6502 Assembly programming for the BBC Micro B

The BBC Micro was made by Acorn for the UK's public broadcasting system, it was presented as part of the TV show "BBC Micro Live"

The BBC had highly configurable hardware, with support for many external devices, and even non 6502 coprocessors... it's Basic even supported in-line assembly language!

the Model A was the cheaper model, however it's 16k limit will be rather restrictive, so we will be covering the more usable 32k system the Micro B

Model A Model B Master
Cpu 2mhz 6502 2mhz 6502 2mhz 6502
Ram 16k  32k  128k 
Vram Uses internal memory

Resolution 640�256 640�256 640�256
Colors 8 8 8
Sound chip SN76489 (4 channel) SN76489 (4 channel) SN76489 (4 channel)

ChibiAkumas Tutorials
Lesson H1 - Hello World on the BBC Micro!
Lesson P1 - Bitmap Functions on the BBC

Lesson P10 - Joystick Reading on the BBC
Lesson P17 - Palette definitions on the BBC
Lesson P22 (z80) - Sound with the SN76489 on the BBC Micro
Lesson P37 - Screen settings with the CRTC on the BBC Micro!
Lesson P45 - Sound on the BBC (ChibiSound Pro)
Lesson S1 - Bitmap Drawing on the BBC
Lesson S10 - Joystick Reading on the BBC

Lesson S20 - Sprite Clipping on the BBC
Lesson Photon2 - BBC - ASM PSET and POINT for Pixel Plotting

Useful Resources
Advanced User Guide PDF - Official documentation on all the hardware
BBC-OS-1.2-Annotated Disassembly - Useful for seeing how firmware interrupt handlers work!

Memory Map
Memory Range  
$0000-$006F BASIC language
$0070-$008F free for user routines
$0090-$00AF allocated to machine operating system
$00B0-$00CF allocated to current filing system
$00D0-$00FB allocated to machine operating system
$00FC User IRQ routine save slot for register A
$00FD-$00FE Address following detected BRK instruction
$00FF The top bit is set during an ESCAPE condition
$0100-$01FF 6502 stack
$0200-$02FF Operating system workspace and indirection vectors
$0300-$03FF Miscellaneous workspace
$0400-$07FF Language ROM workspace
$0800-$08FF Miscellaneous workspace
$0900-$09FF RS423 transmit, cassette, sound and speech workspace
$0A00-$0AFF RS423 receive, and cassette workspace
$0B00-$0BFF User defined function key definitions
$0C00-$0CFF User defined character definitions
$0D00-$0D7F Used by NMI routines (eg by Disc or Econet filing systems)
$0D80-$0DFF allocated to machine operating system
$0E00 Default setting of PAGE
$4000-$7FFF Optional RAM on Model B
$8000-$BFFF One or more languages ROMS (e.g. BASIC, PASCAL)
$C000-$FBFF Operating System ROM
$FC00-$FCFF External memory mapped input/output (FRED)
$FD00-$FDFF External memory mapped input/output (JIM)
$FE00-$FEFF Internal memory mapped input/output (SHEILA)
$FF00-$FFFF Operating System ROM

Zero Page Details

Zero Page
$00-$6F Basic OS
$70-$8F Reserved for User
$90-$9F Econet system.
$A0-$A7 Current NMI owner
$A8-$AF Allocated for use by operating system commands
$B0-$BF Filing system scratch space
$C0-$CF Currently active filing system.
$D0 VDU status as returned by OSBYTE $75.
$D1 Byte mask for the current graphics point.
$D2-$D3 Text colour bytes to be ORed and EORed into memory
$D4-$D5 Similar in function to $D2 and $D3, only they are the graphics colour bytes
$D6-$D7 Address of the top line of the current graphics character cell (eight bytes)
$D8-$D9 Contain the address of the top scan line of the current text character.
$DA-$DF Used as temporary workspace.
$E0-$E1 Used as a pointer to the row multiplication table, high bytes first.
$E2 Cassette filing system status byte
$E3 Cassette filing system options byte, as set by the *OPT command.
$E4-$E6 used as general operating system workspace.
$E7 Auto repeat countdown timer.
$E8-$E9 Pointer to the input buffer into which data is entered by OSWORD $01.
$EA RS423 timeout counter
$EB Cassette critical flag
$EC Internal key number of the most recently pressed key, or zero if none is currently pressed.
$ED Internal key number of the first key pressed of those still pressed.
$EE Internal key number of the character to be ignored when scanning with OSBYTE $79.
$EF Accumulator value for the most recent OSBYTE/ OSWORD.
$F0 X register value for the most recent OSBYTE/ OSWORD.
$F1 Y register value for the most recent OSBYTE/ OSWORD.
$F2-$F3 Text pointer for processing operating system commands and filenames.
$F4 RAM copy of the number of the currently selected paged ROM.
$F5 Current logical speech PHROM or ROM filing system ROM number
$F6-$F7 Used as an address pointer into a paged ROM or a speech PHrase ROM.
$F8-$F9 Not used
$FA-$FB Used as general operating system workspace.
$FC Used as an interrupt accumulator save register.
$FD-$FE Points to the byte after the last BRK instruction
$FF Escape flag.

Ram Usage

Address Purpose
$0200-$0235 Vectors
$0236-$028F Main system variables, accessed by OSBYTE calls $0A6 through $0FF.
$0290 VDU vertical adjust, as set by *TV (OSBYTE $090).
$0291 Interlace toggle flag, as set by *TV (OSBYTE $090).
$0292-$029B Two stored values of the system clock, as read by �TIME�.
$029C-$02A0 Countdown interval timer value.
$02A1-$02B0 Paged ROM type table
$02B1-$02B2 INKEY countdown timer.
$02C5-$02C7 Used as work locations by OSWORD 1.
$02B6-$02B9 Low bytes of the most recent analogue converter values
$02BA-$02BD High bytes of the most recent analogue converter values.
$02BE Analogue system flag.
$02BF-$02C8 Event enable flags.
$02C9 Soft key expansion pointer.
$02CA First auto repeat count.
$02CB-$02CD Workspace for two key rollover processing.
$02CE Sound semaphore.
$02CF-$02D7 Buffer busy flags.
$02D8-$02E0 Buffer start indices
$02E1-$02E9 Buffer end indices.
$02EA-$02EB Block size of currently resident block of the open cassette input file.
$02EC Block flag of the currently resident block of the open cassette input file
$02ED Last character in currently resident block of the open cassette input file.
$02EE-$02FF Used as an area to build OSFILE control blocks for *LOAD and *SAVE
$0300-$0301 Window Internal Co-ordinates: Left hand column in pixels.
$0302-$0303 Window Internal Co-ordinates: Bottom row in pixels.
$0304-$0305 Window Internal Co-ordinates: Right hand column in pixels.
$0306-$0307 Window Internal Co-ordinates: Top row in pixels.
$0308 Window in Absolute chars: Left hand column
$0309 Window in Absolute chars: Bottom row.
$030A Window in Absolute chars: Right hand column.
$030B Window in Absolute chars: Top row.
$030C-$030F Current graphics origin in external co-ordinates.
$0310-$0313 Current graphics cursor in external co- ordinates.
$0314-$0317 Old graphics cursor in internal co- ordinates.
$0318 Text cursor X co-ordinate.
$0319 Text cursor Y co-ordinate.
$03lA Line within current graphics character of the current graphics point.
$031B-$031E Used either as graphics workspace or as the first part of the VDU queue.
$031F-$0323 VDU queue.
$0324-$0327 Current graphics cursor in internal co- ordinates.
$0328-$0349 General graphics co-ordinate workspace.
$034A-$034B Text cursor position as an address as sent to 6845.
$034C-$034D Text window width in bytes.
$034E High byte of the address of the bottom of screen memory.
$034F Number of bytes of memory taken up by a single character.
$0350-$0351 Address of the top left hand corner of the displayed screen, as is sent to the 6845.
$0352-$0353 Number of bytes taken per character row of the screen.
$0354 High byte of the size of the screen memory in bytes.
$0355 Current screen mode.
$0356 Memory map type.
$0357 Foreground text colour.
$0358 Background text colour.
$0359 Foreground graphics colour.
$035A Background graphics colour.
$035B-$035C Graphics plot mode for the foreground and background plotting respectively.
$035D-$035E Used as a general jump vector.
$035F Last setting of the 6845 cursor start register
$0360 Number of logical colours in the current mode minus one.
$0361 Number of pixels per byte minus one for the current mode, or zero if text only mode.
$0362-$0363 Left and right colour masks
$0364-$0365 X and Y co-ordinates of the text input cursor.
$0366 Character to be used as the output cursor in teletext mode
$0367 Font flag
$0368-$036E Font location bytes.
$036F-$037E Colour palette.
$0380-$039C Used to store the header block for the BPUT file.
$039D Offset of the next byte to be output into the BPUT buffer.
$039E Offset of the next byte to be read from the BGET buffer.
$039F-$03A6 unused
$03A7-$03B1 Filename of the file being BGETed.
$03B2-$03BD Block Read: Filename terminated by zero.
$03BE-$03C1 Block Read: Load address of the file.
$03C2-$03C5 Block Read: Execution address of the file.
$03C6-$03C7 Block Read: Block number of the block.
$03C8-$03C9 Block Read: Length of the block.
$03CA Block Read: Block flag byte.
$03CB-$03CE Block Read: Four spare bytes.
$03CF-$03D0 Block Read: Checksum bytes.
$03D1 Sequential block gap as set by *OPT 3.
$03D2-$03DC Filename of the file being searched for. Terminated by zero.
$03DD-$03DE Number of the next block expected for BGET.
$03DF Copy of the block flags of the last block read.
$03E0-$03FF Keyboard input buffer.
$0400-$07FF Main workspace for the currently active language
$0800-$083F Sound workspace.
$0840-$084F Sound channel 0 buffer.
$0850-$085F Sound channel 1 buffer.
$0860-$086F Sound channel 2 buffer.
$0870-$087F Sound channel 3 buffer.
$0880-$08BF Printer buffer.
$08C0-$08FF Envelope storage area, envelopes 1-4.
$0900-$09FF Extended envelope/ RS523 output buffer /Casette Buffer
$0A00-$0AFF Cassette input buffer/RS423 input buffer
$0B00-$0BFF This page is the soft key buffer.
$0C00-$0CFF Font for characters 224-255
$0D00-$0D9E NMI routine.
$0D9F-$0DEF Expanded vector set.
$0DF0-$0DFF Paged ROM workspace storage locations. There is one byte per ROM.
$0E00-$7FFF User Workspace (OSHWM)
Paged ROMs, including the BASIC and Disc Filing System ROMs.
Operating system ROM.
$FC00-$FEFF Memory Mapped Peripherals
$FF00-$FFFF Operating system ROM.

Video Registers
Write the register (R0-R18) you want to set to $FE00, then write the new value to $FE01

RegNum register description Mode 1
320x256 4 color
$FE20 Screen mode $D8
R0 Horizontal total $7F
R1 Horizontal displayed characters $50
R2 Horizontal sync position $62
R3 Horizontal sync width/Vertical sync time $28
R4 Vertical total $26
R5 Vertical total adjust $00
R6 Vertical displayed characters $19
R7 Vertical sync position $22
R8 Interlace/Display delay/Cursor delay $01
R9 Scan lines per character $30
R10 Cursor start line and blink type $00
R11 Cursor end line $08
R12 Screen start address H (Address /8) $30
R13 Screen start address L  (Address /8)
R14 Cursor position H
R15 Cursor position L
R16 Light pen position
R17 Light pen position
R18 Cursor width (BBFW)

Physical Colors

the way Screen Bytes map to visible colors is strangely configurable, they are defined by the "Video ULA palette"... which maps nibbles to colors... if we map colors wrong, the same byte may appear a different color depending if it's on odd or even vertical strips
Color Num EOR Color
0 7 Black
1 6 Red
2 5 Green
3 4 Yellow
4 3 Blue
5 2 Magenta
6 1 Cyan
7 0 White

Hardware Addresses
Address Section Purpose Details
$FE00 6845 CRTC  Video controller CRTC Reg Select Select Register
$FE01 6845 CRTC  Video controller CRTC Reg Data Change Register
$FE08 6850 ACIA  Serial controller  Control Register / Status Register
$FE09 6850 ACIA  Serial controller  Transmit data / Receive Data
$FE10 Serial ULA Serial system chip Control Register
$FE20 Video ULA  Video system chip Video ULA Control Select Screen Settings
$FE20 Video ULA  Video system chip ULA Palette %LLLLAAAA L=Logical A=Actual color
$FE30 74LS161 Paged ROM selector 4 bit Rom select %----RRRR
$FE40 6522 System VIA Output B / Input B Sound & Keyboard
$FE41 6522 System VIA Output A / Input A
$FE42 6522 System VIA Data Direction B
$FE43 6522 System VIA Data Direction A
$FE44 6522 System VIA T1 Low order Latches/Counter
$FE45 6522 System VIA T1 High order Counter
$FE46 6522 System VIA T1 Low order Latches
$FE47 6522 System VIA T1 High order Latches
$FE48 6522 System VIA T2 Low order Latches/Counter
$FE49 6522 System VIA T2 High order Counter
$FE4A 6522 System VIA Shift Register
$FE4B 6522 System VIA Auxiliary Control Register
$FE4C 6522 System VIA Peripheral Control Register
$FE4D 6522 System VIA Interrupt Flags %v12ALSBK V=systemVia 1=Timer1 (100hz) 2=Timer2 (speech) A=Analog conv L=Lightpen S=Shift reg B=Vblank K=Keypress
$FE4E 6522 System VIA Interrupt Enable
$FE4F 6522 System VIA Output A / Input A - No Handshake
$FE60 6522 User VIA Output B / Input B
$FE61 6522 User VIA Output A / Input A
$FE62 6522 User VIA Data Direction B
$FE63 6522 User VIA Data Direction A
$FE64 6522 User VIA T1 Low order Latches/Counter
$FE65 6522 User VIA T1 High order Counter
$FE66 6522 User VIA T1 Low order Latches
$FE67 6522 User VIA T1 High order Latches
$FE68 6522 User VIA T2 Low order Latches/Counter
$FE69 6522 User VIA T2 High order Counter
$FE6A 6522 User VIA Shift Register
$FE6B 6522 User VIA Auxiliary Control Register
$FE6C 6522 User VIA Peripheral Control Register
$FE6D 6522 User VIA Interrupt Flags
$FE6E 6522 User VIA Interrupt Enable
$FE6F 6522 User VIA Output A / Input A - No Handshake
$FE80 8271 FDC Floppy disc
Status Register / Command Register
$FE81 8271 FDC Floppy disc
Result Register / Parameter Register
$FE82 8271 FDC Floppy disc
Reset Register
$FE83 8271 FDC Floppy disc
$FE84 8271 FDC Floppy disc
Read Data / Write Data
Control Reg 1 / Status Reg 1
Control Reg 2,3 / Status Reg 2
Transmit FIFO (frame continue) / Receive FIFO
Transmit FIFO (frame terminate) / Receive FIFO
$FEC0 uPD7002 ADC
Data latch and conversion start / Status Register
$FEC1 uPD7002 ADC High Data Byte
$FEC2 uPD7002 ADC Low Data Byte
$FEE0 Tube ULA

Screen bit layout

In the chart below: Numbers are the bit number, A-D are the pixels contained in the byte.

The screen effectively uses 'nibble bitplanes' with bit 0 in the low nibble, and bit 1 in the high nibble (The reverse order to Amstrad CPC Mode 1)

4 color mode  Bits/Pixels  

Sound Controller - SN76489

The Sound Chip shares a port with the keybord... Before we can send any data to the sound chip, we have to set the port to WRITE... we do this by writing 255 to address $FE43 (we only do this once)

We've covered the sound chip in the Z80 tutorials here

Once we've done that, we can write our data to $FE41 in the format below

Command Bit Details  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
Format Template L=Latch C=Channel T=Type XXXX=Data L C C T D D D D

Tone - Command 1/2 C=Channel L=tone Low data 1 C C 0 L L L L
Tone - Command 2/2 H= High tone data (Higher numbers = lower tone) 0 - H H H H H H
Volume C=Channel (0-2)  V=Volume (15=silent 0=max) 1 C C 1 V V V V
Noise Channel (Channel 3)  M=Noise mode (1=white) R=Rate (3=use tone 2) 1 1 1 0 - M R R

Sheila ADC - Analog to Digital Converter (Joystick)
The Joystick is analog on the BBC... we need to read UD and LR, which will return a value from 0-255....

When it comes to reading the Fire, we use $FE40 - part of the sound/keyboard controller!

Port R/W Purpose Bits Details
$FEC0 W Data Latch /
Conversation Start
----MFCC M=Mode (0=8 bit 1=10 bit)... F=Flag (usually 0)... CC=Channel (0/1 = joy1 2/3=joy2)
$FEC0 R Status CBMMm-CC C=Conversation complete (1=no)...B=busy... M=top two bits of conversiation... m=mode (8/10 bit)... CC=Channel
$FEC1 R High Data byte DDDDDDDD 8 Bit Data
$FEC2 R Low Data byte DDDD---- extra 4 low  bits of 10/12 bit data

System Vectors

Routine Vector
Name Address Name Address Summary of function

USERV $0200 Reserved

BRKV $0202 Break vector

IRQ1V $0204 All IRQ vector

IRQ2V $0206 Unrecognized IRQ vector

CLIV $0208 Interpret the command line given
OSBYTE $FFF4 BYTEV $020A Perform miscellaneous OS operation using registers to pass parameters
OSWORD $FFF1 WORDV $020C Perform miscellaneous OS operation control block to pass parameters
OSWRCH $FFEE WRCHV   $020E Write character (to screen) from A
OSNEWL $FFE7 Write LF,CR (&0A,&0D) to screen
OSASCI $FFE3 Write a character (to screen) from A plus LF if (A)=&0D
OSRDCH $FFE0 RDCHV $0210 Read character (from keyboard) to A (Interrupts must be on! - CLI)
OSFILE $FFDD FILEV $0212 Load or save a complete file
OSARGS $FFDA ARGSV $0214 Load or save data about a file
OSBGET $FFD7 BGETV $0216 Load a single byte to A from file
OSBPUT $FFD4 BPUTV $0218 Save a single byte to file from A
OSGBPB $FFD1 GBPBV $021A Load or save a block of memory to file
OSFIND $FFCE FINDV $021C Open or close a file
OSRDSC $FFB9 Read byte from screen
OSWRSC   $FFB3 Write byte to screen

FSCV $021E File system control entry

EVNTV $0220 Event interrupt

UPTV $0222 User print routine

NETV $0224 Used by Econet to take control of the computer.

VDUV $0226 Used by the VDU driver to direct unrecognised VDU 23 and PLOT commands.

KEYV $0228 Used by the operating system for all keyboard access. Enables the use of external keyboards.

INSV $022A Insert into buffer vector.

REMV $022C Remove from buffer vector.

CNPV $022E Count / purge buffer vector

IND1V $0230 Spare vector.

IND2V $0232 Spare vector.

IND3V $0234 Spare vector.

VDU Codes
These are special character sequences that can be sent to the OS Print Character routine (OSASCI - $FFE3)
Some take multiple additional byte parameters (+Bytes).

+bytes Function
0 0 0 Does nothing
1 1 A 1 Send next character to printer only
2 2 B 0 Enable printer
3 3 C 0 Disable printer
4 4 D 0 Write text at text cursor
5 5 E 0 Write text at graphics cursor
6 6 F 0 Enable VDU drivers
7 7 C 0 Make a short bleep (BEL)
8 8 H 0 Move cursor back one character
9 9 I 0 Move cursor forward one character
10 A J 0 Move cursor down one line
11 B K 0 Move cursor up one line
12 C L 0 Clear text area
13 D M 0 Carriage return
14 E N 0 Paged mode on
15 F O 0 Paged mode off
16 10 P 0 Clear graphics area
17 11 Q 1 Define text colour
18 12 R 2 Define graphics colour
19 13 S 5 Define logical colour
20 14 T 0 Restore default logical colours
21 15 U 0 Disable VDU drivers or delete current line
22 16 V 1 Select screen MODE
23 17 W 9 Re-program display character
24 18 X 8 Define graphics window
25 19 Y 5 PLOT K,X,Y
26 1A Z 0 Restore default windows
27 1B [ 0 ESCAPE value
28 1C \ 4 Define text window
29 1D ] 4 Define graphics origin
30 1E * 0 Home text cursor to top left of window
31 1F _ 2 Move text cursor to X,Y
127 7F DEL 0 Backspace and delete


A=Routine Number... X,Y=Parameters
The OSBYTE Call address is $FFF4 - it is Indirected through $020A

0 0 Print operating system version
1 1 User OSBYTE call, read
2 2 Select input stream
3 3 Select output stream
4 4 Enable
5 5 Select printer destination
6 6 Set character ignored by printer
7 7 Set RS423 baud rate for receiving data
8 8 Set RS423 baud rate for data transmission
9 9 Set flashing colour mark state duration
10 A Set flashing colour space state duration
11 B Set keyboard auto-repeat delay interval
12 C Set keyboard auto-repeat rate
13 D Disable events
14 E Enable events
15 F Flush selected buffer class
16 10 Select ADC channels to be sampled
17 11 Force an ADC conversion
18 12 Reset soft keys
19 13 Wait for vertical sync
20 14 Explode soft character RAM allocation
21 15 Flush specific buffer
117 75 Read VDU status
118 76 Reflect keyboard status in LEDs
119 77 Close any SPOOL or EXEC files
120 78 Write current keys pressed information
121 79 Perform keyboard scan
122 7A Perform keyboard scan from 16 (&10)
123 7B Inform OS, printer driver going dormant
124 7C Clear ESCAPE condition
125 7D Set ESCAPE condition
126 7E Acknowledge detection of ESCAPE condition
127 7F Check for EOF on an open file
128 80 Read ADC channel or get buffer status
129 81 Read key with time limit
130 82 Read machine high order address
131 83 Read top of OS RAM address (OSHWM)
132 84 Read bottom of display RAM address (HIMEM)
133 85 Read bottom of display address for a given MODE
134 86 Read text cursor position (POS and VPOS)
135 87 Read character at cursor position
136 88 Perform *CODE
137 89 Perform *MOTOR
138 8A Insert value into buffer
139 8B Perform *OPT
140 8C Perform *TAPE
141 8D Perform *ROM
142 8E Enter language ROM
143 8F Issue paged ROM service request
144 90 Perform *TV
145 91 Get character from buffer
146 92 Read from FRED, 1 MHz bus
147 93 Write to FRED, 1 MHz bus
148 94 Read from JIM, 1 MHz bus
149 95 Write to JIM, 1 MHz bus
150 96 Read from SHEILA, mapped I/ O
151 97 Write to SHEILA, mapped I/ O
152 98 Examine buffer status
153 99 Insert character into input buffer
154 9A Write to video ULA control register and copy
155 9B Write to video ULA palette register and copy
156 9C Read/ write 6850 control register and copy
157 9D Fast Tube BPUT
158 9E Read from speech processor
159 9F Write to speech processor
160 A0 Read VDU variable value
166 A6 Read start address of OS variables (low byte)
167 A7 Read start address of OS variables (high byte)
168 A8 Read address of ROM pointer table (low byte)
169 A9 Read address of ROM pointer table (high byte)
170 AA Read address of ROM information table (low byte)
171 AB Read address of ROM information table (high byte)
172 AC Read address of key translation table (low byte)
173 AD Read address of key translation table (high byte)
174 AE Read start address of OS VDU variables (low byte)
175 AF Read start address of OS VDU variables (high byte)
176 B0 Read/ write CFS timeout counter
177 B1 Read/ write input source
178 B2 Read/ write keyboard semaphore
179 B3 Read/ write primary OSHWM
180 B4 Read/ write current OSHWM
181 B5 Read/ write RS423 mode
182 B6 Read character definition explosion state
183 B7 Read/ write cassette/ ROM filing system switch
184 B8 Read RAM copy of video ULA control register
185 B9 Read RAM copy of video ULA palette register
186 BA Read/ write ROM number active at last BRK (error)
187 BB Read/ write number of ROM socket containing BASIC
188 BC Read current ADC channel
189 BD Read/ write maximum ADC channel number
190 BE Read ADC conversion type
191 BF Read/ write RS423 use flag
192 C0 Read RS423 control flag
193 C1 Read/ write flash counter
194 C2 Read/ write mark period count
195 C3 Read/ write space period count
196 C4 Read/ write keyboard auto-repeat delay
197 C5 Read/ write keyboard auto-repeat period
198 C6 Read/ write *EXEC file handle
199 C7 Read/ write *SPOOL file handle
200 C8 Read/ write ESCAPE, BREAK effect
201 C9 Read/ write Econet keyboard disable
202 CA Read/ write keyboard status byte
203 CB Read/ write RS423 handshake extent
204 CC Read/ write RS423 input suppression flag
205 CD Read/ write cassette/ RS423 selection flag
206 CE Read/ write Econet OS call interception status
207 CF Read/ write Econet OSRDCH interception status
208 D0 Read/ write Econet OSWRCH interception status
209 Dl Read/ write speech suppression status
210 D2 Read/ write sound suppression status
211 D3 Read/ write BELL channel
212 D4 Read/ write BELL envelope number/ amplitude
213 D5 Read/ write BELL frequency
214 D6 Read/ write BELL duration
215 D7 Read/ write startup message and !BOOT options
216 D8 Read/ write length of soft key string
217 D9 Read/ write number of lines printed since last page
218 DA Read/ write number of items in VDU queue
219 DB Read/ write TAB character value
220 DC Read/ write ESCAPE character value
221 DD Read/ write character &CO to &CF status
222 DE Read/ write character &DO to &DF status
223 DF Read/ write character &EO to &EF status
224 E0 Read/ write character &FO to &FF status
225 El Read/ write function key status
226 E2 Read/ write SHIFT+ function key status
227 E3 Read/ write CTRL+function key status
228 E4 Read/ write CTRL+SHIFT+function key status
229 E5 Read/ write ESCAPE key status
230 E6 Read/ write flags determining ESCAPE effects
231 E7 Read/ write JRQ bit mask for user 6522
232 E8 Read/ write IRQ bit mask for 6850
233 E9 Read/ write IRQ bit mask for system 6S22
234 EA Read flag indicating Tube presence
235 EB Read flag indicating speech processor presence
236 EC Read/ write write character destination status
237 ED Read/ write cursor editing status
238 EE Read/ write location &27E, not used by 05 1.20
239 EF Read/ write location &27F, not used by 05 1.20
240 F0 Read/ write location &280, not used by 05 1.20
241 F1 Read/ write location &281, used by *FX 1
242 F2 Read RAM copy of serial processor ULA
243 F3 Read/ write timer switch state
244 F4 Read/ write soft key consistency flag
245 F5 Read/ write printer destination flag
246 F6 Read/ write character ignored by printer
247 F7 Read/ write first byte of BREAK intercept code
248 F8 Read/ write second byte of BREAK intercept code
249 F9 Read/ write third byte of BREAK intercept code
250 FA Read/ write location &28A, not used by OS1.20
251 FB Read/ write location &28B, not used by OS1.20
252 FC Read/ write current language ROM number
253 FD Read/ write last BREAK type
254 FE Read/ write available RAM
255 FF Read/ write start up options

Interrupt Vectors

The standard 6502 interrupt vectors from $FFFA+ are ROM, however these jump to vectors in low memory addresses (Jumps to the address at...)

IRQ and BRK interrupts back up A at address $00FC.

NMI is different, it causes a jump to address $0D00 - the firmware puts an RTI command here during reset.

Vector Address 
Remaps to
Registers stored
by Firmware
$FFFE-$FFFF Vector at $0202-$0203  
Vector at $0204-$0205 IRQ1 (Primary IRQ)
$FFFE-$FFFF Vector at $0206-$0207 IRQ2 (Unrecognised IRQ)
Jumps to $0D00 NMI

We need to clear the interrupt, we can do this by writing #255 to $FE4D

;$FE4D Interrupt flag register- %7654321
; 7 = IRQ
; 6 = Timer 1
; 5 = Timer 2
; 4 = CB1 Active Edge
; 3 = CB2 Active Edge
; 2 = Shift Reg complete 8 shifts
; 1 = CA1 Active Edge
; 0 - CA2 Active Edge

Key Reading

Key reading on the BBC is a little weird and rather poorly documented

Essentially you have to select a row (0-8) and Column (0-9), then read in the state of each key one bit at a time!.. these are both read and written to port $FE4F

 7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0

When Written Bits 0-3 (Marked C) select the Column (0-9) and bits 4-6 (Marked R) select the Row (0-8)... Bit 7 has no purpose

When Read Bit 7 returns the Keystate and bits 6-0 have no purpose

An example working piece of code is shown to the right, it's partially based on the disassemblies of the firmware.

You will need a PrintHex command to show the read  byte to screen.
    LDA #$7F    ;set port A for input on bit 7 others outputs
    STA $FE43 
    LDA #$03    ;stop auto scan
    STA $FE40
    ;    This section may not be needed
    ;LDA #$0F    ;select non-existent keyboard column F (0-9 only!)
    ;STA $FE4F   ;
    ;LDA #$01    ;cancel keyboard interrupt
    ;STA $FE4D   ;   

    ldy #0
    ldx #8
        sta $FE4F
        lda $FE4F
    rol z_as
    adc #%00010000
    bne KeyNextBit
    lda z_as
    sta (z_hl),y
    jsr PrintHex
    cmp #8
    bne KeyNextLine
    LDA #$0B    ;select auto scan of keyboard
    STA $FE40   ;tell VIA


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