6809 - Platform Specific series

Introduction to the Platform specific Series...
Its time to look a little closer at the details of the systems... lets look at how to do simple common tasks on the 6809 systems, without using the bios/firmware!

Lesson P1 - Keyboard and Joystick reading on the Dragon / CoCo
The dragon keyboard has 8 columns and 7 rows... it also has 2 analog joysticks.

Lets learn how to read from the keyboard, and get a simple 'digital' direction out of the joystick.


The Dragon Keyboard

The dragon keyboard is read in one Column at a time... we select a 'column'  by writing to $FF02 with byte containing zero at this point, eg PB0=%11111110

once we have done this, we read in the keys on that column from $FF00 - any key which is 'Down' will appear as 0 - keys which are not pressed appear as 1

Note, the top bit of each column is used by the joystick... also the bottom two bits are shared with the fire buttons, making it not really possible to use Joystick and keyboard at the same time.

PAx = bits read from $FF00
PBx = Write to $FF02 with byte containing zero at this point, eg PB0=%11111110

PB0 (W)
PB1 (W) PB2 (W) PB3 (W) PB4 (W) PB5 (W) PB6 (W) PB7 (W)
PA0 (R)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
PA1 (R) 8 9 *
, - /
PA2 (R) @ A B C D E F G
PA3 (R) H I J K L M N 0
PA4 (R) P Q R S T U V W
PA5 (R) X Y Z Up Down Left Right Space
PA7 (R) JoyTest JoyTest JoyTest JoyTest JoyTest JoyTest JoyTest JoyTest

Reading in the keyboard

To read in all the rows of the keyboard, we load A with %11111110

We send this to $FF02... and read in that column...
We read the contents of that column from $FF00

we use ROLA to shift the 0 one bit to the left... reading in the next column on the next iteration of the loop
Here is the result!

Keys 8 and 1 were held down (shown in the top right)... Key '8' is bit 1 on the first line... Key '1' is bit 0 on the 2nd line

the 0's on the left are the Joystick Test bits... they do not affect the keyboard

if we press the Fire button on the Left or Right joystick, bit 0 and 1 of ALL the lines will change!

This makes our keypresses unreliable, but it seems there's no way to stop it.

The Dragon Joystick

The dragon joysticks are Analog... it's also a pain!... each axis (LeftRight and UpDown) can have a position from 0-63

When we want to test an axis We write a value we want to test to the top 6 bits of $FF20 (%543210--)... we then test bit 7 of $FF00 (the keyboard port again)... 1 means the axis is OVER the test value... 0 means the axis is UNDER the test value.

In our example we simply compare to 7 and 56... if the result is <7 or >56 we consider the direction to be pressed

Joystick Axis selection

The DAC also handles sound, so we need to turn sound off with bit 3 of $FF23 (Bit 3=0)...

We can then select the Joystick and Axis we want to test...

We'll be testing the RIGHT joystick (Bit 3 of $FF03=0)... we select the Axis with $FF01 Bit 3...0=X axis (LR)... 1=Y Axis (UD)

$FF23 Bit 3
$FF03 Bit 3
$FF01 Bit 3
Multiplexer H 
0 0 0 Write JJJJJJ-- to $FF20 .... Read ($FF00) Joystick R-X O-----LR O=1 means Over written value
0 0 1 Write JJJJJJ-- to $FF20 .... Read ($FF00) Joystick R-Y O-----LR O=1 means Over written value
0 1 0 Write JJJJJJ-- to $FF20 .... Read ($FF00) Joystick L-X O-----LR O=1 means Over written value
0 1 1 Write JJJJJJ-- to $FF20 .... Read ($FF00) Joystick L-Y O-----LR O=1 means Over written value

Reading the Joystick

First we need to select which joystick we're going to use with port $FF03... we're using the Right Joystick.

Next we need to turn off sound with $FF23 - we need the DAC for joystick testing
Next we turn off the keyboard, to stop keypresses affecting the joystick

We're going to test each direction, and Fire, and move a bit for each into B
We select an axis with bit 3 of $FF01...  and compare a value with bits 2-7 of $FF20

First we test the X axis...

We compare to #56 to see if Right is pressed... the result is in bit 7 if $FF00 we move this bit into B

We also get the Fire button... Bit 0 of $FF00 (Bit 1 of $FF00 is the Left Joystick fire)

We compare to #7 to see if Left is pressed... the result is in bit 7 if $FF00 we move this bit into B

Next we test the Y axis...

We compare to #56 to see if Up is pressed... the result is in bit 7 if $FF00 we move this bit into B

We compare to #7 to see if Down is pressed... the result is in bit 7 if $FF00 we move this bit into B

Finally, we flip some of the bits in B... so a direction is pressed if the bit =0...
The result is in the format %---FRLDU

We show this to the screen.
The bits of the 4 reads from $FF00 are shown on the first two lines,

Finally B is shown - it now contains all the buttons in the bottom 5 bits

This Joystick example has shown all the 'intermediate' stages of reading the joystick... of course you'd want to remove these!

If you wanted to read the Left joystick too, you'd need to make some more changes.

Lesson P2 - Joystick and Key reading on the Fujitsu FM7
Lets take a look at the FM7 - we'll learn how to read the keyboard, create an interrupt, and process joysticks connected to the FM add on card


Reading the keyboard

The FM7 Keyboard is connected to BOTH cpu's...

From the main CPU we can access it with port $FD01... there is an 8th bit (used by function keys) in bit 7 of $FD00
...strangely it's also accessible from the sub CPU it's also accessible from $D400, with bit 8 in $D401 bit 0

The good news is that reading this port returns an ASCII value - the bad news is this means it seems we can't handle multiple keypresses, as there appears to be no way to directly access the keyboard matrix.
The method above always returns the LAST keypress - even if the keypress has long since been released.

We can create an interrupt handler to detect when a key was just pressed...
We load the address of our interrupt handler into the IRQ vector at $FFF8, and turn on the Keyboard interrupt with bit 0 of $FD02

The interrupt handler MUST now read from $FD01 - otherwise the keyboard interrupt will keep firing (locking our program)
Here our interrupt handler will store the keypress in ram.

Our main routine can read this - and then zero it, so this ram address will only hold the key WHILE it's pressed

In this screenshot the space key was held down (Asci 32 / $20)

The FM Add on board (+Joystick)
The FM7 didn't have a Joystick... but the later add on FM board did provide one...

The Joystick is connected to the AY style data ports Port A & B (Registers 14 & 15)

To Read and Write from FM Registers we need to use memory mapped ports $FD15/6... these are like the AY ports, we need to send sequences of commands to port $FD15 to tell the hardware what to do with the data in $FD16

Reading the Joystick

We need to initialize the joystick!
We need to set Port B to send data OUT - and port A to read data IN... we do this with the top two bits of Reg 7
We can now read in the joystick from FM reg 14...

First we need to select a joystick with reg 15...
Writing $2F will select Joy 1
Writing $5F will select Joy 2
Writing $7F will select Neither!

the format of the byte read from R14 is %--21RLDU
Here the UP key on Joy 1 was pressed down.
The FM sound chip is the YM2203.. you can find info on it here...The main sound chip of the FM7 is the AY-3-8910...
Actually the YM2203 is also backwards compatible with the AY!

Lesson P3 - Joystick reading on the Vectrex
The Vectrex uses a 4 button Analog Joystick.
In this tutorial we'll learn how to read from the joystick.


The Vectrex Joystick 2 is being a moody git!... If we try to read from it, it doesn't work, and the system locks up!...

It may be the emulator doesn't support it, or the Author of these tutorials is not smart enough to make it work...
Lets face it... it could be either!

Reading the Joystick

To read the Joystick we need to make sure our direct page is set to $D0 (hardware registers)

The addresses $C81F-22 define the axis which will be read...
To enable joystick 1, We write $0103 to $C81F
Joystick 2 is causing problems, we turn it off by writing $0000 to $C821

We now need to get the bios to read the joystick.
We read the directions with a call to $F1F8

We read the fire buttons with $F1B4 - if we set A to 255, we can get an instant response from these directions
We can now read the Joystick X position from $C81B, and Y position from $C81C (-64 to +64 on our emulator)
We can read the state of the 4 joystick buttons from $C80F
Here Up, and Fire 1 were pressed... Up is represented as $40 (+64)

Converting these to a single byte

Lets convert these to a single byte in the format %4321RLDU

Note: We still need the same initialization code

Here we've used 'TestOneAxis' to convert the analog values to a 1/0 direction pair

We load in the fire buttons, then shift in the bits from both axis,

The results are in the B register
Here Up and Button 1 are pressed again

Lesson P4 - Bitmap Drawing on the Dragon / Tandy CoCo
Text is too boring!... we need graphics! if you want Graphics that are low res, and in weird colors, your in luck!... the Dragon has a wide range of low resolutions, and two colorsets, both of which are a bit weird!... lets learn about them!


Screen Modes

The Dragon has a variety of possible modes... the most useful being the 'Full Graphics' modes...

Selecting a screen mode requires configuring two chips... the VDG via port $FF22, and the SAM with addresses $FFC0 to $FFC5

Screenmode selection is performed by setting the top 5 bits of $FF22 and the 3 SAM bits
Sam bits are set or cleared by writing to $FFC0-FFC5... it doesn't matter 'what' value you write... writes to Even addresses clear a bit... writes to an odd address set a bit.

Mode Type G/A GM2 GM1 INT /GM0 CSS
SAM V2 SAM V1 SAM V0 Colors Resolution Width in
Screen Mode
Internal Alphanumeric 0 ? ? 0 ?
0 0 0 2 color 32x16 32 512 Default
External Alphanumeric 0 ? ? 1 ?
0 0 0 4 color 32x16 32 512
Semigraphics 4 0 ? ? 0 ?
0 0 0 8 color 64 x 32 32 512 (IA)
Semigraphics 6 0 ? ? 1 ?
0 0 0 8 color 64 x 48 32 512
Semigraphics 8 0 ? ? 0 ?
0 1 0 8 color 64 x 64 32 2048
Semigraphics 12 0 ? ? 0 ?
1 0 0 8 color 64 x 96 32 3072
Semigraphics 24 0 ? ? 0 ?
1 1 0 8 color 64 x 192 32 6144
Full Graphics 1C 1 0 0 0 ?
0 0 1 4 color 64 x 64 16 1024 (D)
Full Graphics 1R 1 0 0 1 ?
0 0 1 2 color 128 x 64 16 1024 (E)
Full Graphics 2C 1 0 1 0 ?
0 1 0 4 color 128 x 64 32 1536 (F)
Full Graphics 2R 1 0 1 1 ?
0 1 1 2 color 128 x 96 16 1536 PMODE0
Full Graphics 3C 1 1 0 0 ?
1 0 0 4 color 128 x 96 32 3072 PMODE1
Full Graphics 3R 1 1 0 1 ?
1 0 1 2 color 128 x 192 16 3072 PMODE2
Full Graphics 6C 1 1 1 0 ?
1 1 0 4 color 128 x 192 32 6144 PMODE3
Full Graphics 6R 1 1 1 1 ?
1 1 0 2 color 256 x 192 32 6144 PMODE4
Direct Memory Access ? ? ? ? ?
1 1 1 2 color 256 x 192 32 6144
Port $FF22 Bit 7 $FF22 Bit 6 $FF22 Bit 5 $FF22 Bit 4 $FF22 Bit 3

CSS=Color palette... ?=anything fine (Hint: Use 0)
Screen Modes
Here are all the possible screen modes... 'Unofficial' modes (not supported by basic - D/E/F) are shown with CSS=1 (alternate colors)

Text / Semigraphics (IA)
Full Graphics 1C (D)
Full Graphics 1R (E)
Full Graphics 2C (F)
Full Graphics 2R (PMODE 0)
Full Graphics 3C (PMODE 1)
Full Graphics 3R (PMODE 2)
Full Graphics 6C (PMODE 3)
Full Graphics 6R (PMODE 4)

Screen Base Address

The Top 7 bits of the Screen address can be selected by writes to bits $FFC6-$FFD3... even addresses clear a bit, odd addresses set a bit.

Effectively the address of the screen base is:%DDDDDDD0 00000000.... where D is the bits we can change, and 0 is fixed bit zeros

The example code here will reset the screen base to $0400
Writes to $FFC6-D2 set all the bits to 0... Then bit 1 is set with a write to $FFC9.

Selecting a screen mode

To select a screen mode, we'll use some simple functions...

First we'll set all the bits of the SAM to zero (and reset the screen base) with 'PmodeReset'... then we'll set the VDG bits, and any bits of the SAM we need.

In the example there's one function per screen mode, just use the one for the screen mode you need.

We can alternate the color palette by flipping the CSS bit.

Creating a bitmap

If you want to create a bitmap that works with this example, take a look at AkuSprite Editor,

It's free and open source, and supports ALL the systems covered by these tutorials

Todays example works on a wide range of screen modes!... we're only going to look at a few here, so you'll have to download the code and try it yourself!

What? you thought you could just read along, and not try it yourself????  Oh dear - you're not going to learn much like that!

Drawing a bitmap

We'll need to be able to calculate the address of a position on our screen... GetScreenPos will do this!
it takes an (X,Y) position in X,Y (duh!) and returns the address in Y!
it's configured for a screen base of $0400, so you'll need to change it if your screen is somewhere else...

The formula for the screen address is:
Address = $0400 + (Ypos * Width) + Xpos

Depending on our screen mode the logical Screen Width is 16 bytes or 32 bytes.
We'll need two versions of the bitmap we want to show... a black and white one for 2 color screens... and a 4 color one for color screens.

The format is simple, in 2 color mode, the left most bit of a byte is the left most pixel. in 4 color mode, the leftmost 2 bits are the left most pixel... other bits and pixels are represented similarly
The sample code works on a variety of modes and color depths!

we use symbols to configure the example according to the mode.
To transfer a bitmap to the screen, we calculate the destination (in Y) using GetScreenPos

We then load our source bitmap in X, and transfer bytes to screen ram.

To move down a line, we just add the width of the screen to the start address of the line.
Try multiple screen modes and see the difference!
The Dragon color palettes do NOT meet the "Chibiko Seal of approval!" - there just aren't enough purples, blacks and cyans!

However, an 'unusal' color palette like this will give distinctive looking games, and adds a certain charm to the system it's fans are sure to like

Lesson P5 - Graphics on the Fujitsu FM7
Lets learn about graphics on the FM7...
It's a bit tricky, as the FM7 VRAM can only be accessed by the SUB CPU - which isn't running our code!... we can however give it specially crafted commands,
Lets learn how


Two Cpu's are better more annoying than one

The FM7 has two cpu's with two banks of memory and two roms!... the MAINone runs our program... the SUB cpu is the only one that can access graphics RAM.... how can we tell the SUB cpu what to do? well, there's 128 bytes of 'shared ram'

This Ram is accessible between $FC80-$FCFF on the main CPU.
it's $D380-$D3FF on the SUB CPU... it may be a different address but it's effectively the SAME data!

Both CPU's cannot access the ram at the same time... we have to HALT the Sub CPU (after WAITing for any jobs it's doing to finish) - we can then read or write data from the Main CPU... we then RELEASE the Sub CPU - it will then take over the shared ram, and try to process any commands there!
Main CPU:
From To Use
$0000   $7FFF   Ram
$8000 $FBFF Basic Rom / Ram
$FC00 $FC7F Ram
$FC80 $FCFF Shared Ram (With SUB CPU $D380)
$FD00 $FDFF IO area
$FE00 $FEEF Boot Rom
$FFF0 $FFFF Vectors
Sub CPU:
rom To Use
$0000   $3FFF   VRAM (BLUE)
$4000 $7FFF VRAM (RED)
$C000 $CFFF Console Buffer Ram
$D000 $D37F Work Ram
$D380 $D3FF Shared Ram (With MAIN CPU $FC80)
$D400 $D7FF IO area
$D800 $DFFF Character Rom
$E000 $FFFF CRT Monitor Rom
Whenever you resume the SUB CPU it will try to process a command in RAM at $FC82/$D382 - if there's not one there it seems to get confused and crash!
If in doubt... you can write the dummy command $3F00 to $FC82 with...    LDD #$3F00   STD $FC82   
This doesn't do anything, but the Sub CPU will understand it and ignore it!

Stopping and starting the Sub CPU with Bit7 of $FD05

When we want to work with the SUB CPU, we can do it with bit 7 of port $FD05 in main ram.

If we want to check if the SUB CPU is Busy doing something, we can do so by testing bit 7 of $FD05 - if it's set the CPU is busy, and we should wait for it if we need the shared ram.

We can test this quickly with BMI (Branch if MInus)
If we want the MAIN CPU to access the ram, we need to Halt the Sub CPU.

First we need to wait until the Sub CPU isn't busy, then we set bit 7 of $FD05... this halts the sub CPU, we can now read or write the $FC80-$FCFF range.
One we're done with the shared ram, we need to Release the Sub CPU

We do this by clearing bit 7 of $FD05 (writing #0) - The Sub CPU will spring into action, and try to process a command at $FC82 - so make sure you know what's written there!

We can't just write any old nonsense to the shared ram, otherwise the Sub CPU will get angry!
Well, actually it'll probably just crash... but we should make sure we write one of these valid commands there... we're going to take a look at some good ones, so don't worry!

Transferring commands to the Sub CPU

When we want to send command bytes to the Sub CPU, we'll specify the source bytes in X, and the WORD count in B (pairs of bytes)

Most GPU commands do not use the first two bytes - they start from $FC82...
But a few use the full range, starting from $FC80
In either case, the number of byte varies depending on the command - but of course, there's only 128 bytes shared ram total.
When we want to send a command there's 3 stages..
1. Halt the Sub CPU
2. Copy the data into shared ram.
3. Resume the Sub CPU

Colors and functions

Many of the commands take a color number - these can be reconfigured, but the defaults are in %GRB format.

Some of the commands can use a 'Logical operation' (function) which defines how the drawn color affects any existing pixels.
Op Details
0 PSET Set to Color
1 PRESET Set to background Color
2 OR Add to
3 AND Mask
4 XOR Invert
5 NOT Flip bits

The Commands!

Lets start taking a look at some of the major commands, we'll learn how they work with examples


The Erase command ($02) uses 3 bytes... like most commands the first 2 bytes are unused, so we write these to $FC82

There are two parameter bytes, the first isn't much use... the second is a color number
We've cleared the screen to BLUE... color 1


the POINT command ($17) takes multiple bytes... like most commands the first 2 bytes are unused, so we write these to $FC82

after the command is a count... this is the number of points (Max 20)...

Each Point has a 16 bit Xpos and Ypos , a color , and a logical operation (0=PSET - normal draw)
We've drawn two dots onto the screen.


'Put' wll print a string to the console...

Unlike many commands, this actually uses the first two bytes, so we write from $FC80... if the first byte is 0, the commands works normally - 128 will continue the last string for long texts.

We specify the number of bytes to write, and we can use special console character like $12 (Locate) to do things like move the text cursor.
We've printed HELLO at position 5,5


Put can only do simple text, for snazzy stuff we want to use SYMBOL.
This command can do color, scaling and rotation (in 90 degree increments)
We've written vertical Mangenta text!

(Other colors and rotations available!)


The LINE command is misleading!

Not only can it draw lines, but empty and solid filled boxes.

Each commands can only draw one line/box.

Here we've drawn one line and two overlapping boxes...

Note we used Logical Operation 2 (XOR)
We've drawn a line, and filled 2 boxes...

the XOR operation has inverted the background of the boxes, causing the overlap to be blank


The PAINT command will fill an area, we select a starting pixel, and define the colors which will be treated as boundaries.

In this case we've specified colors 1-7 as boundaries, so we'll only fill color 0
The paint command will fill the black area to the green pixel boundary (or any other color boundary!)


Change color swaps one color for another.

We specify a box area, and the pixels in that area will be affected.

Actually we can swap multiple colors at the same time... in this example we swap 2!
We've swapped White for Yellow (7 for 6).... and also Green for Magenta (4 for 3)


The SUB CPU doesn't just write to the screen, it can also read from the keyboard.

Command $29 will read a key (it can be set to wait, or read from any pending keybuffer)

once we send the command, we need to wait for it to complete, then halt the SUB CPU in the same way as when we write a command...

We can then read in the Ascii character code that was read (and an extra byte, marking if a read occurred).

Before we release the sub CPU we have to make sure the ram contains something that won't confuse it... we need to send the 'Ready Request' (READY REQ) - this is done by setting bit 7 of $FC80 to 1.
here we pressed Space ($20) 1 ($31) and 2 ($32)... these can be seen in the A register.

B shows if a key was read... it contained 1 each time, as we waited for a key one was always received
Don't forget, you can read the keyboard directly from the Main CPU address $FD01

We looked at how to use interrupts to detect key presses before, which will be a far simpler way of doing the job.


We can transfer color bitmap data to VRAM (effectively drawing a sprite)
Because the shared ram is just 128 bytes (including command) we can only transfer about 96 bytes of sprite in a command...

To get around this we first define the area with the 'Put Block 2' command... we then send more add on data with the 'Continue' command

The screen data is in Bitplanes - so the image will be 48x48 repeated 3 times - First the Blue Channel, then the Red Channel, finally the Green Channel
Our character will be shown onscreen

$3F,"YAMAUCHI" - The secret "Copy and Execute" command

The Yamauchi command is a secret undocumented command within the FM7

It allows us to transfer data from the Main CPU to a specific ram address in the SUB CPU

We can also call (JSR) a specific ram address in the SUB CPU...

This allows us to write arbitrary code, and run it on the SUB CPU - so we can hopefully make more efficient code that does exactly what we want!
From To Use
$0000   $3FFF   VRAM (BLUE)
$4000 $7FFF VRAM (RED)
$C000 $CFFF Console Buffer Ram
$D000 $D37F Work Ram
$D380 $D3FF Shared Ram (With MAIN CPU $FC80)
$D400 $D7FF IO area
$D800 $DFFF Character Rom
$E000 $FFFF CRT Monitor Rom
The first bytes of the command are $3F,"YAMAUCHI" 
the next byte is one of 3 commands:
$90 End (Yamauchi command)
$91 Move (Transfer data/program)
$92 Jump (Not very useful)
$93 Call (JSR - run a program)
Multiple commands can appear in the same 128 byte block... $3F,"YAMAUCHI" only appears at the start... so we must end with $93

Here we've transferred a program which will shift the red channel by one byte... we send it to the 'Console Ram' at $C000 in the SUB CPU, then execute it.
We've shifted the Red channel left 1 byte with our special program!
****By shifting the Red channel, we've made the image into a 3d anaglph!

Ok, so this is just a test, but we can now do anything we want with the ram... Actually we can alter the bitplanes, and use just 1 or 2 for the colors, and keep 1 or more free (for sprites/tiles etc)... we'll learn how soon!

The FM8 required $3F to be followed with the 8 byte 'YAMAUCHI' string... but FM7 onwards didn't check it ...

There still needs to be 8 bytes 'there' before $9x commands - but they can be anything.

Palette changes

Actually the 'color' of each bitplane is not fixed! we can change it using addresses $FD38-$FD3F...

We can set the resulting color of each combination of bits using these addresses, we cant set the brightness, we can only turn the channel on or off
$FD38 -----GRB Palette 0 (---)
$FD39 -----GRB Palette 1 (--B)
$FD3A -----GRB Palette 2 (-R-)
$FD3B -----GRB Palette 3 (-RB)
$FD3C -----GRB Palette 4 (G--)
$FD3D -----GRB Palette 5 (G-B)
$FD3E -----GRB Palette 6 (GR-)
$FD3F -----GRB Palette 7 (GRB)
Here we're going to set all the colors to White (%00000111) then Magenta (%00000011)
Here is the result

Display and Draw bitplane masks

Actually we can disable the writing or view of some of the bitplanes - with register $FD37

Setting a bit to 1 will Disable a plane... disabling the 'view' of the bitplane removes it's visibility... disabling the 'write' of a bitplane will not affect it's visibility, but any write operations via the graphics functions will not affect that plane.
In this example we altered the display mask between different channels as we showed monitors (here seen yellow)... but as they affected all the bitplanes, they actually all wrote as white when we enabled all the display bitplanes again

When we toggled the write bitplanes, causing the text to write in different colors

Lesson P6 - Vector drawing on the Vectrex
Drawing on the Vectrex is like no other system, and unfortunately, I'm going to have to break my usual rule, and use the firmware for help for a change!

Lets learn about some Vectrex fun!


Disclamer: The Author of these tutorials is NOT a Vectrex expert!... while these tutorials have been written to the best of the author's ability, limited time was available, so they should be considered suitable for beginner use only...
There are many other options and functions not covered here, and mistakes may have been made, so please do your own research and testing!

We're only going to look at a small number of essential commands today... with no word of a lie,the Vectrex has literally one hundred trillion possible commands!... you need to look at the "Vectrex Programming Manuals" to learn about them all.

Well.. ok I might have exaggerated a little, but it does have an awful lot, and we can't cover them all here!

VBLANK - Waiting for screen redraw.

On the vectrex we need to redraw our image every frame, to wait for a frame we can call function $F192 (FRWAIT)

we're going to set ZSKIP to zero, this affects relative drawing positions, and clearing it will ensure our code works constantly. (this example code expects it to be cleared)

Centering the drawing position

Before each example, we want to make sure the drawing position is centered and the scale is reset.

To do this we're zeroing the 'integrators' ($F36B) that control beam position, and the 'POSITB' function ($F30E) to set the X,Y pos and scale

The Vectrex uses scale #127 to mean 100%...#64 would be about 50% and #255 would be 200%

The combination of these two commands should mean that the position is completely reset for any future drawing functions.
The left image was taken with the reset occuring - Chibiko and the smiley are near the center.

On the right, Without the reset, they have become shifted by the other drawing ops

Drawing dots

We can draw a dot with the 'DOTAB' function $F2C3,

This takes a RELATIVE X,Y position and draws a dot... because it's relative, the co-ordinate is an offset from the last draw, unless we use the ResetPenPos function we wrote between draws.
We've drawn 4 dots to the screen.
These examples are set to AutoInc $C9FF - it will constantly go up from 0-255...

You can use this to test the effect of commands, in this case moving the dots in the full range.

You'll notice the Y dot never reaches the top of the screen, try changing the 'Scale' in the ResetPenPos function to 255 - and see what happens!

Drawing Lines

Function call $FDF7 (DIFFAB) will draw a line from the current selected position.

We can mobe to a position with $F312 (POSITN)
We've drawn 2 lines...

The co-ordinates can go from +127 ($7F) to -128 ($80

Drawing a String

Here we've looked at how to draw a single string... if you want to print multiple strings, use function $F38C (TXTPOS)... we covered it in the "Hello World" lesson here

Vector images - Diffy, Duffy and Packet.
The Vectrex has three vector graphics formats!

Diffy lists are a list of connected lines
Duffy lists are an undrawn 'start position' followed by a list of connected lines.
Packet lists are lists of lines ($FF) and undrawn movements of the pen ($00)

Below is the same graphic drawn in all 3 formats:

Diffy Duffy Packet
 dc.b 7    ;ItemCount -1
 ;dc.b $00,$00     ;No initial move on Diffy
 dc.b $F6,$F5    ;0    Y,X Draw this
 dc.b $E6,$0C    ;1    Y,X Draw this
 dc.b $FA,$F6    ;2    Y,X Draw this
 dc.b $F9,$0A    ;3    Y,X Draw this
 dc.b $06,$08    ;4    Y,X Draw this
 dc.b $08,$F6    ;5    Y,X Draw this
 dc.b $17,$0E    ;6    Y,X Draw this
 dc.b $0E,$F2    ;7    Y,X Draw this
dc.b 8    ;ItemCount -1
dc.b $00,$00     ;0    Y,X Move to this point
dc.b $F6,$F5    ;1    Y,X Draw this
dc.b $E6,$0C    ;2    Y,X Draw this
dc.b $FA,$F6    ;3    Y,X Draw this
dc.b $F9,$0A    ;4    Y,X Draw this
dc.b $06,$08    ;5    Y,X Draw this
dc.b $08,$F6    ;6    Y,X Draw this
dc.b $17,$0E    ;7    Y,X Draw this
dc.b $0E,$F2    ;8    Y,X Draw this
dc.b $00,$00,$00     ;0    Y,X Move to this point
dc.b $FF,$F6,$F5    ;1    Y,X Draw this
dc.b $FF,$E6,$0C    ;2    Y,X Draw this
dc.b $FF,$FA,$F6    ;3    Y,X Draw this
dc.b $FF,$F9,$0A    ;4    Y,X Draw this
dc.b $FF,$06,$08    ;5    Y,X Draw this
dc.b $FF,$08,$F6    ;6    Y,X Draw this
dc.b $FF,$17,$0E    ;7    Y,X Draw this
dc.b $FF,$0E,$F2    ;8    Y,X Draw this
dc.B $01      ;End of list
We can draw a 'Duffy list' with $F3AD (DUFFAB)

We can draw a Duffy List with a scale (at the start of the list) with $F35B (DUFFX)

We can draw a Diffy list with $F3CE (DIFFAX)

We can draw a Packet list with $F40E (TPACK)

Here all the examples are the same 'Exclamation mark'....

We also have a 'Chibiko example' ... (The packet list is huge - so it's not shown here!)


We can't specify a rotation when we show a packet list... but we can calculate the rotation of  our packet list (in rom) and store the result in RAM

We can then show that rotated packet list from ram.

Here is the result!

We've rotated a PACKET list, but it's also possible to rotate a DIFFY list - see function $F616 (ADROT)

Lesson P7 - Making Sound with the AY-3-8910 on the Vectrex and FM7
It's time to move on! We've looked as graphics, and input, but now we need to complete our game... and what game will be complete with Sound Effects!
To start we'll look at the AY-3-8910 sound chip... this is used by the FM7 AND the Vectrex... with just a few tweaks, our code can work on both! - YEY!


If you want to master the AY - you'll want to check out the AY datasheet... you can get it HERE

Introducing ChibiSound!

In these tutorials we're going to create an 'amazing' new sound API to rival Directsound!!!... well at least the functionality won't break like Directsound 3D did!

Well, no it won't... what it will do is take a byte value from 0-255, and make a sound of selectable pitch, with noise or half volume in a similar way on all our systems!
This was created for Grime Z80, and allows common sound code to give similar effects on all the systems!

All we do is load the accumulator with a value, and call ChibiSound!

Of course, this won't be enough to make music (Hint: try Arkostracker!) but it will give us some simple SFX, and make it easy to compare doing simple tasks on our various systems!
Accumulator Value Effect
&00 Sound Off
&01-&3F Quiet tone
&40-&7F Loud tone
&80-&BF Quiet Noise 
&C0-&FF Loud Noise
in all cases, smaller numbers are higher pitch, so &10 is higher than &11

Music sometimes uses unusual terms for simple things... here's some things you will see in sound chip documentation, and what they actually mean!
Amplitude Loudness
Envelope How the sound changes over time (on the AY - Volume over time)
Mixer Turn channels on or off
Noise Distorted sounds - used for explosions, drum and symbol sounds
Tone Pitch of the sound

AY-3-8910 Registers
The AY Sound chip is controlled by 14 internal registers that define the sounds it makes... these are built into the chip itself, and we usually access it by 2 ports controlled by OUT commands... one selects the register, the other takes the new value for the register.

The procedure is simple, first we send the register number to the register select port

Then we send the new value to the data port.

before we look at examples of how to make sounds, lets look at the way we access these ports on the systems we'll be looking at, because it's a little differe1nt on each!
Reg Meaning Bit Meaning Details
0 Tone Pitch L - Channel A LLLLLLLL Lower value = Higher pitch
1 Tone Pitch H - Channel A ----HHHH Lower value = Higher pitch
2 Tone Pitch L - Channel B LLLLLLLL Lower value = Higher pitch
3 Tone Pitch H - Channel B ----HHHH Lower value = Higher pitch
4 Tone Pitch L - Channel C LLLLLLLL Lower value = Higher pitch
5 Tone Pitch H - Channel C ----HHHH Lower value = Higher pitch
6 Noise Generator ---NNNNN Higher = Faster noise
7 Mixer  --NNNTTT   N=Noise T=Tone
(Channel --CBACBA 1=mute 0=normal)
8 Amplitude - Channel A ---EVVVV E=Envelope (1=Enabled)
VVVV=Volume (Higher=louder)
9 Amplitude - Channel B ---EVVVV E=Envelope (1=Enabled)
VVVV=Volume (Higher=louder)
10 Amplitude - Channel C ---EVVVV E=Envelope (1=Enabled)
VVVV=Volume (Higher=louder)
11 Envelope L (Volume over time)  LLLLLLLL Lower=Faster Envelope
12 Envelope H (Volume over time)  HHHHHHHH Lower=Faster Envelope
13 Envelope Selection ----EEEH E=Envelope number E (See PDF) 

The Vectrex
To Write a registers on the Vectrex we need to send a sequence of codes to port $D000, and the register Number and Value to $D001
The code here will set Reg B to Value A
Select Register:
RegNum -> $D001
#$19 -> $D000
#$01 -> $D000
Write Selected Register:
New Value -> $D001
#$11 -> $D000
#$01 -> $D000
The FM7
To Write a registers of the AY on the FM7 we need to send a sequence of codes to port $FD0D, and the register Number and Value to $FD0E
The code here will set Reg B to Value A
Select Register:
RegNum -> $FD0E
#$03 -> $FD0D
#$00 -> $FD0D
Write Selected Register:
New Value -> $FD0E
#$02 -> $FD0D
#$00 -> $FD0D

The FM add on board of the FM7 is ALSO backwards compatible with the AY... it uses different ports - take a look at the joystick example to see how it's registers can be used.

Getting the AY to work!
If we want to do anything, we need to turn a channel on!
The AY has 3 sound channels, A, B and C... rather strangely 0 turns a channel on, and 1 mutes it
We turn them on using the Mixer on Reg 7...
Bits 0-2 are the normal sounds for channels A-C
Bits 3-5 turn noise on for channels A-C

in this example, we'll turn on channel A
Now we need to select a Pitch...
pitches are defined by 12 bits... so each channel has two registers to define a pitch... channel A uses 0 and 1

In this example, we'll set a fairly middle tone for channel A.
The last thing we need to do is set a volume for channel A... this is done with Register 8

A volume can be from 0-16... where 16 is loudest... the sound will now play!

We can also turn on an envelope for the channel if we want a more complex sound... 
Envelopes are outside the scope of this tutorial, because the author is too stupid to understand them properly!
please see the AY sound chip PDF if you think you're brainy enough!
Essentially an envelope is selected with Register 13... a speed for the envelope with 11 and 12...  and it applies for any channel with the envelope bit set in that channel's volume register!

Making the a noise!
If we turned on noise for a channel using the Mixer a noise element will be added to the channel...

In this example we've set bit 3 to Zero... turning on noise for channel A
All the channels share a common noise setting... to set the noise "Pitch" we use register 6... if takes a 5 bit value, which defines the noise... smaller numbers are higher pitch!

Making Chibisound
We're now in a position to code Chibisound!

Our Accumulator byte format is %NVPPPPP

where P= pitch , V = Loud volume, and N is the noise bit

We use X as a backup of A while we're working,

We split up PPPPP, and use some of the bits to set registers 0 and 1 (Pitch of Channel A)

If N is set, we turn the noise channel on using the mixer (0=on) on register 7, then we set a noise frequency using register 6

if N is not set, we only turn on channel A using the mixer on register 7

we also need to set the volume of the channel, otherwise it won't make a sound using register 8 (volume for channel A)  %00001111 is the loudest.

if A is Zero... we mute all the channels using the mixer - this will stop all sounds

Want to learn more about the AY registers... check out this lesson here

The AY can be 'Tricked' into playing digital sound samples from WAV files... want to learn how? look here

Lesson P8 - Sound on the Dragon / Tandy CoCo
The Dragon has a 6 bit DAC... we can use this to make sounds, by altering the data sent to the DAC to build up a wave... lets learn how.


Making Waves!

On the Dragon, we make sound by sending a signal to the DAC (port $FF20)

If we alternate the signal on and off quickly, we'll make a High pitched tone
Eg: $80,$0,$80,$0,$80,$0,$80,$0
If we alternate the signal on and off more slowly, we'll make a Lower pitched tone
Eg: $80,$80,$0,$0,$80,$80,$0,$0
The higher the value sent to the DAC, the Louder the tone
Eg: $FC,$FC,$0,$0,$FC,$FC,$0,$0,
If we send erratic values we'll make a noisy tone
Eg: $F0,$F0,$10,$10,$5C,$5C,$34,$34

Controlling the hardware
To turn on the sound we have to use bit 3 of $FF23... we have to make sure all the other bits are set correctly so we can output sound.

$FF23 Bit 3
$FF21 Bit 3
$FF03 Bit 3
$FF01 Bit 3
Cassette Motor 
Multiplexer H 
1 ? 0 0 Sound: Write %SSSSSS-- to $FF20 .... 6 Bit DAC
1 ? 0 1 Cassette
1 ? 1 0 Cartridge
1 ? 1 1 Unused

Because we need to send a constant signal, we're going to use the HSYNC IRQ - this will automatically occur frequently... we can then alter the value sent to the DAC ($FF20) to make the sound.

We turn the IRQ on with Bit 0 of $FF01

PIA0-A Control
Bit 7
Bit 6
IRQA2: Unused
Bit 5
1 -> CA2 in CRA3 in bit follow mode
Bit 4
1 -> CA2 in CRA3 in bit follow mode
Bit 3
CA2: Select Device (Multiplexor LSB)
Bit 2
Dir/Data: 0=$FF00 Selects Direction 1=$FF00 Access Data
Bit 1
CA1 ctrl: 0=IRQ on Hi to Low... 1=IRQ on Low to Hi
Bit 0
CA1 IRQ: 0=off 1=on

When the IRQ fires, address $010C will be called ... we will put a jump at that address to jump to our interrupt handler.
NOTE: To clear the interrupt we must READ from $FF00 - otherwise the interrupt will fire forever and program will crash

Address Vector (Address) Registers Auto-pushed onto stack
$FFF2 SWi 3 Vector ($0100) D,X,Y,U,DP,CC
$FFF4 SWI 2 Vector ($0103) D,X,Y,U,DP,CC
$FFF6 FIRQ Vector ($010F) D,X,Y,U,DP,CC
$FFF8 IRQ Vector ($010C) CC
$FFFA SWI 1 Vector ($0106) D,X,Y,U,DP,CC
$FFFC NMI Vector ($0109) D,X,Y,U,DP,CC
$FFFE RESET Vector ($B3B4) NA
Because we're using an interrupt, our program can run as usual and the sound will still play... but of course the interrupt handler will be using up some CPU power

All the interrupts except IRQ and Reset push all the registers onto the stack automatically...
That means we don't have to worry about changing them while the interrupt handler runs...

To save time, Fast IRQ  (FIRQ) does not... and it makes no sense for RESET!

Introducing ChibiSound!

In these tutorials we're going to create an 'amazing' new sound API to rival Directsound!!!... well at least the functionality won't break like Directsound 3D did!

Well, no it won't... what it will do is take a byte value from 0-255, and make a sound of selectable pitch, with noise or half volume in a similar way on all our systems!
This was created for Grime Z80, and allows common sound code to give similar effects on all the systems!

All we do is load the accumulator with a value, and call ChibiSound!

Of course, this won't be enough to make music (Hint: try Arkostracker!) but it will give us some simple SFX, and make it easy to compare doing simple tasks on our various systems!
Accumulator Value Effect
&00 Sound Off
&01-&3F Quiet tone
&40-&7F Loud tone
&80-&BF Quiet Noise 
&C0-&FF Loud Noise
in all cases, smaller numbers are higher pitch, so &10 is higher than &11

Writing ChibiSound

First we need to set up the PIA's to enable sound, and the Hsync interrupt.

We also turn off 'single bit' sound by setting it's bit to INPUT (we're using 6 bit sound!)
We're going to need some temp vars for the sound - we pass the interrupt handler the settings here
We use the 6 bits of pitch of our parameter to calculate the 'speed' we need to alternate the tone.

The parameter only has 1 bit of volume - we use this to build the 6 bit 'volume mask' we'll use to alternate the waveform in the interrupt handler
Depending on if we're making a noise or a tone we'll use a different interrupt handler.
Ok! We want to set our interrupt handler...

First we set bit 4 of the CC register - this stops interrupts while we're messing!
Next we change the interrupt handler at $010C... we write $7E (a JMP command) and the address of our interrupt handler
now we clear bit 4 of the CC register - this starts the interrupt handler - so we'd better be ready!
We have two interrupt handers...
Both use the 'Stime' counter - this increases until it reaches Sfreq... at which point we alter the sound level in the top 6 bits of $FF20 (The volume of the wave)... we then zero Stime.
This has the effect that the lower Sfreq is, the higher pitch the sound

High Pitch
Low Pitch

If we're making a normal 'Tone' we just flip the wave (eg between 0 and $FC)

If we're making a noise, we need to send random(ish) values - we get these from the first 255 bytes of our source code!

To make the IRQ read (and stop it immediately re-firing) we have to read from $FF00

Lesson P9 - 16 color Bitmap Drawing on the TRS-80 CoCo 3
The CoCo 3 added super graphics via the GIME chip!... With resolutions of 256x192 @ 16 color (and more) and twice the CPU power, the CoCo 3 has lots of 8 bit power!
Lets check it out!


Setting up the screen

First, Let's turn on the FAST CPU mode... we just write to port $FFD9 (it doesn't matter what)... this turns on 1.78 mhz mode on!

If we can't handle the awesome speed of the 6809, we can turn back to regular 0.89 mhz by writing to $FFD8
We need to turn on the Coco 3 features...

We turn on the MMU (Extra ram) with bit 6 of $FF90... Bit 7 disables Coco1/2 compatibility

We select 'Task 0' (Executive mode) of the MMU with bit 0 of $FF91... this sets up things so ports $FFA0-7 control the banks of addressable ram (We only use $FFA1 to control the $2000-$3FFF range)
We want to select a graphics mode!

We turn graphics on with bit 7 of $FF98
We select our mode with $FF99 - we're selecting 16 color, 128 bytes per row, 192 lines (256x192 @ 16 color)

We select the screen base address with $FF9D/E... we want to use address $60000, but we need to divide by 8 ($C000) and store the result in this address.
We want to set up a palette!... this uses the 16 addresses from $FFB0+
Each color uses 6 bits of 1 byte in the format %--RGBRGB... bits 3-5 are the High bit, bit 0-2 are the Low bit

Using our Screen

Our screen uses a total of 24k - from physical address $60000-$65FFF (Pages $30-32)

We'll page these in to the $2000-$3FFF range using $FFA1 as required to draw each line of our graphic
Page 19 bit address Screen Data
$30 $60000 Lines 0-63
$31 $62000 Lines 64-127
$32 $64000 Lines 128-191
Each line of our screen is 128 bytes,

Because each page of our screen holds 64 lines, we can strip off the top 2 bits of our Y address for the bank number (%BBYYYYYY) - our first bank is $30

the remaining 6 Y bits %--YYYYYY * 128 is the offset in that bank

over all our formulas are:
$FFA1 = $30 + YY (where YY= %YY--------)
DestAddr = $2000 + YYYYYY * 128 + Xpos (Where YY= %--YYYYYY)
When we need to move down a line, we add 128
If our memory pointer (Y) has gone over $4000 - we need to page in the next bank, and reset it to $2000
We can use these functions to transfer a bitmap from our program ram to VRAM - GetScreenPos and GetNextLine automatically handle the bankswitching!
We've drawn our Chibiko mascot to the screen!
Of course the CoCo 3 supports a wide range of screen sizes and color options, we've just tried the most 'interesting' here.

If you want to use a different one in your code, you'll need to tweak the calculations of screen memory positions accordingly.

You can export sprites in the correct format for this tutorial with my AkuSprite Editor, it's included in the sources.7z

Lesson P10 - Speed Tile (8x8 sprite) drawing on the FM7
We looked at the 'Yamauchi' commands before - these allow us to run code directly on the second CPU for fast screen drawing.

Lets see how fast! Lets make a 8x8 sprite routine for 4 or 8 color sprites - and get the sub CPU to fill the screen with that sprite


Last time we said the 'Yamauchi' command needed the "YAMAUCHI" string as a password to make the command work - on the earlier FM8 that was true - but the FM7 / FM77 do not check the string - there needs to be 8 unused bytes, but they can be anything!


We're going to create an 8x8 tile routine... we'll transfer it to VRAM, then we'll call that routine to repeatedly draw tiles until the screen is full.

Because the Sub CPU is drawing all the tiles, the Main CPU will be able to do anything we want at the same time.

In a real game, we'd probably want to create a 'list' of tile sources and screen destinations to draw the updates to our screen as the gameplay progresses.

2 CPUs = Double Trouble.

The FM7 has two cpu's with two banks of memory and two roms!... the MAIN one runs our program... the SUB cpu is the only one that can access graphics RAM.... how can we tell the SUB cpu what to do? well, there's 128 bytes of 'shared ram'

This Ram is accessible between $FC80-$FCFF on the main CPU.
it's $D380-$D3FF on the SUB CPU... it may be a different address but it's effectively the SAME data!

Both CPU's cannot access the ram at the same time... we have to HALT the Sub CPU (after WAITing for any jobs it's doing to finish) - we can then read or write data from the Main CPU... we then RELEASE the Sub CPU - it will then take over the shared ram, and try to process any commands there!
Main CPU:
From To Use
$0000   $7FFF   Ram
$8000 $FBFF Basic Rom / Ram
$FC00 $FC7F Ram
$FC80 $FCFF Shared Ram (With SUB CPU $D380)
$FD00 $FDFF IO area
$FE00 $FEEF Boot Rom
$FFF0 $FFFF Vectors
Sub CPU:
rom To Use
$0000   $3FFF   VRAM (BLUE)
$4000 $7FFF VRAM (RED)
$C000 $CFFF Console Buffer Ram
$D000 $D37F Work Ram
$D380 $D3FF Shared Ram (With MAIN CPU $FC80)
$D400 $D7FF IO area
$D800 $DFFF Character Rom
$E000 $FFFF CRT Monitor Rom
Whenever you resume the SUB CPU it will try to process a command in RAM at $FC82/$D382 - if there's not one there it seems to get confused and crash!
If in doubt... you can write the dummy command $3F00 to $FC82 with...    LDD #$3F00   STD $FC82   
This doesn't do anything, but the Sub CPU will understand it and ignore it!

Stopping and starting the Sub CPU with Bit7 of $FD05

When we want to work with the SUB CPU, we can do it with bit 7 of port $FD05 in main ram.

If we want to check if the SUB CPU is Busy doing something, we can do so by testing bit 7 of $FD05 - if it's set the CPU is busy, and we should wait for it if we need the shared ram.

We can test this quickly with BMI (Branch if MInus)
If we want the MAIN CPU to access the ram, we need to Halt the Sub CPU.

First we need to wait until the Sub CPU isn't busy, then we set bit 7 of $FD05... this halts the sub CPU, we can now read or write the $FC80-$FCFF range.
One we're done with the shared ram, we need to Release the Sub CPU

We do this by clearing bit 7 of $FD05 (writing #0) - The Sub CPU will spring into action, and try to process a command at $FC82 - so make sure you know what's written there!

We can't just write any old nonsense to the shared ram, otherwise the Sub CPU will get angry!
Well, actually it'll probably just crash... but we should make sure we write one of these valid commands there... we're going to take a look at some good ones, so don't worry!

Transferring commands to the Sub CPU

When we want to send command bytes to the Sub CPU, we'll specify the source bytes in X, and the WORD count in B (pairs of bytes)

Most GPU commands do not use the first two bytes - they start from $FC82...
But a few use the full range, starting from $FC80
In either case, the number of byte varies depending on the command - but of course, there's only 128 bytes shared ram total.
When we want to send a command there's 3 stages..
1. Halt the Sub CPU
2. Copy the data into shared ram.
3. Resume the Sub CPU

A quick 96 byte transfer command.

We're going to create a command that uses command $91 - Yamauchi Move to transfer data from the main CPU to the sub CPU

This command will simplify it's use, and will transfer 96 bytes of data from the address in main CPU ram in register X to the address in sub CPU ram in register D

Because the transfer window is just 128 bytes - 96 bytes is about the most we can do per run of this command - but we can run the command multiple times to transfer more data.
Here we're using the routine to transfer our Tiles (TILES) from Cpu RAM to VRAM - these are the sprites we'll use

We're also transferring the sprite drawing program (DRAWTILE) to VRAM - we load it to address $CF00

Finally we need to run our Tile drawing program with "CmdYamaTile"

Tile Drawing

Here is our drawtile routine. This will copy 8x8 4 color tile from Vram U to ScreenPos X

We load in byte pairs from U... this gives us enough data to fill 2 lines of one bitplane.

Each line of the screen is 80 bytes wide, so we add 80*Linenumber to the address in X

Once we've done the first bit plane we add $4000 to move to the 2nd bitplane, and $8000 to move to the 3rd bitplane (if needed)
We need to use transfer a small program to use DrawTile

Here' we using it to repeatedly draw tiles to fill the screen.

Disabling bitplane 3 - to free up 16k of vram for sprites

If we only want a 4 color screen, we can disable one of the bitplanes... this frees up VRAM for sprite data.

Usually there's only $1000 bytes or so free for our sprites - but doing this gives us $5000 bytes.


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