Simple Hello World Example on the 6809

Introduction to the Hello World Series...
In this series we'll be looking at the basics of coding,compiling and running

Lesson H1 - Hello World on the Dragon / Tandy CoCo
Lets take a look at the Dragon - We'll make Hello world work on a cartridge, and run it on an emulator


Beginning a Cartridge
We're going to start a cartridge...
Our Cartridge runs from address $C000 - $FFFF (16 k)

We define two bytes of Ram as being the X,Y position of the cursor,

At the start of the cartridge we need to set a usable stack pointer ($8000)
We also zero the printing cursor position
We're going to print a 255 terminated string to the screen..

Note, the string contains a lower case character (The dragon can't do them, but we'll fix it)
Our cartridge needs to be 'padded' to 16k - so we put a couple of bytes at the end...

Note, the 'Reset' address doesn't actually seem to get used on the running machine. (it's overridden by system defaults)
Here is the result!

Tje Dragon starts in text mode, so we don't need to do any complex screen set up...

Of course the Dragon has graphics modes too, but we'll look at them another time!

Printing a character to the screen

The Dragon screen uses 1 byte per character
Screen memory starts at $0400, and the screen is 32 bytes wide, so the formula for a screen character is:

Address= $0400 + (Ypos * 32) + Xpos

But the character map is a little odd!... it has no lowercase characters, instead having inverted characters... we'll have to work around that
When we want to print a character to screen, we need to calculate the memory address of the 'cursor'...
We multiply Y by 32 by repeated bit shifts.

Once we've worked out the memory address, we need to 'Fix' the ASCII character, converting it to the Dragon charset.

If a character is lower case, we need to subtract 32 converting it to the uppercase equivalent

if the character is a symbol (! to ]  etc) we need to add 64 - otherwise these will appear 'inverted'

Finally, we move the cursor along, and if we've reached the end of a line, we perform a newline command
Newline just zeros the Xpos, and increases the Ypos

Using our PrintChar to print a string

We're going to write a simple string printing routine, it prints a 255 terminated string.

All we do is read in bytes from Y until we get to a 255, at which point we return... we print all other characters with our PrintChar routine
This will show 'Hello World' to the screen

Building the ROM

We build our rom with Macro AS (ASW)

Here is the script I use...
We specify the source asm (%BuildFile% in my batch file)
We specify our CPU type as 6809
We specify to output a listing file - this is handy for debugging.
We tell the assembler to define a symbol 'BuildDGN' (Some of my multiplatform programs use this)
We output a Build file prog.bld - but this needs converting before we can use it as a rom!

Once the build completes - we need to convert it to a binary

We can then start the ROM cartridge with our emulator Xroar:

Monitor Tools
As an added bonus we can include the 'Monitor Tools' we developed in the multiplatform series.

These allow us to show the registers or parts of the Ram for testing and debugging purposes
This gives us 2 commands...
Monitor shows all the registers,
RamDump will show Y bytes from address X to the screen
We can see the result onscreen.
We've got some basic screen routines, a memory dump and register dump... we can use these as 'building blocks' for making and testing something better.

Lesson H2 - Hello World on the Fujitsu FM7
Lets take a look at the FM-7, we'll learn how to make a 'hello world' message, build a 2B0 binary file, and add it to a disk
Finally we'll start the disk on our emulator.


Beginning a 2B0 binary file

First we define 'Padding Off' - this stops the assembler adding zero bytes to our code to align to 16 bit boundaries.

We need to put a header on our file... the file starts at address $2000 - but our 21 byte header precedes that.

The header defines the header pf the program, the size of the program, and the address to load the program in memory.

We calculate the size from the  ProgramEnd and ProgramStart labels.

We're also defining the symbol 'PrintChar' which points to the Basic print routine.
As well as our header, we need a footer after our program.

Here we're using a basic call to draw characters, but later we'll learn more about the graphics hardware...
Actually the FM7 has TWO processors... the MAIN one for our program, and the SUB one which handles graphics.
The main 6809 that runs our program CANNOT access graphics ram!

Using PrintChar to print a string

We're going to write a simple string printing routine, it prints a 255 terminated string.

All we do is read in bytes from Y until we get to a 255, at which point we return... we print all other characters with the PrintChar routine
If we want to start a new line, we just print CHAR 13 followed by CHAR 10
We use this function to print our message to the screen
This will show 'Hello World' to the screen

Building the Disk

We build our file with Macro AS (ASW)

Here is the script I use...
We specify the source asm (%BuildFile% in my batch file)
We specify our CPU type as 6809
We specify to output a listing file - this is handy for debugging.
We tell the assembler to define a symbol 'BuildFM7' (Some of my multiplatform programs use this)
We output a Build file prog.bld - but this needs converting before we can use it as a binary.

Once the build completes - we need to convert it to a binary

We need to put the file on a disk... we have a pre-formatted blank disk with a 'startup program'...
We use FMWrite from the 'Ftools' package to put our 2B0 file on the disk:

We can then start the ROM cartridge with our emulator XM7:

Startup basic file

We've used a pre-configured startup disk, this contains a basic program which will load our binary, and run the address $2000

This disk is used as the basis for our built program.
If you decide to load your program at a different address you'll need to change this basic file..

for some reason the 'EXEC' address in the 2B0 doesn't seem to help much!

Monitor Tools
As an added bonus we can include the 'Monitor Tools' we developed in the multiplatform series.

These allow us to show the registers or parts of the Ram for testing and debugging purposes
This gives us 2 commands...
Monitor shows all the registers,
RamDump will show Y bytes from address X to the screen
We can see the result onscreen.

Lesson H3 - Hello World on the Vectrex
It's time for the Vectrex...
Unlike most systems, on the vectrex we have to redraw our text every redraw of the screen - we'll use a firmware function to do this.


Beginning a Cartridge

We're going to start a cartridge... Our Cartridge runs from address $0000...
We turn Padding off - this stops the assembler adding 0 bytes where we don't want them.

The cartridge needs a header, with some fixed bytes, and title and music for the boot screen

The Vectrex uses two direct pages... $C8 points the DP to RAM... $D0 points to hardware registers, which is needed for some
The title we specify will be shown on the boot splash screen

The emulator provided with these tutorials is configured to use a modified ROM
The Author of these tutorials modified the rom to skip the splash screens - this allows the game to start immediately, and saves time when debugging.

Printing a character to the screen

The vectrex draws in lines not pixels, but the firmware provides a limited font we can use via it's firmware functions.
First we need to define the size of the text we'll use... this is defined by two bytes at $C82A

We'll use $FC38 - a small font, but we could also use $F848 for large text.
We're going to use function $F38C  (TXTPOS) to draw to the screen... this can draw multiple strings in one go.

Before we draw to the screen we'll call $F192 (FRWAIT) - this wait's for a new screeen redraw.

Then we use $F38C - but this needs the DP to point to the hardware registers at $D0

We have to draw the screen every frame, otherwise it will instantly disappear from the screen
The hello string needs to start with a Y,X drawing location.

Each line must end $80, and the last string must end $00
The message is shown on screen

Building the ROM

We build our rom with Macro AS (ASW)

Here is the script I use...
We specify the source asm (%BuildFile% in my batch file)
We specify our CPU type as 6809
We specify to output a listing file - this is handy for debugging.
We tell the assembler to define a symbol 'BuildDGN' (Some of my multiplatform programs use this)
We output a Build file prog.bld - but this needs converting before we can use it as a rom!

Once the build completes - we need to convert it to a binary

We can then start the ROM cartridge with our emulator vecxgl... we specify a custom Bios Rom (myrom.dat) - this rom has been modified to skip the startup splash screen... we also specify a screen size of 1000

Simulating a raster screen

We can use the multiline printing routine to simulate a screen similar to our other systems.

We'll define some bytes for this:
TextRam is the text string which makes up all the text 'onscreen'
The current Y pos (in screen co-ords) this is needed for defining each screen line's position.
The Datapos is a pointer to the byte of TextRam the next char needs to be inserted
We define a Newline and CLS functions.

We need to make sure the text string ends with $80,$0

Each new line needs to contain an Y and X position... Y is taken from the TextDataY, X is always -128
The PrintChar routine adds another character to the end of the string,

Because the Vectrex has no lowercase characters we check for these, and convert them to uppercase.
We still need to draw the screen during our main loop, however we'll provide a single function to do this - drawing the TextRam buffer to the screen, and waiting for Vblank

Monitor Tools
As an added bonus we can include the 'Monitor Tools' we developed in the multiplatform series.

These allow us to show the registers or parts of the Ram for testing and debugging purposes
This gives us 2 commands...
Monitor shows all the registers,
RamDump will show Y bytes from address X to the screen
We can see the result onscreen.

Of course the Vectrex isn't really designed for raster fonts... it's designed for VECTORS!

We'll learn how to draw vectors another time!

Lesson H4 - Hello World on the Dragon / Tandy CoCo
Last time we took a look at printing characters in text mode.

This time we'll take a look at a bitmap function which will use a 1bpp font, and convert it to 2bpp (4 color) graphics mode.


Beginning a Cartridge
We're going to start a cartridge...
Our Cartridge runs from address $C000 - $FFFF (16 k)

We define two bytes of Ram as being the X,Y position of the cursor,
We also define two bytes of temporary zero page storage (z_b and z_c)

At the start of the cartridge we need to set a usable stack pointer ($8000)
We also zero the printing cursor position
We're going to print a 255 terminated string to the screen..
Our cartridge needs to be 'padded' to 16k - so we put a couple of bytes at the end...

Note, the 'Reset' address doesn't actually seem to get used on the running machine. (it's overridden by system defaults)
Here is the result!

Tje Dragon starts in text mode, so we don't need to do any complex screen set up...

Of course the Dragon has graphics modes too, but we'll look at them another time!

Printing a character to the screen

We're using our own bitmap font... it's 2 color (1bpp) but we're going to 'convert' it for the 4 color screen.
We include the font as binary data in our file.
We're using Pmode 3 screen

This gives a 128x192 screen with 4 colors.
When we want to print a character to screen, we need to calculate the memory address of the 'cursor'...
We multiply Y by 32 by repeated bit shifts.

Once we've worked out the memory address, we need to 'Fix' the ASCII character, converting it to the Dragon charset.

If a character is lower case, we need to subtract 32 converting it to the uppercase equivalent

if the character is a symbol (! to ]  etc) we need to add 64 - otherwise these will appear 'inverted'

Finally, we move the cursor along, and if we've reached the end of a line, we perform a newline command
Newline just zeros the Xpos, and increases the Ypos

Using our PrintChar to print a string

We're going to write a simple string printing routine, it prints a 255 terminated string.

All we do is read in bytes from Y until we get to a 255, at which point we return... we print all other characters with our PrintChar routine
This will show 'Hello World' to the screen

Building the ROM

We build our rom with Macro AS (ASW)

Here is the script I use...
We specify the source asm (%BuildFile% in my batch file)
We specify our CPU type as 6809
We specify to output a listing file - this is handy for debugging.
We tell the assembler to define a symbol 'BuildDGN' (Some of my multiplatform programs use this)
We output a Build file prog.bld - but this needs converting before we can use it as a rom!

Once the build completes - we need to convert it to a binary

We can then start the ROM cartridge with our emulator Xroar:

Monitor Tools
As an added bonus we can include the 'Monitor Tools' we developed in the multiplatform series.

These allow us to show the registers or parts of the Ram for testing and debugging purposes
This gives us 2 commands...
Monitor shows all the registers,
RamDump will show Y bytes from address X to the screen
We can see the result onscreen.
We've got some basic screen routines, a memory dump and register dump... we can use these as 'building blocks' for making and testing something better.

Lesson H5 - Hello World on the Tandy CoCo Disk BIN file
Lets take a look at the Coco - We'll make Hello world file in BIN format, load it onto a disk image, and run it on an emulator


The BIN file format

The Dandy COCO disk system uses binary files for program code.
These have a 5 byte header before the data, and a 5 byte footer.

The header contains a $00 byte, the length of the data itself (without header/footer) and the Load address the data should be loaded to in ram

The footer contains a $FF byte, an unused word ($0000) and the Execution address we want to run, which in this case is the start of our program.

Our emulator can load the BIN file directly, but we can create a basic loader

we use 'LOADM "PROG.BIN" to load our program 'PROG' in memory, then EXEC to run it.

We save this - in this case as 'GO.BAS'
We're going to print a 255 terminated string to the screen..
Our cartridge needs to be 'padded' to 16k - so we put a couple of bytes at the end...

Note, the 'Reset' address doesn't actually seem to get used on the running machine. (it's overridden by system defaults)
Here is the result!

Hello world is shown in the top corner - though we didn't clear the screen!

Note: This example is for the COCO only

je Dragon uses a different BIN and Disk format, and we won't be covering it here!

You'll need appropriate ROM files for the disk system so the emulator will work.

For legal reasons we cannot provide them here.... soz!

Printing a character to the screen

The Dragon screen uses 1 byte per character
Screen memory starts at $0400, and the screen is 32 bytes wide, so the formula for a screen character is:

Address= $0400 + (Ypos * 32) + Xpos

But the character map is a little odd!... it has no lowercase characters, instead having inverted characters... we'll have to work around that
When we want to print a character to screen, we need to calculate the memory address of the 'cursor'...
We multiply Y by 32 by repeated bit shifts.

Once we've worked out the memory address, we need to 'Fix' the ASCII character, converting it to the Dragon charset.

If a character is lower case, we need to subtract 32 converting it to the uppercase equivalent

if the character is a symbol (! to ]  etc) we need to add 64 - otherwise these will appear 'inverted'

Finally, we move the cursor along, and if we've reached the end of a line, we perform a newline command
Newline just zeros the Xpos, and increases the Ypos

Using our PrintChar to print a string

We're going to write a simple string printing routine, it prints a 255 terminated string.

All we do is read in bytes from Y until we get to a 255, at which point we return... we print all other characters with our PrintChar routine
This will show 'Hello World' to the screen

Building the BIN

We build our BIN with Macro AS (ASW)

Here is the script I use...
We specify the source asm (%BuildFile% in my batch file)
We specify our CPU type as 6809
We specify to output a listing file - this is handy for debugging.
We tell the assembler to define a symbol 'BuildDGN' (Some of my multiplatform programs use this)
We output a Build file prog.bld - but this needs converting before we can use it as a rom!

Once the build completes - we need to convert it to a binary

We can then start the BIN directly with our emulator Xroar, we're also specifying we want to emulate a COCO

Creating a disk image
We uses the 'ToolShed' tools to work with disks

DECB works with disk images

We can create a blank disk with "decb dskini blank.dsk"
We'll start from a copy of our blank disk each time... if we save our "GO.BAS" to this master image, we will be able to start our program quickly each time

We use DECB COPY to transfer our BIN file to the disk image
We can load our disk image on start up with XROAR

Monitor Tools

As an added bonus we can include the 'Monitor Tools' we developed in the multiplatform series.

These allow us to show the registers or parts of the Ram for testing and debugging purposes
This gives us 2 commands...
Monitor shows all the registers,
RamDump will show Y bytes from address X to the screen
We can see the result onscreen.
We've got some basic screen routines, a memory dump and register dump... we can use these as 'building blocks' for making and testing something better.


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