Learn Multi platform 6502 Assembly Programming... For Monsters!

Platform Specific Lessons

Platform Specific Series - Now we know the basics, lets look at the details of the platforms we're covering!
    Lesson P1 - Bitmap Functions on the BBC

Lesson P2 - Bitmap Functions on the Atari 800 / 5200

Lesson P3 - Bitmap Functions on the Apple II

Lesson P4 - Bitmap Functions on the Atari Lynx

Lesson P5 - Bitmap Functions on the PC Engine (TurboGrafx-16)

Lesson P6 - Bitmap Functions on the NES / Famicom

Lesson P7 - Bitmap Functions on the SNES / Super Famicom

Lesson P8 - Bitmap Functions on the VIC-20

Lesson P9 - Bitmap Functions on the C64

Lesson P10 - Joystick Reading on the BBC

Lesson P11 - Joystick Reading on the Atari 800 / 5200

Lesson P12 - Joystick Reading on the Apple II

Lesson P13 - Joystick Reading on the Atari Lynx

Lesson P14 - Joystick Reading on the PC Engine (TurboGrafx-16)

Lesson P15 - Joystick Reading on the NES / Famicom and SNES

Lesson P16 - Joystick Reading on the VIC-20

Lesson P17 - Palette definitions on the BBC

Lesson P18 - Palette definitions on the Atari 800 / 5200

Lesson P19 - Palette definitions on the Atari Lynx

Lesson P20 - Palette definitions on the PC Engine (TurboGrafx-16)

Lesson P21 - Palette Definitions on the NES

Lesson P22 - Palette Definitions on the SNES / Super Famicom

Lesson P22 (z80) - Sound with the SN76489 on the BBC Micro

Lesson P23 - Sound on the Atari 800 / 5200

Lesson P23 (Z80) - Sound with the 'Beeper' on the Apple II

Lesson P24 - Sound on the Atari Lynx

Lesson P25 - Sound on the PC Engine (TurboGrafx-16)

Lesson P26 - Sound on the NES / Famicom

Lesson P27 - Sound on the SNES / Super Famicom: the SPC700

Lesson P28 - Sound on the SNES / Super Famicom: Writing ChibiSound

Lesson P29 - Sound on the on the VIC-20

Lesson P30 - Sound on the C64

Lesson P31 - Hardware Sprites on the Atari 800 / 5200

Lesson P32 - Hardware sprites on the Atari Lynx

Lesson P33 - Hardware Sprites on the PC Engine (TurboGrafx-16)

Lesson P34 - Hardware Sprites on the NES / Famicom

Lesson P35 - Hardware Sprites on the SNES / Super Famicom

Lesson P36 - Hardware Sprites on the C64

Lesson P37 - Screen settings with the CRTC on the BBC Micro!

Lesson P38 - Character Block Graphics on the PET

Lesson P39 - Key reading on the PET

Lesson P40 - Sound on the PET

Lesson P41 - Multiple layers on the SNES

Lesson P42 - Color maths on the Super Nintendo

Lesson P43 - Splitscreen scrolling and Sprite 0 Hit on the NES!

Lesson P44 - The NES Zapper!

Lesson P21 - Palette Definitions on the NES
The NES and Famicom Use a limited palette similar to the Atari... Just like the Atari, we'll use a -GRB one nibble per channel color definition, and a 3x3x3 look up table to convert the colors


Color Palette
The Nes palette is slightly odd compared to RGB systems, you can see how the HEX values map to colors in the chart to the right->

Each tile has 4 colors*, and you can have 4 separate palettes for tiles... and a separate 4 for sprites... this makes a total of 32 color definitions for tiles and sprites combined

* Though the background colors are common to all sprites.

$00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 $06 $07 $08 $09 $0A $0B $0C $0D $0E $0F
$10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16 $17 $18 $19 $1A $1B $1C $1D $1E $1F
$20 $21 $22 $23 $24 $25 $26 $27 $28 $29 $2A $2B $2C $2D $2E $2F
$30 $31 $32 $33 $34 $35 $36 $37 $38 $39 $3A $3B $3C $3D $3E $3F
Check out GameTechWiki for better palette info!
Our Tutorials use a common format on all platforms, where each channel is defined by one nibble in $-GRB format...

Because this doesn't easily map to the Nes palette, we'll convert it using a Lookup table of 3x3x3 size, so RGB values will go from 0-2

The NES palette is a bit rigid, and doesn't really map to RGB very well, but we've done what we can!

If you don't like the mappings here, you can change the Lookup Table, or write your own native code.

Vram Layout

While Pattern data is defined by the Name Table, the Attribute Table defines the Color

By default the NES has too little VRAM to use Name/Attrib Table 2 & 3

Specify a memory address by writing the byte pair to $2006... HIGH BYTE FIRST... (Big Endian)

NOTE: Writing to VRAM outside of VBLANK will cause problems... also note, selecting an address resets PPUSCROLL

EG, lets point to $3F00... and write $11 to the first palette entry!

    lda #$3F      ;High byte
    sta $2006    ;Send to vram select
    lda #$00      ;Low byte
    sta $2006    ;Send to vram select

    lda #$11       ;New value
    sta $2007    ;Send to write data
Vram From Vram To Purpose
$0000 $0FFF Pattern Table 0
$1000 $1FFF Pattern Table 1 
$2000 $23BF NameTable 0 (32x30)
$23C0 $23FF Attribute Table 0
$2400 $27BF NameTable 1 (32x30)
$27C0 $27FF Attribute Table 1
$2800 $2BBF NameTable 2 (32x30) *
$2BC0 $2BFF Attribute Table 2 *
$2C00 $2FBF NameTable 3 (32x30) *
$2FC0 $2FFF Attribute Table 3 *
$3000 $3EFF Copy of $2000-$2EFF
$3F00 $3F1F Palette definitions
$3F20 $3FFF Copies of $3F00-$3F1F

* Extra Ram Only
Each palette on the NES has 3 colors -Background Color 0 is a common background color, and Color 0 in sprites transparent
Address Category
$3F00 Common Background Color
$3F01 Background Palette 0
$3F05 Background Palette 1
$3F09 Background Palette 2
$3F0D Background Palette 3
$3F11 Sprite Palette 0
$3F15 Sprite Palette 1
$3F19 Sprite Palette 2
$3F1D Sprite Palette 3
The NES Name Table defines the Tilemap's patterns... one byte per 8x8 tile defines the number of the tile... the name table is 32x30 tiles in size, so spans from $2000-$23BF

Note: Name Table 2,3 ($2800-$3000) are not available on an standard NES , they will only be available if your cartridge has Extra Ram!

Color's are defined  by the 'Attribute table'... effectively, each square block of 2x2 tiles (16x16 pixels) have to use the same color palette... and each block of 4x4 tiles (32x32 pixels) are defined by a single byte (2 bits per block - for 4 possible palettes)

Lets take the example to the right, with different 16 tiles making up a grid of 32x32 pixels- each areas palette would be defined by a single byte in the way below:
 7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0

Unfortunately on the NES, although our tiles are 8x8 pixel, our palette is defined at a 16x16 level

You'll notice objects in NES games (Such as ? blocks in mario) are usally 16x16 to ensure this isn't a problem.

Our Code
We're going to use a 3x3x3 table of color conversions to convert our one nibble per channel $-GRB definition to something valid for the NES


to calculate the color of the equivalent GRB color for the NES
When we call our SetPalette function, we set A to the palette entry, and z_h and z_l as the word defining the new color (in $-GRB format)

We then want to calculate the palette entry, using the formula we just mentioned...

We're going to use two functions

One is 'PalcolConv' - which will take a high nibble, and convert it to a value 0-2....
The other is PalConvR - which will take the low nibble and do the same....

Once we've calculated the offset, we store it into Y
We're going to need to load in the address of the lookup table into z_hl
We need to work out the correct address to write to within the GTIA ($D016-D01A on the Atari 800 or $C016-C01A on the 5200)

Color 0's address is $D01A
Color 1's address is $D016
Color 2's address is $D017
Color 3's address is $D018

Once we've calculated the palette address to write to, we just output the new color we got from the lookup table to the destination address
Our palette conversion routines use the following RGB conversions to convert a nibble to a value 0-2


Lesson P22 - Palette Definitions on the SNES / Super Famicom
The Snes has 256 onscreen colors, and a superb 5 bits per channel RGB palette definition... lets learn how to use it!


Two ports are used to define the color on the SNES, the first takes a single byte and selects the color we want to change,

the second takes two bytes, and defines the new RGB color for that entry.
Address Name Purpose  Bits Details
$2121 CGADD Color # (or pallete) selection  xxxxxxxx x=color (0-255)
$2122 CGDATA  Color data  -bbbbbgg gggrrrrr  Color Data BGR 
The 256 colors make up 16 palettes... the first 8 are used by Background patterns... the second 8 are used by Sprites

Color Number Type Palette Number
0 Background  0
16 Background 1
32 Background 2
48 Background 3
64 Background 4
80 Background 5
96 Background 6
112 Background 7
128 Sprite 0
144 Sprite 1
160 Sprite 2
176 Sprite 3
192 Sprite 4
208 Sprite 5
224 Sprite 6
240 Sprite 7
255 � �
In these tutorials, we a common format using one nibble per color channel in the format $-GRB...

The SNES uses 5 bits per channel in the format %-BBBBBGG GGGRRRRR

We will need to convert our format to the correct format for the SNES!

F E D B C A 9 8  
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Our Format - - - - G G G G
SNES Format  - B B B B B G G

The 255 onscreen colors of the SNES are split between the Backgrounds and Sprites, but the code will look at today will set background and sprite colors at the same time.

This will make things easier, and as we've only got 16 colors on most systems, we won't miss the extra colors in these tutorials!

Our Code

When we call our SetPalette function, we set A to the palette entry, and z_h and z_l as the word defining the new color (in $-GRB format)

We define the Color we're going to change by storing A in port $2121

We're going to use z_bc as a 'buildup' for the SNES format, so we need to clear z_c
We're going to first shift the Green component...  

We only have 4 bits in our definition, but the SNES uses 5, we'll shift two of the bits to the left into z_c, and store the top two bits into z_b
We're going to shift the Red and Blue bits as well,

the correct format for the SNES is now in z_b and z_c
To set the color we write the Low byte from z_b to $2122, then we write the High byte from z_c also to $2122

Once we've done the main color, we add 128 - and set the equivalent sprite color to the same color.

Lesson P23 - Sound on the Atari 800 / 5200
The Atari 800 and 5200 use the 'Pokey' Chip for sound - providing 4 channels capable of tone and noise with independent volumes, the POKEY gives the Atari good sound capabilities.


In these tutorials we will write a driver called 'ChibiSound' - it takes a single byte in the accumulator, in the format %NVPPPPPP where N=Noise, V=Volume and P=Pitch.

This allows our multiplatform games to make sound effects in a similar way on all the systems.

Pokey Ports
Sound on the Atari is handled by the POKEY chip, it's address varies depending on if we're using an atari 800 or 5200.

There are 4 sound channels, each takes a Frequency from 0-255, a Volume 0-15 (0=lowest), and a 'Noise' nibble...

The noise setting will define the sound type, a setting of %1010 is a square wave, a setting of %0000 is distortion

Group Name Description Address A80 Address A52 Bits Meaning
POKEY AUDF1 Audio frequency 1 control $D200 $E800 FFFFFFFF F=Frequency
POKEY AUDC1 Audio channel 1 control $D201 $E801 NNNNVVVV N=Noise V=Volume
POKEY AUDF2 Audio frequency 2 control $D202 $E802 FFFFFFFF F=Frequency
POKEY AUDC2 Audio channel 2 control $D203 $E803 NNNNVVVV N=Noise V=Volume
POKEY AUDF3 Audio frequency 3 control $D204 $E804 FFFFFFFF F=Frequency
POKEY AUDC3 Audio channel 3 control $D205 $E805 NNNNVVVV N=Noise V=Volume
POKEY AUDF4 Audio frequency 4 control $D206 $E806 FFFFFFFF F=Frequency
POKEY AUDC4 Audio channel 4 control $D207 $E807 NNNNVVVV N=Noise V=Volume
POKEY AUDCTL general audio control $D208 $E808 N1234HHS N=Noise bit depth 1234=Channel Clocks HH=highpass filters S=main clockspeed

Writing Chibi Sound!
Lets write ChibiSound...

First we need to check if the value we've been passed is zero - if it is, then we'll use this as the volume and write it to reg 1 of the POKEY...

Since the POKEY is at a different place on the different Atari's we use a symbol definition which will point to $D200 or $E800, and add the value of the register we want to change, so $D201 would become POKEY+$01

First we need to decide what kind of sound we want to make, if the top bit is 1, then we want to make a noise!

We make a noise by setting the top nibble of POKEY+1 to %0000 .... we make a square wave with %1010

The same register also handles the volume with the bottom nibble, we have only one volume bit in the Chibisound byte, so we set the lowest 3 bits to 1...

We store the result in z_as for after we've worked out the volume.

Finally we write Zero to POKEY+8... this sets up all the pokey settings for our sound to play
OK, lets set the pitch of the sound...
We have 6 pitch bits, but we rotate them to the left, so we're setting a value 0-252
We write this to POKEY+0 to set Channel 1's pitch/Frequency
Finally let's get the Volume... we take the one volume bit and shift it to the top of the low nibble...

We then OR in the noise on/off we stored in z_as, and write it to POKEY+1
(this is where we jumped to if A was 0 at the start)

Lesson P24 - Sound on the Atari Lynx
Sound on the Lynx is shockingly poorly documented in the 'official' documentation - which seems to be written in a way that is as hard as possible to understand, with no practical coding examples!... having read the 'documentation' it's hardly surprising the Lynx was a failure!

In this lesson we'll write a simple sound driver called 'Chibisound' and learn how to make tones, change pitch and volume along the way!


The Sound on the Atari Lynx is odd...while it's very capable, compared to other systems it's very hard to understand!...Fortunately if we ignore the documentation, and just use some 'basic code' we can get some stuff working easily!
Sound on the Atari Lynx
The sound ports are memory mapped, there are 4 channels in total.

Each Channel links to a timer source, Channel 0 links to 'Timer 7'... Channel 1 links to 0, Channel 2 links to 1, Channel 3 links to 2,

From To Name Description Bits Meaning
FD1C FD1F TIMER7 Timer Channel 7 and mag1b

FD20 FD20 VOL Audio Channel 0 � 2�s compliment Volume control -VVVVVVV V=Volume (0-127)
FD21 FD21 FEEDBACK Audio Channel 0 � Shift register feedback enable FFFFFFFF Effective sound of instrument ($10=Square Tone / $90=Noise)
FD22 FD22 RAW Audio Channel 0 � Audio Output Value (Raw Data)
Constantly changes
FD23 FD23 SHIFTL Audio Channel 0 � Lower 8 bits of shift register SSSSSSSS Shift Regsiter L
FD24 FD24 FREQ Audio Channel 0 � Audio Timer Backup Value TTTTTTTT T=Timer (effectively Frequency)
FD25 FD25 CONTROL Audio Channel 0 � Audio Control Bits FTIRCKKK F=Feedback bit 7 , reset Timer done, enable Integrate, enable Reload enable Count, clocK select
FD26 FD26 COUNT Audio Channel 0 � Audio Counter
Constantly changes
FD27 FD27 OTHER Audio Channel 0 �Other Audio Bits SSSS-CBB S=Shift Register H, C=Clock state B=Borrow
FD28 FD28 VOL Audio Channel 1 � 2�s compliment Volume control -VVVVVVV V=Volume (0-127)
FD29 FD29 FEEDBACK Audio Channel 1 � Shift register feedback enable FFFFFFFF Effective pitch of instrument
FD2A FD2A RAW Audio Channel 1 � Audio Output Value (Raw Data)
Constantly changes
FD2B FD2B SHIFTL Audio Channel 1 � Lower 8 bits of shift register SSSSSSSS Shift Regsiter L
FD2C FD2C FREQ Audio Channel 1 � Audio Timer Backup Value TTTTTTTT T=Timer (effectively Frequency)
FD2D FD2D CONTROL Audio Channel 1 � Audio Control Bits FTIRCKKK F=Feedback bit 7 , reset Timer done, enable Integrate, enable Reload enable Count, clocK select
FD2E FD2E COUNT Audio Channel 1 � Audio Counter
Constantly changes
FD2F FD2F OTHER Audio Channel 1 �Other Audio Bits SSSS-CBB S=Shift Register H, C=Clock state B=Borrow
FD30 FD30 VOL Audio Channel 2 � 2�s compliment Volume control -VVVVVVV V=Volume (0-127)
FD31 FD31 FEEDBACK Audio Channel 2 � Shift register feedback enable FFFFFFFF Effective pitch of instrument
FD32 FD32 RAW Audio Channel 2 � Audio Output Value (Raw Data)
Constantly changes
FD33 FD33 SHIFTL Audio Channel 2 � Lower 8 bits of shift register SSSSSSSS Shift Regsiter L
FD34 FD34 FREQ Audio Channel 2 � Audio Timer Backup Value TTTTTTTT T=Timer (effectively Frequency)
FD35 FD35 CONTROL Audio Channel 2 � Audio Control Bits FTIRCKKK F=Feedback bit 7 , reset Timer done, enable Integrate, enable Reload enable Count, clocK select
FD36 FD36 COUNT Audio Channel 2 � Audio Counter
Constantly changes
FD37 FD37 OTHER Audio Channel 2 �Other Audio Bits SSSS-CBB S=Shift Register H, C=Clock state B=Borrow
FD38 FD38 VOL Audio Channel 3 � 2�s compliment Volume control -VVVVVVV V=Volume (0-127)
FD39 FD39 FEEDBACK Audio Channel 3 � Shift register feedback enable FFFFFFFF Effective pitch of instrument
FD3A FD3A RAW Audio Channel 3 � Audio Output Value (Raw Data)
Constantly changes
FD3B FD3B SHIFTL Audio Channel 3 � Lower 8 bits of shift register SSSSSSSS Shift Regsiter L
FD3C FD3C FREQ Audio Channel 3 � Audio Timer Backup Value TTTTTTTT T=Timer (effectively Frequency)
FD3D FD3D CONTROL Audio Channel 3 � Audio Control Bits FTIRCKKK F=Feedback bit 7 , reset Timer done, enable Integrate, enable Reload enable Count, clocK select
FD3E FD3E COUNT Audio Channel 3 � Audio Counter
Constantly changes
FD3F FD3F OTHER Audio Channel 3 �Other Audio Bits SSSS-CBB S=Shift Register H, C=Clock state B=Borrow
FD40 FD40 ATTENREG0 LLLLRRRR � Audio Attenuation

FD41 FD41 ATTENREG1 LLLLRRRR � Audio Attenuation

FD42 FD42 ATTENREG2 LLLLRRRR � Audio Attenuation

FD43 FD43 ATTENREG3 LLLLRRRR � Audio Attenuation

FD44 FD44 MPAN Stereo attenuation selection

FD50 FD50 MSTEREO Stereo disable LLLLRRRR 0=all on 255=all off

Sfx with Chibisound!
These tutorials use a sound 'driver' called ChibiSound,
Chibisound uses a single byte parameter in the Accumulator, and provides 64 different pitches, in low or high volume with either tones or noise.
Sending a value of 0 mutes sound, all other values make a tone...

Chibisound is intended to make it simple to have SFX in multiplatform games and was used in Grime Z80 and Grime 6502

T=Tone V=Volume P=Pitch

Writing Chibi Sound!
Lets start writing ChibiSound!
First we need to check if the Accumulator is zero, if it is, then we need to turn off sound.

If it is, then we just need to set the volume to zero, by writing 0 to $FD20 (Channel 0 Volume)

Otherwise We need to set a volume - the Lynx needs a volume of 0-127 (7 bits)...

We only have one bit for our volume in the accumulator, so we set the other six bits to 1,
We write the result to $FD20 (Channel 0 Volume)
Next we need to set the pitch... we have 6 bits in our definition, and we write these to $FD24
Our next stage is to select the 'instrument' depending on bit 7 of the accumulator,

If we want to make noise, we need to use the value $90.... if we want a tone, then we'll use $10

Either way we write this to port $FD21 for channel 0
We're ready, but we need to reset a few other settings to prepare the sound chip. ($FD21,$FD23,$FD27,$FD50)

We don't need any special settings for these to make our basic sounds
We need to reset the 'audio output' of the channel - this is the current value the sound channel is playing - we reset it to $80 to make it silent
Finally we need to set the Audio control bits

Our sound will now play!

Lesson P25 - Sound on the PC Engine (TurboGrafx-16)
The PC Engine Has 6 digital sound channels, unlike many other systems, they use digital sound.

We need to define 'wave data' to make our square wave sounds for chibisound... lets find out how!

Sfx with Chibisound!
These tutorials use a sound 'driver' called ChibiSound,
Chibisound uses a single byte parameter in the Accumulator, and provides 64 different pitches, in low or high volume with either tones or noise.
Sending a value of 0 mutes sound, all other values make a tone...

Chibisound is intended to make it simple to have SFX in multiplatform games and was used in Grime Z80 and Grime 6502

T=Tone V=Volume P=Pitch

Sound Ports on the PC Engine
The PC engine has sound 10 registers controlling 6 channels - all 6 are digital (they use 32 bytes of 5 bit wave data), but only 5 and 6 can make noise

Before we write our wave data we need to set Bit 7 of Reg 4 to 0... then we write 32 bytes to $0806 (only 5 bits per sample!)

Reg Address Meaning Channels  7 
Bit Meaning
0 $0800 Channel Select All - - - - - C C C  Channel Select
1 $0801 Main Amplitude Level All L L L L R R R R  L/R Volume
2 $0802 Frequency L 0-5 L L L L L L L L  Frequency botttom 8 bits
3 $0803 Frequency H 0-5 - - - - H H H H  Frequency top 4 bits
4 $0804 Channel On/Write 0-5 E D - V V V V V  Enable (play)/write data... Direct digitaldata� channel Volume
5 $0805 LR Volume 0-5 L L L L R R R R  L/R Volume
6 $0806 Waveform Data 0-5 - - - W W W W W  Wave data (write 32 times)
7 $0807 Noise Enable 4-5 E - - N N N N N  Enable noise� Noise freq (Chn 4/5 only)
8 $0808 LFO Freq All F F F F F F F F  LFO Frequency
9 $0809 LFO Control All T - - - - - C C  LFO Trigger� Control

Writing Chibi Sound!
Starting ChibiSound, we first want to select a channel... we need a channel that can make noise, so we'll use Channel 5
We want to write data to the wave sample, so we need to set bit 7 of $0804 to zero,
To do this quickly, we'll use the HuC6280 command STZ to set $0804 to zero - this also turns OFF the channel

Now we want to write the wave data for a square wave, because we can only use 5 bit samples, we need to write 4 bytes of %00011111 and then 4 of %000000000,
We repeat this 8 times to make the 32 bit sample
If A=0 then we want to mute the sound, we actually turned the channel off with our last command, so we can just return
We now need to turn on the channel, and set a proper volume, Chibisound only has one bit for volume, we shift this into bit 4 of the volume setting (setting all the other volume bits to 1)...

We also need to set the top bit to turn the channel on.

We then also set the main and LR volume to max
OK, we now need to set the pitch of the sound...

We have 6 bits, but we split them up, so we can best use them for the PC Engine's 12 bit frequency definition.
Finally, we check our noise bit (bit 7),

If the noise bit is 0, we need to turn off the noise (by writing zero)...

If it's not, then we need to convert our 6 bit frequency for the 5 bit noise setting, and turn noise on.

We're finally done!

Making a beep is a bit of a pain on the PC-Engine, but it's 6 digital sound channels give it powerful sound potential, but it's easier to understand than the Lynx, and far easier than the horrible complexity of the SNES (which is comparable in other technical capabilities)

Lesson P26 - Sound on the NES / Famicom
The NES uses 5 sound channels, two are Rectangle wave, one is Triangle, one is Noise, and the last is ' Delta Modulation Channel' (DMC)

Lets learn how to make the NES sound chip make some basic sounds!


Sound Ports on the Nes/Famicom

The NES and Famicom use a set of memory mapped registers to configure the 5 different sound channels, we just write byte data to the ports to configure the ports (though we cannot read back)

Address Purpose Bits Details
4000h APU Channel 1 (Rectangle) Volume/Decay (W) CCLEVVVV Volume, Envelope, Length counter,duty Cycle
4001h APU Channel 1 (Rectangle) Sweep (W) EUUUDSSS Sweep, Direction,Update rate, Enabled
4002h APU Channel 1 (Rectangle) Frequency (W) LLLLLLLL frequency L byte
4003h APU Channel 1 (Rectangle) Length (W) CCCCCHHH frequency H byte, length Counter load register
4004h APU Channel 2 (Rectangle) Volume/Decay (W) CCLEVVVV Volume, Envelope, Length counter,duty Cycle
4005h APU Channel 2 (Rectangle) Sweep (W) EUUUDSSS Sweep, Direction,Update rate, Enabled
4006h APU Channel 2 (Rectangle) Frequency (W) LLLLLLLL frequency L byte
4007h APU Channel 2 (Rectangle) Length (W) CCCCCHHH frequency H byte, length Counter load register
4008h APU Channel 3 (Triangle) Linear Counter (W) CLLLLLLL Clock disable start, Linear count load reg
4009h APU Channel 3 (Triangle) N/A (-) -------- unused
400Ah APU Channel 3 (Triangle) Frequency (W) LLLLLLLL frequency L byte
400Bh APU Channel 3 (Triangle) Length (W) CCCCCHHH frequency H byte, length Counter load register
400Ch APU Channel 4 (Noise) Volume/Decay (W) CCLEVVVV Volume, Envelope, Length counter,duty Cycle
400Dh APU Channel 4 (Noise) N/A (-) -------- unused
400Eh APU Channel 4 (Noise) Frequency (W) LLLLLLLL frequency L byte
400Fh APU Channel 4 (Noise) Length (W) CCCCCHHH frequency H byte, length Counter load register
4010h APU Channel 5 (DMC) Play mode and DMA frequency (W) IL�FFFF Irq enable, Loop, Frequency
4011h APU Channel 5 (DMC) Delta counter load register (W) -DDDDDDD Delta Counter or 7bit PCM Data
4012h APU Channel 5 (DMC) Address load register (W) AAAAAAAA Address = $C000+(A*$40)
4013h APU Channel 5 (DMC) Length register (W) LLLLLLLLL Length = (L*$10)+1 Bytes
4015h DMC/IRQ/length counter status/Sound channel enable register (RW) DF-54321 Dmc irq status/ Frame irq status Channel 12345 on

Writing Chibi Sound!
Lets Write the Chibisound driver...

First we need to calculate the volume, we only have one bit of volume definition passed to chibisound, so we'll move it to bit 4, and set the other 3 volume bits to zero,

We also need to set bits 4 and 5, to disable the Clock and Envelope of the channel, however where we need to write this depends on if we're making a tone or noise, so we'll store it into X for later
Now we've popped A, we have the flags updated, so we'll check if A is zero, if it is we need to silence the channels

We do this by writing zero to $4015... which will turn off all the channels!

We're going to test bit 7 of the accumulator - if it's 1, then we need to play a noise sample
If we're not making a noise, then we need to store the volume we calculated to $4000

Now we need to put our 6 bits of pitch in the Accumulator into $4003 and $4002...

We flip the nibbles, and rotate the bits around into the best positions for the sound.
Now we need to turn channel 0 on so we can hear our noise... we do this by setting bit 0 to one, and writing to $4015
If we ARE making a noise, we need to store the volume to $400C instead

We now need to load the noise frequency into $400E, however we can only really use 4 of the bits of our 6 bit frequency, as we need to move them to the 4 least significant bits to get a noise type that matches our other systems.
Next we need to set the bottom 3 bits of $400F to zero - the top 5 bits are the counter (but we disabled this to our write to $400C)

we also need to turn on bit 4 of $4015 to turn on the sound channel, but we can load A once, and use the same value for both purposes
We then jump to the 'ChibiSound_Silent' label, to write to $4015 and return

In this way we can at least manage the basics of sound on the Nes, of course the NES has more capabilities - like triangle waves, and the potential for digital sound... but if you want to use those, you'll have to figure them out yourself!

Lesson P27 - Sound on the SNES / Super Famicom: the SPC700
The SNES has a dedicated sound processor - which is a pain!, unfortunately it's a custom chip which uses a totally different instruction set - which makes it a total F ing pain!

Lets learn how we can 'tame' the SPC700


SPC700 Assembly
The SNES SPC700 sound chip uses it's own assembly language, it's syntax is similar to z80, but it's registers are more like the 6502!

We're going to write a simple program in these tutorials, but we're not going to cover the whole instruction set... please see the SFC development wiki which already covers this in far more detail than I ever can.

In these tutorials we use VASM for assembly, but VASM doesn't support the SPC700 instruction set - if we were writing a complex program we could use a different assembler, but as we're only doing the basics, we'll define macros to simulate the SPC700 commands we need.
If you want to make something more complex, you'll probably want to use a real SPC700 assembler, then again, it would probably be best to find some existing music playing software for the SPC700 and use that instead!

Communicating with the SPC700
The SPC700 has it's own memory with a zero page (direct page) - 4 bytes of this memory 'link' to 4 bytes on the regular 65816 processor - these are our way of instructing (and transferring data) to the SPC700
65816 side 
SPC700 side 
$2140 $00F4
$2141 $00F5
$2142 $00F6
$2143 $00F7

The important thing to remember with the SPC700 ports is R and W are separate
The 65816 can write $66 to $2140, but that doesn't mean that value will be read back by the 65816!... $2140 will only contain $66 if the SPC700 writes $66 value to its port $00F4 ($00F4/$2140 are a pair)
That's how wait loops may write a value to the port, and wait until the same value is read back as a sync timer

The SPC700 Memory Map
The SPC700 has 64k of ram, there are two registers at $00F2 and $00F3 to access the sound registers (well look at them later) and 4 registers to talk to the 65816

End Purpose
0000 00EF 
Zero Page / Direct Page
00F0 00F0 Unused
00F1 00F1 Control Port (Timers & reset)
00F2 00F2 Sound Register Select
00F3 00F3 Sound Register Value
00F4 00F4 Link to 65816 address $2140
00F5 00F5 Link to 65816 address $2141
00F6 00F6 Link to 65816 address $2142
00F7 00F7 Link to 65816 address $2143
0100 01FF Stack

Waiting for the initialization of the firmware.
When the snes turns on, We need to wait for the SPC700 to be ready, we need to check for 2 values
1. Wait  for $2140 to return $AA
2. Wait  for $2141 to return $BB

Sending data to the SPC700
When the system boots the firmware of the SPC700 at $FFC0 this will start and wait for data from the 65816.. to send data to the SPC700 ram we use the following procedure.
1. Store the Destination address (in SPC700 ram) into $2142/3
2. Store a nonzero value in $2141
3. Write $CC to $2140 to tell the system we're ready
4. Wait for $2140 to return $CC
5. Write the first byte to #2141
6. Write the bytenumber (0) to $2140
7. Wait for $2140 to return the bytenumber (0)
8. Write the next byte to $2141
9. Increase the bytenumber in $2140
10. Wait for $2140 to return the bytenumber
11. repeat stage 8

Executing the data we transferred
1. Write $0 to $2141
2. Write the address (in SPC700 ram) to call into $2142/3
3. Read the value in $2140, add 2, and write the value back to $2140
4. Wait for $2140 to return the same value

Coding the transfer routine
First we need to wait for the SPC700 to be ready,

It should return $AA and $BB
We write the destination address (in SPC700 ram) to $2142/3

Now we write 1 to $3141, and $CC to $2140

We now wait for $2140 to return $CC...

REMEMBER: Just because we wrote $CC to $2140 doesn't mean we'll read it back - not until the SPC700 writes $CC there!
We need to write the first byte from HL to #2141

We also init the byte count by writing 0 to $2140 and waiting for the SPC700 to return it.
We now repeat the procedure for all the bytes we want to send,

Writing each to #2141, then updating the bytecount in $2140, and waiting for $2140 to update.

We're using X as our loopcounter, and we repeat until it reaches zero - so this function is limited to 256 bytes
Our program is copied, but now we need to call our program,  We do this by writing the call address to $2142/3

We add 2 to whatever is in $2140, and write it back, and then wait for the SPC700 to return the same value from $2140

The address we passed in $2142/3 will be now running on the SPC700!

We can transfer more data later, but we'll need to get the SPC700 to call the firmware at $FFC0 somehow...

The code we'll look at in moment can do this - and we use it to write our program code in one transfer, then the samples as a second.

Coding for the SPC700
We want to be able to control the sound chip's register from the 65816 easilly, to do this we're going create a program for the SPC700, which will write data from the accessible ports straight to the registers... here's how we'll use the ports
Port SPC700 / 65816 Purpose
$00F4 / $2140 if command 3... Reg num
$00F5 / $2141 if command 3... Reg val
$00F6 / $2142 Command... 3=SetReg / 2=restart ROM data transfer
$00F7 / $2143 Sync... Read the value in this port, and write it back to the SPC700 to do a command.. then wait until the read data changes to know the command was processed

We're going to define two memory addresses...
SPDest is the address in SPC700 ram that our program will end up ($0300)
SoundKeyAddr is a byte in SPC700 ram we'll use to hold a temp byte for the pause routine. ($F000)
The main loop is simple, we call to SoundCallPause to wait for a 'sync' on $00F7
Then we read in the command from $00F6, depending on what it is, we process it.

Then we need to clear the command with SCallResume, and finally we jump back to the main loop
Note, Because this code will be copied to a different processor, we need to recalculate destination addresses for CALL (absolute) and BRAnch (relative)

for a CALL (absolute), we calculate the Destination Label minus the start of the code (on the 65816) plus the destination address of the code (on the SPC700)

for a BRAnch (relative), we calculate the Destination Label minus the current address of the running code (*+1)
Fixing addresses for Branches and Calls:
When we get a Command 3 - we need to write data to the sound registers...

The Sound Register number is read from $00F4, and written to the selection port at $00F2
The new Sound Register value is read from $00F5, and written to the selection port at $00F3

The sound register has now been updated... we call SCallResume to tell the 65816 side that we've done what was asked.
Finally we return to the main loop
If we get Command 2, then the 65816 wants to send more data (for example sound samples)
We announce the command was processed, then jump into the firmware at $FFC0 - which will take things from there!
the SoundCallPause waits until the Sync at $00F7 is sent... this happens when the 65816 writes the sent value back to $00F7/$2143...
the temp value at 'SoundKeyAddr' ($F000) is used to store the expected value
Finally we need a 'finishing' command -this updates the 'Sync' value, and writes it back, this is what we execute when we've finished a command...

Our program is done!

Using our code to control SPC700 registers from the 65816
When we want to set a registers, we can load X with the new Value, and A with the Register number
then we call call ProcessSoundCOmmandX to do the work!
We write the new value to $2141, and the register to $2140

now we send 'Command 3' to $2142 to start the routine we just wrote.

Next we update the Sync byte - telling the SPC700 to get to work,

Finally we pause until the sync byte changes - when it does the SPC700 has finished the job!

This isn't really a smart way to use the SPC700 - really we'd want a music player on there, so we could leave it playing music by itself without bothering the main CPU,
But in this example, we want something 'simple' so we can control the registers and learn how they work.

Lesson P28 - Sound on the SNES / Super Famicom: Writing ChibiSound
OK, the SPC700 now has our driver running on it, and it will make whatever register changes we ask.

Now we can use this to write ChibiSound on the 65816, and get our sound effects playing!


SPC700 Sound Registers
The driver we wrote last time is handling setting the registers, but we still need to know what the actual registers do, so we know what to change, here's the register list in full!
Address Register Description Bits Meaning
c0 VOL (L) Left Volume -VVVVVVV Volume
c1 VOL (R) Right Volume -VVVVVVV Volume
c2 P (L) Pitch L PPPPPPPP Pitch
c3 P (H) Pitch H --PPPPPP Pitch
c4 SRCN Source number (references the source directory) SSSSSSSS Source
c5 ADSR (1) If bit7 is set, ADSR is enabled. If cleared GAIN is used. EDDDAAAA Enable, Dr, Ar
c6 ADSR (2) These two registers control the ADSR envelope. LLLRRRRR sL,sR
c7 GAIN This register provides function for software envelopes. GGGGGGGG G=Envelope bits
c8 -ENVX (auto updated) Readable current Envelope Value 0VVVVVVV Value
c9 -OUTX (auto updated) Readable current Waveform Value SVVVVVVV Signed Value
0C MVOL (L) Main Volume Left -VVVVVVV Volume
1C MVOL (R) Main Volume Right -VVVVVVV Volume
2C EVOL (L) Echo Volume Left -VVVVVVV Volume
3C EVOL (R) Echo Volume Right -VVVVVVV Volume
4C KON Key On CCCCCCCC Channel
5C KOF Key Off CCCCCCCC Channel
6C FLG DSP Flags. (used for MUTE,ECHO,RESET,NOISE CLOCK) RMENNNNN Reset (0=off) Mute (0=off) Echo (1=0ff) Noise clock
7C -ENDX (auto updated) read to see if channel done CCCCCCCC Channel
0D EFB Echo Feedback SFFFFFFF Signed Feedback
2D PMON Pitch modulation CCCCCCC- Channel (1-7)
3D NON Noise enable CCCCCCCC Channel
4D EON Echo enable CCCCCCCC Channel
5D DIR Offset of source directory (DIR*100h = memory offset) OOOOOOOO Offset $oo00
6D ESA Echo buffer start offset (ESA*100h = memory offset) OOOOOOOO Offset $oo00
7D EDL Echo delay, 4-bits, higher values require more memory. ----EEEE Echo delay
fF COEF 8-tap FIR Filter coefficients SCCCCCCC Signed Coeficcient
c = Channel 0-7� f = filter coefficient 0-7

Sfx with Chibisound!
These tutorials use a sound 'driver' called ChibiSound,
Chibisound uses a single byte parameter in the Accumulator, and provides 64 different pitches, in low or high volume with either tones or noise.
Sending a value of 0 mutes sound, all other values make a tone...

Chibisound is intended to make it simple to have SFX in multiplatform games and was used in Grime Z80 and Grime 6502

T=Tone V=Volume P=Pitch

Sound Samples
Sound samples must also be held in SPC700 ram...

Pointers to Sound samples are stored in a single block..  this block must be byte alined, and has 256 sound definitions - each of which contains 2 pointers... one for the start of the sample, and one for the loop

For example, take the example definition, this will be loaded into SPC700 ram at $300... we would tell the sound chip to use $03 as the memory position using the "DIR" sound register $5D

The sound samples themselves are made up of 9 byte chunks, the first byte is a header, and the other 16 nibbles are the sound data... the final sample in the sound should have the End bit set in the header, and the Loop bit if you wish

The sound sample format is pretty complex, it's effectively a kind of ADPCM, you'll probably want to find a converter and convert some WAV samples into the correct format for the SNES.

The sample we use here is just a simple test so we can here the SPC700 actually do something!
Writing ChibiSound
Exclusively on the Snes we're going to have an INIT routine, this is because we need to transfer the program to the SPC700 to handle that side of things,

At the same time, we'll set up the default volume, pointer to our sound sample, and a few other values.

Now they're set up We won't need to set these values again!
The init routine to transfer the data to the SPC700 has two parts,

The first copies the program code to $0200

The Second Copies the sound sample(s) to $0300 - this is the square wave we'll use for beeps!
The First thing ChibiSound does is check if the sound needs to be turned off..

If it does we use 'Keys off' to turn off Channel 0... this tells the SPC700 to stop channel 0
Before we start, we need to reset some settings... we set 'Keys On' to zero so no keys are pressed, and the 'Noise Clock' bits to 1
We're going to check if the noise needs turning on (Bit 7 of the accumulator when chibisound is called)

If we need noise, then we turn noise on for Channel 0, we also need to set the noise clock (pitch of the noise)... we have 6 bits of frequency in the accumulator, but we can only use 5.

If the noise is off, then we turn 'noise on' to zero.
Ok, we're going to set the pitch of the tone, the SNES uses 14 tone bits (in registers $02,$03 for Channel 0)

We only have 6 bits - so the bottom 8 (in $02) will be all zero, and we'll set out 6 bits in reg 03.
Ok, on to volume - the SNES uses 7 bits - we have just one volume bit, so we'll just set the other six to 1
to make a 'central' channel, we set both Left (reg $00) and Right ($01) to the same volume
Our sound is pretty much ready,  but there's a few last setting to set...

First we want to set the source sample (Reg $04) - we're using Sample 0 in our sound bank.

Next we want to turn of 'ADSR' (Reg $05 - envelopes) we just want a simple tone - so we set this to 0

Finally we want to start the tone of Channel 0 - so we set Bit 0 of 'Keys down' (Reg $4C) to 1

Phew! after all that, we're done!

We've made a beep on the SNES - and it's only taken about 200 lines of code!

Of course, the SNES sound chip is really designed for making music, using digital sound samples of instruments, but if you want to try to do that, you're on your own!
There are music players available for the snes - so you don't really need to write one, but for these tutorials, we always try to do things ourselves!

Lesson P29 - Sound on the on the VIC-20
The Vic 20 has a sound chip with 3 different voice channels, it has a 4th channel capable of noise effects...

Lets learn how to make some simple sounds with the VIC-20!


VIC 20 Sound ports
There are 3 sound channels for the 3 different frequencies, one for random noise, and a volume setting...
As well as volume The top 4 bits of the $900E also handles color

Address Meaning Bits Details
$900A Frequency for oscillator 1 (Bass) OFFFFFFF O=On F=Frequency
$900B Frequency for oscillator 2 (medium) OFFFFFFF O=On F=Frequency
$900C Frequency for oscillator 3 (high freq) OFFFFFFF O=On F=Frequency
$900D Frequency of noise source OFFFFFFF O=On F=Frequency
$900E Volume of all sound / Auxiliary color information CCCCVVVV V=Volume C=Aux color

Sfx with Chibisound!
These tutorials use a sound 'driver' called ChibiSound,
Chibisound uses a single byte parameter in the Accumulator, and provides 64 different pitches, in low or high volume with either tones or noise.
Sending a value of 0 mutes sound, all other values make a tone...

Chibisound is intended to make it simple to have SFX in multiplatform games and was used in Grime Z80 and Grime 6502

T=Tone V=Volume P=Pitch

Writing Chibisound
When Chibisound starts, we have our byte in the Accumulator, we need to back it up into the stack during each stage to keep it intact,

First we're going to work out the pitch, but we don't know where we want to store it until we decide whether we make Noise or Tone sounds.

We calculate the tone from the 6 bits, and store it in Y - we store a zero in X to silence the other channel we don't need
When we get the Accumulator back to the stack, the flags will be updated,
if A=0 we now jump to the volume routine to silence the sound chip - we'll see this later
Depending on our Noise bit, we either make a Tone using port $900D, or a noise with $900D... we need to write a zero to the one we're not using.

To do this we use the calculated pitch value in Y, and the zero in X to do the job, but we'll flip them around if the noise bit is set
Our last task is to set the volume, We only have one volume bit in the Accumulator so set the other 3 volume bits to 1.

We need to load this into $900E to set the volume, but the top nibble of this register handles the Aux color,

First we load this, and keep it in zeropage entry z_as, then we OR in our new volume, and store the result back to $900E

Note this code also handles the 'Mute' jump we wrote earlier.

We've used 2 of the 4 channels, but the other 2 are basically the same, they just handle different sound pitches.

We can change the pitch of the function by using $900A or $900C instead of $9000B in our code.

Lesson P30 - Sound on the C64
The C64 uses the famous SID sound chip, providing 3 sound channels, and capable of noise, the SID famous for its distinctive sound.
Lets learn out to make sounds on the C64 with the SID!


SID 6581 sound chip
The SID chip uses memory addresses $D400-$D41C
Address Description Bits Meaning
$D400 Voice #1 frequency L LLLLLLLL
$D401 Voice #1 frequency H HHHHHHHH Higher values=higher pitch
$D402 Voice #1 pulse width L LLLLLLLL
$D403 Voice #1 pulse width H ----HHHH
$D404 Voice #1 control register NPST-RSG Noise / Pulse / Sawtooth / Triangle / - test / Ring mod / Sync / Gate (Turn on)
$D405 Voice #1 Attack and Decay length AAAADDDD Atack / Decay
$D406 Voice #1 Sustain volume and Release length. SSSSRRRR Sustain / Release
$D407 Voice #2 frequency L LLLLLLLL
$D408 Voice #2 frequency H HHHHHHHH Higher values=higher pitch
$D409 Voice #2 pulse width L LLLLLLLL
$D40A Voice #2 pulse width H ----HHHH
$D40B Voice #2 control register NPST-RSG Noise / Pulse / Sawtooth / Triangle / - test / Ring mod / Sync / Gate (Turn on)
$D40C Voice #2 Attack and Decay length AAAADDDD Atack / Decay
$D40D Voice #2 Sustain volume and Release length. SSSSRRRR Sustain / Release
$D40E Voice #3 frequency L LLLLLLLL
$D40F Voice #3 frequency H HHHHHHHH Higher values=higher pitch
$D410 Voice #3 pulse width L LLLLLLLL
$D411 Voice #3 pulse width H ----HHHH
$D412 Voice #3 control register. NPST-RSG Noise / Pulse / Sawtooth / Triangle / - test / Ring mod / Sync / Gate (Turn on)
$D413 Voice #3 Attack and Decay length. AAAADDDD Atack / Decay
$D414 Voice #3 Sustain volume and Release length. SSSSRRRR Sustain / Release
$D415 Filter cut off frequency L -----LLL
$D416 Filter cut off frequency H HHHHHHHH
$D417 Filter control RRRREVVV R=Resonance / External / V= Voice 3-1
$D418 Volume and filter modes MHBLVVVV Mute3 / Highpass / Bandpass / Lowpass / Volume (0=silent)
$D41B Voice #3 waveform output. (Read only) DDDDDDDD
$D41C Voice #3 ADSR output. (Read only) DDDDDDDD
Sfx with Chibisound!
These tutorials use a sound 'driver' called ChibiSound,
Chibisound uses a single byte parameter in the Accumulator, and provides 64 different pitches, in low or high volume with either tones or noise.
Sending a value of 0 mutes sound, all other values make a tone...

Chibisound is intended to make it simple to have SFX in multiplatform games and was used in Grime Z80 and Grime 6502

T=Tone V=Volume P=Pitch

Writing Chibisound

When Chibisound starts, we need to back up the Accumulator at each stage to keep it's value for the next calculation - we do this by pushing it onto the stack.

We're going to use Voice #1 for all our sounds, and first we'll set the pitch with our 6 bits, we write them to address $D401 to set the pitch
Now we'll pull the Accumulator off the stack, this will also update the flags, we'll use this to check if the Accumulator is zero, if it is, we jump to the label 'ChibiSouns_Silent - which will set the volume to zero via $D418

Next we're going to check the Noise bit... if it's set, we need to set bit 7 of $D404.... if not we need to make a tone, by setting Bit 6

Either way, we also need to set Bit 0 (the 'Gate') this turns the sound on
We need to set some of the other registers to make our tone, We need to set $D402 and $D405 to zero,  but we also want to set $D400,$D403 and $D406 to 255...

We start by setting X to zero, and writing it to $D402/5... then we DEcrement X, and write 255 to $D400/3/6
This sets up the tone we want.
Finally, we need to set the volume, the SID uses a 4 bit volume, but we only have 1 bit in the Accumulator, we set the other bits to 1, and write the value to $D418

This is also where the 'Silent' jump we made earlier ends up.

We've only used one Voice in this example, but we can use the others in the same way... we can also change the value we write to $D404,
#%01000000 will be a Pulse, #%00100000 is Sawtooth, and #%00010000 is a Triangle sound.

Attack and Decay can also be changed to alter the way the sound changes over time.


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