Purpose |
0 |
0 |
Print operating system version |
1 |
1 |
User OSBYTE call, read |
2 |
2 |
Select input stream |
3 |
3 |
Select output stream |
4 |
4 |
Enable |
5 |
5 |
Select printer destination |
6 |
6 |
Set character ignored by printer |
7 |
7 |
Set RS423 baud rate for receiving data |
8 |
8 |
Set RS423 baud rate for data transmission |
9 |
9 |
Set flashing colour mark state duration |
10 |
A |
Set flashing colour space state duration |
11 |
B |
Set keyboard auto-repeat delay interval |
12 |
C |
Set keyboard auto-repeat rate |
13 |
D |
Disable events |
14 |
E |
Enable events |
15 |
F |
Flush selected buffer class |
16 |
10 |
Select ADC channels to be sampled |
17 |
11 |
Force an ADC conversion |
18 |
12 |
Reset soft keys |
19 |
13 |
Wait for vertical sync |
20 |
14 |
Explode soft character RAM allocation |
21 |
15 |
Flush specific buffer |
117 |
75 |
Read VDU status |
118 |
76 |
Reflect keyboard status in LEDs |
119 |
77 |
Close any SPOOL or EXEC files |
120 |
78 |
Write current keys pressed information |
121 |
79 |
Perform keyboard scan |
122 |
7A |
Perform keyboard scan from 16 (&10) |
123 |
7B |
Inform OS, printer driver going dormant |
124 |
7C |
Clear ESCAPE condition |
125 |
7D |
Set ESCAPE condition |
126 |
7E |
Acknowledge detection of ESCAPE condition |
127 |
7F |
Check for EOF on an open file |
128 |
80 |
Read ADC channel or get buffer status |
129 |
81 |
Read key with time limit |
130 |
82 |
Read machine high order address |
131 |
83 |
Read top of OS RAM address (OSHWM) |
132 |
84 |
Read bottom of display RAM address (HIMEM) |
133 |
85 |
Read bottom of display address for a given MODE |
134 |
86 |
Read text cursor position (POS and VPOS) |
135 |
87 |
Read character at cursor position |
136 |
88 |
Perform *CODE |
137 |
89 |
Perform *MOTOR |
138 |
8A |
Insert value into buffer |
139 |
8B |
Perform *OPT |
140 |
8C |
Perform *TAPE |
141 |
8D |
Perform *ROM |
142 |
8E |
Enter language ROM |
143 |
8F |
Issue paged ROM service request |
144 |
90 |
Perform *TV |
145 |
91 |
Get character from buffer |
146 |
92 |
Read from FRED, 1 MHz bus |
147 |
93 |
Write to FRED, 1 MHz bus |
148 |
94 |
Read from JIM, 1 MHz bus |
149 |
95 |
Write to JIM, 1 MHz bus |
150 |
96 |
Read from SHEILA, mapped I/ O |
151 |
97 |
Write to SHEILA, mapped I/ O |
152 |
98 |
Examine buffer status |
153 |
99 |
Insert character into input buffer |
154 |
9A |
Write to video ULA control register and copy |
155 |
9B |
Write to video ULA palette register and copy |
156 |
9C |
Read/ write 6850 control register and copy |
157 |
9D |
Fast Tube BPUT |
158 |
9E |
Read from speech processor |
159 |
9F |
Write to speech processor |
160 |
A0 |
Read VDU variable value |
166 |
A6 |
Read start address of OS variables (low byte) |
167 |
A7 |
Read start address of OS variables (high byte) |
168 |
A8 |
Read address of ROM pointer table (low byte) |
169 |
A9 |
Read address of ROM pointer table (high byte) |
170 |
AA |
Read address of ROM information table (low
byte) |
171 |
AB |
Read address of ROM information table (high
byte) |
172 |
AC |
Read address of key translation table (low
byte) |
173 |
AD |
Read address of key translation table (high
byte) |
174 |
AE |
Read start address of OS VDU variables (low
byte) |
175 |
AF |
Read start address of OS VDU variables (high
byte) |
176 |
B0 |
Read/ write CFS timeout counter |
177 |
B1 |
Read/ write input source |
178 |
B2 |
Read/ write keyboard semaphore |
179 |
B3 |
Read/ write primary OSHWM |
180 |
B4 |
Read/ write current OSHWM |
181 |
B5 |
Read/ write RS423 mode |
182 |
B6 |
Read character definition explosion state |
183 |
B7 |
Read/ write cassette/ ROM filing system switch |
184 |
B8 |
Read RAM copy of video ULA control register |
185 |
B9 |
Read RAM copy of video ULA palette register |
186 |
BA |
Read/ write ROM number active at last BRK
(error) |
187 |
BB |
Read/ write number of ROM socket containing
188 |
BC |
Read current ADC channel |
189 |
BD |
Read/ write maximum ADC channel number |
190 |
BE |
Read ADC conversion type |
191 |
BF |
Read/ write RS423 use flag |
192 |
C0 |
Read RS423 control flag |
193 |
C1 |
Read/ write flash counter |
194 |
C2 |
Read/ write mark period count |
195 |
C3 |
Read/ write space period count |
196 |
C4 |
Read/ write keyboard auto-repeat delay |
197 |
C5 |
Read/ write keyboard auto-repeat period |
198 |
C6 |
Read/ write *EXEC file handle |
199 |
C7 |
Read/ write *SPOOL file handle |
200 |
C8 |
Read/ write ESCAPE, BREAK effect |
201 |
C9 |
Read/ write Econet keyboard disable |
202 |
CA |
Read/ write keyboard status byte |
203 |
CB |
Read/ write RS423 handshake extent |
204 |
CC |
Read/ write RS423 input suppression flag |
205 |
CD |
Read/ write cassette/ RS423 selection flag |
206 |
CE |
Read/ write Econet OS call interception status |
207 |
CF |
Read/ write Econet OSRDCH interception status |
208 |
D0 |
Read/ write Econet OSWRCH interception status |
209 |
Dl |
Read/ write speech suppression status |
210 |
D2 |
Read/ write sound suppression status |
211 |
D3 |
Read/ write BELL channel |
212 |
D4 |
Read/ write BELL envelope number/ amplitude |
213 |
D5 |
Read/ write BELL frequency |
214 |
D6 |
Read/ write BELL duration |
215 |
D7 |
Read/ write startup message and !BOOT options |
216 |
D8 |
Read/ write length of soft key string |
217 |
D9 |
Read/ write number of lines printed since last
page |
218 |
DA |
Read/ write number of items in VDU queue |
219 |
DB |
Read/ write TAB character value |
220 |
DC |
Read/ write ESCAPE character value |
221 |
DD |
Read/ write character &CO to &CF status |
222 |
DE |
Read/ write character &DO to &DF status |
223 |
DF |
Read/ write character &EO to &EF status |
224 |
E0 |
Read/ write character &FO to &FF status |
225 |
El |
Read/ write function key status |
226 |
E2 |
Read/ write SHIFT+ function key status |
227 |
E3 |
Read/ write CTRL+function key status |
228 |
E4 |
Read/ write CTRL+SHIFT+function key status |
229 |
E5 |
Read/ write ESCAPE key status |
230 |
E6 |
Read/ write flags determining ESCAPE effects |
231 |
E7 |
Read/ write JRQ bit mask for user 6522 |
232 |
E8 |
Read/ write IRQ bit mask for 6850 |
233 |
E9 |
Read/ write IRQ bit mask for system 6S22 |
234 |
EA |
Read flag indicating Tube presence |
235 |
EB |
Read flag indicating speech processor presence |
236 |
EC |
Read/ write write character destination status |
237 |
ED |
Read/ write cursor editing status |
238 |
EE |
Read/ write location &27E, not used by 05
1.20 |
239 |
EF |
Read/ write location &27F, not used by 05
1.20 |
240 |
F0 |
Read/ write location &280, not used by 05
1.20 |
241 |
F1 |
Read/ write location &281, used by *FX 1 |
242 |
F2 |
Read RAM copy of serial processor ULA |
243 |
F3 |
Read/ write timer switch state |
244 |
F4 |
Read/ write soft key consistency flag |
245 |
F5 |
Read/ write printer destination flag |
246 |
F6 |
Read/ write character ignored by printer |
247 |
F7 |
Read/ write first byte of BREAK intercept code |
248 |
F8 |
Read/ write second byte of BREAK intercept code |
249 |
F9 |
Read/ write third byte of BREAK intercept code |
250 |
FA |
Read/ write location &28A, not used by
OS1.20 |
251 |
FB |
Read/ write location &28B, not used by
OS1.20 |
252 |
FC |
Read/ write current language ROM number |
253 |
FD |
Read/ write last BREAK type |
254 |
FE |
Read/ write available RAM |
255 |
FF |
Read/ write start up options |