Learn Multi platform Z80 Assembly Programming... With Vampires!
Platform Specific Lessons
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Platform Specific Series - Lets learn how the hardware of the systems work, so we can get it to do what we want... Covers Amsrad CPC,MSX,ZX Spectrum, TI-83,Enterprise 128/64 and Sam Coupe!
    Lesson P1 - Basic Firmware Text functions

Lesson P2 - More Text Functions, Improvements... and the Sam Coupe!

Lesson P3 - Bitmap graphics on the Amstrad CPC and Enterprise 128

Lesson P4 - Bitmap graphics on the ZX Spectrum and Sam Coupe

Lesson P5 - Bitmap graphics on the TI-83 and MSX

Lesson P6 - Keyreading on the Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum and Sam Coupe

Lesson P7 - Keyreading on the MSX, Enterprise and TI-83

Lesson P8 - Tilemap graphics on the Sega Master System & Game Gear

Lesson P9 - Tilemap graphics on the Gameboy and Gameboy Color

Lesson P10 - Tilemap graphics on the MSX1

Lesson P11 - Tilemap graphics on the MSX2

Lesson P12 - Joypad reading on Master System,GameGear, Gameboy and Gameboy Color

Lesson P13 - Palette definitions on the Amstrad CPC and CPC+

Lesson P14 - Palette definitions on the Enterprise and Sam Coupe

Lesson P15 - Palette definitions on the MSX2 and V9990

Lesson P16 - Palette definitions on the Sega Master System and Game Gear

Lesson P17 - Palette definitions on the Gameboy and Gameboy Color

Lesson P18 - Making Sound with the AY-3-8910 on the Amstrad CPC, MSX,ZX Spectrum.... and NeoGeo + Atari ST!!

Lesson P19 - Sound on the Elan Enterprise

Lesson P20 - Sound on the Sam Coupe

Lesson P21 - Sound on the Gameboy and GBC

Lesson P22 - Sound with the SN76489 on the Master System, GameGear, Megadrive (Genesis) and BBC Micro!

Lesson P23 - Sound with the 'Beeper' on the ZX Spectrum and Apple II

Lesson P24 - Bankswitching and hardware detection on the Amstrad CPC

Lesson P25 - Bankswitching and hardware detection on the MSX

Lesson P26 - Bankswitching and hardware detection on the ZX Spectrum

Lesson P27 - Bankswitching and hardware detection on the Enterprise

Lesson P28 - Bankswitching and hardware detection on the Sam Coupe

Lesson P29 - Hardware detection and Bank Switching on the Gameboy/GBC and Sega Mastersystem/GameGear

Lesson P30 - Hardware Sprites on the gameboy

Lesson P31 - Hardware Sprites on the Master System / Game Gear and MSX1!

Lesson P32 - Hardware Sprites on the CPC+

Lesson P33 - Bitmap Graphics on the Camputers Lynx

Lesson P34 - Sound and Keyboard on the Camputers Lynx

Lesson P35 - Playing Digital Sound with WAV on the AY-3-8910!

Lesson P36 - Playing Digital Sound with WAV on the CPC+ via DMA!

Lesson P37 - Playing Digital Sound with WAV on the Sam Coupe, Camputers Lynx and ZX Spectrum

Lesson P38 - Playing Digital Sound with WAV on the Sega MasterSystem/GameGear, Elan Enterprise and GameBoy/GBC

Lesson P39 - Setting the CPC screen with CRTC registers

Lesson P40 - Syncronized mode switches for 320x200 @ 16 color EGX graphics on the Amstrad CPC

Lesson P41 - CRTC Rupture for Interrupt based splitscreen on the CPC

Lesson P42 - Advanced CRTC Rupture

Lesson P43- ULANext on the Spectrum NEXT

Lesson P44- Enhancements to the Classic ULA and Low Res Mode (Radasjimian)

Lesson P45 - 256 color mode on the Elan Enterprise

Lesson P46- Tilemap on the Spectrum NEXT

Lesson P47- Using 16 color Mode 0 to simulate 2x 4 color Layers

Lesson P48 - All MSX2 Bitmap Commands - Part 1/2

Lesson P49 - All MSX2 Bitmap Commands - Part 2/2

Lesson P50 - Alternative Bitmap modes... HighRes, 256 color, YJK (MSX2+) and Interlaced!

Lesson P51 - Window - Tilemap Scrolling - Alt Tile Pattern addresses and Interrupts

Lesson P52 - MSX1 mode G2 for 768 onscreen tiles

Lesson P53 - Realtime Sprite Flipping on the Amstrad CPC

Lesson P54 - Transparency on Amstrad CPC software sprites

Lesson P55 - LightGun Reading on the Sega Master System

Lesson P56 - Pixel Plotting on the Amstrad CPC

Lesson P57 - Stereoscopic 3D on the SegaMasterSystem with the Segascope 3D Glasses

Lesson P58 - Modes 4, 3, 2 and 1 on the Sam coupe

Lesson P59 - Hardware scrolling on the MSX 1/2/2+

Lesson P60 - Tape loading on the Amstrad CPC (5K subs special)

Lesson P61 - 2x and 4x sprite scaling with Lookup Tables on the Amstrad CPC

Lesson P62 - AMX Mouse reading on the Amstrad CPC

Lesson P63 - Kempson Mouse reading on the ZX Spectrum + SpecNEXT

Lesson P64 - Mouse reading on the MSX

Lesson P65 - Mouse reading on the Sam Coupe

Quadtree video on the CPC (10k special) - Part 1/2 - Lesson P66 [CPC]

Quadtree video on the CPC (10k special) - Part 2/2 - Lesson P67 [CPC]

Lesson P68 - RLE+Bitplanes for lossless compression on the CPC [CPC]

Lesson P69 - ChibiSound PRO on the CPC, MSX and Spectrum (128 - AY) [CPC] [MSX] [ZXS]

Lesson P70 - Sound on the SMS/GG (ChibiSound Pro) [SMS] [GG]

Lesson P71 - Sound on the Elan Enterprise! (ChibiSound Pro) [ENT]

Lesson P72 - Sound on the ZX Spectrum (Beeper) [ZXS]

Sound on the Gameboy - Z80 Lesson P73 (ChibiSound Pro) [GMB]

Lesson P74 - Sound on the SAM Coupe [SAM]

Sound on the Camputers Lynx(Beeper) - Z80 ASM Lesson P75 [CLX]

Lesson P50 - Alternative Bitmap modes... HighRes, 256 color, YJK (MSX2+) and Interlaced!
Up until now we've used the MSX2 in 256x192 16 color mode - which is probably best for action games... but if we're doing other kinds of program, like DTP or art... or we want a super snazzy splash screen, there are some Screen modes that offer a lot more... lets check them out!


The Examples here will use a height based on 192 pixels tall... this can be extended to 212 tall by setting bit 7 of Reg R9

Graphics Mode G5 (32K) - 512x192 4 color
Want More Resolution?... We can use a 512x192 screen mode - as it's only 4 color, we won't even use more memory

We just need to set the mode bits of R#0 to enable this mode
The screen mode will look slightly squashed!... but we've now got twice the horizontal resolution

Each byte in the screen contains 4 pixels, in linear format:

Byte Bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Pixels  A1 

Graphics Mode G6 (64K) - 512x192 16 color

4 colors not good enough for you? we can use a 16 color mode - but we'll take twice as much memory!

Again, we just need to set the mode bits of R#0 to enable this mode
Each byte in the screen contains 2 pixels, in linear format:

Byte Bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Pixels A4 A3 A1 A0 C4 C3 C1 C0

Interlaced Modes... 192 x2= 384 pixel tall screen

The Bitmap modes can allow for 'Interlacing'... this will use Two consecutive pages of VRAM for alternate lines of the drawn screen (Doubling memory requirements)

We turn on the IL and EO flags of Reg R9 ... and set bit 6 of Reg R2 (Memory address for the screen)
Alternate screen lines will use Page 0 (Lines 0-255) and Page 1 (Lines 256-511)

Because we've only drawn to page 0 (lines 0-255) we've got an interlaced sprite!
If we split our sprite into two - one for odd lines, and one for even lines...

Then we draw the sprite twice - Once at our Ypos and Once with the Ypos+256 (Page 1 version)

The result will be our same sprite, this time much smaller and more detailed!
Interlacing works on all the graphics mode, but it doubles the data requirement... and using 2 pages are a pain!

You're unlikely to want to use it for games... but it might make a nice 'cutscene' screen mode... or if you're developing an office app like a Drawing package, Word processor or Desktop Publishing app.

Graphics Mode G7 (64K) - 256x192 - 256 colors... and beyond!

This is the highest color depth mode... using 64k per screen (though it can be interlaced - using all 128k vram)

We need to set Mode Register R0 to %00001110 to set mode G7
256 color mode works differently to other modes... it does not use a palette!...

Each byte defines a pixels' RGB value in the following linear format:

Byte Bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Pixel R2 R1 R0 G2 G1 G0 B1 B0
MSX2 256 color mode uses the same palette as the Enterprise 128!... it gives a good range of colors - the most for the MSX2 - but the huge 64k page size is going to be slow to fill...

MSX2+ Graphics Mode G7 + YJK (64K) - 256x192 - 19268 Colors!

With he MSX2+ a new 'mode' was added... YJK... turning this on alters the way mode G7 works...
But how can G7 output 19268 colors without using any more memory? Well the colors are 'encoded' in two parts...

1. A per pixel 5 bit Greyscale shade (Y)
2. Two Encoded Color values (6 bit each) that are shared between 4 horizontal pixels (J+K)

The result... each pixel can be a different brightness - but will be the same color... this may sound like it will look bad- but Codecs like JPEG and MPEG do this all the time.
The resulting image can be seen to the right!... But beware! Due to the format, our image color will corrupt if we don't put it on a pixel dividable by 4, eg (x=0,4,8 etc)

Four consecutive Pixels have the following buildup:
4 Sceen Pixels    

Byte Bits   7  
Pixel P1 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 K2 K1 K0
Pixel P2 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 K5 K4 K3
Pixel P3 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 J2 J1 J0
Pixel P4 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 J5 J4 J3

The 6 bits of  K and J parts are split into a High and Low part... KL is stored in bits 0-2 of Pixel 1... KH is in bits 0-2 of pixel 2... JL and JH are stored in the same bits of Pixel 3 and 4
We need to set Screen mode G7 as before, but also set MSX2+ register R25....

We need to set bit 3 of R25 to 1 to turn on YKJ
The Formula to calculate YKJ from RGB is as follows:
Y = (B/2) + (R/4) + (G/8)
K = (G-Y)
J = (R-Y)
(K and J are signed - they can be negative!)

To reverse the procedure:
R= Y+J
G= Y+K
B= (5/4)*Y - (J/2) - (K/4)
The code below is used in AkuSprite Editor
to produce YKJ Values

Take the top 5bits of the resulting Y and 6 bits of JK
to produce the bytes for the sprite file

YJK mode offers even more colors than 256 color mode... but as it uses 4 consecutive pixels - 'Pixel' alignment will be impossible... and drawing fonts and the like may be ugly in color...

There is a solution though... Almost all the colors of YJK - with a standard 16 color palette to boot!... YJK with 'Attributes' (palette) - YJKA!

MSX2+ Graphics Mode G7 + YJK + YAE Attributes (64K) - 256x192 - 12499 YJK Colors + 16 Palette Colors !
There will be times that YJK may not work... it would be nice to have a few 'regular' palatalized colors to use for text or sprites in addition to the thousands of 'true colors'

This is what 'YAE' does... The Y component is reduced from 5 bits to 4 (J & K are unchanged)... when this spare bit (bit 3) is set to 1 the top 4 bits define a palatalized color number...  Pretty much the best of both worlds!

We just need to set bit 4 of R25 to 1 for YAE...  (in addition to bit 3 for YJK)
Bit 3 will be 0 for YAE (Y component is reduced to a still decent 4 bits)... when it's 1 the 4 Y bits become the Color number.

4 Sceen Pixels
P1 P2 P3 P4

Byte Bits   7  
Pixel P1 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 0 K2 K1 K0
Pixel P2 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 0 K5 K4 K3
Pixel P3 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 0 J2 J1 J0
Pixel P4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 0 J5 J4 J3

Color C from Palette  
C3 C2 C1 C0 1 - - -
Want to create Files for these modes?

My Free Open Source AkuSprite Editor can export files for all these modes (it was used to create the sample files)

It supports the native MSX2 G7 RRRGGGBB color palette... and can export YJK Files*

*Note - although AkuSprite Editor can export JYK files - it is only a 256 color editor... The sample file was converted to 256 colors using Irfanview, and the optimized palette imported into AkuSprite (... this allowed a file to be created with better colors than the standard G7 mode... but AkuSprite cannot create a file with the full 12k/19k colors...

It would be a large amount of work to make the editor support true color, and it's not what the tool was intended for, so it's not expected that this will change.

Lesson P51 - Window - Tilemap Scrolling - Alt Tile Pattern addresses and Interrupts
We've looked at the tilemap before on the Gameboy... but it can do more!...
The gameboy can hardware scroll the tilemap... it also has a second more limited layer called the 'Window'

What's more, we can have the Tile Pattern data at two different addresses... we can even change the address mid screen - to change EVERY Tile onscreen to a different pattern


Todays Registers!
We're going to use the following registers today!
Section   Addr  
Name Bits Bit Meaning
LCD FF40 LCDC - LCD Control (R/W) DwWBbOoC O=Object sprite size 1=8x16 / D=Disable Screen / w=window at (&9C00/9800) W=Window on / b=background at (&9C00/9800) / B= Back on
LCD FF41 STAT - LCDC Status (R/W) -LOVHCMM Ly coincidence interrupt on, Oam Interrupt on, Vblank interrupt on, Hblank interrupt on, Coincidence flag, MM=video mode (0/1 =Vram available)
Tile FF42 SCY � Tile Scroll Y YYYYYYYY 0-255
Tile FF43 SCX � Tile Scroll X XXXXXXXX 0-255
L=Line LcdStat Interrupt occurs
Tile FF4A WY - Window Y Position (R/W) YYYYYYYY Y Pos 0-143 (0=Topmost visible pixel)
Tile FF4B WX- Window X Position minus 7 (R/W) XXXXXXXX X Pos 0-166 (7=Leftmost Visible pixel)
INT FFFF IE - Interrupt Enable (R/W) ---JSTLV J=Joypad S=Serial T=Timer L=Lcd stat V=vblank

The Window
The 'Window' is always attached to the bottom right of the screen...

We can set a Width and Height of the window, and this can make it cover the corner... the whole right hand side, the bottom, or even the whole screen.

The Window uses the same Tile patterns as the regular tilemap...

The main purpose of the tilemap is for onscreen Stats - such as lives/score or an inventory... as it doesn't scroll with the regular tilemap (It can't scroll at all)
Enabling the window is done with bit 5 of &FF40.... we just set it to 1

We don't want the Window to use the same Tile Data as the regular screen (otherwise what's the point?!)... so we need to set it to Tilemap 2 at &9C00... we do this by setting bit 6 of &FF40
This example will set the Window to the bottom of the screen... perfect for our Score, Lives and any item display!
We can't scroll the Window, but we can scroll the Tilemap... we do this with registers &FF42 and &FF43
We can scroll the Tilemap at the pixel level!

We can also move the window at the pixel level, but it's always stuck at the bottom right - and tiles cannot be transparent.
Technically We can't move the Window from the bottom right... but we can 'Trick it' into doing something else...
Say we get the tilemap to cover the whole right half of the screen... but we turn the window off half way down the screen while it's redrawing... The window would only appear covering the top right corner!
How do we do that? With an Interrupt!... And we'll learn about them next!

Interrupts and Alternate Tile Pattern Address
The GB Screen is 160x144 (20x18 Tiles)... this is a total of 360 tiles!... since the GB classic is only capable of 256 tiles, we can't show a complex image which would cover the entire screen with non repeating graphics...

BUT... the Tile Patterns can be stored at two different addresses &8000-8FFF or &8800-97FF.... these two overlap, but they do allow for an extra 128 tiles... giving us 384 tiles!

By switching the To the &8000-8FFF at the top of the screen, and &8800-97FF at line 96... we can use both addresses to cover the entire screen!

Rather strangely the Patterns at &8800-97FF are numbered -128 to 127... with tile 0 at &9000
We've spilt our image into two parts... the first 2/3rds are in SpriteData1.... the second 1/3rd is in SpriteData2

We load in our data into the 2 banks with the DefineTiles function we used before...

We use our previous FillAreaWithTiles function to fill the two areas of the screen with tiles 0-240 for the first 2/3rds and tiles 0-120 for the second 1/3rd
We've filled the screen with tiles... but the bottom 1/3rd shows the same as the top 1/3rd

We need to use Interrupts to switch the Tile Pattern Address during the screen redraw (at line 96) to get our full image!
We need to turn on two interrupts... VBLANK - which occurs at the start of the screen (line 0)... and LYC - which occurs at a line of our choosing...

LYC is part of the LCD-STAT interrupt... we turn VBLANK and LCD-STAT on with &FFFF bit 0+1

We next select the line we want the LYC interrupt to occur... we do this with &FF45

Now we enable LYC with &FF41 bit 6
We need to put jumps in our header to jump to the functions which will handle the events , and change the Tile patterns
We need to control bit 4 of &FF40... We need to turn it on during Vblank (Line 0) to set the first Tile Pattern address

We need to turn it off during LCD-STAT (LYC) (Line 96) to set the second Tile Pattern address
The result will be our full-screen Title image - every tile on the screen is different!

All we've done here is switch the tilemap once during the redraw... But there are far cleverer things we could do!

For example, we could move the tilemap during the redraw - making the screen 'ripple' in a wave... or we could move the tilemap in two parts, to have a splitscreen effect!
It all depends how creative you are... and how much debugging you're willing to do!

Lesson P52 - MSX1 mode G2 for 768 onscreen tiles
The MSX1 mode we've looked at in the past was only capable of 256 tiles... that's OK, but not enough for us to do a full screen image.

Also in the past, we only looked at simple colors - but unlike the Spectrum which defines Foreground/Background color per 8x8 square, the MSX1 can define them for 8x1 blocks.... giving a separate foreground and background color for each 8 pixels!, and AkuSprite Editor can now export files with MSX1 color!


MSX1 8x1 Color
The MSX 1 screen is made up of Black and white patterns, and Color data - each uses 8 bytes per tile
Black And White
The Two Combined

We're going to use a screen based on the Spectrum... but the MSX1 can do better!

Take a look at the fireball in the preview to the right.

Each 8x1 line on the MSX1 can have a different foreground and background color.

The fireball has a black background, but alternating lines are White or Cyan... The ZX Spectrum couldn't do this... the color around the eye is also improved thanks to the MSX!
Our 256x192 screen would need 768 tiles to cover it... but in the 'normal' mode we only have 256...

This would mean our image would repeat 3 times.
By changing the settings of the screen registers - each 1/3rd will use a different 256 tiles - allowing us to show a full color screen!

Very nice!
The latest version of AkuSprite Editor can Export MSX1 files - it will split the data into 2 parts... RAW will contain the bitmap data and .COL will contain the matching colors

Beware! Akusprite editor will 'Convert' the 16 color image to MSX1 format - but if you've made a mistake and used 3 colors in the same 8x1 area one will be lost!

Use the 'MSX1 8x1 Color' Display mode to check your image looks OK!

The Code
First we need to enable our screen, we need to select the correct screen mode with Reg R0 and R1

We also need to configure Registers R3 and R4 - these are the important ones...
Unlike before, By setting them with the values shown, the 3 thirds of the screen will show different patterns - allowing us to show the full 768 onscreen tiles

We need to include the two data files from Akusprite Editor - The Black and white Bitmap data, and the color data.
We need to transfer the bytes of the black and white part to address &0000+

We need to transfer the color part to &2000+
We need to set the 768 bytes from &1800+

These need to go from 0-255... of course these will repeat 3 times
The image will be shown to screen
Splitting the screen into 3 tilemaps gives 3x the tile count - but it will cause your font problems!

If the bottom 3rd is your status screen you'll be fine, but if you need to show text in all areas, you'll have to define your font in all 3 tilemaps...
in all 3 tilemaps, Our 96 character font would use up 288 tiles total... leaving only 480 left!

Lesson P53 - Realtime Sprite Flipping on the Amstrad CPC
Because of the CPC's Screen layout, flipping sprites is not very easy... of course one option would be just to store two copies of each sprite, but this would eat up our precious memory!

By understanding the screen layout, with some clever functions, we can flip the bits of our sprite... and for super speed, we can use a 256 byte LookUpTable to make the job super fast... Lets learn how!


Amstrad CPC Screen Modes
The Amstrad modes all work differently, and depending on the screen mode, we're going to need to move the bits of each pixel to shift each pixel in the byte to the 'Visually' opposite side of byte

We're going to use the sprite below for our flipping tests (Shown un-flipped)

Mode 2 Bits/Pixels

Source A B C D E F G H
Destination H G F E D C B A

Mode 1 Bits/Pixels

Source A0 B0 C0 D0 A1 B1 C1 D1
Destination D0 C0 B0 A0 D1 C1 B1 A1

Mode 0 Bits/Pixels

Source A0 B0 A2 B2 A1 B1 A3 B3
Destination B0 A0 B2 A2 B1 A1 B3 A3

We're only looking at H-flipping the sprite in today's example, V-flipping is pretty easy, we just read in the lines of the sprite backwards, or move up the screen as we draw instead of down.

Because there are multiple pixels in a byte, it's more tricky doing the Horizontal flip, so that's what we'll look at today.

Macros to flip the image
We're going to create macros to convert each screen mode. these will convert a byte in A - and we can use them for either direct drawing to the screen, or building a lookup table.

Mode 2:

In mode 2 each pixel is a bit...

We need to shift each bit to the opposite side of the byte by bit-shifting.

As it's black and white, This function will also work on the ZX Spectrum!

Mode 1:

In mode 1 each pixel is two bits, one in the top nibble, and one in the bottom... there are 4 pixels per byte.

We need to shift each pair of bits for each of the 4 pixels

Mode 0:

In mode 0 each pixel is four bits, the bits are in odd, or even bit positions for each of the two pixels in the byte.

We need to shift all four bits of the pixels into the opposite position.

Drawing the Sprite
If we want to show a Mode 1 sprite, we essentially do almost the same as before (in the Simple series Bitmap example)

However this time we use the 'FlipMode1' macro to reverse the byte before showing it to the screen, we also DEC HL to move to the Left on the screen (rather than right in the previous example)
This will show the flipped sprite to the screen.

The same procedure also works with Mode 2 or Mode 0.

Using a Lookup Table to speed things up
Recalculating the sprite in real time in this way is OK, but it's a bit slow... alternately we can define 256 bytes of data in a LookUp Table, and 'Preflip' every possible byte, this will allow us to easily read from the lookup table to get the 'flipped' byte almost instantly.

The table needs to be aligned to a byte boundary (starting at &xx00 - eg &1800 or &1900)
To fill our LUT, we need to use the low byte (L) as a source for our macros (either FlipMode0,FlipMode1 or FlipMode2)

We need to fill in the 256 possible source bytes into this LUT.
We're going to use BC for the address of our Lookuptable.

When we want to 'Flip' a byte from our sprite, we just set C to that byte, and read in from the address (BC)

Because we've pre-calculated the flipped bytes, we'll read in the flipped equivalent of the byte in C

We now just write that to the screen... much faster than using the macro for each byte!

The look up table will almost certainly be better than storing copies of sprites that are pre-flipped, but whether it saves memory over the 'realtime macro' option will depend on complex your sprite drawing routines are.

In this version, the sprite routines are short and simple, but if you're got heavily optimized ones with unwrapped loops, then the LUT could actually save memory!

Lesson P54 - Transparency on Amstrad CPC software sprites
We've looked at simple bitmap sprites before, but our previous sprites were 'PSET' sprites that were put on the screen, removing anything behind them.

For a simple game that may be enough, but if you're drawing sprites over a background this will erase parts of the background... We need some transparency, and we have various options for this!


Example 1 - No Transparency
We're going to look at Mode 0 in this example... and we're going to use as sprite of 'Chibi Alien Yarita' - as it's a nice colorful sprite which allows for clear transparency

We're going to draw 3 copies of the sprite over themselves - and see how the transparency occurs (or doesn't in this example!)

To the right you can see the 'PSET' example, the first two draws of the sprite have been erased by the third draw - this is because we have 'no transparency'!

Example 2 - Byte Zero Transparency
'Byte Zero' Transparency is super easy... when all the pixels in a byte are color zero (IE when the byte value =0) then we simply don't draw the byte!, we just skip over the draw with a JR command

This is a fast and easy way of achieving simple transparency with just an extra command or two!
The sprite will be shown... Notice the 'chunky' border around the legs... when one pixel is Black (Color 1) and the other is Color 0 (Dark Blue) - both are shown.

This is because there are two pixels per byte - and both need to be Color 0 for the byte to be transparent.
This was the kind of transparency used by ChibiAkumas - it's pretty fast, and works well when the background is mostly color 0 anyway..

It has a tendency to give the characters a 'Black' (or whatever Color 0 is) border - but that's not so bad with cartoon graphics.

Example 3 - Color Zero Transparency (Via Lookup Table)
The simple example was a bit limited, we really want every pixel to be able to be transparent, but this is complex to calculate.
We're going to need a lookup table - which will store the masks to remove the background when we want to draw our sprite.

The LookUp Table will contain 256 entries, one per possible screen byte. it needs to be aligned to the byte boundary &xx00 - starting at something like &1700 or &1800
We need to fill the lookup table... the lookup table will contain values we'll AND with the background... removing the bits as needed so we can OR in the final sprite.

The two pixels of the Mode 0 screen use 4 bits each.. Bits 0,4,2,6 are the right pixel, and bits 1,5,3,7 are the left pixel...

We want to check if all the bits of a pixel are zero, and if any of them are, we want to retain the background by setting the pixels bits to 0, otherwise they will be 1
We don't need to change much of our previous example...

We now load BC with the address of the LookUp Table.

When we read in a sprite byte, we load it into C. As our Lookup table is aligned, and contains all the masks for the sprite bytes, we now load our mask in from (BC) and AND it with the current screen byte in (HL)

Finally we OR our sprite byte over the top (Still in C)
The result can be seen... effectively 'perfect' Color Zero transparency!

It doesn't cost much time, but it does cost 256 bytes for the Lookup Table.

This method of transparency is used by many fast CPC games (Such as Operation Wolf)... it works great for 16 color mode, provided you can spare the extra ram for the LookUp Table...

Note: Operation Wolf actually uses 'Stack Misuse'... using the stack pointer to read bitmap data fast!

Example 4 - Sprite + Mask bitmaps
LUT transparency is probably best for 16 color mode... but in 4 color mode, losing one of our 4 colors is a pain.. if our background is black, we may want a black border around our characters.

We'll a good solution is a Mask Sprite... the concept is the same as the LUT option, but we have two sprites, one that masks out the background, and one that is the actual color sprite.
We now have two bitmap files, one for the Sprite color, and one for the Mask.
Our sprite routine is a little different.... we're using 3 data pointers now... DE for the Mask data, IY for the sprite data, and HL for the screen destination.

We load registers with the two sprite files, and AND the mask and background together... before ORing in the color information.

We then INC all 3 pointers.
The Sprite will have a Color 0 border - but the masked parts will show through to the background.

AkuSprite Editor now has a new display mode 'Transparency Mask' will ONLY show color 16 (the transparent color) - all other colors will be black.

This was used to export the transparent example in today's lesson... but it's not been tested much, so it may need some more work!

Lesson P55 - LightGun Reading on the Sega Master System
Joypads are so boring!... The SMS allows us some real firepower!

more advanced than the light guns on some systems (NES) - the SMS lightgun offers near pixel perfect precision
Lets Load up and learn how to take control of the hardware!


This tutorial has been tested on Fusion 3.64 which emulates the lightgun - if you're using an earlier version - or a different emulator, it may not support the lightgun.

The Theory of the SMS LightGun
The SMS LightGun is super precise, but it's hardware is very simple...

The lightgun returns just two binary bits of data... one is the fire button... the other is the detection of light...

To actually read in the 'shot' screen position we have to follow a procedure during the interrupt handler...

1. Test the fire button - if it's not pressed, give up
2. Flash the screen (All colors to white)
3. Read the light sensor until it detects the white flash - when it does, the lightgun is pointing to the pixel the CRT beam just drew
4. Read the Horizontal and Vertical Position from the hardware registers
Interrupt Handler
Because we're going to run before the screen draws during Vblank, We're going to have to use the Interrupt handler... This requires a few things

1. We need to declare an interrupt handler jump at &0038
2. We need to flip to the shadow registers at the start of the interrupt handler (We're relying on our main code not changing these)
3. We need to read in from vdpControl on port &BF to clear the interrupts, flip back from the shadow registers, turn interrupts on and return.
Detecting the Lightgun Fire pos
We're going to declare 3 variables in RAM
1. A 'fire' flag - if the fire button was pressed.
2. The X position of the light gun when the fire button was pressed.
3. The Y position of the light gun when the fire button was pressed.
OK, lets start our interrupt handler... First we set up the VDP to receive a new palette,

If the Fire is pressed - we'll flash the screen white, if not we'll reset the palette to the normal colors.

Next we'll test the fire button (bit 4) of port 1 (or Bit 2 of port &DD for Port 2)
Let's set our 'Fire flag' to 1,

Next we'll send a 'flash palette' to the palette registers - this is just setting all the colors to white.
As the screen draws, the Y line number of the currently drawing line (HCounter) can be read from port &7E...

We just set the screen to white, so at some point the light sensor will detect it - if the lightgun is on port 1 we test the light sensor with bit 6 of port &DD

If the H-counter on port &7E reaches line 192 before the sensor sees light, then we missed the screen!
If the fire was detected, we need to read in the Y-pos from port &7E... and X-pos from &7F

Otherwise we'll set them both to zero
If fire wasn't pressed, We need to reset the normal palette

Whatever happened, we need to read in from the VdpControl port (&BF) - otherwise the Interrupt will keep firing forever locking our program!... then we return
Testing our program
We need a little test program!

We'll wait until the Fire flag is set, and then show the X,Y pos to the screen.
Here are the results!

The first value is the X-position

The second value is the Y-position
Test 1:

Test 2:

The MouseClicks don't quite seem to match the Y-position returned - the Clicck seems to be 8 lines lower than the actual screen position and returned value, so the top line cannot be clicked upon, and you can successfully click 8 lines below the last line of the 'flashing screen'

This may be a limitation of the SMS, or an emulator bug - but the same happens on 'Operation Wolf' on the SMS - so it doesn't seem to be a bug in this tutorial.

Lesson P56 - Pixel Plotting on the Amstrad CPC
We've drawn many times on the screen in past tutorials, but we've always written data in bytes.
Lets learn a way we can plot pixels to the screen - so we can draw lines and dots!

Of course, the firmware can do this for us... but in this example we'll do it ourselves!


Calculating Byte Position and Bit Mask
Because of the layout of the CPC screen, there are multiple pixels per byte... In screen mode 1 there are 4 pixels per byte, in screen mode 0 there are 2

We're going to define a function that takes a Xpos from 0-320 in registers AB , and Ypos from 0-200 in C

We'll need to calculate the byte position of our pixel we do this by 1 bitshift (in mode 0) or 2 bitshifts (in Mode 0)... we can then use our previous GetScreenPos to get the HL destination

We also need a 'MASK' - we'll need the mask to remove the pixel we want to plot from the background  - and then plot the new colored pixel.... we read this from a lookup table
The Mask lookup table needs to define the pixel positions for each pixel in the byte.

Of course This is very different depending on screen mode!
If we want to set a pixel to a color, as well as the pixel mask, we'll need the 'color mask' - defined in this code as a byte in which all the pixels are colored with the color we want, combining the two will yield a colored pixel in the position we want - we'll use this for setting pixels.
We're going to draw a 32 pixel diagonal line...

We use Get Pixel Mask to convert (X,Y) pos (AB,C) into a HL byte address... a D mask to keep the background and an E mask for the pixel...

We use GetColorMaskNum to get a 'color mask (a byte where all the pixels are the selected color) - ANDing this with E, and ORing in the background will set our pixel as required
We've drawn our line!
Drawing a line in this way is pretty slow, and won't be much use for gaming. You're going to want to use sprite and byte based graphics most of the time,

However these routines may be handy for slower things - like drawing the UI at the start of a program, or simple effects during a demo.
Copying and flipping pixels
Of course there's no limit to what we draw!

Instead of a line, lets copy an area of our screen pixel by pixel - but lets draw it in reverse!

We'll read a pixel from the screen in the XY pos in IX... and plot it to XY pos IY...

We'll need to convert the pixels - we could shift the bits, but instead we'll write a generic routine to convert a pixel to a 'color mask'... this will be called ByteToColorMask
We're going to take a screen byte, and it's pixel position and convert it to a color mask

we do this by shifting it to the rightmost pixel, then shifting left and ORing - effectively filling all the colors with the one specified in B
We've copied and flipped a range of our screen pixel by pixel.

We've written some routines to work with pixels... of course, the firmware has built in pixel routines that you can use, but it's more interesting to write our own

Lesson P57 - Stereoscopic 3D on the SegaMasterSystem with the Segascope 3D Glasses
3D films are all the thing these days... but 3D has existed since the earliest computers - the Sega Mastersystem had it's own 'ShutterGlasses' - using LCD screens to 'black out' alternating eyes - these showed each eye a different image, allowing for full color 3D on the humble 8 bit with a CRT TV... lets make some 3D magic!


We're going to use the DEGA emulator to simulate 3D glasses... these use Red/Cyan 3D 'anaglyph' glasses to achieve 3D - we'll do the same in this tutorial... so dig out your old copy of Jaws 3D or Freddy's Dead - stick on those 3D glasses, and get ready to party in 3D like it's 1989!

Of course in actuality the 3D on the SMS was in full color, so we're having to computerize - damn modern TFT's!

The 3D Theory
Human beings have two eyes (in case you hadn't noticed) - they're spaced apart, and get two slightly different images - our brain is clever and coverts these into 3D 'Depth'...

By providing 2 different images to the eyes we can make a flat screen look like it has 'Depth'... Anaglyph glasses use Red/Cyan filters - Red cannot get through the blue filter... and Blue cannot get through the red filter - allowing us to display 2 different images to the 2 eyes - the brain will see this as 3d.

Shutterglasses do this differently, blanking out alternate eyes, and showing a different image alternate frames - a 60hz TV will show 30 hz to each eye with Shutterglasses - we need out code to move all the objects alternating frames for each eye.

Depending on the relative position of an object when it's presented to the left and right eyes we can alter the '3D ness' of the object.

If it's position is the same to the left and right eyes it will appear 'flat'

If the right eye image is on the right of the left eye image it will go 'into' the screen
If the right eye image is on the left of the left eye image it will come 'out of' the screen.

Bear in mind, the size of the screen makes a difference, one CM of separation on your hand held could be 30 CM on your big screen TV!

If an object sticks out too far, you may be unable to focus on it - or it may stick out further than the viewer - that's why you may get a headache if you're on the front row of a 3d cinema!

Controlling the Shutterglasses with port &FFF8
Writing to address $FFF8 will send data to the shutterglasses -  it's also stored into the Ram mirror...
Bit 0 of this address will select the eye of the shutterglasses that is shown (the other will be black)... 0 will enable the Right Eye... 1 will enable the Left Eye

We can't read back from the Shutterglasses, but we can read from the ram mirror, so reading back from $FFF8 will work fine!
$FFF8 = Shutter glasses port
We need to change the positions of objects every frame... alternating between the Left and Right eye images

To do this we'll 'Cache' all the data for the Tilemap and sprites in ram - we'll store two copies of this data, one for the left eye, and one for the right

During the interrupt handler, we'll use $FFF8 to alternate the eye that can see the screen, then push all the data for the sprites and tilemap into VRAM

We're going to modify our previous Sprite (SetHardwareSprite) and Tilemap (FillAreaWithTiles) Functions to write to this cache

Writing routines to write to our cache
We need to change GetScreenPos... before it selected a VRAM address - now it selects a memory address within the Cache

We'll return the address in DE - this version will use a Cache address in IXH - &C0 for the Left eye, &C7 for the right eye
FillAreaWithTiles will set an area of the tilemap to consecutive tiles - we use it to draw our Chibiko Character

We need to change the routine to use the GetCacheScreenPos we just wrote, and replace the OUT commands to writes to address (DE)

as DE is now used for address writes, we're using IY as our tile number
Our hardware sprite routine also needs to change - it too needs to write to the cache.

We'll use IXH as the address of the sprite cache - &C6 for Left Eye , &CD for Right Eye

Drawing Our Screen
We want to draw our Chibiko character

We need to do this twice... once for the RIGHT EYE, and once for the LEFT EYE

if we want the image to have 3D depth, we need to change the X position of the draw between the two eyes
We also need to draw the sprite twice, the LEFT EYE image will be static

The RIGHT EYE sprite will move, making it zoom in and out of the screen in 3D

The Chibiko Tiles will appear 'going in' the screen
The Cross-hair sprite will go into and out of the screen

We make things 3D by having a 'difference' in the X position of pixels in the Left and Right Images - in this example we made the Tiles appear 'in' the screen by moving them one tile to the right - this is possibly a bit unsubtle, but without drawing the image twice, and storing different tile versions (Eating up memory) there's not much we can do...

You'll want to design your graphics and game to work well in 3D and take advantage of the technical capabilities and limitations.


Lesson P58 - Modes 4, 3, 2 and 1 on the Sam coupe
We looked at 16 color Screen mode 4... but the SAM has a few other options... a 4 color mode (Mode 3), a Spectrum compatible mode (Mode 1), and a mode a bit like the MSX 1 (Mode 2)

Lets put them to work!


Screen Modes overview
Mode 4 is a 16 color mode... each pixel has 4 bits - so the top nibble of a byte is the left hand pixel, and the bottom nibble is the right hand - these define the color used by the pixel from the normal 16 color palette, Lines on the screen are consecutive, so we add 128 bytes to move down the screen.

Mode 3 is a 4 color mode... each pixel has 2 bits - so the two bits of a byte is the left hand pixel, and each other 2 bit pair is a consecutive pixel - these define the color used by the pixel from the normal 16 color palette

Mode 2 is odd!... each pixel is 1 bit, so a byte has 8 pixels of data - but this just defines whether the color is the foreground color or background... the Foreground/Background colors are in a separate Color map... Lines are 32 bytes apart... the main screen is 6k in size, but there is a 2k gap before the color map, which is also 6k... The color map mimics spectrum format, with Flashing bit, Bright Bit, 3 back color bits  and 3 fore color bits
Bright colors are Colors 8-15 in the Sam palette, color 0-7 are the regular colors.

Mode 1 is identical to the spectrum... each pixel is 1 bit, so a byte has 8 pixels of data - but this just defines whether the color is the foreground color or background... each 8x8 square has a Foreground/Background color in a separate Colormap... the main screen is 6k in size, the colormap is 768 bytes just like the spectrum... the screen layout is odd, the screen is split into thirds, and 8 consecutive bytes go down the screen.... see the spectrum tutorial for full details.
Pixel Data:

Memory addresses assume Video ram mapped to &0000-&8000 range

Mode 1/2 Color data:

Each screen-mode will need the correct format pixel data, but we can create the correct data with AkuSprite Editor. Lets draw our 48x48 mascot on each screen mode.

Using Modes 4/3
Screen modes 3 and 4 are almost the same, we just have a different byte width...

We'll load the screen initialization byte into A... we'll need it in a moment!
We need to select the screen mode using port 252 - 2 bits select mode 1,2,3,4... then we page in the bank of memory with port 250

we'll use 'GetScreenPos' to caclulate the screen address, and 'GetNextLine' to move the address

These will copy data from our 'sprite' label into the screen memory.

*** This section is used for screen modes 1+2 as well ***
GetScreenPos will multiply the Y position by 128, and add the X byte... returning screen location in DE

GetNextLine will add 128 to the memory address - moving DE down a line
We include our sprite data from binary files on disk.
Here are the results!
Mode 4
Mode 3

Mode 4 is the best for games... 3 is higher resolution, so is good for word processing...

Mode 1 is just for Speccy emulation, so if you want to port a spectrum game and make your SAM look like a 48k speccy, then go ahead!
Mode 2 is a bit odd... it's not quite like the MSX1 (MSX1 uses 4 bits for Foreground / Background color info - SAM uses just 3), but very similar, it could be handy if you need a screen with a smaller ram footprint for faster game play.

Using Mode 1
We need different screen mode settings for mode 1...

Our Set mode and pixel drawing routines are the same however.
Because of the annoyingly complex screen layout, we have quite a big GetScreenPos and GetNextLine routine.

We also need to set the color information, which is in a different format again... the format is more simple for the color information, however which makes things easier.
We set the pixel data with the same routine from Mode 4/3, but we set the color info separately.

We're setting all the 8x8 color blocks foreground to color 3, and background to color 1, but we're flipping the background to 6 every other block
Here is the result
Using Mode 2
We need to use a different screen mode settings for mode 2
Screen mode 2's layout is much simpler... there are 32 bytes per line, and each line is consecutive in memory
We set the pixel data with the same routine from Mode 4/3, but we set the color info separately.

The routine is basically the same as our main pixel data, we just need to offset the address of writes by &2000
The palette data is in the same format as Mode 1 - but the colors cover 8 pixels in a 8x1 configuration
Here are the results

Cleaning up our mess, and playing with colors!
We use port 250 to reset the low ram area and turn off screen ram.
If we want to change colors, we use ports &xxF8, where xx is 00-0F for colors 0-15

these take a byte in the format %-GRBLGRB... with 2 Green, Red and Blue bits, and 1 Light bit, which slightly increases brightness of all colors

All these examples have shown the video being mapped to &0000+... you can map it somewhere else if you prefer!
With modes 1+2, it would probably make sense to map it to &4000-&7FFF, so you can still use Interrupt Mode 1...

Remember, the example code for these tutorials is at &8000... so you can't do anything with the &8000-&FFFF bank!

Lesson P59 - Hardware scrolling on the MSX 1/2/2+
The MSX has some scrolling options - but they vary depending on the MSX revision

Lets take a look at all the options!


MSX1 Soft Scrolling the tilemap
The MSX1 has no real hardware scrolling options, but as the tilemap is just 768 bytes, we can just update the entire tilemap in one go.

By offsetting the source by +1/-1 we can move the tilemap left or right... by offsetting by +32 / -32 we can move the tilemap up or dow

Of course, this will restrict the movement to 8x8 blocks
The tilemap effectively scrolls by 1 block at a time.

MSX2 Shifting the tilemap (Limited)
The MSX 2 has an 'offset' option - this allows us to 'shift' the screen.... this uses a single byte...

This uses Reg #18

The Top Nibble is the Y offset... the bottom nibble is the X offset
This can be done in combination with the 'soft scroll' above to move the screen 7 pixels, before jumping back and updating the tilemap via software.

We're using the top 3 bits of DE for the 'offset',

We use the remaining bits as a scroll for the soft tilemap.

MSX2 Vertical Scroll
While we can only horizontally scroll via the method above, The MSX2 has full vertical hardware scroll via Reg #23.

This will scroll the full 256 pixel tall page... though only 192 pixels are visible by default.
Here is the result

MSX2+ Horizontal Scroll
The MSX2+ has added horizontal scroll... it uses 3 registers... #25,#26 and #27

#27 has the bottom 3 bits of the scroll... #26 has the remaining 6 bits of the scroll position.

This allows up to 512 pixels of scroll.
On the Bitmap screen we have some extra options!... these use Reg #25

By default scroll will hide the left side 8 pixels... NoMask will disable this

2 Pages will cycle between pages 1 and 2 for a 512 pixel logical screen - we need to select page 1 for this with Reg #2
Here is the result... the first page is going off the right, and the second is coming in...

Note this has no effect on the V-scroll... which still only shows 1 page... so the 'logical screen' is 512 x 256

Many of these options work on the Bitmap and Tilemap screens...

You'll need to run the program code to see the effect... or watch the video!


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