Learn Multi platform Z80 Assembly Programming... With Vampires!
Platform Specific Lessons
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Platform Specific Series - Lets learn how the hardware of the systems work, so we can get it to do what we want... Covers Amsrad CPC,MSX,ZX Spectrum, TI-83,Enterprise 128/64 and Sam Coupe!
    Lesson P1 - Basic Firmware Text functions

Lesson P2 - More Text Functions, Improvements... and the Sam Coupe!

Lesson P3 - Bitmap graphics on the Amstrad CPC and Enterprise 128

Lesson P4 - Bitmap graphics on the ZX Spectrum and Sam Coupe

Lesson P5 - Bitmap graphics on the TI-83 and MSX

Lesson P6 - Keyreading on the Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum and Sam Coupe

Lesson P7 - Keyreading on the MSX, Enterprise and TI-83

Lesson P8 - Tilemap graphics on the Sega Master System & Game Gear

Lesson P9 - Tilemap graphics on the Gameboy and Gameboy Color

Lesson P10 - Tilemap graphics on the MSX1

Lesson P11 - Tilemap graphics on the MSX2

Lesson P12 - Joypad reading on Master System,GameGear, Gameboy and Gameboy Color

Lesson P13 - Palette definitions on the Amstrad CPC and CPC+

Lesson P14 - Palette definitions on the Enterprise and Sam Coupe

Lesson P15 - Palette definitions on the MSX2 and V9990

Lesson P16 - Palette definitions on the Sega Master System and Game Gear

Lesson P17 - Palette definitions on the Gameboy and Gameboy Color

Lesson P18 - Making Sound with the AY-3-8910 on the Amstrad CPC, MSX,ZX Spectrum.... and NeoGeo + Atari ST!!

Lesson P19 - Sound on the Elan Enterprise

Lesson P20 - Sound on the Sam Coupe

Lesson P21 - Sound on the Gameboy and GBC

Lesson P22 - Sound with the SN76489 on the Master System, GameGear, Megadrive (Genesis) and BBC Micro!

Lesson P23 - Sound with the 'Beeper' on the ZX Spectrum and Apple II

Lesson P24 - Bankswitching and hardware detection on the Amstrad CPC

Lesson P25 - Bankswitching and hardware detection on the MSX

Lesson P26 - Bankswitching and hardware detection on the ZX Spectrum

Lesson P27 - Bankswitching and hardware detection on the Enterprise

Lesson P28 - Bankswitching and hardware detection on the Sam Coupe

Lesson P29 - Hardware detection and Bank Switching on the Gameboy/GBC and Sega Mastersystem/GameGear

Lesson P30 - Hardware Sprites on the gameboy

Lesson P31 - Hardware Sprites on the Master System / Game Gear and MSX1!

Lesson P32 - Hardware Sprites on the CPC+

Lesson P33 - Bitmap Graphics on the Camputers Lynx

Lesson P34 - Sound and Keyboard on the Camputers Lynx

Lesson P35 - Playing Digital Sound with WAV on the AY-3-8910!

Lesson P36 - Playing Digital Sound with WAV on the CPC+ via DMA!

Lesson P37 - Playing Digital Sound with WAV on the Sam Coupe, Camputers Lynx and ZX Spectrum

Lesson P38 - Playing Digital Sound with WAV on the Sega MasterSystem/GameGear, Elan Enterprise and GameBoy/GBC

Lesson P39 - Setting the CPC screen with CRTC registers

Lesson P40 - Syncronized mode switches for 320x200 @ 16 color EGX graphics on the Amstrad CPC

Lesson P41 - CRTC Rupture for Interrupt based splitscreen on the CPC

Lesson P42 - Advanced CRTC Rupture

Lesson P43- ULANext on the Spectrum NEXT

Lesson P44- Enhancements to the Classic ULA and Low Res Mode (Radasjimian)

Lesson P45 - 256 color mode on the Elan Enterprise

Lesson P46- Tilemap on the Spectrum NEXT

Lesson P47- Using 16 color Mode 0 to simulate 2x 4 color Layers

Lesson P48 - All MSX2 Bitmap Commands - Part 1/2

Lesson P49 - All MSX2 Bitmap Commands - Part 2/2

Lesson P50 - Alternative Bitmap modes... HighRes, 256 color, YJK (MSX2+) and Interlaced!

Lesson P51 - Window - Tilemap Scrolling - Alt Tile Pattern addresses and Interrupts

Lesson P52 - MSX1 mode G2 for 768 onscreen tiles

Lesson P53 - Realtime Sprite Flipping on the Amstrad CPC

Lesson P54 - Transparency on Amstrad CPC software sprites

Lesson P55 - LightGun Reading on the Sega Master System

Lesson P56 - Pixel Plotting on the Amstrad CPC

Lesson P57 - Stereoscopic 3D on the SegaMasterSystem with the Segascope 3D Glasses

Lesson P58 - Modes 4, 3, 2 and 1 on the Sam coupe

Lesson P59 - Hardware scrolling on the MSX 1/2/2+

Lesson P60 - Tape loading on the Amstrad CPC (5K subs special)

Lesson P61 - 2x and 4x sprite scaling with Lookup Tables on the Amstrad CPC

Lesson P62 - AMX Mouse reading on the Amstrad CPC

Lesson P63 - Kempson Mouse reading on the ZX Spectrum + SpecNEXT

Lesson P64 - Mouse reading on the MSX

Lesson P65 - Mouse reading on the Sam Coupe

Quadtree video on the CPC (10k special) - Part 1/2 - Lesson P66 [CPC]

Quadtree video on the CPC (10k special) - Part 2/2 - Lesson P67 [CPC]

Lesson P68 - RLE+Bitplanes for lossless compression on the CPC [CPC]

Lesson P69 - ChibiSound PRO on the CPC, MSX and Spectrum (128 - AY) [CPC] [MSX] [ZXS]

Lesson P70 - Sound on the SMS/GG (ChibiSound Pro) [SMS] [GG]

Lesson P71 - Sound on the Elan Enterprise! (ChibiSound Pro) [ENT]

Lesson P72 - Sound on the ZX Spectrum (Beeper) [ZXS]

Sound on the Gameboy - Z80 Lesson P73 (ChibiSound Pro) [GMB]

Lesson P74 - Sound on the SAM Coupe [SAM]

Sound on the Camputers Lynx(Beeper) - Z80 ASM Lesson P75 [CLX]

Lesson P80 - Multiplatform Software tilemap on the MSX2 (Mintile)
We've written a minimal multiplatform Tile/Sprite routine in the Mintile series, and we looked at the MSX1 screen before

Now, lets take a look at the platform specific code to quickly draw tiles to the screen on the 16 color MSX2


MinTile is a multiplatform 'engine' which allows us to define our game code in a common way, and let the platform specific code handle the platform specific work!... it was used to write 'ChibiFighter' on the Z80.

For more details on Mintile, see the Mintile series here...

Tile Pattern Routines

Our example shows an onscreen tilemap and two software 'sprites'.
Mintile supports scrolling and X-Flip (but not Y-flip)

The 'sprites' are actually miniature tile maps, this is to reduce the amount of platform specific code.
These are all created via the DoStrip platform specific routine, which we'll look at here

We need to transfer the patterns to the VDP. We write these to the offscreen area in lines 256+

We do this twice, once normally, and once X-flipped!
Line 256:

Line 512:
We need to send our pattern data to the VDP.

We send the tilemap patterns only once.

We send the sprite data twice, once normally, and once X-flipped
The send tile routine sends each 8x8 tile to the VDP.

We use a HMMC command to do this - this sends bitmap data from the CPU to an area of VRAM in the VDP

There are 32 tiles on a single 256 pixel line, we move across 8 pixels after each tile, and down 8 pixels once we get to the end of the line.
The reverse tile function takes the same parameters and source bitmap pattern data,

however it moves from right to left through the 4 bytes, and uses 4x RRCA commands to flip the two pixels in each byte, effectively Xflipping it.

Strip Drawing

On most systems GetScreenPos calculates a HL vram destination, but on the MSX2 it works differently, simply converting the XY co-ordinates in BC (pairs of pixels) to a pixel location in HL

This is used to calculate the destination for sprite drawing
DoStrip will draw one horizontal strip of tiles.

The job is defined by the following registers

HL = VRAM Dest
BC' = Tilemap
DE' = Pattern data
IYL = TileMap Width

The tilemap will either be the TileCache (for the background) or a mini tilemap (for sprites)

If using the tile cache we zero the tiles after they are drawn

there are 32 tiles per screen line in the pattern data area, so we use %00011111 to calculate the X position, and %11100000 to calculate the Y position

We use HMMM to quickly transfer tiles.

After each tile is sent we repeat for the rest of the horizontal strip.
DoStripRev has essentially the same function,

however we add 256 to the source Y position to select the X flipped pattern set

Note that Mintile makes extensive use of the shadow registers HL' BC' and DE' (but not AF')

This means you'll need to keep interrupts disabled (as the firmware uses them!), or write your own interrupt handler....
We'll write our own interrupt handler later on when we add music to this example.

Lesson P81 - Multiplatform Software tilemap on the Sam Coupe (16 color - Mintile)
We've written a minimal multiplatform Tile/Sprite routine in the Mintile series, Now, lets take a look at the platform specific code to quickly draw tiles to the screen on the Sam Coupe


MinTile is a multiplatform 'engine' which allows us to define our game code in a common way, and let the platform specific code handle the platform specific work!... it was used to write 'ChibiFighter' on the Z80.

For more details on Mintile, see the Mintile series here...

Tile Drawing Routines

Our example shows an onscreen tilemap and two software 'sprites'.
Mintile supports scrolling and X-Flip (but not Y-flip)

The 'sprites' are actually miniature tile maps, this is to reduce the amount of platform specific code.
These are all created via the DoStrip platform specific routine, which we'll look at here

The screen is configured to a 256x192 size, to maintain a compatible screen size on all systems
The MinTile shared routine provides calculation and tilemap planning, however we need to do the actual job of 'Drawing' in the platform code.

The code can horizontally flip tiles, In 16 color mode on the Sam Coupe we use a 256 byte lookup table, to 'pre-calculate the flipping of the 2 pixels in a byte
The LUT needs to be byte aligned, so &8100 or &2E00 would be fine, but &2E01 would not!
We have a 'GetScreenPos' function , which calculates the VRAM destination for the sprite objects.

Our BC co-ordinates are in 'logical units' (2 pixels/lines per logical unit)
DoStrip will draw one horizontal strip of tiles.

The job is defined by the following registers

HL = VRAM Dest
BC' = Tilemap
DE' = Pattern data
IYL = TileMap Width

The tilemap will either be the TileCache (for the background) or a mini tilemap (for sprites)

If using the tile cache we zero the tiles after they are drawn

We multiply the tile number by 32 to get the offset to the pattern data.
we use stack misuse to speed up loading the pattern data

We also 'Precalculate' the two possible L bytes of the HL vram addresses in BC, which we'll use next.

After each line, we need to move down a line.

Odd lines are on addresses like &8080, &8180, &8280 etc
Even lines are on addresses like &8000, &8100, &8200 etc

We need to 'toggle' the L byte between two values, so we pre-calculated these in B and C so we can quickly flip between the two L bytes, we also INC the H byte as needed

we use POP commands to read pattern data, and transfer it to the screen for all 8 lines

DoStripRev has essentially the same function, however it horizontally flips the pattern data via the lookup table.

We're using BC to point to our lookup table, which means we don't have enough registers free to do the same 'trick' swapping B and C with L as before, so we calculate these manually.

As this code is quite a bit longer, we actually use a loop this time, in L

Note that Mintile makes extensive use of the shadow registers HL' BC' and DE' (but not AF')

This means you'll need to keep interrupts disabled (as the firmware uses them!), or write your own interrupt handler....
We'll write our own interrupt handler later on when we add music to this example.

Lesson P82 - Multiplatform Software tilemap on the Sam Coupe (4 color - Mintile)
We've ported Mintile already to the SAM, but this time we'll use 4 color patterns, which we'll convert ant 'tint' to 16 color.

This halves the data requirements for pattern data, and allows us to use the same graphics as our 4 color systems


MinTile is a multiplatform 'engine' which allows us to define our game code in a common way, and let the platform specific code handle the platform specific work!... it was used to write 'ChibiFighter' on the Z80.

For more details on Mintile, see the Mintile series here...

Tile Drawing Routines

Our example shows an onscreen tilemap and two software 'sprites'.
Mintile supports scrolling and X-Flip (but not Y-flip)

The 'sprites' are actually miniature tile maps, this is to reduce the amount of platform specific code.
These are all created via the DoStrip platform specific routine, which we'll look at here

The screen is configured to a 256x192 size, to maintain a compatible screen size on all systems
The MinTile shared routine provides calculation and tilemap planning, however we need to do the actual job of 'Drawing' in the platform code.

The code can horizontally flip tiles, and we use a LUT to flip the bytes, BUT calculating the 4 color pattern bytes to 16 color screen bytes is slow, so we actually preconvert the unflipped data too!

Each 4 color byte of pattern data becomes two 16 color screen bytes.
The LUT needs to be byte aligned, so &8100 or &2E00 would be fine, but &2E01 would not!

There are two Luts (Normal and X-Flipped) and each LUT use a total of 512 bytes
We have a 'GetScreenPos' function , which calculates the VRAM destination for the sprite objects.

Our BC co-ordinates are in 'logical units' (2 pixels/lines per logical unit)
DoStrip will draw one horizontal strip of tiles.

The job is defined by the following registers

HL = VRAM Dest
BC' = Tilemap
DE' = Pattern data
IYL = TileMap Width

The tilemap will either be the TileCache (for the background) or a mini tilemap (for sprites)

If using the tile cache we zero the tiles after they are drawn

As our patterns are now 16 color, We multiply the tile number by 16 to get the offset to the pattern data.

We also 'Precalculate' the two possible L bytes of the HL vram addresses in BC, which we'll use next.

This time we DONT use stack misuse - this allows us to keep interrupts enabled (for playing music!)

We use BC for our lookup table.

We load C with the 4 color pattern byte we want to covert.

We then load in from (BC) - this is the 1st converted byte

We then INC B and load in from (BC) - this is the 2nd converted byte

After each line, we need to move down a line.

Odd lines are on addresses like &8080, &8180, &8280 etc
Even lines are on addresses like &8000, &8100, &8200 etc


As we're already using a LUT, DoStripRev is almost identical, we just use the second 512 bytes of the LUT for our conversion


Note that Mintile makes extensive use of the shadow registers HL' BC' and DE' (but not AF')

This means you'll need to keep interrupts disabled (as the firmware uses them!), or write your own interrupt handler....
We'll write our own interrupt handler later on when we add music to this example.

Lesson P83 - Multiplatform Software tilemap on the Spectrum Next
We've written a minimal multiplatform Tile/Sprite routine in the Mintile series, Now, lets take a look at the platform specific code to quickly draw tiles to the screen on the Spectrum Next


MinTile is a multiplatform 'engine' which allows us to define our game code in a common way, and let the platform specific code handle the platform specific work!... it was used to write 'ChibiFighter' on the Z80.

For more details on Mintile, see the Mintile series here...

Tile Drawing Routines

Our example shows an onscreen tilemap and two software 'sprites'.
Mintile supports scrolling and X-Flip (but not Y-flip)

The 'sprites' are actually miniature tile maps, this is to reduce the amount of platform specific code.
These are all created via the DoStrip platform specific routine, which we'll look at here

The screen is configured to a 256x192 size, to maintain a compatible screen size on all systems
We're using 256 color mode on the ZX Next

We page in the VRAM to the area &2000-&3FFF, this leaves the address &0038 free for interrupt mode 1

We have a 'GetScreenPos' function , which calculates the VRAM destination for the sprite objects.
Our BC co-ordinates are in 'logical units' (2 pixels/lines per logical unit)

This pages in the bank of the appropriate 1/6th of the screen for the tile we want to draw via NextReg &51
DoStrip will draw one horizontal strip of tiles.

The job is defined by the following registers

HL = VRAM Dest
BC' = Tilemap
DE' = Pattern data
IYL = TileMap Width

The tilemap will either be the TileCache (for the background) or a mini tilemap (for sprites)

If using the tile cache we zero the tiles after they are drawn

As each tile is 8x8 and 256 colors per pixel, We multiply the tile number by 64 to get the offset to the pattern data.

We use stack misuse to speed up loading the pattern data
We back up HL in BC

We pop two bytes (2 pixels) and write them to the screen, we move across the screen by INCing L

After each line we reset L from C and inc H

we do two lines in a batch and use shadow register L' as a loop counter
DoStripRev has essentially the same function,

We read the data in the same way, however we move left across the screen instead of right.

Note that Mintile makes extensive use of the shadow registers HL' BC' and DE' (but not AF')

This means you'll need to keep interrupts disabled (as the firmware uses them!), or write your own interrupt handler....
We'll write our own interrupt handler later on when we add music to this example.

Lesson P84 - Multiplatform Software tilemap on the Gameboy Color (Mintile)
We've written a minimal multiplatform Tile/Sprite routine in the Mintile series, and we looked at other systems before
Now, lets take a look at the platform specific code to quickly draw tiles to the screen on the Gameboy Color


MinTile is a multiplatform 'engine' which allows us to define our game code in a common way, and let the platform specific code handle the platform specific work!... it was used to write 'ChibiFighter' on the Z80.

For more details on Mintile, see the Mintile series here...

Mintile uses the Gameboy Color's extra functions for the Xflipped tiles.

For this reason it won't work on the Gameboy Classic.

Tile Pattern Routines

Our example shows an onscreen tilemap and two software 'sprites'.
Mintile supports scrolling and X-Flip (but not Y-flip)

The 'sprites' are actually miniature tile maps, this is to reduce the amount of platform specific code.
These are all created via the DoStrip platform specific routine, which we'll look at here

We need to transfer the patterns to the VRAM, we use 'DefineTiles' to do this
We send the tiles once, unflipped.

The Xflip effect is performed by the Gameboy Colors extra functions.

If we wanted to do this on the gameboy classic we'd have to transfer the data twice.

Strip Drawing

We don't actually use hardware sprites in this example, we draw the chibiko character to the tilemap.

'GetScreenPos' converts the co-ordinate in 'Logical units' (pairs of pixels) to screen tiles
DoStrip will draw one horizontal strip of tiles.

The job is defined by the following registers

HL = VRAM Dest
BC' = Tilemap (rs_b and rs_c simulate z80 shadow registers)
IYL = TileMap Width (r_iyl simulates the z80 IYL register)

The tilemap will either be the TileCache (for the background) or a mini tilemap (for sprites)

If using the tile cache we zero the tiles after they are drawn

We transfer the tile number to the Tilemap, setting the GBC palette after each tile.

DoStripRev has essentially the same function,

however we set the H-flip flag in the GBC tile settings to Xflip the tiles

Lesson P85 - Multiplatform Software tilemap on the SMS/SGG (Mintile)
We've written a minimal multiplatform Tile/Sprite routine in the Mintile series, and we looked at other systems before
Now, lets take a look at the platform specific code to quickly draw tiles to the screen on the Sega Master System or GameGear


MinTile is a multiplatform 'engine' which allows us to define our game code in a common way, and let the platform specific code handle the platform specific work!... it was used to write 'ChibiFighter' on the Z80.

For more details on Mintile, see the Mintile series here...

Tile Pattern Routines

Our example shows an onscreen tilemap and two software 'sprites'.
Mintile supports scrolling and X-Flip (but not Y-flip)

The 'sprites' are actually miniature tile maps, this is to reduce the amount of platform specific code.
These are all created via the DoStrip platform specific routine, which we'll look at here

We need to transfer the patterns to the VRAM, we use 'DefineTiles' to do this
We send the tiles once, unflipped.

The Xflip effect is performed by using the SMS tilemap capability

Strip Drawing

We don't actually use hardware sprites in this example, we draw the chibiko character to the tilemap.

'GetScreenPos' converts the co-ordinate in 'Logical units' (pairs of pixels) to screen tiles
DoStrip will draw one horizontal strip of tiles.

The job is defined by the following registers

HL = VRAM Dest
BC' = Tilemap (rs_b and rs_c simulate z80 shadow registers)
IYL = TileMap Width (r_iyl simulates the z80 IYL register)

The tilemap will either be the TileCache (for the background) or a mini tilemap (for sprites)
If using the tile cache we zero the tiles after they are drawn

We transfer the tile number to the Tilemap, We need to wait a while between writes, so we Push and POP IX to slow things down

If we have an empty tile, we can increment the VRAM destination with two dummy reads

DoStripRev has essentially the same function,

however we set the H-flip flag in the to Xflip the tiles

Lesson P86 - Interrupt Driven Music on the SMS/GG (ChibiTracks)
Let's write an interrupt handler for the SMS/GameGear, and use it to play music with ChibiTracks!


The Interrupt Handler

The video hardware can cause a VBLANK interrupt once per frame, but for this to happen we need to set bit 5 of VDP Register 1 to one.

Otherwise no interrupts will occur and we won't get any sound!
Next we need to create a pointer to our interrupt handler at address &0038.

We do this via a jump in the header of our cartridge.

Interrupt Mode 1 (IM1) calls this address when the interrupt occurs
We should ensure IM1 is set, and enable interrupts to get things started.
We need to poll the status register during our interrupt handler to clear the interrupt

we do this via "in a,(vdpControl)"

If we don't do this, the interrupt will immediately occur again, and our music will play super fast, while the game will lock up.
Reading in from the control port will mess up our address selection, if an interrupt occurs in between writing the H and L part of the address, to ensure this doesn't happen we disable interrupts at that time.

If an interrupt DOES occur, it will wait until interrupts are enabled again.

To use ChibiTracks, we need to include the modules of the music player,

We also need the platform specific "Chibisound Pro" sound driver.
We need to have a ChiBiTracks music file to play.
We have two options 'Allow Speed change' allows us to change the speed of our song. This is useful to keep the song playing the same speed on 50hz and 60hz screens. NOTE: Whether this will work effectively depends on if the speed was pre-multiplied on export (faster playback, but stops this function working)

AllowRelocation allows the binary to be loaded at any memory address, not just the one 'compiled' into the binary at export time - while disabling this will save a little speed/memory it's recommended you keep this enabled!
We need to allocate up to 128 bytes of memory for ChibiSoundPro, and ChibiTracks player.

We define pointers to the ChibiTracks variables within this ram.
Before we play anything we need to init the ChibiSoundPro Driver.

To start our song, we set SongBase to point to the music file we want to play, and call StartSong - we do this any time we want the music to change
All that's left is to execute the PLAY routine to update the playing music.

ChibiTracks uses AF,BC,DE,HL and IX... it does not use IY or shadow registers.

Lesson P87 - Interrupt Driven Music on the MSX (ChibiTracks) - and Turbo on the WSX & Turbo R
Let's write an interrupt handler for the MSX, and use it to play music with ChibiTracks!
Our example shows the MSX1, but this will work on the MSX2 as well!

We'll also use TURBO MODE on the Turbo-R and 6mhz on the WSX.


How we write our interrupt handler depends if we're running from RAM or ROM.

Here We'll assume we're running from a ROM cartridge, as it's the harder method. The technique is almost identical for a RAM based interrupt handler though.

The Interrupt Handler

The video hardware can cause a VBLANK interrupt once per frame, but for this to happen we need to set bit 5 of VDP Register 1 to one.

Otherwise no interrupts will occur and we won't get any sound!
IM1 causes a call to address &0038 on interrupt,
If we're working on a system with 64k ram, we can page in RAM and put a JP at that address.

Otherwise if we're running from cartridge we have to 'Chain onto' the firmware interrupt handler, we do this by writing a jump at address &FD9Ah
We should ensure IM1 is set, and enable interrupts to get things started.
Our interrupt handler updates the music.

Note: As we're chaining onto the firmware routine, enabling interrupts and clearing the interrupt by reading the VDP status is done for us - we need to do this ourselves if we're writing our own complete interrupt handler
Reading in from the control port will mess up our address selection, if an interrupt occurs in between writing the H and L part of the address, to ensure this doesn't happen we disable interrupts at that time.

We also use stack misuse during our draw routines, which will not go well, so we keep interrupts disabled.

As the joystick connects to the AY port, There are also problems if interrupts occur during Joystick reading

It's safest to disable interrupts for any code that may cause problems, the interrupts will wait if they occur while DI is in operation

To use ChibiTracks, we need to include the modules of the music player,

We also need the platform specific "Chibisound Pro" sound driver.
We need to have a ChiBiTracks music file to play.
We have two options 'Allow Speed change' allows us to change the speed of our song. This is useful to keep the song playing the same speed on 50hz and 60hz screens. NOTE: Whether this will work effectively depends on if the speed was pre-multiplied on export (faster playback, but stops this function working)

AllowRelocation allows the binary to be loaded at any memory address, not just the one 'compiled' into the binary at export time - while disabling this will save a little speed/memory it's recommended you keep this enabled!
We need to allocate up to 128 bytes of memory for ChibiSoundPro, and ChibiTracks player.

We define pointers to the ChibiTracks variables within this ram.

"ChibiOctaveAddr" is exclusive to the MSX - The WSX turbo mode plays at a different pitch, and we use this to tweak the octave table to compensate.
Before we play anything we need to init the ChibiSoundPro Driver.

To start our song, we set SongBase to point to the music file we want to play, and call StartSong - we do this any time we want the music to change
All that's left is to execute the PLAY routine to update the playing music.

ChibiTracks uses AF,BC,DE,HL and IX... it does not use IY or shadow registers.

Turbo Mode

To detect a turbo R, we read from address &0180, if this address contains &C3, then we are running on a turbo R

Calling address &0180 in the firmware will set Turbo mode depending on the Accumulator, a value of &82 will turn on the fast CPU
The WSX has no turbo mode, but has a 6mhz mode which is a little faster

To detect it we load from address &002D, if this address contains 2, then we're running on a panasonic machine.

Next we write 8 to port &40, and read back the device id, if it contains 247 then we're on a WSX.

We tun on turbo mode by OUTing 0 to port &41
We turn the Turbo Mode on at the start of our program (it does nothing on a basic msx)

The WSX sound pitches are different in turbo to the normal hardware, we shift the pitch table of ChibiOctave if we turned WSX 6mhz mode on.

NOTE: The 6mhz pitch shift may not be emulated by your emulator.

Lesson P88 - Interrupt Driven Music on the ZX Spectrum (ChibiTracks) with IM2
Let's write an interrupt handler for the Spectrum, and use it to play music with ChibiTracks!
Because the spectrum has ROM in the &0000-&3FFF range, we'll use the more tricky interrupt mode 2


Interrupt Mode 2
In this mode an address is formed by taking the top byte from the R register, and the bottom byte from the interrupting device.
A 16 bit word is read from that address, and that address is called.
We can't effectively predict what the bottom byte will be, so we need to define a block of 257 bytes which all point to the same address.
The common solution is to fill memory addresses $8000-$8101 with the value $81. The effect of this is that all interrupts will call to $8181, and it's at that address  we put the code for (or jump to) our actual interrupt handler.
This is not very convenient, and IM 1 is far more useful. But on systems like the Spectrum, where low memory (Address &0038) is ROM, then this is the best solution for us.

The Interrupt Handler

Here we are reserving a block of 400 bytes at &8000

We'll use this to define the 257 byte address block for the IM2 handler, and the jump to the handler itself.

Because we're at address &8000, the byte in register I will need to be &80
We use a LDIR to fill the 257 bytes with &8181
We load I with &80 - as our IM2 block starts at &80xx

We as our IM2 block contains &8181, we put a jump at address &8181 to our actual interrupt handler.

The area &8102-&817F is actually free for use (eg ram vars/stack)
Our interrupt handler updates the music.

Chibitracks uses HL,BC,DE IX and AF only

To use ChibiTracks, we need to include the modules of the music player,

We also need the platform specific "Chibisound Pro" sound driver.
We need to have a ChiBiTracks music file to play.
We have two options 'Allow Speed change' allows us to change the speed of our song. This is useful to keep the song playing the same speed on 50hz and 60hz screens. NOTE: Whether this will work effectively depends on if the speed was pre-multiplied on export (faster playback, but stops this function working)

AllowRelocation allows the binary to be loaded at any memory address, not just the one 'compiled' into the binary at export time - while disabling this will save a little speed/memory it's recommended you keep this enabled!

UseBeeper enables the beeper version (rather than the AY one for 128k)

NoSilentPause disables the delay for silent ticks - our speed is controlled by the interrupt handler, so we don't need this

SingleChannelBeeper will ignore all but channel 1 in the song, disabling this means the loudest of the 3 channels will be selected for the beeper to play
We need to allocate up to 128 bytes of memory for ChibiSoundPro, and ChibiTracks player.

We define pointers to the ChibiTracks variables within this ram.
The spectrum beeper needs cpu time to make a sound - we set the speed with SetZX, we need to set short beeps (3) so that the interrupt handler doesn't take too much time and slow down our game.

We clear the 'sound cache' used by the speccy ChibiSoundPro Driver - this is used to record what each channel should be playing, so the one that the beeper plays can be decided.

Before we play anything we need to init the ChibiSoundPro Driver.

To start our song, we set SongBase to point to the music file we want to play, and call StartSong - we do this any time we want the music to change
All that's left is to execute the PLAY routine to update the playing music.

ChibiTracks uses AF,BC,DE,HL and IX... it does not use IY or shadow registers.

Lesson P89 - Interrupt Driven Music on the Gameboy / GBC
Let's write an interrupt handler for the Gameboy, and use it to play music with ChibiTracks!


The gameboy processor isn't a Z80,but it's based on the 8080.

It doesn't use IM1 for interrupts, but has a similar address that's called during vblank (&0040) - we'll update our music during that interrupt.

The Interrupt Handler
We need to put a jump to our interrupt handler on the VBLANK interrupt - this is at address &0040

We do this at the start of our ROM cartridge.
Our interrupt handler jump is in place, but we need to get the hardware to generate the interrupt , we do this with bit 0 of address &FFFF
Our interrupt handler updates the music.

ChibiTracks uses all the registers, it also uses the 'fake' IX registers held in memory - we back these up as the rest of our program uses them too.

We return with a RETI command

To use ChibiTracks, we need to include the modules of the music player.

We also need the platform specific "Chibisound Pro" sound driver.

ChibiTracks uses a variety of Z80 commands which do not exist on the GB, but we can simulate these with the "\SrcALL\CPU_Compatability.asm" macros
We need to have a ChiBiTracks music file to play.
We have two options 'Allow Speed change' allows us to change the speed of our song. This is useful to keep the song playing the same speed on 50hz and 60hz screens. NOTE: Whether this will work effectively depends on if the speed was pre-multiplied on export (faster playback, but stops this function working)

AllowRelocation allows the binary to be loaded at any memory address, not just the one 'compiled' into the binary at export time - while disabling this will save a little speed/memory it's recommended you keep this enabled!
We need to allocate up to 128 bytes of memory for ChibiSoundPro, and ChibiTracks player.

We define pointers to the ChibiTracks variables within this ram.
Before we play anything we need to init the ChibiSoundPro Driver.

To start our song, we set SongBase to point to the music file we want to play, and call StartSong - we do this any time we want the music to change
All that's left is to execute the PLAY routine to update the playing music.

ChibiTracks uses AF,BC,DE,HL and IX...

On the gameboy, Z80 registers that do not exist are simulated with bytes in memory (r_ixl and r_ixh)


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