Learn Multi platform Z80 Assembly Programming... With Vampires!

Chibi Akumas Technical Documentation

Lesson Aku16 - Gradient Draw
We've covered solid fill areas, and Tilemap areas, but we've overlooked arguably the most complex.. the gradient fill..
In the original game, this routine did the entire background, but now it just does part of it!

Set Scroll direction
Depending on the scroll direction, we may need to change the direction the gradient moves, we use self-modifying code for this, and alter the bits within the gradient definition.

There are 3 options, Scroll Right, Left or no movement (inteded for vertical levels)

Background Gradient
First, lets remember what the gradient definition looks like!

The first two bytes are the starting pair... they are used for the first and second line...

every other line is a new line number, and an extra byte for the gradient - this pushes out one of the old bytes, and the new pair is used.

when a 255 is found, the gradient routine ends!
When this routine is called, HL points to the right of the top screenline... DE points to the gradient definitions (as shown above), B is the linecount and C is the bitmask of the scroll rate..

We use Self-modifying code to store the scroll rate at the correct point

next we load in the first pair for the gradient - we load them into  IXH and IXL... we also swap the source data pos into IY

We also load in the 'next line' number - and self modify this in so we know when we need to read in more line data.

We also back up the stack pointer - we're going to use stack misuse to draw to the screen quickly!
We now start the main sequence, first we check if we're at a 'new line' point.. .if we're not then we skp to the 'rendering routine'

If we do need to do a shift, first we check if the line byte is zero (blank area)... bitshifting zero makes no sense, so we skip if it is...

If it's not, then we next check if the timer ticks ANDed with the scrollrate are not zero - if it's not, then we want to do a bitshift at this point, so we jump to the correct routine to do this (it will be altered by self-modifying code, depending on the scroll direction)
The drawing routine starts by checking the B counter, to see if we need to draw any more lines...

If B is not zero, we need to draw some more - we misuse the stack pointer to draw quickly to the screen, so we swap HL to the stack pointer...

Next we set D and E to IXH - the first line byte of the gradient...

We then need a lot of PUSH DE's to quickly draw to the screen!

Note - on the CPC we keep interrupts enabled - the ChibiAkuams interrupt handler can cope with runing during stack misuse!
While the interrupt handler can cope with stack misuse, it won't work right unless there are a few bytes for it to write to, so we disable interrupts before the final push.

We need to move down a line, because we know we're on an even line, we can simply add &8 to H - but we need to re-update the stack pointer

The line drawing is done in pair, so once we've done the first line, we load in the fata for the second from IXL and repeat the procedure

For the finish up procedure, we need to move down a line... however this time we need to check bit 7, to see if we've gone over the bottom of the memory range, and correct the HL position if we have.

We now repeat the procedure again.

The finishup procedure restores the proper stack pointer, turns interrupts on and returns.

These routines work in PAIRS - therefore a gradient change can only occur on EVEN lines

The routine is limited to make it as fast as possible, so many comprimises were made!

Shift procedure
The bitshift procedure is pretty simple, we need to pull out the 2 bits that make up the rightmost pixel, shift the bits to the left, and OR in the two bits - to put them in the left hand pixel

we store the result back into the memory which makes up the gradient definition

Lesson Aku17 - Tile Draw MSX
The MSX version is very different to the CPC/Speccy version as the VDP has very different capabilities and limitations.

Note: The V9990 uses a seperate Gradient routine to the regular MSX2  (but it's simpler than the MSX one!)

Lets take a look at it!

Just like on the CPC, the MSX2 screen is drawn in 3 sections... the Gradient, Solid Fills, and Tile Fills..

Unlike the CPC though, on the MSX2, the Z80 draws the Gradient WHILE the VDP draws the fills and Tiles - We're doing 8 bit Multithreaded programming!

Drawing the TileMap
When we call the Tilemap drawing routine, we need to pass some parameters

HL is the Tilemap Definition (example shown right)
DE is the V9990 tilemap definiton (it can be more complex because the V9k is faster
IX is the Gradient definition for the MSX2 - we'll look at that later
The Background routine starts with some special code on the V9K, which will switch in the alternate definition - we do this here, because the level code is common on both the V9K and MSX2

Now we need to load in the current screen position... the MSX2 screen will be at Ypos 0 or 256, depending on which framebuffer is shown, we then replace the low byte with the one read in from the definition, this gives us DY - our destination to show the tile to.

Next we load in the number of lines to show, this is saved into NY

The next one is a bit tricky, our tiles are saved as a block in the sprite data - and we need to load in the start of that block into this code (Via self-modified code) - we then add the Y offset of the current strip to that block Y offset - the result is the source Y - SY for the current strip.
You can see the Sprite data here - in the Z80 coding bugs level, the Tiles should be at the start, so the position will be calculated correctly automatically
Here's how the scrolling effect works.

The tilestrip is split in two parts by the 'scroll point'... everything to the right is copied to the far left of the screen... everything to the left is put on the right... then the scroll point is increased...

The result is a tilestrip the full width of the screen, which scrolls, and is filled with only 2 VDP commands (fewer commands= faster)
Next we load in the 'Tickmask... the top bit will allow the scroll direction to be reversed, the other bits are ANDed with 'TicksOccured'... this allows the rate of the scroll to be altered

It should be noticed there is a 'slowdown' section - this is used on the V9990, and is self modified to slow down the effect of the scroll

The MSX2 VDP can only work in pairs, but the V9K can work in indevidial pixels, the two NOPS will be converted to INC (HL) or DEC (HL)s depending on the scroll direction.

We're copying from the middle of the strip to the end - so the Width (NX) of the strip to copy is caclulated by flipping all the bits in the X pos (SX)

the Destination DX is the far left of the screen,  and we set the top byte of the NX to Zero.

Next we need to do a check on the number of pixels we're going to draw... usually NX will be <255 - so a single byte - but if the low bit is 0 - then we need to set the high byte to 1... we do that now, buy calling the 'ByteUp' command, which will increase the high byte by one...

On the V9K we just draw the tilemap.

On the MSX2 we run 'BusyGradient'... this checks if the VDP is busy, and if it is, then the Z80 will draw part of the gradient via memory access... we'll have a look at this command later.

When the VDP is idle, we actually draw the gradient
We now copy from the start of the tile definition up to the scroll point, so we zero SX

We now load in NX and check if it was 256 - if it was, we've nothing more to draw, as we've filled the screen.... if not we use this as the destination of pixels to copy - effectively copying to the position the last copy ended.

We do another CPL to work out how many pixels we need to draw to fill the remaining width of the screen

Now we use the same routines as before, BusyGradient to draw any gradient while the VDP is busy, then we actually draw the tiles!

We now repeat untill we've drawn all the tile definitions..

Finally we have the Byteup command - it just sets NX to 256, for the rare time we need to draw the full width in one go!

Lesson Aku18 - Solid fill & Gradient on the MSX
The MSX Tilemap is just part of the Tile Drawing - solid fill handles the blank area... but the key to speed on the MSX2 is the gradient routine

Lets see what magic it contains!

Solid Fill
The 'Solidfil' routine takes a definition table, each line contains four bytes.

The first byte is a Y position - this is where the fill starts.
The second byte is a number of lines to be filled.
The third byte is a 'tickmask' - this is not used for fills.. but originally this function was intended to perform crude MSX2 gradients
the fourth byte is the fill color.
The first thing to note is that the solid fill routine is misnamed... it's called 'Background_Gradient'!

This is because this routine WAS going to draw a gradient, but couldn't do a good job, so was demoted to solid fill!

We're going to set up MyHMMV to solid fill the area...

First we load in the Ypos of the drawing screen (DY)

Next we set the starting Xpos to 0 (DX)... we set the width to 256 (NX)

Now we load in the Y offset (one byte)... this is the start position (SX)

Now we load in the number of lines - if it's Zero, we've ended the fill commands... otherwise we load it into the height (NY)
We now load in a 'tickmask'... this was used when this function drew gradients - and allowed scrolling.

Once we've done any scrolling (never happens!) we load in the color byte into the fill command
Next we check IX... this points to the 'true gradeint' definition - you see, the gradient is drawn by the Z80 WHILE the VDP fills the blank areas... but if the gradients are done, then we can use the Z80 to help fill the blank areas with HYPER-FILL!

If we have gradients to do, then we check if the VDP is busy, and draw gradients while it is using BusyGradient... which returns once the VDP is no longer busy... once the gradient is done we can do the fill...

We now repeat the procuedure, untill all the fills are done!
The solid fills are done after the tile fills...

So once the solid fills areas are done, we see if all the gradient is drawn - and if it isn't we draw it until it is!

Gradient fill via Z80 ram access

When The Tile/Fill routines run, IYL is initialized to 0 - this is the line number

IX needs to be passed a table of gradient definitions...

The definition starts with a line number - this is where the gradient is drawn...

Then follows 8 lines... each line fills 4 lines of the gradient - MSX2 gradients are ALLWAYS 32 lines tall

Each Line totals 3 bytes..

The first two bytes are the gradient color... there is  also a 1 byte tick mask - this is when the scroll occurs.
The BusyGradient should only run when the VDP is busy - so first we check if it is... and return if the VDP is idle...

Next we flip into the shadow registers - these are used during by the gradient routine - allowing us to do two 'tasks' in paralell ( the Gradient and the Tile/Fill)

We load in HL from the last time the gradient ran, and we see if the line number is Zero - if it is, then this is the first run...

We load in a byte, and see if it's 255 - this would mark the end of the definition... otherwise we have gradient to draw!
We read in the Line offset from the definition and store it in B, we load C with Zero, next we get the drawing screenbuffer offset (0 or 256) and load it into A

We use these values to calculate, and set up the VDP Ram Access so we can do the ram access...

Next we set IYL to 32 - this is the number of lines to draw...

We load HL with the two bytes of the gradient, and compare the TickMask of the gradient with the ticks occured... if the result is NonZero we need to scroll the gradient on this tick
We now fill a full line by OUTING the byte pairs to the DATA port of the VDP
We need to swap the two bytes before drawing the next line...

If we've drawn all the lines, we're done... otherwise we check if we've drawn 4 lines, if not then we repeat

If we've drawn all the lines, then we load in the next bytepair and repeat the procedure.
We're going to repeat the draw line procedure, but first we need to check if the VDP is idle... if it is then we back up HL, flip the shadow registers and return.

We also have the "HyperdoneNext" routine which will load in the next stage of the gradient.
We also have a bitshift routine which rotates the 4 pixels... this moves the leftmost pixel in L to the rightmost pixel in H 

Lesson Aku19 - Gradient fill on the V9990
The V9990 uses a simple, more flexible gradient draw - it was originally designed for the basic MSX2 - but it was too slow on that platform... but the V9K is super fast, and makes easy work of it...

Lets see how to do it!

The theory!
We start with a blank screen... our gradient procedure is:

1. Fill a strip 4 pixels wide, and 192 pixels tall with the gradient (on the left hand side)

2. Copy it over the whole screen

3. Add the tilestrips, sprites etc.

Drawing The Gradient
The gradient is made up of 2 alternating line definitions - of 2 bytes per line...

The Gradient definition has to be passed in HL...

The definition has a start line - which is the first two lines - each line takes 2 bytes...

All following lines have a Line-number - a byte-pair for the new definition (which replaces the oldest of the two being cycled) and a shift timer -which is a bitmask used with 'ticks occured' to decide when to scroll the background

Finally the last definition is ended by a 255 byte...
When we call the routine, HL will point to the gradient definition and
B will be the line count (which is always 192)

The first thing we do is INIT the destination ranges... we need to set the 'screen start Y', which will either be 0 or 256, depending on if screen buffer 0 or 1 is shown

We now load in the two bytepairs for the first line.. we store them into IX/IY first - but we soon move them into the shadow registers BC/DE (which are faster)

Then we load in the next point we need to change the gradient, and store it via self modifying code.
We need to initialize two HMM commands... one to fill the strip on the left (HMMC) and the other to fill the whole screen with that strip (HMMM)

Once we've set the command definitions up, we start the HMMC command.
We send 4 bytes to the VDP data port - remember our strip is only 2 bytes wide, so this effectively fills 2 lines!

We now see if we need to do a gradient change - if not we jump over the next bit...

Now we check if we need to do the Gradient scroll by ANDing in the 'Ticks occured' counter... if the result is not Zero, then we need to do a shift now!
When we need to load in a new byte, we first swap DE into BC... then we load new bytes for DE in from the source again

We also load in the new scroll tick mask, and the next line we need to change the gradient again.
Whether any updates are done or not - we decreace B and repeat until done!
We're going to copy a 252x192 area from the far left to the right... this results in the copy command copying the 4 pixels repeatedly over the entire screen..

In theory we'd just  copy the 4 pixels across the screen, but in practace this doesn't work!... the reason for this is that the V9K is caching the bytes we just wrote...

To counter this we double the 4x192 area to 8x192... then we copy this over the entire screen...

The result is the gradient now fills the entire screen.

Scrolling the gradient data
The background pixel shift for the V9K is almost identical to the MSX2...

We take the rightmost pixel in the two bytes and shift it...

Then we shift the other 3 left, and put the shifted first pixel at the far right.

Once the bytes have been shifted, we save them back to the Gradient definition.

Lesson Aku20 - Level Init and Loop
When a level starts, some Initialization is required to get things working,

Once this is done, the main level code will proceed with the Level loop - which will continue to execute until either the player dies, or wins the level.

Lets see how all this works!

Level Init

On the MSX systems, we need to initialize the memory locations of the Tile data used to draw the background - the positions these need to go will have been set by the previous load commands - however we need to Self-Modify these into the code.

Afterwards, we need to actually get the bitmap data...

The data is RLE compressed, and it's bytes are stored in the level data block, so we decompress this from RAM  into VRAM
On the V9K on the MSX2 in Chibiakumas, boss battles uses custom sprites for enemy bullets, we need to load them in here.
For the next stage, we'll want the Player & game parameters.
Some levels of ChibiAkumas on the CPC flipped colors every frame to 'fake in between' colors... if the user allowed it it would be turned on here...

On the MSX2 we would see if the V9K was present, and turn on the alternate background if it is.
On the Spectrum we have a problem! the 2nd set of sprites are held in the level data, but we need to page it out , and page in bank 7 for the second screen buffer - which means we can't get access to the sprites!

To solve this, we copy the sprites into bank 7 where the second buffer is.
Now we need to initialize the 'Event Stream' (the level contents'
HL points to the Event Stream data...
DE points to a bank of ram which can be used by the event stream for an extra 16 object definitions (128 bytes)... it's not needed if you don't use "evtSettingsBankEXT"
Next we need to INIT arkostracker to get the music playing.

Note that on the Speccy we use Bankswapper_CallHL - this function swaps the bank in, calls HL, and restores the level bank on the spectrum, so everything works OK
We now initialize the screen buffers - this sets up double buffering...

Because of the memory layout of the CPC, and the fact we need to recalculate the memory location every time we go outside of the 16k bank of screen ram, we need to use self modifying code to change the conditions of the "Get Next Line" routines... HL will be set to the correct code by the ScreenBuffer_Init routine.
Finally, we start the interrupt handler...

The main level loop will now begin!

Level Loop
We need to draw everything in order, so first we draw the background.
We're going to do the level objects... first we calculate any new level events via EventStream_Process...

Next we draw all the level object with ObjectArray_Redraw
We're going to start handling the player...

First we run the Player_Handler,  this draws the player, and reads player controls.

Then we execute Player_StarArray_Redraw, this draws the player bullets.
We're going to draw the enemy bullets...

On the V9K boss battles we use animated sprites for bullets - we need to calculate which to use - they are 6 pixels wide, and we cycle through them for each frame of animation.

Whether we're on the MSX or not, we now need to draw the enemy bullets with StarArray_redraw
On the V9K we will draw an extra foreground layer... this is a tilestrip with transparency, and is handled by the same routine that handles the background code.
We've finished the drawing of the main level objects, so we now draw the UI (Scores/Lives etc)
We're pretty much done... finally we play any sound effects

Also, If debugging is enabled we'll show the current level time onscreen, so we can work out any problems with the event stream.
At this point we'll do any 'Level specific' operations that need to occur before the page flip
Now we do the actual page flip... this shows the screen we just drew!

On the CPC we now need to update all the GetNextLine commands again to take account of the change in the drawing page's memory position.

On the Spectrum, we force an Interrupt to occur - this is because the drawing procedure is too slow, and is likely to have missed an interrupt - causing the music to slow down... we have to do this on the spectrum only, because unlike other systems, interrupts that occur when interrupts are disabled are missed, not delayed like on other systems.

Lesson Aku21 - RLE bitmaps with AKUSprite
When developing ChibiAkumas Episode 2, I wanted to be able to store MORE graphics in less space - I decided I needed RLE compression, and as I like to try to do everything myself, I decided to write my own RLE Compressor/Decompresser and file format!

Check out what I came up with!


What is RLE?
RLE stands for Run Length Encoding... this is a compression method where consecutive pixels that are the same are compressed.. .by storing them as a color and a count

RLE is LOSSLESS - the image will be a perfect recreation of the original, but it will be slower to draw!

Lets imagine we have a bitmap.... and the pixels are colored 122222222221111111123 ... that's 21 characters....
Now let's imagine we stored that as 1x1.2x10.1x8.2x1.3x1... that's 19 characters

Now that's a ridiculous example, but the principle stands - and rather than characters, we'll store our data in Nibbles (half bytes)
Rle Bitmap shown on the CPC!

With the right data, RLE files are much smaller than raw bitmaps, and because the compressor 'understands' image data, they can beat compressors designed to work with byte data (an RLE compressor can save space on 5 consecutive pixels the same color, a byte compressor cannot)

One thing to bear in mind, the resulting RLE will be more efficient if lots of consecutive pixels are identical, and you can use this in your art design if you need to save space!
A file optimized for RLE - note the grey and
black 'lines' and few single pixels
These compress better than a checkerboard

How does ChibiAkumas format it's RLE images?
Data is stored in bytes, but these bytes are split into 2 nibbles - and depending on the data, the pixels will be drawn accordingly... on the CPC, one nibble is 2x Mode1 pixels - and we work in Pixel Pairs - this is because the chibiakumas graphics will often use 'checkerboard' (alternating 2 pixel colors) to simulate other colors - and the RLE compressor is designed to compress that!

Bits Meaning
RRRRCCCC+  C repetitions of RLE data R if C=16 then read in the next byte and add to count... if that's 255 read in the next byte too!!)
CCCC0000+ BBBBBBBB.... BBBBBBBB  C bytes of linear (uncompressed raw) byte data (there are C x bytes of B) (C can be more than byte when 16/255+)
00000000 CCCCCCCCBBBBBBBB  C repetitions of Byte B (all bytes are the same color... C can be more than one byte when 255+)

Why so many options? COMPRESSION!
Not all data is RLE compressible - and trying to compress it will make it bigger...  so we have a 'linear' option to resolve this...
Also writing lots of bytes of the same color is slow - so we have a 'repeated byte' option too!

Creating an RLE!

My free, open source AkuSprite Editor can create RLE files for the CPC, Spectrum, MSX and Sam Coupe... the file format is basically the same, but because of the different bit depths of the machines, the number (and order) of the pixels compressed differers... on the Spectrum the color information is also RLE compressed as an extra data set.

It should be possible to write decompress ors for the other systems, however it is not my plan to do so at this time, as I have no plans to use RLE on other systems at this time - and porting the decompresser is time consuming.

Using RLE on the CPC
When we use the RLE function, the RLE sourcecode is stored into the clipboard...

If we just add an ORG &8000  we can compile the code, and just do a CALL &8000 to show our RLE...

Note, the color information is not stored in the RLE, so we'll need to set the palette ourself!

Also Note, this example has a DI, HALT at the end - so we'll need to change this depending on what we want to do!
If we want to use the CPC firmware (for example to return to basic, we need to make some changes!

The firmware relies on the shadow register BC being unchanged, so we need to back that up!

By adding an EXX and PUSH/POP of BC, we can keep the firmware happy!

The compressor was designed for the CPC, but was ported to the other systems, on the speccy each nibble is 4 pixels - on the MSX/SAM it's just one!

Basically the decompresser is the same though, just with code reprogrammed for screen pixel drawing, and the 'GetNextLine' command is changed

Using RLE on the Sam Coupe

The RLE export for the SAM is basically the same, we need to add some extra commands to page in the video ram, but otherwise it's the same

like the CPC, the palette is not included .

Using RLE on the ZX Spectrum

The Spectrum RLE export is basically the same, it will export code that you can just go ahead and run.

you should note that the decompresser uses the IY register - again, this is needed by the Spectrum firmware, so you'll need to back it up if you're using the speccy firmware.

Using RLE on the MSX
The MSX version is the 'odd one out'...

Rather than saving the RLE to the clipboard, it is saved to a file - this is because the MSX screen is very large (24k), and the ram is very small (64k)... also the disk is relatively slow...,

For this reason ChibiAkumas usually streams RLE from the disk to the VDP without using ram - this ends up faster, and doesn't use any memory (well technically it uses a 128 byte buffer)

However, when we use the export routine in Akusprite editor, a simple 'Loader' will be created which does allow the RLE to be viewed from ram,

This can just be pasted in and should run OK, provided your screen is set up correctly, and you have the 'VdpMemory.asm' module included - which handles the VDP init commands for the RLE draw

The ChibiAkumas RLE format probably isn't the best - but it's FREE...

Chibiakumas was developed for personal achievement by the developer, and the author wanted to try to make his own RLE compressor - being the best or fastest wasn't the mission!

Lesson Aku22 - ChibiAkumas RLE decompresser
While the Compressor is written in C#, The ChibiAkumas RLE decompresser is Z80 based...

In this lesson we're going to look at the CPC version of the decompresser and see how it works!
(the Speccy/SAM and MSX ones are fairly similar)


Initialization routine

As we saw before, When the RLE decompresser is started HL points to the start of the data in RAM, DE points to the end,B points to the Y line  to start drawing, IXH is the width in bytes, and ITL is the X pos of the RIGHT HAND SIDE....

This is because the decompresser works Right-> Left, this was to allow the option of using stack misuse for filling.
First we need to initialize various parameters using self modifying code...

Next we need to calculate the starting screenpos, we use the NextScreenLine function to do this, but it automatically adds the image width (as it's designed to recalculate the starting line during drawing) so we need to subtract that width for each iteration

Once we're ready we set E to 255 - E is used during drawing RLE data to mark which half of the byte is currently drawn - as each RLE nibble is 2 pixels there are two iterations per screen byte.

Once set up is done, we're ready to draw our RLE!

The main loop
First we check what kind of data we have ....as discussed before, the second nibble is the RLE count... if the count is zero - then this byte is linear data.

Otherwise we store the count for later

RLE Data

Now we load in the pixel data... two visually consecutive pixels on the CPC are not consecutive in RAM.

To optimize the RLE compression we store in the file according to the visual layout, and bitshift into the correct position for the screen now.

We also check the count... if the count is 15 (all bits of the nibble are 1) we read in the next byte as well, and add it to the count... if that byte is 255 then we keep reading in bytes and adding them to the count until one isn't!
We're going to fill the bytes of the screen with the nibble we read in,

we have two versions of the code, so that whatever the position we need to plot our pixel pair to video ram, we can do so.

If we've completed a line of the RLE, we recalculate the position of the start of the next line.

We check IX to see when we've completed all the drawing for this RLE batch - once we're done we back up the screen pos of the current draw

Note 'ByteNibbles' this is a special routine that will fill entire bytes with the nibble for extra speed.

We need some commands to allow for the starting of RLE data half way through a screen byte.

These commands handle this, flipping E (the current nibble selection), and jumping to the middle of the loop

On the MSX each RLE nibble is just one pixel... on the Speccy it's 4 pixels - also, on the speccy the format is simpler, as unlike the CPC, the pixels on the speccy are consecutive - so the code that shifts the bits is different.

Nibble pairs (Full bytes)

If there is a lot of RLE data left, it's faster to fill it in bulk, so we do that with the ByteNibbles function

It's essentially just copies the C byte to the screen, decreasing the count by 2 each time, until theres only 3 nibbles left, then we switch back to the regular routine
The nibble pair code is just a speedup!
You could remove it and the regular RLE code could do the job, the drawing would just be significantly slower.

Byte Series Data
If the 'RLE count' nibble is zero then the top nibble is a count for a series of bytes to be shown to the screen

This is where we could not compress the data as an RLE, so we're storing it 'As Is'

we need to shift the top nibble to the bottom, then (as before) if the count is 15, we load in more bytes to get the total count.

Once we've got our count, we start reading bytes from the source, and writing them to the screen, checking for a newline until we've done all the bytes

Repeated Byte Data
There will be many times where a large area is filled with a single repeating byte, although that byte may not be RLE compressible (eg 4 different colors repeated)- we have a special routine to handle this!

This is defined by the first byte being zero - so the count is entirely in the following bytes.

Once we have the count ,we just copy bytes accordingly , checking for a new line as usual

Lesson Aku23 - ChibiAkumas Compiled Sprite Compressor for the CPC and Spectrum
The RLE Compressor allows us to image images small... but sometimes we don't need things to be smaller...we need them to be FAST!

On the CPC and Spectrum we do this with something called a 'Compiled Sprite'... 

Lets learn about Compiled Sprites and how we can use them!


What is a 'Compiled Sprite'

A normal sprite will have some kind of Bitmap data, and some Code... the Code reads in the Bitmap data, and 'Draws' the sprite to the screen

A Compiled sprite is different... there is no Bitmap Data to read in... the sole purpose of the code is to draw that one sprite...and it's optimized to do that job as fast as possible!

Effectively a compiled sprite is an ASM program, and AkuSprite Editor can produce the code to show the sprite for us!
In ChibiAkumas, Compiled sprites are used for the background of the last level of EP1, and the 'Sakuya' battle of EP2 - which had a pre-rendered 3D background with up to 8 frames on repeating animation...

Completely redrawing a full screen each frame during gameplay takes a lot of CPU power, so this is a time Compiled sprites are needed...

The Compiled sprites in ChibiAkumas do have some bitmap data... this is because a pure compiled sprite of a complex 16k screen could easily end up as greater than 64k!

In this episode, we'll learn how to make and use compiled sprites for the CPC and ZX spectrum... Because direct memory access is slow on the MSX, compiled sprites are not possible on the MSX!

RLE is good when you need the space, and can spare the CPU power...
Compiled Sprites are for when you need the CPU power, and can spare the space...
In both cases, it's unlikely you're going to be able to clip the sprite (have the sprite partially onscreen) so they're really best for 'special cases'

Creating Compiled sprites for the CPC
We're going to convert the same bitmap we used in the RLE example...

We just load the picture we want to convert into AkuSprite editor... and select the AddOne menu option... the source code is copied into the clipboard

This will add an extra frame to the compiled sprite data (multiple frames can be combined into one code file)... AddOneDiff adds the difference between the new frame and the last one - effectively a transparent layer.

Clear will remove all the compiled sprite data.
We can paste the compiled sprite code into Winape to execute it...

We do need to make a few changes first...
Delete the incomplete ORG statement
Remove the last EI command from the EndCode - the Firmware interrupt handler won't like it.
To keep the firmware happy, we need to change the first Jump to a Call, and backup shadow BC

This will produce a program we can run from basic.

We can show the sprite by typing "Call &8000" from basic.

The sprite will be shown - much faster than the RLE - and basic will continue working.

Creating Compiled sprites for the ZX Spectrum
Just like on the CPC, we can use the 'AddOne' option on the ZX Spectrum to add an extra frame to the compiled sprite
After we paste in the clipboard, we need to delete the first ORG Statement
We need to change the start Jump to keep basic happy.

We need to change it to a Call, and back up IY...

The Compiled sprite generator has made a mistake, it didn't define MultiPushDE31...
we can fix this though!
If we make MultipushDE31 using MultiPushDE40 as a template the problem will be fixed
The compiled sprite will be shown to screen, and basic will continue working!
Akusprite Editor also does speccy colors, so you can do a full-screen full color background...
This was used in ChibiAkumas EP1 V1.666 during the last boss battle for the background.

Lesson Aku24 - Compiled Sprite Source
We looked at how to use a compiled sprite in the last lesson... this time we'll look at the resulting compiled sprite source-code, and see what magic is happening!

We're going to look at a CPC compiled sprite, but the Speccy one is 95% identical


Starting the draw
The start point of the Compiled sprite is pretty simple... we use Stack Misuse to get data to the screen as fast as possible... this is where we use PUSH commands to write bitmap data to the screen.

We first need to back up the real stack pointer, then point SP to the right hand side of the top line of the destination...

Next we load IX with a pointer to the DrawOrder line list, and execute 'JumpToNextLine' which will handle the draw
The DrawOrder is a set of pointers to sections of code... the idea is that many images will have repeating parts, and we can use the same code to draw multiple lines... unfortunately this image has no such lines, so it doesn't save space - but usually it will!
When we start drawing a line, we load in the address of that line code, and jump to the code.

The DrawOrder list allows us to reuse lines to save space, however this still needs 400 bytes for a full 200 line screen... if many of the lines are the same (eg if much of the screen is blank) we can use a Looper... this will repeat one or two lines a certain number of times, allowing for a smaller DrawOrder table to fill the screen.

Fast filling with PUSH
Because PUSH is the fastest way to fill the screen we use it for the fill..

The first few bytes are all blank, so we load DE with &0000, and use 'Multipush' to do the fill... this is a set of PUSH DE commands... even though we're misusing the stack, we can use a CALL here, as we've got two bytes left to draw, and the code is designed to work around this... we'll look at this in a moment...

The next bytes we need to write are &0080 - we use HL.. then we want to write &7100 - we use BC...

Now we want to write $0000 again... the compiler knows DE still contains this, so we can just PUSH DE again!
We now need to write $0040... HL still contains $0080... so if we just change L to $40, we'll have the right value to push...

We need some more $0000's... and DE still contains that value...

we also need $8000... BC contains $7100, so if we change B to $80 we'll have the value new need...

Finally we need to push 2 DE's, and then we've completed the line
The C# Sprite Compiler remembers the current state of each register, and trys to use the best way to produce the new value we need... this can be setting part of the register with commands like LD L,&xx or copying parts of other registers like LD L,B
It's just a case of finding the simplest way to get the resulting pair to PUSH to save speed, and space!


We CALLED MultipushDE5... we're going to push bitmap data to the screen, so we need to get that return address out of there... we pop it into HL, and then do the 5 pushes...

Once we've done, we effectively return, by Jumping to the address in HL that we popped earlier
The NextLinePushDE2 is just a pair of DE pushes... but execution falls into the code to calculate the start of the next screen line, and then falls into the jump code which runs the drawing routine for the next line
The NextLine Command will need to be modified if you're intending to use a second screen buffer,
You will also need to reprogram the code if you want to reposition the sprite

Bitmap data... when Push doesn't work
Writing 2 bytes of data with "LD HL,&xxxx... PUSH HL" takes 4 bytes... so in the worst case scenario we're doubling our data size... a serious problem when our screen is 16K and our ram is 64K!

Unfortunately, we do have to use some bitmap data to stop the program getting too large - we only do this where PUSH commands aren't helping at all...

We can call BitmapPush to do this... the following 2 bytes after the call are the address of the data.
The bitmap data is... well... bitmap data!

The C# Compiler remembers all previously defined data, and if it's possible to 'reuse' some that's already defined, then it will!
Before we jump to the BitmapPush itself, we set B to the number of WORDS of data we want to copy...

We back up DE... it may contain useful data we'll want to push again later.
Next we POP the return address into IY, and load in the address of the calling function... we read in the following 2 bytes.. these are the address of the bitmap data.

Now we read in a bytepair from the bitmap data and PUSH it... we repeat until B reaches zero, then we restore DE and return.

We often try to combine the last command with the next line command with functions like "  jp NextLinePushHl "

Because these commands will be used often, we can save a byte or two with the last command in this way.


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