Simple sample code on a variety of Z80 machines
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Introduction to the Simple Series...
Continuing from the 'hello world' series, we're going to create some super basic examples to get you started! Each will be a single ASM file (where possible) and we'll look at the basics you'll need to make a game with as little code as possible, Lets make a start!

Lesson S21 - Sprite Drawing and Key Reading on the ZX81
While graphically limited, we can do simple block graphics on the ZX81, we can also read the keyboard!

Lets move a little sprite around the screen with with the QAOP keys!


Drawing a bitmap
We're going to learn how to transfer a bitmap of our 'Chibiko' mascot to the screen.

The bitmap is 48x48... but the data will be 24x24, as each character block is 2x2 pixels.
The image is exported with AkuSprite Editor, it's free and open source

We can transfer our sprite to VRAM with a sequence of LDIR commands.

We need to add 33 to our memory pos to move down a line, as each line is 32 chars+1 NewLine char

Reading the keyboard

This time we're going to use a 8x8 pixel image (4x4 char blocks)

We'll move a little character around the screen.
We can read in a row of the keyboard by setting BC to the correct value and using IN A,(C)... the resulting byte will contain a 0 if the key is pressed, 1 if it is not.

C= &FE
B=... 0 1 2 3 4
%11111110 SHIFT Z X C V
%11111101 A S D F G
%11111011 Q W E R T
%11110111 1 2 3 4 5
%11101111 0 9 8 7 6
%11011111 P O I U Y
%10111111 ENTR L K J H
%01111111 SPC DEL    M       N       B   
As the ZX81 doesn't support a joystick, we'll use QAOP Enter and Space as directions and fire buttons, we can use these for simple games.

We start by loading %01111111 into B, and read in, we repeatedly rotate B, shifting the bits of the buttons we want into H, which contains the eventual result.
When it comes to our main loop we'll wait until a key is pressed.

When one is, we'll test each of our directions, and move our sprite in that direction.

We also change FrameBase... this selects one of the pairs of sprites for the animation,

We use Sprite 4,5 as Up/Down
We use Sprite 0,1 as Right
We use Sprite 2,3 as Left.

We next toggle the framenumber (FrameNo)

We then check our X and Y position, and reset if the object has gone off the screen.

We then draw the sprite to the screen.
Lets draw our sprite!

We load in FrameNo and FrameBase and add them together.

As each 8x8 pixel (4x4 char) image is 16 bytes, we multiply this by 16 via bitshifts, and add it to the 'Sprites' base.

We've now calculated the source bitmap address.

We then draw our sprite to the screen!

We use 'GetScreenPos' to calculate the VRAM address from the (B,C) X,Y pos
To calculate the VRAM destination we use the following formula

Destination ram = VRAM+1+ XPOS + (YPOS*33)

We skip the first byte of VRAM as this is a newline byte.

We effect multiplication of Ypos*33 by adding the Ypos*1, then bitshifting YPOS to calculate YPOS*32 and adding again.

We've learned how to draw an image to the screen, and read the keyboard.

We should have all we need to start writing a simple game on the ZX81... so get programming! What's your excuse not to?

Lesson S22 - Sprite clipping on the Amstrad CPC (Part 1/2)
We drew our 'Chibiko' mascot to the screen before, but this time we're going to improve the algorithm.

First we'll add 'sprite clipping' so parts of the sprite can go offscreen.

Logical Units and clipping

To allow us to crop our sprites, we'll need to move our sprite around 'logical space' - only a portion of this will be the visible screen.

We'll use this to crop the sprite.

We're designing our code for screens of 256x192 - and we'll use 'Logical Co-ordinates' which define a visible screen of 192x96 (2 pixels per logical unit)

The visible logical screen is in the center of the logical space area to allow the sprite to be 'partially offscreen' on any side.
We need to crop any offscreen part to get to the first visible pixel of the sprite.

After each line We also need to crop the unused pixels to the next visible pixel

Logical Cropping

Our cropping routine will work out the X,Y pos in bytes, and width and height + any skipped pixels from the source data

registers B,C is the X,Y co-ordinate in logical units
registers H,L is the Width,Height in logical units
register IY is the address of the source bitmap data.

First we zero Dm,E - they are used for temp values
Ok... lets crop the top of the sprite...
First we remove the ypos of the first visible pixel from the draw ypos (C)... if the result is greater than zero, then nothing is off the screen at the top.

if the result is less than zero we need to crop... we convert the negative to a positive and compare to the height of our sprite (L), if the amount to crop is not less than the height then the sprite is completely offscreen.

Anything else is the number of lines we need to remove from the top, we store this in E and set the new 'draw position' to Ypos (C) =0
Next we do the same for the bottom,

We add the height to the Ypos, and subtract the height of the logical screen, if it's over the screen height (greater than zero) we need to crop again - the result is the amount to crop

We've calculated the top (E) and bottom (D) crop... we now use these to calculate the new height of the sprite (L).
We then skip over any bytes in the source (IY) based on the number of lines of tiles we need to remove from the top.
now we do the same for the X axis

First we remove the xpos of the first visible pixel from the draw Xpos (B) ... if the result is greater than zero, then nothing is off the screen at the left.

if the result is less than zero we need to crop... we convert the negative to a positive and compare to the width of our sprite (H), if the amount to crop is not less than the width then the sprite is completely offscreen.

Anything else is the number of lines we need to remove from the left, we store this in D5 and set the new 'draw position' to Xpos (B) =0

If we're using 'Stack Misuse'  we have to work in 16 bit words.
Next we do the same for the right,

We add the width (H) to the Xpos, and subtract the width of the logical screen, if it's over the screen width (greater than zero) we need to crop again - the result is the amount to crop from the right (D)
We've calculated the left and right crop...  We use these to  calculate the bytes to skip after each line of our sprite (SpriteHClip)

If this is zero, there's no horizontal crop
We need to crop, so we calculate the new with in H,

We also need to turn on the slower cropping routine via self modifying code
We need to convert out Xpos and Width to a number of bytes, and our Ypos and height to a number of lines.

We clear the carry to tell the calling routine we cropped the sprite successfully (it needs drawing) and return.
If the sprite is completely offscreen, there's no point trying to draw, so we set the carry and return

Logical Units and clipping

When we want to draw our sprite, we first run the DoCrop routine to calculate the required cropping.

If there's anything to draw, we then calculate the VRAM destination with GetScreenPos, and run the ShowSprite routine
The showsprite routine trasnfers bytes from the source (now in DE) to VRAM in HL

after each line GetNextLine moves the HL destination down one pixel line.

This routine is switched via self modifying code if the sprite is cropped.

GetNextLine will correctly update HL to correctly handle the CPC screen layout and move down a single pixel line.

If the sprite is cropped, we need to use the GetNextLineWithClip to remove the un-needed source bitmap bytes.
This time we've looked at the cropping, and basic sprite drawing code.

Next time we'll look at the 'Double buffering' and 'Stack misuse' that allow for no flicker and faster sprite drawing.

Lesson S23 - Sprite clipping on the Amstrad CPC (Part 2/2) - Stack misuse
Lets look at the rest of the sprite clipping code, and the use of 'Stack Misuse' to speed up writing!

Stack misuse is a trick where we use the PUSH or POP commands to quickly read or write data, by pointing the SP register to the start of data we want to read, or end of data we want to write, we can use these commands to quickly transfer data.

BUT because the SP register is not pointing to a normal stack, we probably can't use CALLS or interrupts.

Double Buffering

We're going to use two buffers. One will shown to the viewer while the other is being drawn, we'll then swap the two in hardware and repeat.

One will be at &C000, the other at &4000

We need to change CRTC register 12 to set the screen base, by flipping bit 7 we can alternate between the two screen bases, we then use self modifying code to adjust the condition of the 'GetNextLine' function to work correctly with the new base.

We also patch the new screen base (&C0 or &40) into the GetScreenPos function

Clearing the screen

We'll use stack misuse to clear the screen - this means we need to calculate the address of the byte after the end of the screen, as each 2 byte write will be done by a PUSH command.

When we want to clear the screen we set DE to the two bytes to fill the screen with, and calculate the END of the VRAM range in HL - we do this by reading in the current screen base byte, and adding &40

We're going to fill the full 16k screen bank with the bytes in DE.

To reduce the number of loops, we do 32 'PUSH DE' commands, writing 64 bytes... using lots of repeated commands to reduce loops is called 'Unwrapping loops'... As loop conditions take time, the fewer we use, the faster the fill will be.

First we back up the true stack pointer in IY. We move the end of the destination range from HL into the stack pointer... each PUSH DE decreases the stack pointer by two, so we are working in reverse.

As we're misusing the stack, we stop interrupts with DI, and restore the true stack pointer in IY

Drawing the sprite

Because we need to recalculate the screen destination after each line, it won't help much to use the stack for writing, instead we'll use it to read the bitmap data with POP commands.

We back up the stack pointer with self modifying code, and move the image source data address from IY to SP.

We then POP two bytes of data from the source image, and write them to the screen.

Once the sprite is finished, we restore the stack pointer address.
Our "get next line" routine also needs to be changed.

If we need to clip the sprite, we need to update the stack pointer to skip over the source bytes that are not needed.

We then need to move down the destination address in HL - if the screen buffer address changes the Bit test and JR condition also need to change... this is done by self modifying code.
Here is the result...

Note: because we are working in words, when we get close to the screen, one 4 pixel byte will disappear on alternating positions.

It may be more appropriate to use the sprite misuse code for entirely onscreen sprites, and a slower regular routine for clipped sprites.

Lesson S24 - Sprite clipping on the ZX Spectrum (Part 1/2)
We drew our 'Chibiko' mascot to the screen before, but this time we're going to improve the algorithm.

First we'll add 'sprite clipping' so parts of the sprite can go offscreen.

Logical Units and clipping

To allow us to crop our sprites, we'll need to move our sprite around 'logical space' - only a portion of this will be the visible screen.

We'll use this to crop the sprite.

We're designing our code for screens of 256x192 - and we'll use 'Logical Co-ordinates' which define a visible screen of 192x96 (2 pixels per logical unit)

The visible logical screen is in the center of the logical space area to allow the sprite to be 'partially offscreen' on any side.
We need to crop any offscreen part to get to the first visible pixel of the sprite.

After each line We also need to crop the unused pixels to the next visible pixel

Logical Cropping

Our cropping routine will work out the X,Y pos in bytes, and width and height + any skipped pixels from the source data

registers B,C is the X,Y co-ordinate in logical units
registers H,L is the Width,Height in logical units
register IY is the address of the source bitmap data.

First we set up the default getnextline routine (used for uncropped sprites)

next we zero D,E - they are used for temp values
Ok... lets crop the top of the sprite...
First we remove the ypos of the first visible pixel from the draw ypos (C)... if the result is greater than zero, then nothing is off the screen at the top.

if the result is less than zero we need to crop... we convert the negative to a positive and compare to the height of our sprite (L), if the amount to crop is not less than the height then the sprite is completely offscreen.

Anything else is the number of lines we need to remove from the top, we store this in E and set the new 'draw position' to Ypos (C) =0
Next we do the same for the bottom,

We add the height to the Ypos, and subtract the height of the logical screen, if it's over the screen height (greater than zero) we need to crop again - the result is the amount to crop

We've calculated the top (E) and bottom (D) crop... we now use these to calculate the new height of the sprite (L).
We then skip over any bytes in the source (IY) based on the number of lines of tiles we need to remove from the top.
now we do the same for the X axis

First we remove the xpos of the first visible pixel from the draw Xpos (B) ... if the result is greater than zero, then nothing is off the screen at the left.

if the result is less than zero we need to crop... we convert the negative to a positive and compare to the width of our sprite (H), if the amount to crop is not less than the width then the sprite is completely offscreen.

Anything else is the number of lines we need to remove from the left, we store this in D5 and set the new 'draw position' to Xpos (B) =0
Next we do the same for the right,

We add the width (H) to the Xpos, and subtract the width of the logical screen, if it's over the screen width (greater than zero) we need to crop again - the result is the amount to crop from the right (D)
We've calculated the left and right crop...  We use these to  calculate the bytes to skip after each line of our sprite (SpriteHClip)

If this is zero, there's no horizontal crop

We need to round to a pair of bytes if using stack misuse
We need to crop, so we calculate the new with in H,

We also need to turn on the slower cropping routine via self modifying code
We need to alter the start byte to compensate for any left hand clipping
We need to convert out Xpos and Width to a number of bytes, and our Ypos and height to a number of lines.

We clear the carry to tell the calling routine we cropped the sprite successfully (it needs drawing) and return.
If the sprite is completely offscreen, there's no point trying to draw, so we set the carry and return

Logical Units and clipping

When we want to draw our sprite, we first run the DoCrop routine to calculate the required cropping.

If there's anything to draw, we then calculate the VRAM destination with GetScreenPos, and run the ShowSprite routine
The showsprite routine transfers bytes from the source (now in DE) to VRAM in HL

after each line GetNextLine moves the HL destination down one pixel line.

This routine is switched via self modifying code if the sprite is cropped.

GetNextLine will correctly update HL to correctly handle the spectrum screen layout and move down a single pixel line.

If the sprite is cropped, we need to use the GetNextLineWithClip to remove the un-needed source bitmap bytes.

We've only looked at the basic cropping and sprite drawing routines here.
Next time we'll take a peek at the use of stack misuse to speed up reading and writing, and the double buffering code.

Next time we'll look at the 'Double buffering' and 'Stack misuse' that allow for no flicker and faster sprite drawing.

Lesson S25 - Sprite clipping on the ZX Spectrum (Part 2/2) - Stack misuse
Lets look at the rest of the sprite clipping code, and the use of 'Stack Misuse' to speed up writing!

Stack misuse is a trick where we use the PUSH or POP commands to quickly read or write data, by pointing the SP register to the start of data we want to read, or end of data we want to write, we can use these commands to quickly transfer data.

BUT because the SP register is not pointing to a normal stack, we probably can't use CALLS or interrupts.

Double Buffering

We're going to use two buffers. One will shown to the viewer while the other is being drawn, we'll then swap the two in hardware and repeat.

On the spectrum 128 and +3 we can use hardware buffering via bit 3 of port &7FFD. This allows us to toggle between between bank 5 and bank 7 being the visible screen buffer. Bits 0-2 also select the page banked into range.

The current setting of port &7FFD is backed up at memory address &5B5C. We use this to toggle the pages, and set page 7 to the &C000 range

This gives us two screen buffers, One will be at &C000, the other at &4000

We also patch the new screen base (&C0 or &40) into the GetScreenPos function, along with the color attribute addresses
On the 48k systems we can't use hardware page flipping, so our only option is to do a memory copy of our buffer from &C000 to &4000

We could use Stack misuse, but it won't really offer any benefit over an unwrapped loop of LDI commands, so we'll do that instead!

LDI decreases BC after each command, but we need B to be unchanged as it's our loop counter, so we rig C to have a high value so B will not change.
You may well wonder why we've used so many LDIs!.. this is known as 'unwrapping a loop'.

Checking the condition and looping back wastes time, so by having lots of repeated commands and few loops, we make our code faster! (at the cost of some memory)

Clearing the screen

We'll use stack misuse to clear the screen - this means we need to calculate the address of the byte after the end of the screen, as each 2 byte write will be done by a PUSH command.

When we want to clear the screen we set DE to the two bytes to fill the screen with, and calculate the END of the VRAM range in HL.

We use this first to clear the bitmap screen, and also to set the color attributes.

We're going to fill the full 16k screen bank with the bytes in DE.

To reduce the number of loops, we do 32 'PUSH DE' commands, writing 64 bytes... using lots of repeated commands to reduce loops is called 'Unwrapping loops'... As loop conditions take time, the fewer we use, the faster the fill will be.

First we back up the true stack pointer in IY. We move the end of the destination range from HL into the stack pointer... each PUSH DE decreases the stack pointer by two, so we are working in reverse.

As we're misusing the stack, we stop interrupts with DI, and restore the true stack pointer in IY

Drawing the sprite

Because we need to recalculate the screen destination after each line, it won't help much to use the stack for writing, instead we'll use it to read the bitmap data with POP commands.

We back up the stack pointer with self modifying code, and move the image source data address from IY to SP.

We then POP two bytes of data from the source image, and write them to the screen.

Once the sprite is finished, we restore the stack pointer address.
Our "get next line" routine also needs to be changed.

If we need to clip the sprite, we need to update the stack pointer to skip over the source bytes that are not needed.

We then have the routine to handle the change of the HL VRAM destination - this will work fine whether the screen buffer is at address &4000 or &C000
Here is the result...

Note: because we are working in words, when we get close to the screen, our movement will become limited to 16 pixel blocks.

It may be more appropriate to use the sprite misuse code for entirely onscreen sprites, and a slower regular routine for clipped sprites.

Lesson S26 - Sprite clipping on the Elan Enterprise (Part 1/2)
We drew our 'Chibiko' mascot to the screen before, but this time we're going to improve the algorithm.

First we'll add 'sprite clipping' so parts of the sprite can go offscreen.

Logical Units and clipping

To allow us to crop our sprites, we'll need to move our sprite around 'logical space' - only a portion of this will be the visible screen.

We'll use this to crop the sprite.

We're designing our code for screens of 256x192 - and we'll use 'Logical Co-ordinates' which define a visible screen of 192x96 (2 pixels per logical unit)

The visible logical screen is in the center of the logical space area to allow the sprite to be 'partially offscreen' on any side.
We need to crop any offscreen part to get to the first visible pixel of the sprite.

After each line We also need to crop the unused pixels to the next visible pixel
Chibiko may look a rather odd color today, but don't worry, she's not been out in the sun too long!

The sprite routine uses XOR, so it's being inverted as we've set the background to color 4... We did this so we can see the background screen area.

Logical Cropping

Our cropping routine will work out the X,Y pos in bytes, and width and height + any skipped pixels from the source data

registers B,C is the X,Y co-ordinate in logical units
registers H,L is the Width,Height in logical units
register IY is the address of the source bitmap data.

First we zero Dm,E - they are used for temp values
Ok... lets crop the top of the sprite...
First we remove the ypos of the first visible pixel from the draw ypos (C)... if the result is greater than zero, then nothing is off the screen at the top.

if the result is less than zero we need to crop... we convert the negative to a positive and compare to the height of our sprite (L), if the amount to crop is not less than the height then the sprite is completely offscreen.

Anything else is the number of lines we need to remove from the top, we store this in E and set the new 'draw position' to Ypos (C) =0
Next we do the same for the bottom,

We add the height to the Ypos, and subtract the height of the logical screen, if it's over the screen height (greater than zero) we need to crop again - the result is the amount to crop

We've calculated the top (E) and bottom (D) crop... we now use these to calculate the new height of the sprite (L).
We then skip over any bytes in the source (IY) based on the number of lines of tiles we need to remove from the top.
now we do the same for the X axis

First we remove the xpos of the first visible pixel from the draw Xpos (B) ... if the result is greater than zero, then nothing is off the screen at the left.

if the result is less than zero we need to crop... we convert the negative to a positive and compare to the width of our sprite (H), if the amount to crop is not less than the width then the sprite is completely offscreen.

Anything else is the number of lines we need to remove from the left, we store this in D5 and set the new 'draw position' to Xpos (B) =0

If we're using 'Stack Misuse'  we have to work in 16 bit words.
Next we do the same for the right,

We add the width (H) to the Xpos, and subtract the width of the logical screen, if it's over the screen width (greater than zero) we need to crop again - the result is the amount to crop from the right (D)
We've calculated the left and right crop...  We use these to  calculate the bytes to skip after each line of our sprite (SpriteHClip)

If this is zero, there's no horizontal crop
We need to crop, so we calculate the new with in H,

We also need to turn on the slower cropping routine via self modifying code
We need to convert out Xpos and Width to a number of bytes, and our Ypos and height to a number of lines.

We clear the carry to tell the calling routine we cropped the sprite successfully (it needs drawing) and return.
If the sprite is completely offscreen, there's no point trying to draw, so we set the carry and return

Sprite Drawing

When we want to draw our sprite, we first run the DoCrop routine to calculate the required cropping.

If there's anything to draw, we then calculate the VRAM destination with GetScreenPos, and run the ShowSprite routine
The showsprite routine trasnfers bytes from the source (now in DE) to VRAM in HL

after each line GetNextLine moves the HL destination down one pixel line.

This routine is switched via self modifying code if the sprite is cropped.

GetNextLine will correctly update HL to correctly handle the CPC screen layout and move down a single pixel line.

If the sprite is cropped, we need to use the GetNextLineWithClip to remove the un-needed source bitmap bytes.
This time we've looked at the cropping, and basic sprite drawing code.

Next time we'll look at the 'Double buffering' and 'Stack misuse' that allow for no flicker and faster sprite drawing.

Lesson S27 - Sprite clipping on the Elan Enterprise (Part 2/2) - Stack misuse
Lets look at the rest of the sprite clipping code, and the use of 'Stack Misuse' to speed up writing!

Stack misuse is a trick where we use the PUSH or POP commands to quickly read or write data, by pointing the SP register to the start of data we want to read, or end of data we want to write, we can use these commands to quickly transfer data.

BUT because the SP register is not pointing to a normal stack, we probably can't use CALLS or interrupts.

Double Buffering

We're going to use two buffers. One will shown to the viewer while the other is being drawn, we'll then swap the two in hardware and repeat.

Our screen buffer is always at memory address &C000, we swap the paged ram banks that are available to the z80 (for drawing the next buffer), and visible to the viewer.

We need to request 2 16k ram banks during INIT so we have enough memory for the two 12k banks
We use port &B3 to select the bank at memory address &C000. We need to page in the bank we're writing to this time.

Every other frame we need to swap the two buffers! we use 'ActiveBuffer' to do this.

To actually change the visible screen we patch in the new screen base into the LPT, this is always in the memory range &FF00+ of Buffer 1

Clearing the screen

We'll use stack misuse to clear the screen - this means we need to calculate the address of the byte after the end of the screen, as each 2 byte write will be done by a PUSH command.

When we want to clear the screen we set DE to the two bytes to fill the screen with, and specify the EN of the range to fill - &F000

We're going to fill the full 16k screen bank with the bytes in DE.

To reduce the number of loops, we do 32 'PUSH DE' commands, writing 64 bytes... using lots of repeated commands to reduce loops is called 'Unwrapping loops'... As loop conditions take time, the fewer we use, the faster the fill will be.

First we back up the true stack pointer in IY. We move the end of the destination range from HL into the stack pointer... each PUSH DE decreases the stack pointer by two, so we are working in reverse.

As we're misusing the stack, we stop interrupts with DI, and restore the true stack pointer in IY

Drawing the sprite

Because we need to recalculate the screen destination after each line, it won't help much to use the stack for writing, instead we'll use it to read the bitmap data with POP commands.

We back up the stack pointer with self modifying code, and move the image source data address from IY to SP.

We then POP two bytes of data from the source image, and write them to the screen.

Once the sprite is finished, we restore the stack pointer address.
Our "get next line" routine also needs to be changed.

If we need to clip the sprite, we need to update the stack pointer to skip over the source bytes that are not needed.

We then need to move down the destination address in HL - if the screen buffer address changes the Bit test and JR condition also need to change... this is done by self modifying code.

Lesson S28 - Sprite clipping on the Sam Coupe (Part 1/2)
We drew our 'Chibiko' mascot to the screen before, but this time we're going to improve the algorithm. First we'll add 'sprite clipping' so parts of the sprite can go offscreen.

Logical Units and clipping

To allow us to crop our sprites, we'll need to move our sprite around 'logical space' - only a portion of this will be the visible screen.

We'll use this to crop the sprite.

We're designing our code for screens of 256x192 - and we'll use 'Logical Co-ordinates' which define a visible screen of 192x96 (2 pixels per logical unit)

The visible logical screen is in the center of the logical space area to allow the sprite to be 'partially offscreen' on any side.
We need to crop any offscreen part to get to the first visible pixel of the sprite.

After each line We also need to crop the unused pixels to the next visible pixel
Chibiko may look a rather odd color today, but don't worry, she's not been out in the sun too long!

The sprite routine uses XOR, so it's being inverted as we've set the background to color 4... We did this so we can see the background screen area.

Logical Cropping

Our cropping routine will work out the X,Y pos in bytes, and width and height + any skipped pixels from the source data

registers B,C is the X,Y co-ordinate in logical units
registers H,L is the Width,Height in logical units
register IY is the address of the source bitmap data.

First we zero Dm,E - they are used for temp values
Ok... lets crop the top of the sprite...
First we remove the ypos of the first visible pixel from the draw ypos (C)... if the result is greater than zero, then nothing is off the screen at the top.

if the result is less than zero we need to crop... we convert the negative to a positive and compare to the height of our sprite (L), if the amount to crop is not less than the height then the sprite is completely offscreen.

Anything else is the number of lines we need to remove from the top, we store this in E and set the new 'draw position' to Ypos (C) =0
Next we do the same for the bottom,

We add the height to the Ypos, and subtract the height of the logical screen, if it's over the screen height (greater than zero) we need to crop again - the result is the amount to crop

We've calculated the top (E) and bottom (D) crop... we now use these to calculate the new height of the sprite (L).
We then skip over any bytes in the source (IY) based on the number of lines of tiles we need to remove from the top.
now we do the same for the X axis

First we remove the xpos of the first visible pixel from the draw Xpos (B) ... if the result is greater than zero, then nothing is off the screen at the left.

if the result is less than zero we need to crop... we convert the negative to a positive and compare to the width of our sprite (H), if the amount to crop is not less than the width then the sprite is completely offscreen.

Anything else is the number of lines we need to remove from the left, we store this in D5 and set the new 'draw position' to Xpos (B) =0

Next we do the same for the right,

We add the width (H) to the Xpos, and subtract the width of the logical screen, if it's over the screen width (greater than zero) we need to crop again - the result is the amount to crop from the right (D)
We've calculated the left and right crop...  We use these to  calculate the bytes to skip after each line of our sprite (SpriteHClip)

If this is zero, there's no horizontal crop

We have to adjust the Hclip if we're using Stack misuse
We need to crop, so we calculate the new with in H, and update the First source byte in IY if required

We also need to turn on the slower cropping routine via self modifying code
We need to convert out Xpos and Width to a number of bytes, and our Ypos and height to a number of lines.

We clear the carry to tell the calling routine we cropped the sprite successfully (it needs drawing) and return.
If the sprite is completely offscreen, there's no point trying to draw, so we set the carry and return

Sprite Drawing

When we want to draw our sprite, we first run the DoCrop routine to calculate the required cropping.

If there's anything to draw, we then calculate the VRAM destination with GetScreenPos, and run the ShowSprite routine
The showsprite routine trasnfers bytes from the source (now in DE) to VRAM in HL

after each line GetNextLine moves the HL destination down one pixel line.

We're using the ROM to read in keys, but we need to page in the VRAM - we do this via port 250

This routine is switched via self modifying code if the sprite is cropped.

GetNextLine will correctly update HL to correctly handle the CPC screen layout and move down a single pixel line.

If the sprite is cropped, we need to use the GetNextLineWithClip to remove the un-needed source bitmap bytes.
This time we've looked at the cropping, and basic sprite drawing code.

Next time we'll look at the 'Double buffering' and 'Stack misuse' that allow for no flicker and faster sprite drawing.

Lesson S29 - Sprite clipping on the Sam Coupe (Part 2/2) - Stack misuse
Lets look at the rest of the sprite clipping code, and the use of 'Stack Misuse' to speed up writing!

Stack misuse is a trick where we use the PUSH or POP commands to quickly read or write data, by pointing the SP register to the start of data we want to read, or end of data we want to write, we can use these commands to quickly transfer data.

BUT because the SP register is not pointing to a normal stack, we probably can't use CALLS or interrupts.

Double Buffering

We use Port &250 to select the memory bank in range &0000-&8000.

We use Port &252 to select the visible bank.

We use banks 12+13 for buffer one and 14+15 for buffer two - each bank is 16k, and we need 24k total for the screen.

Clearing the screen

We'll use stack misuse to clear the screen - this means we need to calculate the address of the byte after the end of the screen, as each 2 byte write will be done by a PUSH command.

When we want to clear the screen we set DE to the two bytes to fill the screen with, and specify the EN of the range to fill - &F000

We're going to fill the full 24k screen bank with the bytes in DE.

We need to page in the memory bank before the procedure

To reduce the number of loops, we do 64 'PUSH DE' commands, writing 128 bytes... using lots of repeated commands to reduce loops is called 'Unwrapping loops'... As loop conditions take time, the fewer we use, the faster the fill will be.

First we back up the true stack pointer in IY. We move the end of the destination range from HL into the stack pointer... each PUSH DE decreases the stack pointer by two, so we are working in reverse.

As we're misusing the stack, we stop interrupts with DI, and restore the true stack pointer in IY

Drawing the sprite

Because we need to recalculate the screen destination after each line, it won't help much to use the stack for writing, instead we'll use it to read the bitmap data with POP commands.

We back up the stack pointer with self modifying code, and move the image source data address from IY to SP.

We then POP two bytes of data from the source image, and write them to the screen.

Once the sprite is finished, we restore the stack pointer address.
Our "get next line" routine also needs to be changed.

If we need to clip the sprite, we need to update the stack pointer to skip over the source bytes that are not needed.

We then need to move down the destination address in HL - if the screen buffer address changes the Bit test and JR condition also need to change... this is done by self modifying code.


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