch5 --OOOPPP O=Octive / P=Position H
$A6 Frequency high & Octave (Write first) Ch3 Ch6 --OOOPPP O=Octive / P=Position H
$A8 Frequency low during Multi-Mode Ch3 Op2 - PPPPPPPP P=Frequency Position L
$A9 Frequency low during Multi-Mode Ch3 Op3 - PPPPPPPP P=Frequency Position L
$AA Frequency low during Multi-Mode Ch3 Op4 - PPPPPPPP P=Frequency Position L
$AC Frequency high & Octave during Multi-Mode Ch3 Op2 - --OOOPPP O=Octive / P=Position H
$AD Frequency high & Octave during Multi-Mode Ch3 Op3 - --OOOPPP O=Octive / P=Position H
$AE Frequency high & Octave during Multi-Mode Ch3 Op4 - --OOOPPP O=Octive / P=Position H
$B0 Algorithm & Feedback Ch1 Ch4 --FFFAAA F=Feedback / A=Algorithm
$B1 Algorithm & Feedback Ch2 Ch5 --FFFAAA F=Feedback / A=Algorithm
$B2 Algorithm & Feedback Ch3 Ch6 --FFFAAA F=Feedback / A=Algorithm
$B4 FMS & AMS & Stereo Ch1 Ch4 LRAA-FFF Left / Right (1=on) / A=Amplitude Mod Sensitivity / F=Frequency Mod Sensitivity
$B5 FMS & AMS & Stereo Ch2 Ch5 LRAA-FFF Left / Right (1=on) / A=Amplitude Mod Sensitivity / F=Frequency Mod Sensitivity
$B6 FMS & AMS & Stereo Ch3 Ch6 LRAA-FFF Left / Right (1=on) / A=Amplitude Mod Sensitivity / F=Frequency Mod Sensitivity


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Please note: I wlll upload more content to these alt platforms based on the views they bring in

Z80 Content
***Z80 Tutorial List***
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Elan Enterprise
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Master System & GameGear
Sam Coupe
ZX Spectrum
Spectrum NEXT
Camputers Lynx

6502 Content
***6502 Tutorial List***
Learn 6502 Assembly
Advanced Series
Platform Specific Series
Hello World Series
Simple Samples
Grime 6502
6502 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
6502 Platforms
Apple IIe
Atari 800 and 5200
Atari Lynx
BBC Micro
Commodore 64
Commodore PET
Commander x16
Super Nintendo (SNES)
Nintendo NES / Famicom
PC Engine (Turbografx-16)
Vic 20

68000 Content
***68000 Tutorial List***
Learn 68000 Assembly
Hello World Series
Platform Specific Series
Simple Samples
Grime 68000
68000 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
68000 Platforms
Amiga 500
Atari ST
Neo Geo
Sega Genesis / Mega Drive
Sinclair QL
X68000 (Sharp x68k)

8086 Content
Learn 8086 Assembly
Platform Specific Series
Hello World Series
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8086 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
8086 Platforms

ARM Content
Learn ARM Assembly
Learn ARM Thumb Assembly
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ARM Downloads
ARM Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
ARM Platforms
Gameboy Advance
Nintendo DS
Risc Os

Risc-V Content
Learn Risc-V Assembly
Risc-V Downloads
Risc-V Cheatsheet
DevTools kit

MIPS Content
Learn Risc-V Assembly
Platform Specific Series
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MIPS Downloads
MIPS Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
MIPS Platforms

PDP-11 Content
Learn PDP-11 Assembly
Platform Specific Series
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PDP-11 Downloads
PDP-11 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
PDP-11 Platforms

TMS9900 Content
Learn TMS9900 Assembly
Platform Specific Series
Hello World
TMS9900 Downloads
TMS9900 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
TMS9900 Platforms
Ti 99

6809 Content
Learn 6809 Assembly
Learn 6309 Assembly
Platform Specific Series
Hello World Series
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6809/6309 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
6809 Platforms
Dragon 32/Tandy Coco
Fujitsu FM7
TRS-80 Coco 3

65816 Content
Learn 65816 Assembly
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65816 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
65816 Platforms

eZ80 Content
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Platform Specific Series
eZ80 Downloads
eZ80 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
eZ80 Platforms
Ti84 PCE

IBM370 Content
Learn IBM370 Assembly
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IBM370 Downloads
IBM370 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit

Super-H Content
Learn SH2 Assembly
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SH2 Downloads
SH2 Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
SH2 Platforms

PowerPC Content
Learn PowerPC Assembly
Hello World Series
Simple Samples
PowerPC Downloads
PowerPC Cheatsheet
DevTools kit
PowerPC Platforms

Work in Progress

Misc bits
Ruby programming

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