Learn Multi platform 6502 Assembly Programming... For Monsters!

Platform Specific Lessons

Platform Specific Series - Now we know the basics, lets look at the details of the platforms we're covering!
    Lesson P1 - Bitmap Functions on the BBC

Lesson P2 - Bitmap Functions on the Atari 800 / 5200

Lesson P3 - Bitmap Functions on the Apple II

Lesson P4 - Bitmap Functions on the Atari Lynx

Lesson P5 - Bitmap Functions on the PC Engine (TurboGrafx-16)

Lesson P6 - Bitmap Functions on the NES / Famicom

Lesson P7 - Bitmap Functions on the SNES / Super Famicom

Lesson P8 - Bitmap Functions on the VIC-20

Lesson P9 - Bitmap Functions on the C64

Lesson P10 - Joystick Reading on the BBC

Lesson P11 - Joystick Reading on the Atari 800 / 5200

Lesson P12 - Joystick Reading on the Apple II

Lesson P13 - Joystick Reading on the Atari Lynx

Lesson P14 - Joystick Reading on the PC Engine (TurboGrafx-16)

Lesson P15 - Joystick Reading on the NES / Famicom and SNES

Lesson P16 - Joystick Reading on the VIC-20

Lesson P17 - Palette definitions on the BBC

Lesson P18 - Palette definitions on the Atari 800 / 5200

Lesson P19 - Palette definitions on the Atari Lynx

Lesson P20 - Palette definitions on the PC Engine (TurboGrafx-16)

Lesson P21 - Palette Definitions on the NES

Lesson P22 - Palette Definitions on the SNES / Super Famicom

Lesson P22 (z80) - Sound with the SN76489 on the BBC Micro

Lesson P23 - Sound on the Atari 800 / 5200

Lesson P23 (Z80) - Sound with the 'Beeper' on the Apple II

Lesson P24 - Sound on the Atari Lynx

Lesson P25 - Sound on the PC Engine (TurboGrafx-16)

Lesson P26 - Sound on the NES / Famicom

Lesson P27 - Sound on the SNES / Super Famicom: the SPC700

Lesson P28 - Sound on the SNES / Super Famicom: Writing ChibiSound

Lesson P29 - Sound on the on the VIC-20

Lesson P30 - Sound on the C64

Lesson P31 - Hardware Sprites on the Atari 800 / 5200

Lesson P32 - Hardware sprites on the Atari Lynx

Lesson P33 - Hardware Sprites on the PC Engine (TurboGrafx-16)

Lesson P34 - Hardware Sprites on the NES / Famicom

Lesson P35 - Hardware Sprites on the SNES / Super Famicom

Lesson P36 - Hardware Sprites on the C64

Lesson P37 - Screen settings with the CRTC on the BBC Micro!

Lesson P38 - Character Block Graphics on the PET

Lesson P39 - Key reading on the PET

Lesson P40 - Sound on the PET

Lesson P41 - Multiple layers on the SNES

Lesson P42 - Color maths on the Super Nintendo

Lesson P43 - Splitscreen scrolling and Sprite 0 Hit on the NES!

Lesson P44 - The NES Zapper!

Lesson P11 - Joystick Reading on the Atari 800 / 5200
We're going to handle joysticks on the Atari 800 and 5200,

Unfortuantely the PIA chip which handles the digital joystick on the Atari 800 does note exist on the 5200 (where we have to use analog joysticks)

This is one of the few times the machines are different, and means We're going to have to handle joysticks very differently!


On the Atari 800 the main digital Joysticks use 4 bits of the PIA - this PIA is not available on the Atari 5200..

There are many differences between the port addresses on the Atari 800 and 5200... most of these were just the hardware developers being mean, and making sure the software for the computer and console couldn't be shared...

for some reason the PIA is not present on the console... maybe to save cost?... so we'll have to use analog joysticks on the 5200

The ports!
The Atari 8000 and 5200 use a few different ports depending on the system, and what we want to read.

Atari 800 - UDLR
There are two ports we can read from, and each contains 2 joysticks, 4 bits per joystick for UDLR... these are in the correct order we want, and format

 Port  Address   Bits & Joystick
PIA (800 only)  PORTA   $D300  RLDURLDU 22221111
PIA (800 only)  PORTB  $D301  RLDURLDU 44443333

Atari 5200 - UDLR
On the Atari 5200 we need to read in the analog paddles to get the X-Y position of the joysticks... we need to read UD and LR, which will return a value from 0-255....

On the Atari, Top Left of the joystick is 0,0... and Bottom Right is 255,255
X-Y Joystick Axis and returned 8 bit values:

Port Atari 800 Address Atari 5200 Address Purpose
POKEY POT0 $D200 $C200 game paddle 0
POKEY POT1 $D201 $C201 game paddle 1
POKEY POT2 $D202 $C202 game paddle 2
POKEY POT3 $D203 $C203 game paddle 3
POKEY POT4 $D204 $C204 game paddle 4
POKEY POT5 $D205 $C205 game paddle 5
POKEY POT6 $D206 $C206 game paddle 6
POKEY POT7 $D207 $C207 game paddle 7

Atari 800 & 5200 - Fire
We also need to read the Joystick trigger from Bit 0 of the trigger - this works on Atari 5200 and 800

 Port Atari 800 Address Atari 5200 Address Purpose
GTIA TRIG0 $D010 $C010 joystick trigger 0
GTIA TRIG1 $D011 $C011 joystick trigger 1
GTIA TRIG2 $D012 $C012 joystick trigger 2
GTIA TRIG3 $D013 $C013 joystick trigger 3

Reading the Joystick on the Apple 800
We need to read in the player controls from PIA address 0 ($D300)... the bottom nibble contains UDLR for player 1, so we remove the top nibble...

We now need to set the top 3 bits to 1, as we have no buttons for these positions.

Finally we need to get the fire button... we get it from $10 in the GTIA ($D010)... the fire button is at bit 0, so we shift it left 4 times, and Or it into z_h

z_h now contains all the controls for player 1

We're now going to do the same for Joystick 2...

This time we use $D011 to get the Fire Button 2... we shift it's bit into the carry... and push the flags...

Now we take the top nibble of $D300 to get player 2's buttons... After popping the flags, we shift right 4 times... this shifts the Fire as the 5th bit...

After settng the top 3 unused bits to 1, we store this in z_l  

z_l now contains all the controls for player 2

Reading the fire buttons is the same on the 5200 (Though the port is different) - but everything else changes, as we now have to parse 'analog' (0-255) values and convert them into movements.

Reading the Joystick on the Apple 5200
On the Atari 5200 we can't use the PIA to get UDLR - as it doesn't exist!

We get the fire button from the GTIA in the same way as the Atari 800... but on the 5200 the address is different ($C010)

We have to use the Pokey's analog's... Joystick 1 LR is handled by $E800 and UD is $E801 in the pokey

We use a function called "ReadControlsProcessAnalog"  which pushes two bits to represent the axis...

Once we've done both axis, we OR the top unused 3 bits to set them to 1
We're now going to do the same for Joystick 2...

As before We use Trigger 1 in the GTIA at $C011

We also use analog Paddle 2 & 3 for LR and UD.of Joystick 2

And again we set the top 3 bits to 1
When we convert Analog (0-255) to Digital we're using a 'deadzone' of 128... so a value <64 is Left/Up, and >192 is Right/Down

We use SEC and ROL to shift a 1 into z_as to set a button as 'not pressed'

We use CLC and ROL to shift a 0 into z_as to set a button as 'pressed'

z_as will be transfered into z_h or z_l depending on the joystick being processed

Once again, we may not need both joysticks, and we can disable Joy 2 by not defining UseDualJoy to save memory

In fact the 'Jum52' emulator only seems to support a single joystick, so if you're using that, then there will be no benefit to the extra code for Joy 2

Lesson P12 - Joystick Reading on the Apple II
The Apple 2 also uses analog joysticks - we'll have to read in the analog values and convert them to digital, so we can use them in our game


Analog to Digital
On the Apple 2, we'll be using Analog Joysticks... these return a value for the X and Y axis in a range of 0-100

0,0 is Top,Left.... 100,100 is Bottom,Right

We're going to read these in and convert them to Digital Values
In the Z80 tutorials we used registers HL for reading the joystick... on the 6502 we'll use Zeropage addresses defined as z_h and z_l... we'll use one bit per button on the joystick/joypad

for each bit, a 1 means the button is up (unpressed)
a 0 means the button is down (pressed)

We'll load player 1's joystick data into z_h... and player 2's into z_l
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Meaning Start F3 F2 F1 Rgt Lft Dn Up
Our test program is very simple, all it does is read in the two controllers, and show the value of the z_h and z_l to the screen.

Ports relating to the Joystick
There are several ports we need to know about on the Apple II

Reading Analogs on the Apple II is a pain... we reset the analogs with $C070, then count up until bit 0 of $C064 (or one ofthe other analogs) becomes 1 - this value in our count is the analog position
In thory the Apple II as 4 switches (0-3) but we can only easily use 0 and 1

Each Joystick will use Two Analogs, 0 & 1 for Joystick 1, and 2 & 3 for Joystick 2

Port Name Details Notes
$C060  BUTN3 Switch Input 3 Bit 7=0 when Down
$C061 RDBTN0  Switch Input 0 / Open Apple  Bit 7=0 when Down
$C062 BUTN1 Switch Input 1 / Solid Apple Bit 7=0 when Down
$C063 RD63 Switch Input 2 / Shift Key Bit 7=0 when Down
$C064 PADDL0 Analog Input 0 Bit 7=0 when Count reached 
$C065 PADDL1 Analog Input 1 Bit 7=0 when Count reached
$C066 PADDL2 Analog Input 2 Bit 7=0 when Count reached
$C067 PADDL3 Analog Input 3 Bit 7=0 when Count reached
$C070 PTRIG Analog Input Reset Reset Analog Count

Switch 2 isn't easy to use, as it seems to cause another firebutton to trigger at the same time - and fire button 3 doesn't seem to work at all!

Maybe it's just the emulator used in these tutorials?

When it comes to reading in controls, we're going to specify the first of the two ports to read in the X regsiter...

We're then going to load in the Accumulator with the fire button for that joystick...

The actual work is being done by the function ProcessJoystick - which will read in the data from the joystick and convert it how we want...

We'll then store player 1's joystick on z_h... and player 2's in z_l
We're going to use zero page address z_as as a 'buildup' store for our data... we start by shifting the fire button in!

Now we're going to use self-modifying code to set up the following code to use the addresses for the two analogs we're going to use...

So we can read in from the analogs, we need to reset the analogs, by reading $C070,

We then reset the X and Y registers to 0...
The routine to read in the joystick is tricky...

What we effectively do is increment X until the top bit of $C065 reaches 1, and increment Y until the top bit of $C064 is 0....

The code is a bit complex though, as we don't know what order this will occur,
We've got a function called JoyConvertAnalog - this will covert the analog value in A to a pair of bits, which will be pushed into z_as

Our last action is to flip all the bits, and set the top 3 unused bits to 1
When we need to convert Analog to Digital, we'll use a deadzone of 33
T this means any value less than 33 is Left or Up... and any value Greater than 66 is Down or Right...

as our last command flips the bits, we use CLC to push a 0 bit into z_as, or SEC to push a 1 in.

The Analog reading code here was based on the example from Understanding the Apple II - page 7-24

If you want to learn more about the analog sticks, please see the manual - in fact it's the best resource for all Apple II stuff!

Lesson P13 - Joystick Reading on the Atari Lynx
The Lynx has a digital Joystick, 2 fires, 2 'option' buttons and a pause...

Lets learn how to use them!


The Lynx Hardware
The Atari Lynx uses two memory mapped ports for its buttons... but we'll only need one, as we'll ignore the 'pause button' in this example - as we only use a single byte for each player,
If a bit is 1 then the button is DOWN... if it's 0 then the button is UP

Port Purpose         7               6                5               4       3 2 1 0
$FCB0  Joystick  Up Down Left Right Option-1 Option-2 Inner Fire Outer Fire
$FCB1 Switches  - - - - - Cart 1 Strobe Cart 0 Strobe Pause

To match our other sysmtes, we need to convert this to our standard format
If a bit is 0 then the button is DOWN... if it's 1 then the button is UP
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Meaning  Start (Opt1)    F3 (Opt2)    F2 (Inner)   F1 (Outer)      Right        Left        Down        Up   

Converting the bits
To start we need to do some setup!

We're going to use ZeroPage entry z_h to store player 1's buttons - but we want to set z_l to all 1's - as this is usually used for player 2.

We also need to flip the bits of $FCB0's data - so we EOR it in to the accumulator
We're going to need to swap the nibbles, we're going to use a trick to achive this

By using a combination of ASL,ADC and ROL we can shift two bits with three pairs, this is the fastest way to shift two bits on the 6502,

We do this twice, effectively swapping the bottom and top half of the byte.
We're going to swap the nibbles of the byte we read in from the joystick, this moves the UDLR bits to the right hand half of the byte, but they're in the wrong order!

We need to flip the 4 bits around, and we do this by using ROR and ROL 4 times.
Now we need to get the Firebuttons added... they're in the right position and order...
We AND them in - because we set all the bits of z_h to 1 at the start...

Our byte is now in the right order!
The Results will be shown onscreen as a pair of bytes!

For some reason, even if you hold down the buttons, it seems the Lynx will intermittantly register them as not pressed!

It didn't cause any problems for Grime 6502 - but you may need to compensate if you're detecting if a button is held down.

The Lynx supports left handed play - if you press Pause+Option2 together, the screen and controls should flip... but to support this you'll have to do it in software...

It just depends if you can be bothered to do the programming work to support the 'SouthPaws' !

Lesson P14 - Joystick Reading on the PC Engine (TurboGrafx-16)
The PC Engine uses Joypads similar to the NES... it has 4 directions, two fires and Select / Start

All buttons on all joysticks are read from the same port... lets learn how it works!


The IO Port at $1000
Joypad reading is performed with Port $1000....  This port uses 4 bits for reading... so two reads from this port are needed to get the 8 buttons of a joypad...  The PC Engine is capable of supporting up to 5 joypads, though we'll only read in two in these tutorials

Before we can start reading, we need to initialize the 'Multitap' (the hardware that toggles the joypads)... to do this we just write a #1 then #3  to port $1000... we need a short delay after each write....

Once the Multitap is initialized, we can get the button states by alternating writes of #1 and #0 to port $1000 - this will return the buttons of all 5 joysticks in order...

Joypad Select bit
(Bit 0 $1000)
        7                6                5                4                3                2                1                0       
1 1 CD addon
- - Left Down Right Up
1 0 CD addon
- - Run Start B A
2 1 CD addon
- - Left Down Right Up
2 0 CD addon
- - Run Start B A

The PC Engine actually supports 5 joypads, but Joypads 3-5 work in exatly the same way, we just need to keep reading in from the same port.

Common Data format for Joypad controls used by these tutorials
In the Z80 tutorials we used registers HL for reading the joystick... on the 6502 we'll use Zeropage addresses defined as z_h and z_l... we'll use one bit per button on the joystick/joypad

for each bit, a 1 means the button is up (unpressed)
a 0 means the button is down (pressed)

We'll load player 1's joystick data into z_h... and player 2's into z_l
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Meaning Start F3 F2 F1 Rgt Lft Dn Up
Our test program is very simple, all it does is read in the two controllers, and show the value of the z_h and z_l to the screen.

Reading in the joystick
We're going to need to do a lot of writes to the IO port at $1000... we're going to use a common command called 'JoypadSendCommand'...

This will write the value in X to $1000... wait a moment (Via PHA,PLA and two NOPs)... and read in the current state of the port...

We'll use this for initialization, and for reading the joypads.
Before we read in our Joysticks, we need to initialize the Multitap.. .we just send #1, and then #3 to the port with the command we just defined..

We don't actually need to read the result back, but it does no harm!
The method for reading Joypad 1 and 2 is identical... in both cases the procedure is as follows:

We send a 1 to the port, and read in LDRU...
Then we send a 0 to the port, and read in the fire buttons, and Start/Run

We'll need to swap some of the bits around so LDRU becomes RLDU... we'll look at how we can do this in a moment.

The results of Joypad 1 are stored in zero page entry z_h
The results of Joypad 2 are stored in zero page entry z_L
We need to do some bit shifting to swap the direction keys around,  This is done by JoypadShiftFourBitsA
we use z_l as a temporary buffer for the bit we need to move...

For the fire buttons, we don't need to shift any bits,  we use JoypadShiftFourBits to do this
 we just move the 4 bits from A to z_as - shifting the bits in z_as to the right at the same time

There are some 6 button joypads for the PC engine - primarily released so Street Fighter 2 could work well on the PC-Engine, but they're rare, and outside the scope of these tutorials...

Lesson P15 - Joystick Reading on the NES / Famicom and SNES
The Nes/Famicom has a great joypad, with 2 fires, and select start it's a really nice fit for our 1 byte per controller setup...

However the Nes Joypad is a little bit of a pain, as we need to read in one bit at a time... lets learn how!


The Famicom Hardware
The NES has 2 joysticks, but 2 extra pads can be added to the Famicom external port... Unlike many systems, we can't read from one port to get all the keys in one go... we need to read each button one at a time, and build up a byte representing all the buttons in our joypad.
First we need to 'Strobe' the joypad, by writing 1 to bit $4016.... then we need to read in from $4016 and $4017 repeatedly to get all the bits of the Joypad... we'll see the source to do this in a moment.

    Mode          Port      Purpose     7          6          5          4          3          2          1          0     
Write $4016 Strobe (reset) - - - - - - - Strobe
Read $4016 Joypad 1/3 - - - - - Mic Pad3 Pad1
Read $4017 Joypad 2/4 - - - - - - Pad4 Pad2

When we read in 8 bits from the port, we'll end up with the following byte format for our buttons:

7 6 5   4   3 2   1     0  
Right Left Down Up Start Select B A

While the Famicom can support them, We won't be using Pad 3 or 4 in these tutorials...
We also won't be using the Microphone!... of course the Microphone is only supported by the Japanese model anyway.

The SNES Hardware
Presumably because of the planned backwards compatibility, the SNES actually uses the same ports in the same way! However, because the SNES has more buttons, we can do 16 reads rather than 8 to get the extra buttons!

We're only going to read in the first 8 bits in this example, but if we wanted, we could read in another 4 to get X,A, L and R buttons

  F     E     D     C     B     A     9     8    
7 6 5   4     3   2   1     0  
- - - - R L X A
Right Left Down Up Start Select Y B

The SNES firmware also reads in these ports automatically, and stores these in ram - we can use these versions if we prefer!
Address Name Purpose Bits
$4218 JOY1L   Joypad #1 status (set during interrupt)   AXLR----
$4219 JOY1H Joypad #1 status (if $4200 is set) BYSTUDLR
$421A JOY2L Joypad #2 status AXLR----
$421B JOY2H Joypad #2 status BYSTUDLR
$421C JOY3L Joypad #3 status AXLR----
$421D JOY3H Joypad #3 status BYSTUDLR
$421E JOY4L Joypad #4 status AXLR----
$421F JOY4H Joypad #4 status BYSTUDLR

You can read from $4218-$421F just fine - but in these tutorials we try to go direct to the hardware itself...

But it's up to you, you can use the alternates if you prefer!

Common Data format for Joypad controls used by these tutorials
In the Z80 tutorials we used registers HL for reading the joystick... on the 6502 we'll use Zeropage addresses defined as z_h and z_l... we'll use one bit per button on the joystick/joypad

for each bit, a 1 means the button is up (unpressed)
a 0 means the button is down (pressed)

We'll load player 1's joystick data into z_h... and player 2's into z_l
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Meaning Start F3 F2 F1 Rgt Lft Dn Up
Our test program is very simple, all it does is read in the two controllers, and show the value of the z_h and z_l to the screen.

Reading from the Hardware
This function will work on the NES or SNES!

Our first stage of reading from the hardware is to initialize the Joypad hardware... we strobe the port to reset the hardware

We do so by writing a 1 to $4016... this strobes the hardware

We then need to write a 0 to $4016... this is to set up the port so we can read from it
We now need to read in 8 times from the ports $4016 (for Joy1) and $4017 (for Joy2)... each time will read in a single button in bit 0... we then shift these bits into z_h and z_L
We need to swap around the keys for each controller from the format the (s)Nes gives us, to our standard format,

We use a function call to do this for us!
We need to swap the bits around in the top and bottom nibbles to match the format we need... we use SwapNibbles to swap the UDLR and fire part of the byte

We also need to invert the bits... as we require a button that is down to be 0.... and up to be 1

Lesson P16 - Joystick Reading on the VIC-20
The VIC 20 has a digital Joystick we can read in, and we'll read in from it's 4 directions and 1 fire for our controls in these tutorials, We need to read it's data in from 2 ports

Lets take a look!


The Hardware Ports

On the Vic 20 we're going to use 2 hardware ports to read in our Joypad, We also need to set the direction of these ports... Port B is also used by the keyboard..

Address Purpose Bits Detail
$911F Port A R------- Joystick Right
$9120 Port B --FLDU-- Joystick Fire,Up, Down, Left
$9122 Data direction register B DDDDDDDD Direction 0=read 1=write
$9123 Data direction register A DDDDDDDD Direction 0=read 1=write

Common Data format for Joypad controls used by these tutorials
In the Z80 tutorials we used registers HL for reading the joystick... on the 6502 we'll use Zeropage addresses defined as z_h and z_l... we'll use one bit per button on the joystick/joypad

for each bit, a 1 means the button is up (unpressed)
a 0 means the button is down (pressed)

We'll load player 1's joystick data into z_h... and player 2's into z_l
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Meaning Start F3 F2 F1 Rgt Lft Dn Up
Our test program is very simple, all it does is read in the two controllers, and show the value of the z_h and z_l to the screen.

Reading from the Hardware

We need to set bit 0 of port B to READ - we do this by writing 127 to $9122

We also need to read from bits 2-5 of port A... but in practice we don't actually need to set this!
Now we need to read in the 'Right' button... we'll store this into z_as for later

We then set all the bits of z_h and z_l to 1 .... we're only reading in one joystick, so we'll only use z_h
We then read in the other buttons from $911F, and shift them into z_h one by one

We have to insert 'Right' in the correct position form z_as...

Once we're done we can just return, though if we want to reset port B back to the correct state, we need to write 255, to set all its bits back to write...
This would be needed by the firmware for keyboard reading.

It should be noted that the VIC can also support an analog joystick, however it's outside of the scope of these tutorials, which focus on digital controls.

Lesson P17 - Palette definitions on the BBC
In these tutorials we use a common RGB palette definition which uses 1 nibble per color in -GRB format...

The BBC only has a fixed 8 color palette, so we'll need to convert those colors via a lookup table, and set them in the hardware,

Lets learn how!

The BBC palette - and our one Nibble per channel definition
In these tutorials we use a fixed definition that uses two bytes per channel, we'll use one nibble to define each color, and we'll have to map these colors to the 8 colors the BBC is capable of
Our palette definitions contain 4 nibbles... the first is unused (0)... the second is the Green component, the third is Red, and the last is Blue...

This was based on the format used by the CPC+, and has become the standard for these tutorials.
In these tutorials we'll define a function called 'SetPalette'... it takes two parameters...

A will contain a palette number (0= background)... on the BBC the maximum valid palette entry will be 3

zero page entries z_h and z_l are a two byte pair containing the color definition we want the color to have... this will be converted according to the capabilities of the hardware

On The BBC we use the ULAConfig to set the palette, we saw this before when we looked at setting up the bitmap screen. We have to set the bottom nibble of 4 bytes per color, then send all the bytes to the hardware,

It's confusing and doesn't look very logical, but it works!

Setting the ULA

We need to send 16 bytes to the hardware to map the bitmap data in Ram to the Colors the screen will show.

Each Color 0-3 uses 4 bytes...

The top Nibble is the Bitmap data color,  we should leave it alone!
The bottom Nibble is the palette color, this is what we want to change.
We need to send the 16 bytes to the ULA hardware, at port $FE21, this will update the color information for the visible screen.

This code will set the colors on ALL the systems in our 6502 tutorials (where colors can be set!)....

In fact, the -GRB color definitions in this example also work on the Z80 and 68000 systems in these tutorials - so you don't need to recalculate your palette when porting your game from one system to another!

Setting  the BBC palette

We're going to use a 3x3x3 lookup table to convert the colors, this will be stored in ram, and we'll use the formula


to calculate the color of the equivalent GRB color for the BBC
When we call our SetPalette function, we set A to the palette entry, and z_h and z_l as the word defining the new color (in $-GRB format)

In the mode we're using, The BBC only uses 4 colors, so we'll skip any colors 4 or above.

We then want to calculate the palette entry, using the formula we just mentioned...

We're going to use two functions

One is 'PalcolConv' - which will take a high nibble, and convert it to a value 0-2....
The other is PalConvR - which will take the low nibble and do the same....

Once we've calculated the offset, we store it into Y
We're going to use that calculated offset, read the entry from the palette map, and store it into z_b
Now we need to update the 4 entries of the 'ULAconfig' in ram that define that color... first we need to calculate the offset in that data, then we need to load z_hl with the pointer to the start of that config.
We need to process all 4 bytes of the config... we need to keep the top nibble, but set the bottom nibble to the value we got from the lookup table.

We repeat 4 times... finally we call SendULA to update the graphics hardware with the updated ULAConfig

Our palette change is done!
Our palette conversion routines use the following RGB conversions to convert a nibble to a value 0-2


The SendULA command is doing the work of transferring the colors to the hardware...

If you want to see how this command works, please see Lesson P1 from the tutorials

Lesson P18 - Palette definitions on the Atari 800 / 5200
The Atari 5200 and 800 have a limited palette that doesn't easily convert from RGB...

We're going to use the same 'look up table' functions as we did on the BBC to covert our $-GRB color to a usable palette number.


The Atari Palette
The Atari colors uses two nibbles... The high nibble is a color, and the low nibble is a brightness... we'll have to use these for our colors
 xF  0F  1F  2F  3F  4F  5F  6F  7F  8F  9F  AF  BF  CF  DF  EF  FF
x8 08 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 A8 B8 C8 D8 E8 F8
x0 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 A0 B0 C0 D0 E0 F0

When we want to set the 4 colors, we use 4 memory addresses... the background is defined by $D01A... Colors 1-3 are defined by $D016-8
Name Description Address A80 Address A52
COLPF0 Color/brightness of setcolor 0 $D016 $C016
COLPF1 color/brightness of setcolor 1 $D017 $C017
COLPF2 color/brightness of setcolor 2 $D018 $C018
COLBK color/brightness of setcolor 4 $D01A $C01A

The We're going to have  to convert our GRB values to the Atari palette... there won't be a 'perfect' mapping, but at least we'll have something to start from...

The reason we're doing this is to allow us to write multi platform code easily... you can always use an alternative mapping, or directly access the hardware for the Atari if these mappings don't suit your games needs

We're going to have to convert our 'ideal' GRB values into the nearest match for the Atari hardware.
Our palette definitions contain 4 nibbles... the first is unused (0)... the second is the Green component, the third is Red, and the last is Blue...

This was based on the format used by the CPC+, and has become the standard for these tutorials.
In these tutorials we'll define a function called 'SetPalette'... it takes two parameters...

A will contain a palette number (0= background)... on the BBC the maximum valid palette entry will be 3

zero page entries z_h and z_l are a two byte pair containing the color definition we want the color to have... this will be converted according to the capabilities of the hardware

Setting the Atari Palette
We're going to use a 3x3x3 table of color conversions to convert our one nibble per channel $-GRB definition to something valid for the Atari


to calculate the color of the equivalent GRB color for the BBC
When we call our SetPalette function, we set A to the palette entry, and z_h and z_l as the word defining the new color (in $-GRB format)

In the mode we're using, The Atari only uses 4 colors, so we'll skip any colors 4 or above.

We then want to calculate the palette entry, using the formula we just mentioned...

We're going to use two functions

One is 'PalcolConv' - which will take a high nibble, and convert it to a value 0-2....
The other is PalConvR - which will take the low nibble and do the same....

Once we've calculated the offset, we store it into Y
Now we've worked out our offset, we can read in the new color definition from the palette
We need to work out the correct address to write to within the GTIA ($D016-D01A on the Atari 800 or $C016-C01A on the 5200)

Color 0's address is $D01A
Color 1's address is $D016
Color 2's address is $D017
Color 3's address is $D018

Once we've calculated the palette address to write to, we just output the new color we got from the lookup table to the destination address
Our palette conversion routines use the following RGB conversions to convert a nibble to a value 0-2


It's important to note that there may be discrepencies in the exact colors depending on if the system is NTSC or PAL

If you have problems, you can always use an alternative look up table for NTSC systems.

Lesson P19 - Palette definitions on the Atari Lynx
Despite being a handheld, the Lynx is graphically very powerful!
With a 4 bit per channel RGB palette, we've got a great range of colors!

Lets learn how to set the 16 colors of the Atari Lynx


Lynx Palette Ports

On the Lynx, Setting the palette is easy! we have 16 memory addresses to set the Green channel, and 16 to set the Blue and Red channels... each uses 4 bits per channel
From To Name Bits
FDA0 FDAF Green � Colors (0-15) -----GGGG
FDB0 FDBF Blue/Red � Colors (0-15) BBBBRRRR

In these tutorials we use a common format on all systems - one nibble per channel in -GRB format... so all we need to do is convert that to -GBR format

Our Common Format
Our palette definitions contain 4 nibbles... the first is unused (0)... the second is the Green component, the third is Red, and the last is Blue...

This was based on the format used by the CPC+, and has become the standard for these tutorials.
In these tutorials we'll define a function called 'SetPalette'... it takes two parameters...

A will contain a palette number (0= background)... on the BBC the maximum valid palette entry will be 3

zero page entries z_h and z_l are a two byte pair containing the color definition we want the color to have... this will be converted according to the capabilities of the hardware

The Lynx Palette Code!
Because our source, and the destination use 4 bits per channel our job is easy!

We use zero page entry z_bc as a temp store for the address we're going to write to, we're going to write the Green part first, which goes in address $FDA0-$FDAF

The number of the palette entry (0-15) was in A, but we store it in Y, so we can use it as an offset...

First we write the Green part (in the lower nibble ----GGGG) from z_h...

Next we change z_b to z, as we need to write the Red and Blue parts to ($FDB0-$FDBF)

We want to write these from z_l, but they're in the wrong order, so we call SwapNibbles to swap RRRRBBBB to BBBBRRRR...

Lesson P20 - Palette definitions on the PC Engine (TurboGrafx-16)
The PC Engine uses 3 bits per color, and has a huge 512 onscreen colors!

This is split up, 256 are used for background tiles, and 256 are used for Sprites!


PC Engine Palette Ports
On the PC Engine we have 5 ports controling palette...
Writing 0 to $0400 will reset everything - we won't actually need this!

When we want to change a color we need to write a number (0-511) to $0402-$0403
We then write our color definition to $0404-$0405

Port Purpose 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
$0400 Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
$0402 Palette Entry L P P P P P P P P
$0403 Palette Entry H - - - - - - - P
$0404 New Color L G G R R R B B B
$0405 New Color H - - - - - - - G
Palette Entry Purpose
0-255 Background
256-511 Sprites

Our Common Format
Our palette definitions contain 4 nibbles... the first is unused (0)... the second is the Green component, the third is Red, and the last is Blue...

This was based on the format used by the CPC+, and has become the standard for these tutorials.
In these tutorials we'll define a function called 'SetPalette'... it takes two parameters...

A will contain a palette number (0= background)... on the BBC the maximum valid palette entry will be 3

zero page entries z_h and z_l are a two byte pair containing the color definition we want the color to have... this will be converted according to the capabilities of the hardware

These Tutorials use a 34 bit per channel color definition, but the PC Engine uses only 3, therefore 1 bit will be unused.

It's a bit of a waste, but it means we can write code that works on all the systems more easily.

In these examples we're going to set Sprite and Backgroudn colors together, so we'll set palette entry 0 and 256 at the same time...

This will help make things easier for us when it comes to using sprites -which we'll do later!

The PC-Engine Palette Code
On the PC Engine, We'll only be using the 3 of 4 bit definition, and we'll need to shift some of the bits around.

To make using Hardware Sprites easier later, we'll also set the Sprite colors at the same time as the background ones

F E D B C A 9 8  
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Our Format - - - - G G G G
PCE Format - - - - - - - G
When we call SetPalette, A is the color number, and z_hl is the color in -GRB format.

We're going to set the Background (0-255) and Sprite (256-511) colors at the same time, so we're going to set two palette entries at the same time..

We set X to A... and Y to Zero (using CLY a special HuC6280 command) and set the background color...

Then we set Y to 1 via inc... and set the equivalent sprite color!
To select the palette entry we want to change we write the low byte (now in X) to $0402, and the high byte (in Y) to $0403

We now need to move all our bits around, we need to take 3 of the 4 bits of each color channel, and reposition them,

Once the data is now in the correct format, we write the low byte to $0404, and the high byte to $0405


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